That would make a lot of sense...
If this was an act of opportunity... With relatively little planning ahead of time..
I could see the perp panicking after the act...not knowing what to do next..
I watched it, twice. I see no odd behavior or feel anything strange about him anymore than allana's father or the man representing her father.
looking for red trucks in a neighborhood via google maps is absolutely futile.
if I look at my house on google maps right vehicle cannot be seen, its in a garage, but you can see the vehicle of a family member in the driveway who doesn't live anywhere near me. also the neighbors next door who lived there during the google drive by no longer live there, so the vehicles in that driveway which are seen currently, are no longer there.
on google maps for my neighborhood, the images are almost two years old. what you are seeing on google maps is not necessarily current.....same goes for objects located in backyards or front yards.
According to locals in the thread, lots of kids in the area are STILL playing outside even after her death. Apparently this is/was considered an extremely safe area.
wait...really..I didn't see read that on this thread! perhaps I missed it.
Someone may have already mentioned this, so apologies if it is redundant.
I think I remember reading or discussing somewhere (my best guess is either in a criminal psych textbook or else on here in relation to Mickey Shunick?) that when a predator has a powerful, active inner fantasy world or life, he will plan out the crime to imitate that fantasy which he has, in his mind, rehearsed many times in excruciating and vivid detail, often including how he identifies/selects, pursues, and acquires his prey. But the fantasy often ends when the act is over. That means, unless it is a person who includes staging, cat-and-mouse games, etc., considerably less planning goes into the "clean-up."
I apologize if I have offended anyone by referring to prey and clean-up. I'm also sorry I can't come up with a source for this general memory I tried to paraphrase for yas...if it is from a criminal psych or profiling textbook, I don't own those, I only borrowed them and read them "for fun" while I was doing a project on a different campus. :/
In the last day or two, we've picked up a couple of folks who say they're within a few miles of the scene. I'm sorry I can't remember names, but one of them was definitely expressing frustration at all the unsupervised little kids who were still out.
Darling responses! :heart:Texas Kidz and trucks mini-poll results:
Pointing to a white pickup truck I ask my four-year-old granddaughter, "What is that?" She says, "A truck." Pointing to a SUV I ask, "What is that?" She says, "A car." "It's not a truck?" I ask. "Nah!" she says, vehemently shaking her head (looking at me like, "Poor Grandmomma..she should have been born in Texas").
Pointing to a Tweety Bird Yellow pickup truck, I ask my six-year-old grandson, "What is that?" Without missing a beat he says, "A Texas Taxi!":floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
That's all the poll I need to know that Texas kids know their trucks.
Also found this downstairs. Earlier the question was asked what time , and the initial 911 call was at 7:12 pm
Thanks Peachy
BUT LE did take a bag & a box of something from that house. LE just doesn't take stuff from people's homes for no reason. Wonder why they searched that house? Tip?
I'm hoping, beyond hoping and a miracle, that this residence has an exterior video camera and it may have captured useful footage ... fingers regards to that vehicle and the earlier link of the police being there, leaving with a paper bag and the "kid" coming out and people thinking he is reports of them searching that vehicle. and it seems like they were hardly at that house clearly the kid is not a suspect....