GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #5

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Thanks, Dandan.

You reminded me that I am so focused on Alanna falling out of a red truck, that I haven't explored that other ways her body could have fallen out of, or off a vehicle (and also that the red truck could be a red herring)

Your strap to the roof scenario is plausable.


The more I think about it, the more plausible it sounds...

Since the beginning I did think the body was dumped there intentionally, but now i don't think it was. If her body was intentionally dumped there near the curb, the perp would have to stop at the intersection, check if no one is around, lean over, open the door, then make sure the body was pushed out, all from the drivers seat. It just seems too risky having to do that at an intersection in broad daylight. A second perp sitting in the passenger seat would have made it easier I guess though.

But with the tarp and body being secured on the roof, it sounds a lot more plausible. With regards to the question about would the perp have put the body on the roof in broad daylight then who knows. But maybe they have a garage so the daylight issue wouldn't have been a problem in getting it on the roof. Also there is more chance of evidence being left if the body was in the boot or in the vehicle and it would be harder to remove any evidence from inside the boot too.

It really does make sense as to why LE took all different restraints from the family home imo. One of these restraints came loose or broke, resulting in the tarp falling off as he went around the corner. He panicked and took off leaving the body wrapped in the tarp in the road.
I guess LE is admitting they don't have any suspects. So basically there is a sadistic child killer running lose with in 15 minutes of where I live. I am scared for every child in this area.

At least the community of Saginaw is pulling together and letting the perp know, they will never give up, bless them all for their effort.

My heart aches for this sweet little girl, she was precious!

Thanks for the Link. FLtwinmom

from link,
FBI agents have collected hair samples from several neighbors who live in the area where Gallagher’s body was found.


I take that sentence to mean that hair was found and they want to eliminate the people that touched any of it. jmo
The red pickup truck with a green splash on the rear passengers side may be a different vehicle, the girls just said it was rusty and nothing about a paint splash. Unless I missed something.

The girls were in a yard, so they only saw one side of the vehicle, whichever direction he was driving. So if it's the same truck there is 50 / 50 odds ( to my best calculations) that they would NOT see any green on it. BUT this guy luring off the street doesn't sound like a guy who's slick enough to evade LE like the perp in Alanna's case. I keep going back and forth . Is the guy a total idiot moron or is he a genius?
I wonder....Has there been another case where a child's body was found in the street? Or one where the child drowned, or died in a hot car, or ate something toxic and it was covered up to look like a murder? There are thousands of child murders that have happened over the years, the majority of which we have never heard of. Maybe it has happened before, and the case just faded away into obscurity. It would be interesting to find a case with one of those scenarios, and see who the perp was, and what exactly took place.

I know you probably already know this, but usually the closest one that comes to mind for me is JR. She was dumped (partly) on the side of a street, but it was some miles from her neighborhood and more of a rural highway than a 'street'. Killer did, however, leave her backpack on a sidewalk smack dab in the middle of homes...with her clothes in it. So we do have a 'taunting the neighbors' element there. He could have put it in a dumpster, thrown it in a river, whatever, but he very specifically left it on a sidewalk before her body was found.

(I guess it could be argued that Austin Sigg really did want the attention, and wanted to be caught, and actually seemed perturbed that LE hadn't caught him sooner--he ended up turning himself in.)

(Sorry for those who have seen me mention this case multiple times--we seem to be gaining a lot of new posters recently.)
Sorry if this was posted all ready

Home video shows Saginaw girl before murder
SAGINAW — With charm and poise, Alanna Gallagher did what little girls do with their friends: She sang and told stories.
Some of those moments were captured on cell phone video. Alanna's friend shared those images with News 8.

eta: Vigil Held In Memory Of Alanna Gallagher
And regarding the accident vs. non-accident discussion that continued overnight:

I guess I don't really 'believe' it was an accident staged to look like murder, because I'm a fan of simple answers based on the available evidence. My mind went back to accident because the ME apparently said strangulation was not the cause of death. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that usually the COD in sexual assault of children? It's not the kind of statistic I really want to google.
Red truck is confirmed as related to the crime, according to that article, the dark mini van implicated.

Is it possible that this was a tandem crime, and if so, was it another female luring situation?

Finding everything difficult to evaluate right now.

Please call or send in anything to crimestoppers you may think will help LE. They have their hands full.
I had a thought this morning--let's think of reasons a perp would *need* the body found right away. Not want, as in gratification or narcissism or anything, but need. Are there any practical reasons this perp would need Alanna found straight away?
I had a thought this morning--let's think of reasons a perp would *need* the body found right away. Not want, as in gratification or narcissism or anything, but need. Are there any practical reasons this perp would need Alanna found straight away?

The only thing that immediately came to mind when I read your post was in order to make sure all of LE's attention was distracted while he did something else. But that starts sounding more like 'movie' than reality to me.
Red truck is confirmed as related to the crime, according to that article, the dark mini van implicated.

Is it possible that this was a tandem crime, and if so, was it another female luring situation?

Finding everything difficult to evaluate right now.

Please call or send in anything to crimestoppers you may think will help LE. They have their hands full.

You have made the most accurate post of this thread !
I had a thought this morning--let's think of reasons a perp would *need* the body found right away. Not want, as in gratification or narcissism or anything, but need. Are there any practical reasons this perp would need Alanna found straight away?

Because the act itself is not what he wants, but the aftermath..watching the tv, news, alerts, interviews, etc?
Red truck is confirmed as related to the crime, according to that article, the dark mini van implicated.

Is it possible that this was a tandem crime, and if so, was it another female luring situation?

Finding everything difficult to evaluate right now.

Please call or send in anything to crimestoppers you may think will help LE. They have their hands full.

Sorry, could you link us to which article you mean? I can't seem to reverse-engineer which one you're talking about.

JR again: at the time, lots of websleuthers did make potential links between Austin Sigg and other similar attacks in the vicinity, and at least one of them panned out and he was later charged with it (the jogger).
Here is a part that makes no sense to me,,,, tying her hands and feet ( im so sorry Alanna to speak of you this way )
It seems that is a captive thing and / or gratification thing. I get this ok, but it seems she was not captive very long. I understand captivity can be minutes into months, but it seems for as short a time as she was actually WITH the perp that neither scenario fit. If the perp had a big gratification scenario he was trying to play out, it seems he did not have enough time....... Also the idea that she was tied to make her easier to carry around seems like a good one on the surface but shes' just not a very big girl. How hard is it to carry a child that size ? Could the perp be weak, feeble, sickly, disabled, injured? Most healthy adults can easily carry a 5 yr old without binding them up to make it easier.Could he have been transporting her to the area he intended to do his more ( grrrrr ) work ? He wanted to kill her, tie her up , get her to point B and then finish his ...... If there is no evidence of SA,that does not mean he didn't intend to. I know we don't have the answers yet. I'm just thinking out loud.
I had a thought this morning--let's think of reasons a perp would *need* the body found right away. Not want, as in gratification or narcissism or anything, but need. Are there any practical reasons this perp would need Alanna found straight away?

Maybe so a house-by-house search wasn't required. Because there is something in his house (maybe not even directly related to Alanna) that he doesn't want found... That scenario would make him very local.
Still no word of her clothing or personal items? They are MIA ?
This is so sad.
Investigators say they have no suspects and are desperately looking for new leads

I am getting more and more convinced it was someone on the street or the next street where she would visit. She was obviously very very clear on stranger danger (as per her telling the lady who went to help her down the tree she couldn't and had to leave) so i don't think it was a stranger to her unless it was a snatch and grab. Some creep who looks normal and safe took her into his home and murdered her.

They need to do what has been done in some exceptional cases. Take dna samples from everyone in the area. That is how they have caught some murderers before, its rarely done but this case cries out for it.

I've been researching Geographic Profiling for over ten years and the more I learn about it the more important I think it is to understanding the line of thinking during and after a crime.

As it relates to this particular crime, I have found THIS: within a mile of abduction site&f=false

that is an excellent read, I have seen it before...I find geographical profiling enthralling...can be an excellent tool in investigations of various sorts.
They don't have a complete license plate for this truck. And I wonder if the rest of it is even accurate.
Or they would have found this truck already.

LE can do what is called an "offline database search". You submit as much as the information that you have and it takes a while to come back. It takes hours, not days for a return though.
I wonder if there was an ice cream truck that frequents that neighborhood. I bet so. The close together streets with lots of kids are where ice cream trucks make their money. Am I the only one who always thinks an ice cream truck is driven by a creep ?
Regarding the "captivity" posts...have we considered that perhaps she wasn't deceased when the perp left her in the street? Perhaps she was being taken somewhere, was bound and gagged, perhaps unconscious, wrapped in the tarp to hide her until he could escape with her and then something happened? Maybe he had the bag over her head (still not sure how teens who found her could tell it was a girl by her hair if the head was covered with a bag...maybe bag was just "on" her head instead of over it?). Perhaps she was bound so he could escape with her and then something happened where she was left in the street (either accidentally or intentionally)? Given the heat and lack of oxygen under the tarp, she could have passed away there.

Would the ME be able to tell if it was a heat and lack of oxygen death immediately or would that take until the end of July to get those results? Would that be a conclusive type answer?
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