
DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
True, but if we can nail down where he went shortly after Anna disappeared, it will help focus the search. Even if he actually travelled a month or two later, I still want to know where he went... and with whom.
Hi All,

From the time line.
Jan 1973 - TWA plane ticket appears to have been purchased, est ticket cost $500.

I think it has been said before, but I will say it again. $500 for airline tickets in 1973 seems to be a lot of money. I've tried googling to see if I could find the cost of airfares in 1973, but haven't had much luck. I did check the current cost of a flight from CA to MA for 1 adult and 1 child (current flight costs) and it was $408 on economy/non flexible and CA to Italy/LIN international was $824 on economy/non refundable for 1 adult and 1 child (if I did it correctly, maybe someone in the US could check this). Oh, these were both return flights and the higher costs, not the cheap airfares.

So, with that info, the $500 in 1973 seems EXTREMELY costly (hope you can see where I'm going with this).

Annasmom, can you remember roughly how much it cost to fly from the US to Greece (or vice versa) back then.

I'm also wondering if there is any way to find out (maybe Annasmon might know) what age did a child have to be over in 1973, that you had to purchase a ticket for them. I'm pretty sure that back then, in Australia, if a child could sit on your knee, then you didn't have to purchase a ticket for them, roughly 4 or 5 years old (on domestic flights, not sure about international flights).

I think whatever those TWA tickets were purchased for in Jan 1973, they need to be checked if possible.

Could a TWA credit card be used to purchase anything else in 1973, like you can with a normal credit card or could it only be used to purchase flight tickets?
True, but if we can nail down where he went shortly after Anna disappeared, it will help focus the search. Even if he actually travelled a month or two later, I still want to know where he went... and with whom.

Good point Dr. Doogie.

The G's could have given Anna to friends to look after or placed her in an orphanage until they were ready to move her, under the guise that her mother had died or abandoned her and GW needed a little time to "get settled" before he took her home. GW was Anna's bio father (and could have got a copy of her birth certificate), how hard would it be to convince anyone of that?

How widely spread was the news of Anna's disappearance? Was it in local newspapers only or national newspapers? Was it on local TV stations only or national TV stations?

Is it possible, if someone was looking after Anna for the G's, they wouldn't have known that she was a missing child?
posts moved. I don't think we need to look at any flight lists outside of the last half of Jan 73 or the month and date that the tickets were on that CC statement.

Can someone refresh our memory what the dates or date was of the statement the TWA CC purchase was made?

I had this list on my Facebook for Anna, copied from Sherlock's list she done for us. Where are all the lists Sherlock listed?

738 2/16/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (10.00)
752 3/12/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (11.37)
772 4/16/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (11.22)
808 6/5/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (12.58)
814 6/13/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (12.61)
831 7/16/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (12.28)
852 8/23/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (15.00)
879 9/14/1973 TWA Vacation : Travel (15.00)
Those would be in the BFH thread Sidekick.
IIRC, Anna's disappearance only made local news and the news was that she likely drowned rather than the possibility of being abducted. So it is likely people were not on the look out for an abducted child and most likely hoped she was recovered from the creek. Sad, but that is likely how her disappearance was viewed.

It is also possible, the 500 was for 3 tickets, rather than 2.

Also, if the TWA card was a TWA visa or mastercard, it is likely the card could have been used for any type of purchase. If it was just a TWA credit card, similiar to a Sears card, or a gas card, then credit would have only been issued for purchases through TWA. Do we know if it was a TWA mastercard or Visa or not?
The lists for the TWA cc statements and other payments starts about pg 15 in the 1st BFH thread.

Here is a link:

Reviewing the few pages there, about 14-16, it is noted that GW had filled his gas tank twice about the time Anna went missing.

Food for thought, and give me some feedback here with your thoughts. Is it possible, GW purchased airline tickets for a potential adoptive family and flew them into SF? Rather than flying out himself? I'm just trying to tie together any possibilities with the purchases on the TWA credit card and filling the gas tank twice in a few days.
The lists for the TWA cc statements and other payments starts about pg 15 in the 1st BFH thread.

Here is a link:

Bringing over from the TWA archives above; Doogie wrote "In summary of what we know:

1. Waters obtained a passport prior to Anna's disappearance under false pretenses - his was not destroyed in a fire. (Post Number 378)

Doogie, may I ask how we know about the 'false pretenses' of his passport? Can you or someone explain what this means?

The lists for the TWA cc statements and other payments starts about pg 15 in the 1st BFH thread.

Here is a link:

Bringing over from the TWA archives above; Doogie wrote "In summary of what we know:

1. Waters obtained a passport prior to Anna's disappearance under false pretenses - his was not destroyed in a fire. (Post Number 378)

Doogie, may I ask how we know about the 'false pretenses' of his passport? Can you or someone explain what this means?


GW had a valid passport when he made his last passport application (I have copies of these applications from the State Department.) We are assuming that the "fire" which destroyed the valid passport was deliberate and was caused because he wanted to destroy any evidence of his travel, which would have been documented by the entry and exit stamps on the passport (but which are not available anywhere else). The replacement passport was not with his papers in the BFH and we assume that this was destroyed when he cleaned house before departing this world.
Yes, since he lived in a hotel and that hotel was not destroyed by fire, the claim that his passport was destroyed in a fire is bogus.
Yes, since he lived in a hotel and that hotel was not destroyed by fire, the claim that his passport was destroyed in a fire is bogus.

~ ah, I see, do you feel that LE could step in and talk with the Passport Head Office to check if they can obtain any information on his old passport?

Thanks, Nancy
~ ah, I see, do you feel that LE could step in and talk with the Passport Head Office to check if they can obtain any information on his old passport?

Thanks, Nancy

No, I'm afraid we are really on our own here. LE will not do anything unless we have some new hard evidence, and they already know about the passport situation.
No, I'm afraid we are really on our own here. LE will not do anything unless we have some new hard evidence, and they already know about the passport situation.

Ok, I understand. I know LE is very busy, too bad they couldn't agree and have an intern make contact with the passport authorities. What is one to do? And, no use contacting the passport place on our own, due to the privacy act etc., no one would tell us about GW's passport history. Should we write the White House?! (sorta kidding).....
The lists for the TWA cc statements and other payments starts about pg 15 in the 1st BFH thread.

Here is a link:

Reviewing the few pages there, about 14-16, it is noted that GW had filled his gas tank twice about the time Anna went missing.

Food for thought, and give me some feedback here with your thoughts. Is it possible, GW purchased airline tickets for a potential adoptive family and flew them into SF? Rather than flying out himself? I'm just trying to tie together any possibilities with the purchases on the TWA credit card and filling the gas tank twice in a few days.

Excellent thought Cubby. It would be less obvious if a couple were travelling with a little girl rather 1 or 2 men travelling with a little girl (even back in the '70's I would think that would have raised an eyebrow or two).

The tickets could also have been purchased for someone else to take Anna out of CA eg; the couple in the car.

If or when the TWA passenger list are available, I think we need to keep a really open mind and look for anyone travelling with a child (girl or boy, as I said before, Anna could have been dressed to look like a boy) and as Cubby pointed out, anyone flying in to SF alone and travelling out with a child. The possibilities seem to be endless.

I have 3 questions that I wonder if anyone can answer.

1) Did TWA have both domestic and international flights in the '70's or only
domestic flights?

2) Did you have to show photo ID to collect domestic flight tickets in the

3) Did you have to purchase a ticket for a young child to fly in the '70's or
could they fly for free if they sat on your knee?
I'm back!!!! :eek: Wow, all that reading to catch up.

First, I also received the pathtag but have not registered it yet. I also wear it around my neck. The thought of hiding it somewhere for someone to find is hard for me to do. I don't want to part with it.

I understood the TWA credit card was for travel only. A few years ago I found a brochure on e-bay that I will attach. These brochures I think are from around 1975. Yes there are international fares listed.


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I'm back!!!! :eek: Wow, all that reading to catch up.

First, I also received the pathtag but have not registered it yet. I also wear it around my neck. The thought of hiding it somewhere for someone to find is hard for me to do. I don't want to part with it.

I understood the TWA credit card was for travel only. A few years ago I found a brochure on e-bay that I will attach. These brochures I think are from around 1975. Yes there are international fares listed.

Hi Sherlock, good to see you :)

I can read the prices but can't read what the origin or destinations are. Do you have the actual brochures? if so, could you take a more front on photo of them so we can read the whole brochures.
From what I can see when zooming in on the brochure most flights less than $500 are within the USA. Looks like European flights are from $569-$802. And now I see on the second brochure the date of 1972.
Ok, I understand. I know LE is very busy, too bad they couldn't agree and have an intern make contact with the passport authorities. What is one to do? And, no use contacting the passport place on our own, due to the privacy act etc., no one would tell us about GW's passport history. Should we write the White House?! (sorta kidding).....

Not so much on Annas case, but I sware at times on local cases I am gonna chain myself to the doors of the sheriffs office until I see action! I'd have to find a baby sitter and a real good reason to do that, but the thought at times has crossed my mind....... :D I'm sure if I was in HMB I'd consider doing that there.....
Excellent thought Cubby. It would be less obvious if a couple were travelling with a little girl rather 1 or 2 men travelling with a little girl (even back in the '70's I would think that would have raised an eyebrow or two).

The tickets could also have been purchased for someone else to take Anna out of CA eg; the couple in the car.

If or when the TWA passenger list are available, I think we need to keep a really open mind and look for anyone travelling with a child (girl or boy, as I said before, Anna could have been dressed to look like a boy) and as Cubby pointed out, anyone flying in to SF alone and travelling out with a child. The possibilities seem to be endless.

I have 3 questions that I wonder if anyone can answer.

1) Did TWA have both domestic and international flights in the '70's or only
domestic flights?

2) Did you have to show photo ID to collect domestic flight tickets in the

3) Did you have to purchase a ticket for a young child to fly in the '70's or
could they fly for free if they sat on your knee?

Thanks Oz' I am pretty sure TWA flew internationally - see Sherlocks attachments.

2)I do not think id was required for airline tickets in the 70's. I'm going to 'guess' that because I remember my great uncle born in the teens did not ever get a credit card until one was required to reserve a rental car and I recall that happening sometime in the 80's. I'd bet one just had to walk to the counter and give their name and flight information.

don't recall about the age of kids flying free. Any flying I have done with a child is after 2000.

Anyone here fly with their kiddo's in the early 70's?
FWIW I used to be a corporate travel agent (but not in the early 1970's, I was too young) :)

January used to be one of the cheapest times of year to travel to Europe--we would always advise our clients to travel during that time of year to get a good deal. I think $500.00 could be alittle bit high in the early 70's--this was mostly likely two tickets, not one. I remember even in the late 80's-early 90's people could get tickets for $300 a piece to Paris, Geneva, etc in Jan. JMO of course, since I do not know for certain what the tkt prices were then. Also, the airline industry was deregulated in the late 70's, so I do not know if tickets were less expensive or more. Anyone here in the travel industry in the 70's before dereg? I am guessing that Sherlocks brochure is fare guidelines. Fares from April-Oct were always 2-3 times higher than Jan-Mar.

Hi All,

From the time line.
Jan 1973 - TWA plane ticket appears to have been purchased, est ticket cost $500.

I think it has been said before, but I will say it again. $500 for airline tickets in 1973 seems to be a lot of money. I've tried googling to see if I could find the cost of airfares in 1973, but haven't had much luck. I did check the current cost of a flight from CA to MA for 1 adult and 1 child (current flight costs) and it was $408 on economy/non flexible and CA to Italy/LIN international was $824 on economy/non refundable for 1 adult and 1 child (if I did it correctly, maybe someone in the US could check this). Oh, these were both return flights and the higher costs, not the cheap airfares.

So, with that info, the $500 in 1973 seems EXTREMELY costly (hope you can see where I'm going with this).

Annasmom, can you remember roughly how much it cost to fly from the US to Greece (or vice versa) back then.

I'm also wondering if there is any way to find out (maybe Annasmon might know) what age did a child have to be over in 1973, that you had to purchase a ticket for them. I'm pretty sure that back then, in Australia, if a child could sit on your knee, then you didn't have to purchase a ticket for them, roughly 4 or 5 years old (on domestic flights, not sure about international flights).

I think whatever those TWA tickets were purchased for in Jan 1973, they need to be checked if possible.

Could a TWA credit card be used to purchase anything else in 1973, like you can with a normal credit card or could it only be used to purchase flight tickets?

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