TX - Abigail “Abby” Young, Up for Parole on a Yearly Basis

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Laurie Thompson, Emma's paternal grandmother, posted the following on Justice For Emma Thompson facebook page today (set up by LCoastMom in 2012).

Laurie Thompson (4 hrs ago -- May 6, 2013)

Many thanks to Ann Davids for her dilgence in posting updates to this Facebook page.

Please take the time to re-send letters opposing the parole of Abigail Young.

Please help give our family the time and peace of mind we need to grieve and console each other without looking over our shoulders or wondering when she will appear in a grocery store, playground, or restaurant.

Please let Emma rest in peace and help guarantee the safety of all our children throughout Texas! Emma's Law (HB 431) will go a long way to do just that!


I hope it's okay with you Ann I shortened this post of yours and re-posted it... :seeya:
I wanted to point out the contact information to make sure the information is easy to find. :please:
I want to make sure that people simply looking for the information to send a letter can find it easily. :seeya:


This was posted by Ann, I didn't "quote" because it changed the color of the text.


I spoke to a representative from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Victim Services Division via phone this morning. She said that letters opposing Abigail Young's parole should be submitted no later than 5/30/13. . . . the sooner letters are submitted; the better!

Precious Emma Thompson was barely 4 years old when she was brutally raped and murdered by Lucas Coe, Abigail Young's then boyfriend. Abigail Young failed to protect her daughter, precious Emma Thompson.

You do NOT have to be a resident of Texas to write a letter opposing Abigail Young's parole. Any one from all over the world can write a letter to TBPP opposing Abigail Young's parole.

Protest letters regarding the parole of Abigail Young can be mailed, e-mailed or FAXed.

All letters MUST contain Young's pertinent Texas Department of Criminal Justice info (see blue hi-lite below). If you do NOT include Young's pertinent info, your letter will NOT be submitted to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles - Abigail Young parole review.

Letters can me mailed, e-mailed or FAX and MUST include Abigail Young's pertinent TDCJ info:

Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice
Victim Services Division
8712 Shoal Creek Blvd., Ste. 265
Austin, TX 78757-6899

Email: victim.svc@tdcj.state.tx.us

Fax: (512) 452-0825

Reference: Young, Abigail
State ID: 08428403
TDCJ ID: 01668233
Placed on Parole Review: 4/30/13

(Note: I verified the above info with TDCJ this morning. All of the above is correct.)

Please, please write a letter opposing Abigail Young's parole. Thank you for your continued support of justice for precious Emma Thompson!

I am getting to work on this right now - no way, no how should this get out! Thanks and God bless to those of you who are/have been so dedicated in keeping Emma's story in the forefront.
Email sent. Thanks so much for sharing this information with us so we can help to keep this poor excuse for a mother behind bars where she belongs.
I have tears running down my face as I type this, reading this thread and seeing the pictures of this child. God rest this beautiful little blue bonnet angel. Her short life has taken on profound meaning by being a catalyst for a change in law. Under no circumstances should anyone who willfully commits such a heinous crime or fails to protect a child from such harm, should ever walk free. Ever. I'm fully confident the good and righteous people of Texas will see to this. God Bless Emma. RIP little blue bonnet girl.
My letter:

To whom it may concern,

Monsters truly exist. Little Emma Catherine Grace Thompson found that out in her short life. She had the unfortunate fate of knowing two of them; sadly, one of them was "Momster," her mother Abigail Young.
Emma Catherine Grace should be 8 years old. She should be finishing 2nd grade. She should be reading Charlotte's Web, frolicking in the bluebells, skipping rope and riding her bike. Instead she is dead. Raped and brutalized by Lucas Coe, while her biological "mother" did NOTHING to stop it. She chose her sexual relationship with Coe over her role to protect her child at all costs. I am a mother. A mother protects her young. Even animals do this. But Abigail Young did not. And Abigail Young should be forced to serve every possible minute of her sentence. Truly the sentence she received is VERY LIGHT considering the heinous nature of her crime. Abigail Young ensured that precious Emma should receive a "death sentence," and while Abigail Young did not receive a sentence commensurate with her actions, you can help send her a message by DENYING her parole. She aided and abetted a pedophile, which by rights makes her complicit in this pedophilia. She aided and abetted a murderer, which by rights makes her complicit with the murder of her little daughter.
Abigail Young was a registered nurse. She was well aware her daughter was being raped by Coe. She saw the blood stained panties. She saw her child SUFFER from genital herpes. Can you even begin to imagine how painful it was for that tiny girl to have herpes lesions all over her vaginal area?? Abigail Young saw her daughter's bruised and bloodied body. She decided to bleach the bathroom and destroy evidence instead of seek medical attention for her daughter. Even then she opted to super glue a head injury, and even worse, did not even perform CPR on her own daughter. She never shed a tear. Until the jury found her guilty. Then her tears were for herself. This shows this woman has NO remorse or recognizance of her evil actions (and inactions). Setting her free would not only let her get away with murder, it would send a message that this type of behavior is okay. It is NOT okay. It is abhorrent, it is despicable, it is demonic.
Please stand up for Emma Catherine Grace. It does not matter if Abigail is a MODEL prisoner. What matters is that because of Abigail, a tiny life full of hope and promise was erased. Abigail Young's actions are unconscionable. Her behavior in prison, no matter how "exemplary" will NEVER negate or mitigate the callous and evil disregard she showed for the precious little girl that she carried in her womb, a little girl who should not have had to suffer and die in such a vile manner. Picture that little red headed girl, with the cherubic face and smiling eyes. Let that guide you to be the voice of justice that she deserves!

Can you imagine the horror that sweet little angel endured and the terror and despair she must've felt. How many times she must've cried and begged for her mother's protection and comfort. There just aren't words strong enough to describe the depraved heart of Abigail Young. Count me in - sending an email now.
Imagine the guilt of the older girls and of Dad. :( How horrifying for them....I hope they have all of the love, care and support they need. I am certain that they do.
Hi Ann-Tx,

Missed you from THM days. Hope you are well and still enjoying your feathered friends!! I sent my letter off to the Texas Parole Board today and put a link on the Verdict Watch forum this morning and suggested sending a letter while waiting ja's verdict.

I was very glad to do this as this non-mom needs to stay locked up beyond her child bearing years at the very least. I hope we are successful in blocking her parole.
Can you imagine the horror that sweet little angel endured and the terror and despair she must've felt. How many times she must've cried and begged for her mother's protection and comfort. There just aren't words strong enough to describe the depraved heart of Abigail Young. Count me in - sending an email now.

No I cannot and I hate to even think about it.
And wanted to note to everyone that even if mom makes parole, fear not.
Karma is waiting for her the day her sentencing ends and a lot of times, if you
pay attention , you will see that karma is more vindictive than the justice system. She will pay every day as long as she lives. I have no doubt !
I just sent my e-mail. Thanks to LCoastMom and to all who have helped get this message out. This woman does not need to be out of prison during her child bearing years or ever be around children again.
Are letters still requested for the August, 2013 review?
Hi, Ilianna Mari!

Yes, we need many letters sent to the Texas Board of Pardons & Paroles opposing parole for Abigail Young. She was placed on parole review status as of 4/30/13. She has served less than 3 years of her 20 year sentence.

The current cut off date for letters is: 5/30/13

I encourage every one to write a letter as soon as possible and e-mail, fax or send it so it can be included in Abigail Young's parole review folder.

Every letter is important and is read by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles members.

This is the info regarding letters opposing Young's parole:

Letters can me mailed, e-mailed or FAX and MUST include Abigail Young's pertinent TDCJ info:

Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice

Victim Services Division
8712 Shoal Creek Blvd., Ste. 265
Austin, TX 78757-6899

Email: victim.svc@tdcj.state.tx.us

Fax: (512) 452-0825

Reference: Young, Abigail
State ID: 08428403
TDCJ ID: 01668233
Placed on Parole Review: 4/30/13
I wrote a brief email. Thank you for calling this to our attention!
I have tears running down my face as I type this, reading this thread and seeing the pictures of this child. God rest this beautiful little blue bonnet angel. Her short life has taken on profound meaning by being a catalyst for a change in law. Under no circumstances should anyone who willfully commits such a heinous crime or fails to protect a child from such harm, should ever walk free. Ever. I'm fully confident the good and righteous people of Texas will see to this. God Bless Emma. RIP little blue bonnet girl.

thank you and well said - I am going to write my letter in just a few minutes before I run to the post office to send off the Happy Mother's day gift & card to my wonderful mother. Such a pity that everyone has not been as fortunate as me to have the greatest mother in the world. :seeya:
Hi Ann-Tx,

Missed you from THM days. Hope you are well and still enjoying your feathered friends!! I sent my letter off to the Texas Parole Board today and put a link on the Verdict Watch forum this morning and suggested sending a letter while waiting ja's verdict.

I was very glad to do this as this non-mom needs to stay locked up beyond her child bearing years at the very least. I hope we are successful in blocking her parole.
Hi, VictimsSide!

It will soon be a year that THM shut down. It does not seem that long ago.

I still enjoy my feathered friends. They have been busy building nests and having young ones. What a delight they are to watch!

That was a good idea to put a link on a very well read thread such as the Jodi Arias Verdict Watch thread and suggest folks write a letter while they wait for the verdict.

WS has many members and per LCoastMom last year, she said many WS members let her know they wrote a letter (2012).

I know WS members and guests can "flood" the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles (TBPP) with letters opposing Abigail Young's parole. It will take a lot of opposition and without a doubt, WS can be instrumental in ensuring that Young is not granted parole by TBPP.

Thank you for sending a letter and encouraging others to send a letter!
As many of you know, LCoastMom created the facebook page, Justice For Emma Thompson, in March, 2012, to get the word out and encourage folks on Facebook to write letters and oppose parole for Abigail Young when Young became eligible for parole review in February, 2012.

LCM was very dedicated to Justice For Emma Thompson and she spent hours contacting many child advocates and Facebook pages of murdered and/or abused children and asked them to please post info about Emma Thompson and asked their followers (likes) to write a letter to the Texas Board of Pardons & Paroles.

To my knowledge, no one turned LCM down. They gladly "liked" Justice For Emma Thompson facebook and allowed LCM to post info about Emma and then they would encourage their followers (likes) to please write and oppose parole for Abigail Young.

LCM spent hours monitoring Justice For Emma Thompson and welcomed all who "liked" the page and who commented on the page.

I am going through 2012 postings by Justice For Emma Thompson (LCM). I found this posting by LCM and want to share it here.

LCM was so excited when the page had 1,000 "Likes." I wonder what she would say if she knew that the page she created now has 1,720 "Likes."

This is a posting by LCM from April, 2012:

Justice For Emma Thompson

<A class=uiLinkSubtle href="https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=220606314705649&id=203731323059815"><ABBR title="Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 12:59am" data-utime="1334476771">April 15, 2012</ABBR>

1,000 posts. I am so proud of every single like for our page, so thankful for all the help this page has received. Please, all of you continue to be a voice for dear sweet Emma Thompson, a little girl whose own mother allowed a disgusting pig of a male steal her voice away when he stole her innocence. Well Emma is silent no more. We are proof of that! Emma is 1,000 voices strong! RIP Miss Em.

Hopefully, one of these days soon, LCM will be able to monitor her Justice For Emma Thompson facebook page again.

If you do Facebook, please "like" Justice For Emma Thompson.

Justice For Emma Thompson (created by LCoastMom)

As LCM said in her posting on April 15, 2012:

Please, all of you continue to be a voice for dear sweet Emma Thompson . . . . .


This was posted by Justice For Emma Thompson (LCoastMom) on June 3, 2012. I apologize for the underlines but when I copy and paste it here, it automatically underscores. I don't know why it does that.

Justice For Emma Thompson

<A class=uiLinkSubtle href="https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=247117212054559&id=203731323059815"><ABBR title="Sunday, June 3, 2012 at 2:50am" data-utime="1338717057">June 3, 2012</ABBR>

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to write to the TBPP on behalf of precious Emma. Now we can only wait and pray that Abigail Young is not released on parole and be prepared to do this again next year, and the year after, and the year after. I'm not going anywhere Young, I pray you are not either.

Thanks so much to Ann Davids for her dedication and support in keeping this page active while I was away and always love to Emma's family who is trying so hard to see justice for precious Emma doesn't slip through the cracks.


Facebook: Justice For Emma Thompson
I urge all Texas residents to contact your legislator(s) and ask he or she to support Texas State Representative (TSR) Debbie Riddle's House Bill 431 re "Emma's Law". Reference HB 431.

I contacted my State Representative Tuesday and she is aware of HB 431 and supports it. She will be working with State Rep. Debbie Riddle on this very important bill.

If you do not know who represents you in your District, you can find out at this Link and also how to send an e-mail to the appropriate

Questions 1 and 2 will give you instructions! Very easy!

Texas Legislature Online:

Texas residents, thank you for taking the time to contact your District representative(s).

Please remember that precious Emma Thompson (barely 4 years-old) died a brutal, horrific death. Her mother, Abigail Young, became eligible for parole review, after serving only 19 months of a 20 year sentence. Young's parole was denied in August, 2012.

However, as per current Texas law, Abigail Young will be up for parole review every year.

It would be nice for the Texas Board of Pardons & Paroles to have Emma's Law for a possible 5 year off-set versus every year in felony cases involving children.

This law would apply to convicted felons with felony convictions involving children.

Please contact your State Representative . . . do this for precious Emma Thompson.

"Emma's Law" would help serve justice for many children who have been abused or murdered in Texas. Those convicted of felony crimes involving children should serve their sentence and not be eligible for parole every year. Children are the innocent victims!

Precious Emma Thompson . . . gone . . . . . but not forgotten!


Photos courtesy: Amanda Young Mathews (Emma's maternal aunt)

Note: The photo on the left of Emma was taken on Easter Sunday, 2009, at the family ranch in Brenham, Tx. As you can see, Emma is among the beautiful Texas Bluebonnets.

The photo on the right was taken of Emma at Christmas, 2008.

It was Emma's last Christmas and last Easter!

Thank-you for these beautiful photos of Emma. Bless her precious soul. :( :(
You do not have to be a resident of TX or the United States to send a letter to the Texas Board of Pardons & Paroles and oppose parole for Abigail Young.

Thank you, in advance, for being a voice for Emma Thompson and writing a letter opposing parole for her so-called mother, Abigail Young!

Your letter is important and it counts!

Letters can me mailed, e-mailed or FAX and MUST include Abigail Young's pertinent TDCJ info:

Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice

Victim Services Division
8712 Shoal Creek Blvd., Ste. 265
Austin, TX 78757-6899

Email: victim.svc@tdcj.state.tx.us

Fax: (512) 452-0825

Reference: Young, Abigail
State ID: 08428403
TDCJ ID: 01668233
Placed on Parole Review: 4/30/13

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