Tweed Jacket-Jeans, English?

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One of the tabloids had a story fairly recently about Pam Griffith spotting a well-dressed man, meaning a tweed jacket and blue jeans, glaring at JonBenet when she was in a parade.

Just today I read at one of the other forums, can't remember which, that the perp might live most of the time in another country. So, we may as well get this question out of the way. Could he have been from England, and what company in Boulder would have had an Englishman at Christmas Parade time? He was tall and thin, I believe they said. Where else might tweed jackets and blue jeans be fashionable? In the American West? Agriculture? Any of Scott Peterson's bosses from a foreign country dressed like that? Rodeo's? Movies? Univerisity teacher or coach? Does that sound more like Western garb than English?

What if the mastermind often used foreignors for his dirty work?
That's extremely interesting. I for one learned something new! That second link is about six pages printed out.

The links don't say anything about CLOTHING, so, do you happen to live near there and you've observed that that's the kind of outfit they typically wear? Now that you mention it, yes, the outfit sounds like something the Irish might wear! From what little I know about them. Okay, and why do you suppose he was at the Boulder Christmas parade, if he's one of the Irish?
I believe John Ramsey had had some business in Ireland we discussed quite a while back. Anyone remember details of what he was there for and/or have any idea why he (?) might invite one of them to Boulder? Anything to do with the University? Some have said some of the 9-11 terrorists had also been in Boulder at the University.

Please don't forget to answer, and thanks much.
To speculate on anyone other than a Ramsey - particularly Patsy - being involved in this crime causes one huge serious problem: THE NOTE.

That note is as good as signed by Patsy Ramsey's own name. By choosing to to take her typical dramatic and over-the-top route, Patsy inadvertantly gave herself away by giving us THREE pages of her own words. Linguistics unique to her. Not to mention her handwriting that cannot exclude her. (Disguised even).

SO.... unless someone can come up with a very good theory that someone outside of the immediate Ramsey family killed JonBenet and wrote and left that note being able to not only entwine Patsy's clothing fibers into the knot on the cord around JonBenet's neck, but write just like Patsy using her style, personal punctuation preferences, phrases and knowledge of John's bonus amount - then an "intruder" theory (particularly a STRANGER) makes absolutely no sense.

And again - it MUST be answered as to WHEN this intruder placed that note on the spiral staircase. It is essential to contemplate this in the intruder theory because frankly it makes NO sense however you picture it.
Was it BEFORE he went up and snatched JonBenet out of her bed?
Then how did he get downstairs with her and not step on it?
WHY did he choose "that" spot? On the stairs? As opposed to the kitchen counter or a host of other places in that vast house?
HOW did he know that Patsy always came down those stairs if he was a stranger?
Or did he place the note on the stairs AFTER he snatched up JonBenet?
If so - was it on the way to the basement? Why head to the basement at all?
What did he do with JonBenet then? How did he manage the note and carrying her? How did he set down the pages? They weren't crinkled or stepped on, nor did they have fingerprints.
What did he do then? LAY JonBenet down on the floor and then lay down the pages? Where had the pages been then as he went up to snatch JonBenet?
Where did he keep them? And why didn't he choose another spot - say a counter or table top to lie the note on since it certainly would have been far less cumbersome given that he had to go up get JonBenet and carry her back down?
And certainly he wouldn't have had that note tucked away downstairs in the basement, killed her and THEN risked going back upstairs to place the note!!
Particularly since his victim - was DEAD now.

Any way you try and make it fit that an intruder wrote and placed that note just - well, does not fit!

Because it didn't happen that way.

Quite simply, Patsy Ramsey wrote that note in a panic as part of the staging and covering up of the crime to protect their family from discovery as the perps.
And she chose the bottom stairs as she always comes down those stairs each morning and she is, in her own words, in the HABIT of placing items on the bottom of those stairs.

And it fit so nicely in her planned story that she came down the stairs in the morning and "found" 3 pages of a "ransom" letter there.
This thread isn't about the note, just about the tweed-coat man at the parade, who may or may not be at all involved in the case.

The R's being trapped into doing a coverup, maybe even including r. note,
certainly doesn't mean they killed their daughter, so it's a moot point about who wrote it.

Please, this thread is about a tweed jacket person-of-interest, only. No other facets of the crime, just his identity.

So is this the kind of outfit they wear in N. Ireland? And what would he be doing in Boulder for their Christmas parade? Maybe John knew him?

There may have been quite a few people involved, including the propagandists in Charlevoix, and we've discussed, investigated quite a few.

In the 41st anniversary of JFK's death documentary this year, it was pointed out that someone had hired a killer from Europe, who wore a policeman's uniform in Dealey Plaza, behind a picket fence. They'd enlarged a woman's snapshot, and you could see the puff of white smoke in front of "badgeman"s face, showing he fired a shot. Name was Satie, and he's dead.

Not saying there's any connection to the JBR and the JFK cases,
at all, but it just goes to show that some masterminds get people from Europe or wherever. It could happen again and again.

Wish I'd known to put IRISH? in the opening post, as well as English. Too late to edit it now. Good lead, I would think. Hope we can find out more.
No distractions, please, for now. This is brand-new thinking.
I wear tweed jackets and jeans all the time when the weather is cool enough. The jeans are comfy and the hacking jacket dresses it up a bit so you don't look like you are a total slouch.
Tweed Jacket/Jeans = a Red Herring!

Its another convenient afterthought similar to to John seeing the suspicious van (although it wasnt suspicious enough to report to LE was it?? ;) )
What part of the country do you live in? I don't think I've seen a tweed jacket in years, maybe decades.

Not calling you a liar, but if you have one, isn't it really old?

We'll just keep Shawna's suggestion in mind for now. Has a certain ring of truth to it. The guy at the parade really could be something like what Shawna said.

I wasn't expecting to get any answer anywhere near that good. That could be it, right on the money. Some kind of activist who's all for austerity, not beauty pageants and parades. I still wonder who his connection was in the town. We may never know.
Actually I've got 4 or 5 tweed jackets plus a few corduroy ones. They are packed away with the winter clothes so I can't give an exact count. Some I've had for years and some I've bought recently. That's what's nice about tweed, it lasts forever. I currently have linen jackets (beige, black, red, white, and yellow) out but right now in AZ it's too hot even for those.
There's some discussion about that hat in another thread, I know you have read, Tipper.

Maybe I'm subconsciously connecting it with "Sherlock" but to me it just sounds rather English.
To speculate on anyone other than a Ramsey - particularly Patsy - being involved in this crime causes one huge serious problem: THE NOTE. PARTIAL QUOTE FROM K777ANGEL

This is getting to be laughable. Patsy had a .05% OUT OF 5 rating to be the writer. Everyone else is rated a 0. 1000's of people could have Patsy's rating. Why do others INSIST on going back to the ransom note???!!!! She's been all but cleared. OMG. But others will throw THAT evidence aside and say, well she wrote it anyway. She was just crafty. ugggggggggg

PS: I'm NOT pro ramsey, I'm PRO intruder.

Tweed jackets are alive and well.

Sunday, July 18th, 2004

by Dan Draitser
Tweed sport coats are always very much sought after because of the quality of tweed as mens suitings. Tweed is very good for jacket material for several reasons. Not only is it popular with consumers, but also with designers and manufacturers.

What Are the Benefits of Tweed Sport Coats?
Not only is tweed very durable, but it also is very soft and good-looking. Many people want tweed coats because they either do not already have one, or they like it so much that they want another one. Tweed is a very much sought after suiting.

Italian mens suits are generally made from more conventional materials than tweed. Normally, those suits are made of wool or cotton, with the occasional silk thrown in. However, especially in the United States, tweed is very popular and fashionable.

Tweed sport coats can add to any wardrobe. Like all other sport coats, they can be worn with almost anything, giving them tremendous versatility. Coupled with the durability of tweed, they make great jackets.

There is however, that wack job by the name of Keith Andrews who calls himself a criminalist. He is from England. His website on Geocities has disappeared recently. It was full of libelous bogus statments about Fleet White. Maybe he was there at the parade and that's who Pam saw. Too bad his website is down otherwise someone could have emailed him and asked if he wears tweed jackets with jeans (and Hi Tecs)
So there was somebody from England who conceivably could have been the hater guy at the parade. Aha!

And I know, tweed sport coats are a tradition. You're confirming they're also still rather an English trademark. The wearer may have been proud to be from England, there on some important (?) mission.

JMHO of the Moment.
Hmmm..... does anyone know if Keith Andrews has ever been investigated?

I think he is from Liverpool.

He had a bizarre website, a free one on Geocities, even though he calls himself a criminalist... His wacko website was all about Fleet White.
It's gone now...people started talking about it at Purgatory and it went ~*~Poof~*~
Eagle1 said:
So there was somebody from England who conceivably could have been the hater guy at the parade. Aha!

And I know, tweed sport coats are a tradition. You're confirming they're also still rather an English trademark. The wearer may have been proud to be from England, there on some important (?) mission.

JMHO of the Moment.

May I ask how you come to the conclusion that there was somebody from England in the parade? Did you meet or know or located that person and asked him where he came from?
This is a joke right?
This tweed-coat-englishman-northern-irishman-urbanterrorist-childmolester theory is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

I don't know the last time any of you have seen an Englishman or Irishman but you're far more likely to see one in an Adidas tracksuit than a tweed jacket (yes - even in 1996). In 1996 tweed jackets were probably about as popular in England/Ireland as they were in America.

If this upperclass, elderly, stereotypical Englishman to whom you are refering existed at all, he would have been very unlikely to wear his tweed jacket (your so called symbol of "England") with jeans (a symbol of America). If you haven't noticed, mature, upperclass Englishmen don't think very highly of Americans.

And as for comparing JBs death to the assassination of JFK(!!???) I don't think so. John Ramsey wasn't THAT important. No "foreign faction" or "mastermind" is going to go to all the effort of using an Englishman to murder the daughter of a fairly wealthy man.

You are all COMPLETELY on the wrong track.
Kimondo said:
May I ask how you come to the conclusion that there was somebody from England in the parade? Did you meet or know or located that person and asked him where he came from?

That's what I'd like to know also Kimondo.

I didn't see any tweed jacket on the Ramsey's own 'perp' the infamous Mr. Sketchman.

As far as the article...did Pam G. just now remember the tweed jacketed perp suspect? Sheesh...her memory is as bad as mine.
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