Twitter thread (MSM tweets ONLY) ***NO DISCUSSSION HERE PLEASE***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony is standing and leaning heavily on the table. #CaseyAnthony -fell
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Perry: "Miss Anthony is ill. Neither the state nor the defense have any comments." #CaseyAnthony
2 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
Judge cancels court for day early. #CaseyAnthony is ill according to judge! She looks awful.

2 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge tells media not to try to interview attorneys. #CaseyAnthony -fell
2 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Judge just stopped for the day. Casey is sick. #caseyanthony
2 minutes ago

VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
#CaseyAnthony is ILL... Court ends early
2 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony is sick. -fell
2 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
And court is done for today. #CaseyAnthony. Perry told jury not to speculate on why they are stopping early.
2 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
As she stands for the jury #CaseyAnthony leans on the defense table.
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge tells jury not go speculate. #CaseyAnthony -fell
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Court is ending early. #CaseyAnthony -fell
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge Perry is now talking w/ attorneys. #caseyanthony is sitting w/ attorneys Lisbeth Fryor and Will Slabaugh. -fell
5 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony has returned to courtroom. She still does not appear to be well. Attorneys are waiting for the judge for sidebar.
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jury is not in courtroom. Judge Perry is still on phone. Attorneys are up at bench. #CaseyAnthony is back in room -fell
6 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
The judge looks out the window while appearing to be on the phone. Watch the #CaseyAnthony trial on #HLN.
7 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony slowly walked back into courtroom after a few minutes. Attorneys are up at sidebar -fell
7 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Observer: As attorneys come back out #CaseyAnthony is able to leave courtroom. Judge sits on chair on side of bench & makes call.
8 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Sorry so late, but here's a pix of Utz in #CaseyAnthony trial.
8 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony is back. -fell
8 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
He is facing the windows so his back is towards us and attorneys. #CaseyAnthony -fell
9 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
#CaseyAnthony has been removed from the courtroom. She appears ill.
9 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
The judge is in courtroom and on his cell phone. #CaseyAnthony -fell
10 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
She is taking slow steps and deep breaths. She is now out of the courtroom. #CaseyAnthony -fell
11 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony is leaving courtroom -fell
11 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
The attorneys were in a huddle in the middle of the courtroom. They now just filed out the door behind the defense table.
12 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Nothing resembling a heart sticker in the photos. Remember it was residue that couldn't be photographed. #caseyanthony

Casey Anthony Trial: June 9
All PostsWriter PostsMedia Posts
Court will be in recess until 9 Jeff Cousins/ at 3:26 PM

#CaseyAnthony is standing and leaning heavily on the table.

#CaseyAnthony -fellby cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:26 PM Judge says don't interview attorneys. by Gabe Travers/ at 3:26 PM Perry: "Miss Anthony is ill. Neither the state nor the defense have any comments."

#CaseyAnthonyby oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:26 PM Perry says no comment on Casey illness. Court adjouned. by Gabe Travers/ at 3:26 PM Judge tells media not to try to interview attorneys.

#CaseyAnthony -fellby cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:26 PMJudge just stopped for the day. Casey is sick.

#caseyanthonyby jimlichtenstein via twitter at 3:26 PMJudge Perry says Casey Anthony has fallen Jeff Cousins/ at 3:25 PMJP says that Casey is ill and that is why they are calling biancamprieto via twitter at 3:25 PM"Ms Anthony is ill" judge says

#caseyanthonyby abcashleigh via twitter at 3:25 PM#CaseyAnthony is sick. -fellby cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:25 PMAnd court is done for today.

#CaseyAnthony. Perry told jury not to speculate on why they are stopping oscaseyanthony via twitter at 3:25 PM

#caseyanthony rose for the jury this time as they entered. Judge says we are recessing early! "Events" have arisen. Jury leaves. Casey sits by abcashleigh via twitter at 3:25 PMJudge Perry says court will recess for the Jeff Cousins/ edited by Jeff Cousins/ at 3:25 PM Judge didnt want jury to speculateby Gabe Travers/ at 3:25 PMJudge tells jury not go speculate.

#CaseyAnthony -fellby cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:25 PMWe are going to recess for the Gabe Travers/ at 3:24 PM Court is ending early.

#CaseyAnthony -fellby cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:24 PMRecess for the day. JP makes surprise biancamprieto via twitter at 3:24 PM

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Court will resume as scheduled at 9:00am, according to court officials. Still unclear whether Casey will be there.
9 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Expect a Dr G versus Mason showdown at some point today. Their exchanges in her depo were pretty pointed.
21 minutes ago
Pamela Lee
PamelaLeeShow Pamela Lee
by MikeDeForest6
@MikeDeForest6 Here's a photo from one of our followers: Subject being taken to hospital from OCCH.
54 minutes ago
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
UPDATE: Casey Anthony will be in court today.
37 minutes ago
Casey Anthony Update
caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Court spokeswoman says there WILL be court at 9a.
39 minutes ago
bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
#caseyanthonytrial Court spokeswoman says we will have court at 9am so that must mean yesterday's illness issues behind us.
48 minutes ago
CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Court officials said Casey Anthony will be in court on day 26 of her murder trial today. Watch live:
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Jim Lichtenstein
JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Casey WILL be in court today. She's in the building. #caseyanthony
10 minutes ago
Diane Dimond
DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony IS coming to court today. In fact she's already at the courthouse building. Wonder what she'll look like?
11 minutes ago
Casey Anthony News
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Our #CaseyAnthony live chat begins at 9 a.m.
16 minutes ago
Casey Anthony Update
caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
A jail official confirms Casey is at the courthouse and will attend trial today.
18 minutes ago
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Many of you have asked where Casey Anthony's clothes come from. Click here for the answer: #caseyanthony
18 minutes ago
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Court begins in 30 minutes. Casey has arrived at the courthouse. Join our live chat for the latest: #caseyanthony
20 minutes ago
Mike DeForest
MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
Will #CaseyAnthony be well enough for court today? We're discussing it live right now on Local 6 and
25 minutes ago
Casey Anthony News
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Jail officials confirmed #CaseyAnthony will be in court today.
26 minutes ago
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Court is set to begin in 30 min. How will #CaseyAnthony hold up today. -fell
Casey Anthony Updates A jail official confirms Casey has arrived at the courthouse and will attend court today.
24 minutes ago
bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Utz is back/deputy telling the audience there may be more pictures today.
49 seconds ago
Casey Anthony News
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Court reporter returns to courtroom. #CaseyAnthony
58 seconds ago
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
I'm a new face in courtroom today can't get a good idea of the large size of the room on tv
1 minute ago
Diane Dimond
DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony I kept thinking of her last walk dn hall at universal, when she finally HAS to admit truth. Was yesterday like that for Casey?
1 minute ago
Casey Anthony News
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
State prosecutors and some defense attorneys returned. #CaseyAnthony
1 minute ago
Jim Lichtenstein
JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
It's ponytail friday for Lawyer Gaga. #caseyanthony
1 minute ago
Casey Anthony News
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony All attorneys, Judge Perry and court reporter just left the courtroom. not sure why.
2 minutes ago
Diane Dimond
DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony camera is trained on the door CA will walk thru. If you watching she should be arriving any minute.
2 minutes ago
Vinnie Politan
VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
Check out this picture of a young BP... #CaseyAnthony #HLN
3 minutes ago
Diane Dimond
DiDimond Diane Dimond
@JimLichtenstein I trust Jim Lichtenstein's knowledge of this case above all others. Word dat!
7 minutes ago
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
State and defense teams gathered in courtroom still waiting on #CaseyAnthony
8 minutes ago
Jim Lichtenstein
JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Jails about 5 miles. “@AdamsMom76: @JimLichtenstein how far is the jail where she comes from? Does she walk in with her prison blues?”
8 minutes ago
Jim Lichtenstein
JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
I know others (u know who u are) say #caseyanthony saw the pics. I'll tell u she didn't, and never has seen them. So there! #AssumeNothing
10 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge Perry's first words "let record reflect defendant is present"
25 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Judge Perry calls in the jury now. #CaseyAnthony
36 seconds ago
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
RT @BiancaMPrieto: No pics are being shown in court at the moment, only hearing tesitimony. #caseyanthony
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Casey looks like she feeling sick again. She has a tissue pressed to her mouth, eyes closed, head down
2 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
I have not seen Dr. G in hallway, but i got here early. #caseyanthony
2 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Casey now wiping nose looking down again on cross about skull placement.
2 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Pix of #CaseyAnthony not looking well.
3 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Utz said duct tape was not encircling skull. He found no evidence of trauma to Caylee's remains,
3 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
One juror is taking notes
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. Utz says bones were disrupted but not broken. #CaseyAnthony wiping away tears.
3 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
You all should note when the medical examiner just said they did not saw open the skull. That will be important later. #caseyanthony
3 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony No sign of Dr G in hall this morning.
4 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Viewer noted Casey's tissues are dry
4 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. Gary Utz, forensic pathologist is back on the stand band being questioned by Cheney Mason now
4 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
Day started with powerful image. Photo of letters from Caylee's t-shirt that said "Big trouble comes small" #CaseyAnthony
5 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAntony appears ill again. Hand over moiuth
5 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony is NOT looking well.\
5 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony George and Cindy are not in the courtroom this morning. Gallery was warned more graphic photos to be shown
6 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Others did more detailed examination.
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Utz: Portions of bones "disrupted" Not analyzed by him. #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Cross No evidence of trauma.
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Utz: Found no evidence of trauma on Caylee's remains. #CaseyAnthony
7 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors taking note of questioning of duct tape and no human tissue attached
7 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Cross No human tissue on tape.
7 minutes ago

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony interesting to think defense believes the media hoopla and the AMOUNT of duct tape on skull is important to focus on for jury
8 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Utz: Looked at duct tape briefly. No examination on it. #CaseyAnthony
8 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Utz: No duct tape encircling skull. Only on the hair mat on left and right sides of skull. #CaseyAnthony
9 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Tape did not encircle skull-but was adhering on left and right front.
8 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
During cross examination of witness Gary Utz, #CaseyAnthony directs her attention to the conversation. She is no longer looking down.
9 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Juror worried she might be able to see witness screen before photos entered in defense and asked him to move it.
9 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
The defense has again put up barriers on the side of the monitors closest to #CaseyAnthony. Watch live on #HLN.
9 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CayleeAnthony Dr. Gary Utz, forensic pathologist is back on the stand band being questioned by Cheney Mason now
10 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Juror one mentions she can see witness' monitor asks it be moved.
10 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
George and Cindy Anthony are not in the courtroom at this time. They also were not present Thur. when gruesome pix shown. #CaseyAnthony
10 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CayleeAnthony Day started with powerful image. Photo of letters from Caylee's t-shirt that said "Big trouble comes small"
10 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Casey now looking up Again listening to Mason cross. Jurors mostly listening. Nobody taking notes
11 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
George and Cindy Anthony are not in the courtroom right now. Day began with about 5 clothing photos
11 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony murder trial DAY #15. Watch live coverage today on #HLN!
11 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
The Anthonys are not here, their lawyer is.
13 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
The state showed photos of the "big trouble" letters from her shirt.. And a side by side photo of caylee with Casey wearing the shirt
14 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
She does some work with the defense. “@realradiodab: @JimLichtenstein What is "Lady Gaga's " role here anyway ?”
13 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Cheney Mason begins cross examination of Dr. Utz. Jurors seem attentive early in the morning.
14 minutes ago

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony wow, day two featuring Cheney Mason for the defense. Baez has stepped aside for this cross.
14 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony End of direct. I'm sure Mason will ask about Utz' methods to examine and photograph skull.
14 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Jurors avoided eye contact with Casey.. A couple stole glances
15 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
The courtroom monitors to display the evidence are mounted high on the side walls. That is why we all look up. #caseyanthony
15 minutes ago

VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
#CaseyAnthony turns away from the evidence #HLN
17 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
Pic shows iron-on letters found in woods, next to pic of Caylee wearing "Big Trouble" shirt. #CaseyAnthony
17 minutes ago

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony evidence from dump site include Caylee's shirt ltrs that spell " big trouble ", 3 t size tag. Part of baby blanket
17 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Size 3t Caylee was almost three
17 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony keeping her head down entire time. Photo shows letters from clothing to say "comes small big trouble"
18 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Brown big trouble letters made a very powerful Image.
19 minutes ago

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony Extremely sad to see the detris of this poor child. Torn dirty shorts, tiny letters from her shirt, duct tape. Pathetic
19 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Court sees words left from Caylee's rotting T-shirt 'Big Trouble Comes in Small Packages' #CaseyAnthony
19 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Letters from the Big Trouble pink shirt found loose. Split screen with Cayler wearing shirt. Powerful.
19 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Utz is describing label on shorts found in the woods. #CaseyAnthony
20 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
#caseyanthony is in the courtroom, her head is down again, fist on her face, not looking at the photos.
22 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Now closeup of tag from shorts. Casey just looking down. A few jurors taking notes.
22 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
First photo is the torn and tattered shorts Utz says consistent with decomposition #CaseyAnthony
22 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Med examiner utz said the clothing is consistent w what he sees with decomp. #caseyanthony
23 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Court is back in session. JP again warns the audience to leave if they will have issue with the photos being shown. #caseyanthony
24 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Asst. State Pros. Jeff Ashton continues with Utz's testimony. More pix shown of items at crime scene off Suburban Drive #CaseyAnthony
23 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
#CaseyAnthony is back in court, looking well today. We're live right now with coverage all day.
24 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Right back to photos .. shorts. Tattered.
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz says specialty is finding human remains. #CaseyAnthony
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

stevehelling Steve Helling
by AmandaOberWESH
#CaseyAnthony is using toilet paper to wipe her eyes. Dorothy Clay Sims just helped her tear some into manageable sheets.
3 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony appears to have recovered after Utz's testimony.
3 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Defense pointed out through Deputy Medical Examiner that death ruled a homicide but manner of death undetermined
4 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony This professor is from UCF, not UF
4 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Casey has bottles of water, tissues, looks mad and miserable.
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Schultz is a fast speaking UCF anthropology professor specializing in forensics.
4 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Casey sitting back from defense table. George and Cindy's seats remain empty.
4 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Schultz has New York accent. He has a a ton of degrees. His specialty is forensic anthropology, study of human skeleton
5 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
State has called UCF forensic anthropologist Dr. John Schultz
5 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
They won't be here today. “@WooMacNcheezJK2: @JimLichtenstein Any sign of George and Cindy today?”
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz specialized in forensic anthropology #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Don't see tears right now. Pic computers blocking my view a bit. “@MiddleAgedJock: Jim do you c any real tears on that face? #caseyanthony”
6 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
On re-direct - Jeff Ashton calls up photo of left side of skull. Duct tape appears to be attached to matte of hair on left & right side.
7 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Dr. John J. Schultz, professor of anthropology at UCF #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Both sides made some good points in cross and recross.
7 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. Utz is excused. Next witness is Dr. John Schultz, a professor of anthropology at Univ. of Florida
7 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Duct tape was found both on right and left side of Caylee's facial area on skull.. Still attached to hair
8 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony State takes another opportunity to show tape appeared to have been covering nose and mouth on both sides.
8 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
First time today we see skull photos #CaseyAnthony kept head down. Dr john Schultz next witness not Dr. G
8 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Pix of #CaseyAnthony wiping tears during Utz's testimony
8 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Tape looks like a mask.
9 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Ashton ask to publish another pix of Caylee's skull showing duct tape #CaseyAnthony
9 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Ashton has Utz looking at photo that shows left side of Caylee's not being broadcast
9 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Picture of tape on jaw back up on redirect.
10 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony face is red-brings tissue to mouth when defense asks about cutting skull & removing top layer. Utz says procedure wasn't done.
10 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
JP is sitting, facing fwd with both hands on his face. #caseyanthony
11 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Yes hallway is where witnesses wait.
10 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors seem perplexed by why it's important mandible didn't fall off but all perk up when says doesn't know how Caylee died
11 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Cheney "You do not know manner of death, do you?" Utz "I do not."
11 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Mason you don't know cause of death? Utz I do not(but he did not make determination)
11 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Another pix of #CaseyAnthony during Utz's testimony.
12 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
RT @BiancaMPrieto: Baez passed note to Dorothy Clay Sims at def table. She read it, looked at cheney and then folded it up. #caseyanthony
12 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
RT @BiancaMPrieto: Dorothy Clay Sims has her arms on #caseyanthony's chair.
13 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Utz jaw stayed in place as I handled skull.
BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Pic: blue canopy in the wooded area.
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Neck brace man' back in audience.
3 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony is crying now. Her face is flushed during Schultz's testimony on crime scene/human remains.
3 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Jurors are listening intently to witness describing how the recovery operation was conducted
4 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Casey crying quite a bit as this anthropologist talks about Caylee's bones at crime scene
4 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Remember the fast talker from the old FedEx commercial? Sounds like he became a forensic dude in FL. #caseyanthony
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony head down even though photo is a wide shot of crime scene after skull was removed
6 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Schultz must have taken speed testimony course. Perry keeps telling him to slow down.
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Pix of earlier slide showing Caylee's T-shirt then and now. #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Looking at Casey so far this morning, I seriously wonder if she won't fall ill again...
7 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Forensic anthropologist is describing how they searched on hands and knees to recover Caylee's tiny scattered bones.. Screening the debris
7 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#JoseBaez nods head when witness says it wasn't tape holding mandible in place, but rather hair that collected at base of skull. Watch #HLN.
7 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Casey back to crying. Tears rolling down cheeks. She has a roll of toilet paper and keeps tissue pressed to mouth, nose
7 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Juror six sitting with arms folded looking bored.
8 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Process Suburban Drive scene on hands and knees, screening, double checking all material at sifting station #CaseyAnthony
9 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Oops. You're right. “@IamLadyboneyard: @JimLichtenstein jan Garavaglia” #caseyanthony
9 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Schultz says crime scene was difficult because bones were in multiple parts and it was such a heavy, wooded enviornment
10 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony All this duct tape talk is key because it's what the state claims was the murder weapon and it shows premeditation
10 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Schultz says duct tape did not appear to be holding jaw in place but tape was attached to hair
11 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Schultz tape did not hold jaw in place. Hair and roots growing through it did.
bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Juriors reviewing notes. 16&17 whispered to each other. More interested in what's going on in audience rt now
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Make a 15 yd circle around skull and that's about how far animals moved them.“@CherylLasseter: how far did the bones travel?” #caseyanthony
2 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Casey is crying while listening to forensic expert testimony.
2 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Juror #10 winced a bit when Schultz said the bones were chewed on by animals. Watch #CaseyAnthony murder trial on #HLN.
3 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
State is pointing out bone fragment came from thigh bone. Defense is objecting at bench
3 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Witness states tops of leg bones have been chewed by animals. #CaseyAnthony cries.You can see her body shaking. Defense asks for sidebar.
3 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Except for skull images this mornings pictures are not as difficult as yesterday. CA has not been looking at them.
3 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Dr. Schultz is on the witness stand. He is a forensic expert.
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
One of the people who came out to watch today appears to be 8 months pregnant. That is dedication! #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Yes “@Kristinaegglitz: Do you look at the screen when they show pictures? @JimLichtenstein”
5 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Sidebar (1) called in #CaseyAnthony trial
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Sims has her arm around #CaseyAnthony the chewed on bones by animals seemed to disturb everyone including jurors
6 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony CA appearing to cry Sims comforting. Real Or sympathy move? Jury not watching her.
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Pix of #CaseyAnthony with her attorney Sims.
6 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Many jurors took notes when he said "these bones had been chewed on by animals" #caseyanthony
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Bones been "chewed on by animals." #CaseyAnthony breaks down in tears at this statement.
7 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Two similar size bones from lower leg in photo. Previous fragment "chewed on by animals" objection sidebar.
7 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Now showing two femurs Schultz says they were chewed on by animals Mason objects and they sidebar
7 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Cont. to describe femora bones found at Suburban Drive crime scene. #CaseyAnthony
8 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Showing photos (in court only) of Caylee's bones fragments. Casey looks down, still crying. Dorothy Sims consoles her
8 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Photo of bone fragment found on12/8/08 marked as found six inches deeper. #CaseyAnthony
9 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Dr. Schultz showed jury how vertebra were recovered together meaning they were moved while still intact together
9 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Casey looking down averting eyes from shot of bone fragment.
10 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Photo is of vertebrae are same tannish brown as clothing. About 8 laid out. Look tiny. #CaseyAnthony
10 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Casey is looking down and crying. Eyes never go near the monitors with pictures of Caylee's tiny bones. #caseyanthony
11 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Describes Caylee's vertebra which is in separate pieces. #CaseyAnthony
12 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
Here's pic of iron-on letters found in woods next to pic of Caylee wearing that shirt. #CaseyAnthony
12 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Sad photo of parts of Caylee's vertebrae with roots growing through. Scattered like puzzle parts.
13 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Pic: woman placing flags where pieces of evidence were fond. #caseyanthony still has head down. Some jurors take notes.
15 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Photo is full of evidence markers identifying bones Schultz identified for sheriffs office. #CaseyAnthony
14 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Defense attorney Sims appears to be playing role of consoler for #CaseyAnthony
15 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Pix of Schultz in #CaseyAnthony trial
16 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
#CaseyAnthony is losing it again right now. Looks distraught. Will she have to leave early again?
16 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony From time to time jurors gaze in CA's direction. More often following testimony/pictures.
17 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Dr. Schultz said he was also there to help identify which of the tiny bones found were human bones
17 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz describes how material removed from the scene of the remains. #CaseyAnthony
18 minutes ago
stevehelling Steve Helling
by AmandaOberWESH
Just saw a pic of #Caylee 's entire skeleton laid out. It was shocking and macabre. The jury didn't even flinch.
12 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony jury holding up well. They sit directly across courtroom from Casey. But some may have view obstructed by podium.
4 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Area A map: skull, bags, arms, hands, legs and left foot found there. #caseyanthony
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Prof. Schultz explaining how expanded search for bones from primary find area #CaseyAnthony
5 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Jury saw photo of skeleton with bones missing because of animal activity
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Describes where body, remains dispersed on scene via topographical map. #CaseyAnthony
8 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Graphic showing recovery areas A-I. Nine areas.
8 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Now seeing a topographical map of where bones found #CaseyAnthony
9 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony It is remarkable how many bones teams were able to find.
9 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Casey broke down in court today. See raw video: See images:
10 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Image of Caylee's tiny reassembled skeleton was chilling.
10 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Saddest picture so far. All bones with skull laid out and placed together where they should be. #caseyanthony
10 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
All jurors look at pic of skeleton #CaseyAnthony does not break down. Found all but right foot basically
10 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Picture of bones laid out in anatomic order. You can see where bones are missing. Watch the #CaseyAnthony trial on #HLN.
10 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Difficult to collect many teeth. Feels successful in this recovery: most of spine, ribs, hands, feet. #CaseyAnthony
12 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Seven looked shocked with image of partial skeleton
11 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors about to see skeleton pieced together for first time #CaseyAnthony
13 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Left Pelvis bone was almost completely buried in the muck, Shultz said. #caseyanthony
13 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Pics of pelvis bones Schultz says important where one found completely buried in muck
13 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Speaks of adipocere which is when body decomp turns into waxy susbstance. #CaseyAnthony
13 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
The bones are being discussed in court by looking at them on a monitor.
14 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Describes Caylee's pelvic bone. #CaseyAnthony
15 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Two tiny skeletal hands. Unforgettable.
15 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
I'm amazed at how clinical this jury is. Was just watching to see reaction to finger bones pic. Nothing. Nobody flinches. #caseyanthony
15 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Quarter in photo is much larger than some of these tiny finger bones.
16 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Photo shows bones making up fingers three bones per finger each smaller than a quarter
16 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Describes taking multiple views of bones examined. #CaseyAnthony
16 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Somber photo of hand and finger bones all put together. Chilling.
17 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony is refolding her stack of tissues in her lap.
18 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony back in courtroom composed for now as testimony about bones resumes... Will they talk about chewing?
18 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Court resumes #CaseyAnthony
19 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony is back with what looks like a fistful of toilet paper or kleenex.
20 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony returns to the courtroom. Court is back from recess. Watch #HLN.
20 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Images: Casey Emotional Over Testimony On Caylee Remains: The Casey Anthony murder trial continues Friday.
21 minutes ago

PheonixTears321 Kim Plunkett
by CFNews13Casey@
@CFNews13Casey I saw her and she looked like she might be having contractions, IDK something about the way she looked and holding her tummy.
29 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Recess is till 1035...3 minutes Jeff Ashton first back in courtroom
25 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Since we probably haven't talked about courtroom in while it has "equal justice under the law" in caps over Judge Perry #CaseyAnthony
26 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Crowd also includes man in neck brace. Says it hurts to look up at photos but worth it. #CaseyAnthony
30 minutes ago

VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
What do you believe is the cause of death of Caylee in the #CaseyAnthony case. Let me know and I'll put it on the show 6pm on #HLN.
33 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony has gone into an apparent back room with two of her attorneys. Watch the trial on #HLN.
33 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Found the pregnant woman says she's due June 26th! thought it might be her last chance to see. Let's hope makes it through #CaseyAnthony
35 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Member of defense team has brought out what appears to be a wet cloth or paper towel for #CaseyAnthony. She puts it on the back of her neck.
36 minutes ago

VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
#CaseyAnthony a mess in the courtroom as expert testifies about bones being chewed... Are the tears for Caylee or for herself? #HLN
37 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Casey leaned over as jury left court. Now she's sitting, three lawyers including Baez talking to her
37 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony has now her forehead down on the defense table.
39 minutes ago

AmyIrenie Just Google It
by JimLichtenstein@
@JimLichtenstein was there an objection before the sidebar? or was it just "may we approach?"
42 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Casey propped her arms on table when standing for break.
40 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony still wiping away tears though sidebar went on for several minutes. Recess till 1025
41 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Perry called recess until 10:35 a.m.
42 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Court in recess. Watch the #CaseyAnthony murder trial on #HLN.
41 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Court is in recess until 10:35am.
42 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony continues to cry during sidebar. Watch #HLN for the latest.
42 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Casey blew her nose.. No juror looked up
42 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
FYI femur is your upper leg bone... Photo still up they are side by side so you really get image of skeleton being chewed on #CaseyAnthony
43 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Attorney Dorothy Sims was holding Casey.. A couple of jurors were looking.. Showed no expression..
43 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Juror 2 IT worker zenmaster just took a long look--at the ceiling.
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Bones dispersal consistent with "[Caylee's] trunk being dragged through the woods." Uncomfortable testimony #CaseyAnthony
37 seconds ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ok he says most of the spine was dragged away from skull since it did not have as many ligaments holding together #CaseyAnthony
58 seconds ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
#CaseyAnthony is losing it as anthropologist describes how animals dragged away and chewed Caylee's bones.
55 seconds ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Jury was shown picture of Caylee's entire little skeleton laid out. One pic showed bones making up her tiny hands.
2 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Witness is describing where all the bones were found. #caseyanthony coughs when he says vertebra found w ribs still attached.
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Seems most bones found in area a same spot skull found. Map is b/w without any distance markers easily seen #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: "Carnivore damage" on most of the bones. #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony One bone found in each of two most remote recovery areas.
3 minutes ago
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Area G portion of Caylee's spinal column, ribs #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Area F contained clavicles, parts of the pelvis, femora, ribs and one vertebra #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony looking down as tiny skeleton shown again.
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Skeleton photo back up juror 3 has her head to side as if getting sleepy #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
The bones are a dark brown/orange color. Nt sure if it just the pic, or actual color. The skull pics seemed to be whiter. #caseyanthony
5 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Because nose was gone it's debatable whether tape originally covered it. Critical to state's theory of murder.
5 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
I'm next to Joe/ @RedHuber , the pool photogs. When I hear their camera clicking like crazy, I know Casey is crying. Look up. #caseyanthony
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony making eye contact with Jeff Ashton for first time in sometime
6 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz said Caylee's bones show they could have been there for six months. #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Schultz duct tape not covering nasal aperture? Redirct-tape was covering mouth but nose not there.
7 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Schultz says does not know when bones were dispersed and not asked to figure out how Caylee died #CaseyAnthony
8 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz to Mason: Majority of Caylee's skeletal material found in Area A. #CaseyAnthony
10 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors still paying close attention as get closer to lunch break #CaseyAnthony
11 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason trying to establish distance bones from road and dragged. Schultz doesn't know. #CaseyAnthony
12 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz reminds Mason he did not perform measurement for the topographical map. #CaseyAnthony
13 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz describes distance of Area A from Suburban Drive as 30-35 feet to edge of road. #CaseyAnthony
13 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason gets witness to say no evidence of broken bones before death
14 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz said no evidence of torquing of bones or twists before her death #CaseyAnthony
15 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz tells Mason no evidence of perimortem trauma #CaseyAnthony
15 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Mason: You found no evidence of pre mortem trauma? That's true.
16 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Mason is cross-examining Dr. Schultz.
16 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz tell Mason bones were X-rayed #CaseyAnthony
16 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Cheney doing cross exam
16 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Schultz says bones could have been there six months. Talks about animal chewing last time before cross examination #CaseyAnthony
16 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Cheney Mason begins cross examination. #CaseyAnthony
16 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Dispersal of Caylee's bones primarily result of animal activity. #CaseyAnthony
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G on stand! This will be fascinating
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
still stone faced.“@CindyMefford: @JimLichtenstein Could we get a jury update please? Reaction? Are they looking at #CaseyAnthony Thanks!”
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. John Schultz excused sidebar before next witness jurors looking at audience #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz excused. #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Area I more ribs. #caseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Schultz using telestrator to draw on skeleton mapping which bones found where #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Area H ribs #caseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Schultz: Area G portion of Caylee's spinal column, ribs #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago
Lunchbreak until 1:30

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Why is state focused on plant growth, condition of bones, scattering? It's @ timing. Proving bones were there for 6 mos.
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply

NancyGraceHLN Nancy Grace
Tot mom frail, shaky & sobbing uncontrollably when witness says Caylee’s bones chewed on by animals. Do you think Tot Mom is faking it?
2 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Cheney's cross exam of Dr. G should be good drama! Should happen later today
2 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Most emotional moment of morning in courtroom was when they showed photos of bones of Caylee's little hands
3 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Experts Testify On Caylee's Remains, Manner Of Death: Casey Anthony melted down in tears Friday morning as a...
23 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Still on #CaseyAnthony lunch break --- will you bring you LIVE courtroom testimony on the other side!
36 minutes ago

lauren_rowe Lauren Rowe
Follow Tony Pipitone's Chat on the Casey trial, live at
36 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
No tears as #CaseyAnthony left for lunch
1 hour ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Court is in recess for lunch until 1:30pm.
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Recess until 1:30 p.m. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Recess suddenly called midway through #DrG testimony. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Deputies mulling about looking at balcony seems to be reason for sidebar ok now lunch break #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Sidebar called
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG explains manner of death is an opinion based on scientific principles, medical history #CAseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Photo from 12/11/8 has bone out of bag labeled unidentified remains #CaseyAnthony #DrG says later identified by fbi
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Results from #FBI lab ID remains as belonging to Caylee Marie Anthony. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Juror 3 is attentive again they seem to respond to the way Dr. G talks to them
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: IDs Caylee's bone from DNA evaluation. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: "hoping we'd get nuclear DNA...and mitochondrial DNA." #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG agrees that roots were in blanket, bones, bag, but not in the shorts. shirt "completely disintegrated," she said. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Baez rocking in chair not used to not taking podium for a whole morning #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony has been sniffling with red eyes through all of these photos. I'm across courtroom and obstructed to see level of tears
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Jurors 11&12 just yawned at exactly the sane time. 10 and 16 propping heads on wall.
1 hour ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
#caseyanthony just wrapped herself with a sweater or blanket, hard to see from here.
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Roots and plants lot more recognizable than the blanket in photo state trying to show it had been there for awhile #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG cont. ID with root growth in blanket and ruler to show scale #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG ids close-up pix of blanket with roots in blanket. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Casey hiding her face from jury
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG identifies plant and root activity growing into blanket. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Soiled Blanket found at crime scene bearing ghostly image of Winnie the pooh. Dr G roots growing in to blanket.
1 hour ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Jurors are looking at Winnie the Pooh blanket with plant roots growing in it
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Blanket had Winnie the pooh on it testimony by family earlier said it was Caylee's favorite #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG identifies zoomed-in area of "Winnie the Pooh with Piglet on his back," she said. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Ashton asks Dr. Go to describe image on blanket, "Winnie the Pooh with piglet on his back."
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G has her own television show..just in case you didn't know!
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG said photo taken to show figures on the blanket. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony It was a Winnie the Pooh blanket
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G describes the root growth through Casey's hair matte and skull. Just showed photo of blanket found with skull
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Photographed baby blanket found with Caylee's remains. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Photo of hair looks like a child's wig but dirty #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG speaks about roots through Caylee's hair on the skull #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony this image depicts hair "teased out" from hair mat in two very recognizable thick strands.
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Dr. G explains taking hair to toxicological testing #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
photo of the hair mat can see the wholes dr g talking about from insect activity #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Dr. G explains hair mat, roots on Caylee's skull. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#Garavaglia #CaseyAnthony Roots that have grown through hair nat and holes made by insects.
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Dr G. now reviewing additional photos. Hair mat image.
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Baez and Mason chuckling together don't know why #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia (Dr. G) is now on the stand
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. G says she was late for airport when found out remains found #CaseyAnthony came back next night
1 hour ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia (Dr. G) is now on the stand
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Getting right to Caylee Anthony questions.
1 hour ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
State expert said buried bone, dryness of bones and leaf cover indicate Caylee's body was discarded there 6 months before it was found
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. G talks to jury while Utz and Schultz seldom looked at them. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Anthropoligist Talks About Caylee's Bones: An anthropology professor tells jurors about how Caylee Anthony's...
1 hour ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Casey Cries As Testimony Describes Caylee's Remains: Casey Anthony holds her head down and cries during...
1 hour ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
TV's "Dr. G", medical examiner Jan Garavaglia now on the stand. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony I wonder if any jurors recognize her now from her tv show.
1 hour ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Dr. G is on the stand. She is the chief medical examiner for Orange and Osceola Counties.
1 hour ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr. G is on the stand. Watch her testimony live:
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. G enters courtroom all crowd turns heads. few jurors smiling at sight #CaseyAnthony
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG said her opinion of manner of death is homicide. #CaseyAnthony
55 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony - cause of death is HOMICIDE says Dr. G,Medical examiner tells the jury
54 seconds ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Manner of death is classification based on scientific evidence available in this case #DrG says it's homicide #CaseyAnthony
1 minute ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG explains manner of death: opinion based on scientific, medical info and other factors #CaseyAnthony
1 minute ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Earlier shot of #CaseyAnthony returning to court from lunch break.
3 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr. G being cross examined by prosecution. Ashton asking her to ID evidence. #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors taking notes about what's in these sealed bags they can't see but saw in photos #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Prosecution continues to question witness Dr. Jan Garavaglia of District 9 Medical Examiners office in #CaseyAnthony trial. Watch #HLN.
3 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Frank Ashton is asking #DrG to identify packages containing evidence #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony State up to evidence number 267.
5 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
#CaseyAnthony back in court as Dr. G returns to the stand.
5 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
5 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG returns and identifies package containing body bag #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Court in session Dr G identifying baby blanket evidence pkg. Body bad with vegetation. Wonder if it's coming out!
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Here we go introducing laundry bag blanket body bag etc to #DrG #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony That was odd. Court was about to resume and Casey left for a bit , then came back. Dr. G just sat on stand waiting
8 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Juror one smiling.
8 minutes ago

VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
#CaseyAnthony back in court...jury coming in... #HLN
8 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony She's back
9 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony returned to courtroom.
9 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Casey is back in the courtroom.
9 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#DrG is peering up at balcony making eye contact with people while she waits. No explanation of delay #CaseyAnthony just returned
9 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Meanwhile, here's a pix of #DrG on the stand earlier in #CaseyAnthony trial
10 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
#CaseyAnthony has left the courtroom right as court was about to resume from lunch recess.
10 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Casey left the courtroom.
11 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Casey has left courtroom George and Cindy aren't here for afternoon session either #CaseyAnthony
11 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Don't know why she left. Mason and Baez with her.
11 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Court is back in session.
12 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony left the courtroom.
12 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Took a big sigh and her nose us red. Just exited courtroom.
12 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony trial back from recess. Watch the trial on #HLN.
14 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Looks like we may see a bunch of the evidence we saw I. Photos. Anthony"s not in audience.
15 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
The media being held while the jury clears out if the hallway as they are brought back from lunch. #caseyanthony
15 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Dr G back on the stand already. Ashton up there holding up large evidence bags they're reviewing. Waiting.
16 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Back in the courtroom #DrG on stand evidence in front sealed for her to examine just waiting on jury #CaseyAnthony
17 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony should be resuming soon.
24 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony This cross examination between Mason and Dr G should be very interesting.
29 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Not allowed in courtroom yet but just saw two witnesses go through. Maybe Dr. G won't be all afternoon. #CaseyAnthony
31 minutes ago

NancyGraceHLN Nancy Grace
LOTS of tissues for #CaseyAnthony
55 minutes ago

lauren_rowe Lauren Rowe
Police called after spat in line for Casey trial. Watch the video at
55 minutes ago

NancyGraceHLN Nancy Grace
What do you think of this #CaseyAnthony photo?
56 minutes ago
AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony We still don't know if judge will allow this animated video to be shown
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Photo of Caylee used in video they got off the Internet. #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#JoseBaez questions Dr. Michael Warren, anthropology prof. at #UF #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. Warren says he suggested bizarre video to State but never saw duct tape on skull first hand #DrG
5 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Unclear whether this video will be made public or even used at this point.
5 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#JoseBaez is questioning Michael Warren in the #CaseyAnthony trial. Watch on #HLN.
5 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
To show duct tape over nose. “@CherylLasseter: What's the purpose of video? #caseyanthony @JimLichtenstein @CFNews13Casey @OSCaseyAnthony”
7 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Warren: without this we can't figure out distance between nose and mouth in relation to width of tape.
8 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
It doesn't look like it will fully become the scull, more superimposing of the scull on the picture. Still, not pretty. #caseyanthony
8 minutes ago

JudgePerrySays JudgePerrySays
There's no need for you to make any objections at this point, Mr. Baez. It'll make it go quicker so I can hear what the man has to say.
9 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Again jury out of room for this testimony of a superimposition video of duct tape and death and how it would happen to Caylee #CaseyAnthony
10 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony This is a video superimposition done by Warren.
11 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Judge will put Warre. On stand to help him decide relevance of this display.
11 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
They are going to bring Dr. Warren up with no jury to see if video can be used
12 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Witness now on stand, .Mchael Warren, forensic anthropolgist from UCF
12 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
State wants to show photo of Caylee superimposed over video of her skull, with the duct tape covering her mouth and nose. #CaseyAnthony
12 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
“@jmendiguren: @CFNews13Casey could you see what was on the video?” yes pic of casey and Caylee with duct tape slowly dying and decomposing
13 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Image also shows positioning of duct tape in such a way to cover nose and mouth.
13 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony B aez sitting case law for why this video is not admissable.
14 minutes ago

jmendiguren Jaclyn Mendiguren
by CFNews13Casey
@CFNews13Casey could you see what was on the video?
15 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony This graphic shows smiling Caylee and image appears to become skeletonized in to skull.
14 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony The video animation showed duct tape going over Caylee's face (in a photo) and then her head turns into skull
14 minutes ago

JudgePerrySays JudgePerrySays
"Just a second. I want to hear you, but this printer is still printing."
15 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony did not cry as video shown in courtroom. She appeared upset.
15 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Casey looks scary mad
16 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Can't see any reaction from #CaseyAnthony to what Baez called this gruesome video that is a fantasy
16 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Baez calls graphic "disgusting"
16 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#JoseBaez calls the video disgusting. #CaseyAnthony
17 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Video shows size/shape of duct tape superimposed over Caylee's live face then turn to skull, #CAseyAnthony
17 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Defense objects to animation saying this is a "disgusting super-imposition" "a fantasy"
17 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ashton states clearly "duct tape is murder weapon" Baez says I thought you said it was chloroform
17 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
It'll be the color version of this pic morphing into Caylee's skull. They're testing it on their computers.
17 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Ashton: This graphic will help show tape could have been used to kill her. Tape is murder weapon.
18 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony State wants to use this animation to show the size of Caylee's skull and prove the duct tape was enough to kill her
17 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Judge wants to look at video made by next witness. It appears to be photo of Casey&Caylee. Skull&duct tape are superimposed on Caylee image.
18 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Pix of #CaseyAnthony looking at video in courtroom
18 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ok photo of Caylee back to normal Judge Perry asks what is relevance? State says to show duct tape could kill #cfnews13
18 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Ashton: "This demonstrates that single piece of duct tape would be sufficient to be placed over Caylee's mouth"
18 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Another eerie image of Caylee's face becoming skeletonized. Perry asking relevancy of this?
19 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Jurors are out of room eating dessert at this moment...all so bizarre
20 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Video shown w/o jurors in courtroom. #CaseyAnthony
20 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Gallery seems confused at this as there was no explanation before it started. been going for few minutes little skin left #CaseyAnthony
20 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony They are showing an animation where a photo of Caylee morphs into a skull!
20 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthonyTrial I hear juriors sharing a laugh in the jury room. Wonder if this image will help state make case of tape location
20 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Video in courtroom shows Caylee turning into a skeleton. #CaseyAnthony
21 minutes ago

VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
More graphic images in the #CaseyAnthony case ... Casey looking at them
21 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
They are about to do an animation of a picture of Casey and Caylee, with Caylee's face morphing into the skull. #caseyanthony
22 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Yes I'm watching Caylee become a skeleton before my very eyes, this is going to be big moment when jury gets back
22 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Looks like they"re going to superimpose a picture of Caylee over/under her skull.
22 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Very strange looks like it's a smiling photo of Casey and Caylee then duct tape and her slow decomposition #CaseyAnthony
23 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Casey looking at monitor with totally furrowed brow. I've NEVER seen her look so angry. Serious anger on her face
23 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Uh oh.... #caseyanthony
23 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
They react to nothing. “@Miss_Behavin: How did the jury react to Dr. G's testimony? @VinniePolitan @JimLichtenstein #CaseyAnthonyTrial”
24 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Jury was excused while they take up an issue without jury present. Judge told them to enjoy desserts from "Dessert Lady"
24 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jury enjoying special desserts everyone smiles except #CaseyAnthony about to see a tape while they are out
25 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Thurs was far harder. “@FleurtyWhitney: @JimLichtenstein hows the mood today in court? as tense as yesterday when they had pictures?”
25 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
they must. He's like a rich uncle.“@Andizih: @JimLichtenstein Can you tell if the Jury loves Judge Perry as much as the viewing audience?”
26 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Ashton: More skull pix coming.
26 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
The issue will be that the defense DID open the skull and saw circle of residue on left side. Skull was found upright. Moved? #caseyanthony
26 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Judge asks jury to leave the courtroom until further notice. Watch #CaseyAnthony trial on #HLN.
27 minutes ago

JudgePerrySays JudgePerrySays
"I understand there should be some desserts from the Dessert Lady back there, and, uh, take a special break at this time."
27 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Twitter seems to think Dr. G won vs Mason in that testimony
28 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Followers raving about her testimony. "virtual high five for Dr. G"
28 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Dr. Jan Garavaglia, Dr. G, just wrapped up her testimony in the #CaseyAnthony case. Restated her belief death was homicide. #WFTV
30 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony several jurors whispering to each other while waiting. I think that exchange/ testimony made quite an impression.
30 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Back row of jurors chatting and smiling during sidebar front row watching attorneys and #caseanthony.
31 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr. G: "If you do not report an injury to authorities, you are risking that child's life."
31 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Quarterback chemist by far. He's like 6'5". “@KLa22: @JimLichtenstein who's taller? Neck brace spectator guy or quarterback chemist?”
34 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony follower question: Dr G testified tape was in vicinity. Did not say ON the mouth.
34 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Juror 1 Still worried she can see witness screen. She is an older woman with glasses. They move it for her during sidebar.
35 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Judge & attorneys at sidebar. Watch the #CaseyAnthony trial on #HLN.
36 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Dr G done and cane across very well.
36 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr. Michael Warren is state's next witness. #CaseyAnthony
36 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony What did you think of her??
37 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Huge smile from Dr. G as she leaves stand. I think she was thrilled to be done. She gave Ashton a big node and smile.
37 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr g steps down I think we need a recess after that! Nope here comes Dr. Michael Warren #CaseyAnthony
37 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG is excused. #CaseyAnthony
37 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Body after 2 months would be skeletonized. #CaseyAnthony
37 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony To my fellow news peeps, is Dr. G a sounbyte machine or what?! Lord!
37 minutes ago

lauren_rowe Lauren Rowe
The state questions Dr. G for a second time
38 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Redirect; absence of positive finding for chloroform in bones does not mean it was not used at time of death.
38 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Jeff Ashton now questions #DrG #CaseyAnthony
39 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Yep. That would be @shainah120 . She's ready to pop! “@MarthaSugalski: @JimLichtenstein is someone about to give birth in the front row?”
39 minutes ago

lauren_rowe Lauren Rowe
Dr. G says 100% of accidental deaths go reported
40 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Dr G Manner of death defensible based on other cases. Agrees duct tape in vicinity of mouth
40 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Like watching a tennis match jurors eyes back and forth between mason and #DrG . #CaseyAnthony
41 minutes ago

JessicaSteck Jessica Steck
by AmandaOberWESH
Or if you're at work! RT @AmandaOberWESH: #CaseyAnthony If you're not watching this on TV you need to be. Go to WESH now!
41 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony If you're not watching this on tv you need to be. Go to WESH now!
41 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G's testimony is powerful folks! Pay attention to this
42 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG and Cheney Mason discussion appears heated. #CaseyAnthony
42 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
This testimony from Dr. G could be THE most important for the state. VERY compelling. Watch now on Local 6 and
42 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason wants his question answered Ashton objects to him instructing witness
42 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr. G says that in her experience when someone finds a child injured or dead, they call 911 regardless of the circumstances. #CaseyAnthony
42 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony This is getting fiery! Dr. G just said with an exaspirated sigh..please repeat the question.
42 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G says in accident "No matter how stiff that body is, they always call 911 with hope that child can be saved."
43 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Every jurors eyes fixated on #DrG as she says 100 percent accidents reported #CaseyAnthony is stoic
43 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G is fiesty!
43 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G says a big red flag for fact that it was a homicide was that missing child wasn't immediately reported
44 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony riveting testimony!
44 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G "The fact that there's duct tape attached ANYWHERE to that child's face is, to me, indication of a homicide."
44 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G gets passionate as she explains why this is clearly a homicide
45 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Big moment of case #DrG talks about drownings always reporting mason says that has nothing to do with case... Though was opening statement
45 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr G is giving Cheny a run for his money.
45 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: "You can never det. manner of death...just on examining the body." #CaseyAnthony
45 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
RT @JessicaSteck #CaseyAnthony furrowing her brow as she listens to Dr. G's testimony.
45 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
No reaction from #CaseyAnthony when animals chewing on bones is mentioned by Dr. G. Watch #HLN.
46 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G just corrected Cheney. When he said it's probably a homicide she said NOT is.
46 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason circumstantial evidence says probably a homicide? #DrG says no not probably only logical conclusion
47 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Homicide only logical conclusion. #CaseyAnthony
47 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr G says media did not influence her decision that it was a homicide
47 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: "Nothing from media entered my decision." #CaseyAnthony
47 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Mason: Despite all this no cause of death? Means of homicide could not be determined.
48 minutes ago

SyanRhodes Syan Rhodes
by AmandaOberWESH
On the anchor desk for afternoon coverage of Case Against Casey. World-renowned medical examiner Dr. G on stand now..Tune in!
49 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony had no reaction to #DrG talking about animals chewing on the bones caused a breakdown earlier today
49 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Mason: you did not open cranium? Absolutely not.
49 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Said doctor tested for volatiles in hair, soil, scrapings from bone marrow, washing of cranial cavity #CaseyAnthony
50 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ashton overruled several times related to dr. Goldberger being allowed to test bones for Zanax
50 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Mason not getting in question about Spitz.
51 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Mason wearing his court credential visible in front of his yellow tie.
53 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
As a sidebar is requested by prosecutor Jeff Ashton alternate juror #2 looks at alternate juror #3 with a smirk.
53 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Ask The Judge: Casey's Lunch, Hung Jury: Judge O.H. Eaton Jr. answers viewer questions about the Casey Anthony...
54 minutes ago

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony where does casey keep getting up to go?
53 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony State objects to Mason's mention of Dr Spitz who opined Dr G did not follow autopsy protocol.
55 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Judge & attorneys in sidebar. Watch the #CaseyAnthony trial on #HLN.
55 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge Perry seems amused by this sidebar #CaseyAnthony
55 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors were taking notes before objection and sidebar #CaseyAnthony was looking over at them
56 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG tests came back negative. #CaseyAnthony
56 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG to Mason: Tests for volatile chemicals limited because they were mostly bones. #CaseyAnthony
57 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason gets #DrG to say she knew chloroform was possibility before she began examining remains from investigators #CaseyAnthony
58 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Almost the whole back row of jurors and several in front row noted her comments about manner/cause
58 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony The distinction between manner and cause of death very clear and interesting. Points well made.
1 hour ago

lauren_rowe Lauren Rowe
Dr. G says the manner of Caylee's death was a homicide
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason begins cross examination #DrG says she doesn't watch news so didn't really know it was a big case before remains found
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Didn't know about "circus-like atmosphere around Anthony home."
1 hour ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Jury fashion update: #5 may have raided The Hamberglar's closet. Black and white stripes. #caseyanthony
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Aw! Dr. G says she doesn't watch the news. But said she does listen to NPR.
1 hour ago

MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
Yes #CaseyAnthony, animals chew on human bones when a body is discarded into a trash heap and left there to decay, like any other garbage.
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Mason perks at Dr G "you okay?" "I'm okay"
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Oh goes...Cheney cross exam. He pronounced her last name Gar-a-val-you
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Cross examine by Mason #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#DrG with just bones she can't rule out even a shooting #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G says child could die from chloroform. Says not enough evidence to say how homicide occured
1 hour ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
About 7 jurors are taking notes as Dr. G describes the manner & cause of death. Watch the #CaseyAnthony trial on #HLN.
1 hour ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr G: I believe we have enough evidence to say it was a homicide, but not enough to determine how that homicide occurred. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Not enough scientific info to say means of how homicide occurred #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#DrG says child could absolutely die from overexposure to chloraform
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Child could die as result of chloroform #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Dr. G-manner of death is homicide because child wasn't reported missing immediately, body was hidden & duct tape was on lower half of face.
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Objects that could cause death are duct tape, if over mouth or nose; suffocation with bag over head. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#DrG Cause of death homicide undetermined means couple jurors scratch heads #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Dr. G "No child should have duct tape on their face when it dies."
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Cause of death homicide of undermined means. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Jurors very intently taking this in.
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG explains cause of death: Chain of events that initiates the death #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
i #CaseyAnthony Dr. G explaining reasons she ruled Caylee's death a homicide
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: The duct tape located on the lower half of face. "No child shld have duct tape on the face when it dies." #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
Dr. G is still on the stand.
1 hour ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr. G lists reasons she thinks Caylee’s death was homicide: not reported, body was hidden, closed containers, duct tape. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Homicide 3 factors not reported, hidden body and duct tape says #DrG no reason for duct tape after death #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

DiDimond Diane Dimond
#caseyanthony clue #1 not reported missing for long time #2 body was hidden #3 the duct tape no child should have duct tape on face when die
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: These bodies always found in closed containers #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG: Child's body hidden, "thrown out in a field." #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Many jurors taking notes
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG homicide based on 3 reasons: Child injury/missing not reported immediately like Caylee #CaseyAnthony.
1 hour ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#DrG said her opinion of manner of death is homicide. #CaseyAnthony
1 hour ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
The jury is about to see tis animated video. Im interested to see #caseyanthony reax now that jury is here.
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
There are actually two very pregnant women here today. Is this already in the "what not to do" books? #caseyanthony
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Two people sitting behind me just got kicked out. Not sure why #CaseyAnthony
4 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Tell the truth, as this Dr. Is talking about the jaw hinge, you were moving your jaw around... #caseyanthony #fessUp
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jury mostly leaning back on chairs not same interest as Dr. G. Video may change that #CaseyAnthony
6 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Judge lets Michael Warren testify about superimposed Caylee photo. Watch #HLN.
8 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
In case you are wondering pregnant woman still here... Anthonys are not #CaseyAnthony
9 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Judge perry will allow the animation that illustrates Dr. Warren's opinion about Caylee's skull: http:://
9 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Pix of Warren in #CaseyAnthony trial.
10 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Warren is member of the human identification laboratory. #CaseyAnthony
10 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Previous anthropology professor was UCF Warren is a Gator
11 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Two spectators behind me just ejected for whispering. No talking zone here. #caseyanthony
11 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Warren returns to the stand. #CaseyAnthony
11 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Follow my tweets next few minutes to see how jury reacts to this video
12 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Jury returns to the courtroom. #CaseyAnthony
12 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Perry: Allows Dr. Warren testimony, video. #CaseyAnthony
15 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Says wouldn't cause an emotional verdict and allows video Baez smiles and shakes head. #CaseyAnthony he says he still objects
16 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
The animation is in. Here we go... #caseyanthony
17 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
Judge WILL allow jurors to see duct tape superimposed over photo of Caylee and skull ! #CaseyAnthony
17 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Jp: unfortunately in a homicide case evidence is not so nice #caseyanthony
18 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Perry says it's a non descript photo and Jury already seen skull and will help witness give testimony sounds like will allow #CaseyAnthony
18 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Judge Perry about to decideon whether he'll allow animated video...
20 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Your hair came pre-sized. Room to grow still, MS! “@MarthaSugalski: @JimLichtenstein dont talk about my normal size tv head!”
20 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Surprised by this delay now. They've argued about what to admit for two years now. Still not sure which way he's leaning #CaseyAnthony
23 minutes ago

MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
Judge is now issuing his ruling on whether to allow jurors to see photo of Caylee with duct tape over her face. #CaseyAnthony
24 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Baez standing during this decision #CaseyAnthony
25 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Sounds like judge Perry is gonna shoot it down... #caseyanthony
25 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge perry about to decide on video citing 2007 Volusia county case #CaseyAnthony
26 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Court back in session. #CaseyAnthony
27 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Court back from recess. Watch the #CaseyAnthony trial on #HLN.
27 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
In TV its opposite “@FyrFyterFranko: the head grows 80% of adult size in the 1st year, then the following 20% at a slow pace #Caseyanthony”
27 minutes ago

caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
Dr. G: People Always Call 911: Orange County's chief medical examiner testifies that in her experience, all of...
33 minutes ago

BiancaMPrieto Bianca Prieto
by OSCaseyAnthony
Read juror profiles here.…
47 minutes ago

CaseyAnthonyCh9 Casey Anthony WFTV
#CaseyAnthony trial in recess until 3:15 while judge goes over case law before next witness comes in.
42 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Recess until 315 no decision yet on video #CaseyAnthony
42 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
Court in recess for 15 minutes. Watch #HLN for the latest on the #CaseyAnthony trial.
42 minutes ago

JudgePerrySays JudgePerrySays
"I need to digest these cases."
42 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony In recess until 3:15
42 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Recess until 3:15 p.m. #CaseyAnthony
42 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Baez cited some case law in his objection to video...judge looking over that right now
43 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Witness says animation would help to show that tape could have covered both Caylee's nose and mouth
44 minutes ago

bobkealing bob kealing
#CaseyAnthony Expert says he can testify tape could cover nose and mouth without using animation.
44 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Witness on stand now created the animation. The judge is trying to figure out whether to show it
44 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. Warren says video important because shows possible tape covered both nose and mouth at 1.75 cm #CaseyAnthony
44 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Warren: Skull photo taken with photographic scale, also tape then superimposing on Caylee's face. #CaseyAnthony
45 minutes ago
caseyupdates Casey Anthony Update
RT @JimLichtenstein: The tape is moving to different positions. Again, here's the pic. #caseyanthony
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Not sure this proves the point well. The tape is moving to different positions. Again, here's the pic. #caseyanthony
2 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ok now her face is coming back they await testimony
2 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
All other jurors still watching this is slow though like watching grass grow think wondering if anything else will happen #CaseyAnthony
3 minutes ago

TeamNancyHLN Team Nancy HLN
#CaseyAnthony looks angry when the superimposed image of Caylee's skull is on top of a real life picture of her. Watch #HLN for the latest.
3 minutes ago

stevehelling Steve Helling
by AmandaOberWESH
From my standpoint, a few of the jurors look confused, trying to figure out the video. #caseyanthony
3 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Goal of this animation is for state to try and show single piece of duct tape could have killed Caylee
4 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Juror 5 has stopped watching stared at Ashton now has eyes closed
4 minutes ago

NancyGraceHLN Nancy Grace
#CaseyAnthony jury is watching an animation of duct tape superimposed on Caylee's face. Thank goodness George & Cindy are not in court.
5 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
#CaseyAnthony shook her head earlier as the video played and spoke to Sims.
5 minutes ago

AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Watching animated video now. Jury looks confused, upset. Casey appears to say, "that's horrible"
5 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony has head down with Sims very close to her.
5 minutes ago

JimLichtenstein Jim Lichtenstein
Casey is not watching. #caseyanthony
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
#CaseyAnthony appeared to say "That's horrible."
6 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jury mixture of confusion horror covered mouths wrinkled eyes #CaseyAnthony
7 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Perry states video only illustrates expert witness opinion. Jury may believe or disbelieve video. #CaseyAnthony
8 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Ok here comes video #CaseyAnthony was closely following testimony up to this Judge instructing jury that this is just an expert opinion
8 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Video will be shown in court now. #CaseyAnthony
9 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Warren: Used technique to scale skull with duct tape. #CaseyAnthony
10 minutes ago

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dr. Warren describing his superimposed photo video process now.
11 minutes ago

OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Warren: Skull/photo of individual superimposed. See if teeth, osteometric points on the skull to see if there is a match. #CaseyAnthony

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