GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #7

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Alanna Gallagher

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TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw -- Timeline and Media Links *NO DISCUSSION*
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I'm not 100% sure when but it was before about 4 pm, when Alanna's mother came home from driving me to my home. MM (am I allowed to use the parents' names or should I just stick with initials?) typically works from home and was home with the children and gave Alanna permission to go out and play with a specific neighbor, who was not at home. By 6 PM, Alanna's mother and older sister began looking for her. HTH.
As the names are in the tags (below), initials will work fine.
I'm not 100% sure when but it was before about 4 pm, when Alanna's mother came home from driving me to my home. MM (am I allowed to use the parents' names or should I just stick with initials?) typically works from home and was home with the children and gave Alanna permission to go out and play with a specific neighbor, who was not at home. By 6 PM, Alanna's mother and older sister began looking for her. HTH.

So has anyone come forward saying they saw her after the time MM saw her leave? And Hummingbird does MM remember the exact time that was or just an estimate?
The parents are not in custody. This is just another nasty rumor.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to introduce myself. Hi, I'm a friend of the Gallagher family. I was at their home the morning of the day that Alanna died. I had been waiting on my verified insider tag to show up before I posted, but I just had to confirm that no arrests have been made, least of all the parents. I was talking to the mother not ten minutes ago and I don't think that would be possible if she were in police custody.

:welcome: LDhummingbird!

I'm so very sorry that you found WS under these horrific circumstances but I appreciate your willingness to join us and share what you can. As you can see Alanna has captured the hearts of many. May justice for Alanna be swift and lethal...I think that is the cry of everyone who has been touched by Alanna. My prayers and sincerest condolences to her parents, siblings, and all who love her.
I'm not 100% sure when but it was before about 4 pm, when Alanna's mother came home from driving me to my home. MM (am I allowed to use the parents' names or should I just stick with initials?) typically works from home and was home with the children and gave Alanna permission to go out and play with a specific neighbor, who was not at home. By 6 PM, Alanna's mother and older sister began looking for her. HTH.


Welcome, Hummingbird.

Did Alanna return and let someone know that specific neighbor was not home, and then head out to play again, or was that learned (neighbor not home) after she went missing?

Also, is 6 PM time for dinner and preparation for bedtime that Mom and Sis began searching for Alanna?
So has anyone come forward saying they saw her after the time MM saw her leave? And Hummingbird remember the exact time that was or just an estimate?

The 4 pm time is an estimate, but a fairly close one. I got home at 2:30 and I live a little over an hour away from Saginaw, so LG should've arrived shortly before or at 4 pm. 6 pm time of beginning to look for her is as per LG, and I don't know how exact it is but as much as she's talked to LE she's probably pretty certain of her timeline.

I've only seen reports of one neighbor saying he saw Alanna out playing and don't remember off the top of my head if there was a time attached to that.
The 4 pm time is an estimate, but a fairly close one. I got home at 2:30 and I live a little over an hour away from Saginaw, so LG should've arrived shortly before or at 4 pm. 6 pm time of beginning to look for her is as per LG, and I don't know how exact it is but as much as she's talked to LE she's probably pretty certain of her timeline.

I've only seen reports of one neighbor saying he saw Alanna out playing and don't remember off the top of my head if there was a time attached to that.

She never made it out of the neighborhood.
<modsnip> Maybe she played at another neighbors house first? Or Hummingbird was I right about her being gone before LG made it home? It just seems like we're missing a big chunk of time from when she left to when she made it to that specific froend's house and you would think someone else the media spoke with would say, oh She was playing with my kids or I saw her at ____ during such and such time. Idk the lack of info makes me crazy.

Welcome, Hummingbird.

Did Alanna return and let someone know that specific neighbor was not home, and then head out to play again, or was that learned (neighbor not home) after she went missing?

Also, is 6 PM time for dinner and preparation for bedtime that Mom and Sis began searching for Alanna?

Alanna did not return home to let her papa know that her neighbor wasn't home. This fact wasn't learned until later that evening, I believe while they were looking around the neighborhood for her.

I honestly don't know for sure if 6 pm was dinnertime, but I don't think so. When I have been over there in the past, dinner was served a little later than that. I think her presence was just missed. Again, this is just based on when I've been there in the past, but she was usually in and out of the home regularly and frequently in the company of a sibling when she went outside to play, or at least she and her siblings would leave the house together. I don't know why she was alone on this particular day.
<modsnip>Maybe she played at another neighbors house first? Or Hummingbird was I right about her being gone before LG made it home? It just seems like we're missing a big chunk of time from when she left to when she made it to that specific froend's house and you would think someone else the media spoke with would say, oh She was playing with my kids or I saw her at ____ during such and such time. Idk the lack of info makes me crazy.

Alanna definitely left before 4 pm/whenever LG arrived home. I don't know if she came back to her own house at all before she was killed. Wasn't it said somewhere that she was in and out of the house? That's typical for her, so I may just be conjecturing and misremembering.
I'm not 100% sure when but it was before about 4 pm, when Alanna's mother came home from driving me to my home. MM (am I allowed to use the parents' names or should I just stick with initials?) typically works from home and was home with the children and gave Alanna permission to go out and play with a specific neighbor, who was not at home. By 6 PM, Alanna's mother and older sister began looking for her. HTH.

Can you give us a general area (street name) where the friend lived that Alanna went to play with?
Can you give us a general area (street name) where the friend lived that Alanna went to play with?

I believe it was on her street. Alanna had friends on her street and she never went very far from home to my knowledge.
I apologize for asking you so many questions right after each other, it's just the lack of any info for so long and we finally get someone who knows the family on here, it's just awesome that you're here. If you speak about websleuths with the family, please let them know there is a great group here that wants justice for their sweet baby and so very sorry for their loss.

It's okay, I'm just trying to keep up with the speed of questions. :) It does my heart good to see that complete strangers want justice for Alanna just as much as we do.
LDHummingbird, I am sure that I speak for many. I met Karl once or twice at a block party and shared membership on an online group (North Texas Browncoats). I'm good friends with a family who knew them well and attended their commitment ceremony with MM. I have a 4year old girl.
Their tragedy has just broken my heart. I can't fathom the pain they must be in. I wish desperately that I could do Something, Anything to help. I have OCD, I see patterns and I'm good at analyzing data. I joined Websleuths because I thought if I could see more of the details around the case, maybe I could find a helpful connection. So far I'm no better off than anyone else there. But every day I wake up thinking of her and go to bed crying for her parents. My heart hurts for them. Thank you for being a friend and helping in the ways that you can.
Can I ask if there is anyone in particular that family and/or LE suspect? A simple yes or no is fine - if a family friend has found this forum it wouldn't surprise me that a perp would lurk. Wouldn't want you to say too much, or appear to be accusing anyone.


No, not to my knowledge, at least not that the family suspects. If LE has a suspect they have not informed the family of such. Personally, for what little it's worth, I think it was a local that Alanna knew. She was very smart and knew about stranger danger, but she was also a very, very friendly child and I can see her having easily been lured by someone known to her.
Any other guests or friends visiting with the family: either that day or in the days immediately preceding Alanna's murder?
Do you know if she went to YS's house that day? She is identified in this video.

I don't know. And this may be biased, but I kind of distrust that woman because of her portrayal of Alanna as a sad little girl. This may well have been this lady's perception, but I wouldn't have characterized her behavior as sad at all. She was a joyful child whenever I interacted with her. Moreover, I'm a nanny and have some training in warning signs of abusive situations, and would've felt bound to act if I felt something was amiss in her home. FWIW, Alanna also sobbed that day when I told her I had to go home -- her sobbing at Yolanda could just have been the dramatic behavior of a child.

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now. :blushing: I will try not to let my opinions bleed into my answers quite so much.
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