TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

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Jennifer, was that website the local LE in Bronte or State of Texas website? Just curious! I don't think local LE is going to give anything up, but I certainly hope they do!

Thanks for the effort!
Jennifer, was that website the local LE in Bronte or State of Texas website? Just curious! I don't think local LE is going to give anything up, but I certainly hope they do!

Thanks for the effort!

I requested from the State of Texas and sent another request on the national website. Hopefully I can rattle someone into sending it to me since it should be public information.
I have already done it. The sherriff sent me the same thing that's already out

Do you suspect that you're hearing an edited version? Is there any way to compare the length of the call that we do have with the length of time shown for the call on the billing statement used by Ladessa to find the call to begin with? It wouldn't surprise me if the call we're hearing is the actual unedited recording, personally. I'm pretty sure they could get in quite a bit of trouble with the Attny. General if they didn't release the actual recording for an FOIA request.
I too have always felt the 911 call was unedited but others smarter than me thought differently. Some said they could tell where it was spliced. I think I understand almost everything he is saying. What puzzles me is the very end when he doesn't respond. JMO
I just made a request for the unedited 911 recording. From the website it appears that they take the requests in the order that they are received so not sure exactly how long it will be before someone contacts me. I'll keep my fingers crossed until then.
Where did you request something like that?

ETA: sorry, more messages loaded and I see you answered that. Thanks!
Do you suspect that you're hearing an edited version? Is there any way to compare the length of the call that we do have with the length of time shown for the call on the billing statement used by Ladessa to find the call to begin with? It wouldn't surprise me if the call we're hearing is the actual unedited recording, personally. I'm pretty sure they could get in quite a bit of trouble with the Attny. General if they didn't release the actual recording for an FOIA request.
I think it's possible that is has been edited but I have no proof.
Wow I have listened to it about 50 times already and I have no clue what he says at the beginning. I hear the word "cows" in the one part. I'm going to have to listen to it several more times. I do hear 2 or maybe 3 gunshots after he stops talking.
Hey Jennifer - this is cool. I mean we don't hear the same thing in the beginning of the audio clip but the fact that you hear a voice at all is interesting because that isn't Brandon talking - it can't be - he would have to be whispering at a distance from the cell phone and then returning to his normal tone to say "no we're not talking to em" or something along those lines. So yeah, if you do hear someone say ANYTHING in the first part of this clip - it isn't Brandon. I isolated that voice through slowing the audio down and increasing the pitch. Hope that makes sense.
Hey Jennifer - this is cool. I mean we don't hear the same thing in the beginning of the audio clip but the fact that you hear a voice at all is interesting because that isn't Brandon talking - it can't be - he would have to be whispering at a distance from the cell phone and then returning to his normal tone to say "no we're not talking to em" or something along those lines. So yeah, if you do hear someone say ANYTHING in the first part of this clip - it isn't Brandon. I isolated that voice through slowing the audio down and increasing the pitch. Hope that makes sense.

Who do you think is speaking at the beginning of the recording? I have always just took for granted it was actually Brandon. Never crossed my mind it could have been someone else. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi, Sleuthers!

I had never heard of the Brandon Lawson case until last week, after seeing it compared to another missing persons case I've been following locally. I listened to the 911 call, and have been obsessed ever since. I've listed to all the podcasts, read the news articles, and I read Threads #1 & #2, as well as this one (#5) in their entirety.

I live in East Texas, which I know isn't the same as West Texas. But, my husband has worked in the oilfield and we have always lived in rural areas... and the 911 call was incredibly haunting to me. BL's voice sounded exactly like so many of the young guys my husband has known over the years.

Anyway, now that I've read everything, I just wanted to thrown my 2 cents in...

- His voice did not strike me as incoherent, or like he was out of his mind on drugs or even intoxicated, as have all been discussed. To me, he sounds completely rational, although he's out of breath and obviously concerned and in need of help. (Yes, I have listened to the audio of the couple on meth, to compare.) To me, BL is using some slang and maybe the call is edited, but he's making sense.

-I don't think that any country Texas guy of his age and stature would be panicked by running out of gas, or even by wild hogs, etc. I think someone (someone real, if I'm going with my previous statements) had done something that made him feel like he or someone else was in danger -- and that whatever it was happened after that initial call to KL about needing gas.

-I am not especially skeptical of any of the back story that originally came out... I know some of the details have changed over time, but I feel like the core of the story is completely within the realm of possibility.

-As for the part about him calling KL and A while/after Deputy Neal was on site, which has been discussed recently... if that timeline is correct, I wonder if maybe he wasn't already injured enough that he couldn't get back to them?

From the Google Earth photos of the area that were posted in this thread, the road is a lower elevation than some of the surrounding "fields"... which means BL could have been able to see KL from a distance, even though KL couldn't see him. They knew he was "bleeding," but I'm sure they couldn't hear him well enough to understand the urgency. He was alive then, but then I think, after they left, he probably felt like he had no other chance... and he could have easily succumbed to his injuries.

My youngest son was born the summer of 2013, and I remember vividly how ridiculously hot and dry it was that summer. All of Texas was in a drought, and it was so hot, even late at night, that you felt like you couldn't breathe. If he had been running and panicking for that long, in those conditions, I imagine it wouldn't take long for him to be in very bad shape, even if his injuries were initially not life-threatening.

Just my thoughts on all of it... I am so sad that it's been this long and there are still no answers. Even if all of the rumors about drugs and fighting and illegal/shady activity are true, he still deserved help that he never got, and his family deserves some closure. :(
Very thoughtful post Jlquick30. Welcome to the thread. I think what you are saying is very likely. I personally think someone was chasing him (like was mentioned in the article a few pages back) and I think they caught up to him when he ran out of gas. Otherwise he would not have panicked and ran. I think they harmed him "in the field" and took him with them when they left. I don't think Brandon succumbed to the elements. He was too healthy and too close to houses and town to not be found or heard if he hollered. It's great to have so many new sleuthers on the thread. Welcome again!

Unfortunately, local LE did not take his 911 call seriously and I think they did not serve his family any justice. And I am VERY pro LE. I just think small town mentality came into play and after the Texas Rangers were on the scene it was too late to find many real clues!!
Hey guys, just want to say I joined Websleuths specifically for this case and I have quite a bit of questions that nobody I've seen so far, has asked or has an answer for, and a few other things that I think should be brought up. Maybe someone on here can help verify or inform me/us on some of these things. Here it goes.

So, I was made aware of this case earlier this week and I've been obsessed with it, trying to find out as much information as I can, and there are some things that I need to ask to see how detailed this investigation has gone and if there's further information out there that we might not know about that would be very helpful.

The truck location. I'm getting conflicts on the exact location of the truck through various places. I know that a cross has been placed on the side of the road by the family, exactly where the truck parked. Can anyone verify where this cross is so we know the exact location of where the truck ran out of gas? Google Map Street view of this area is from March 2013, before this even happened, so you won't find anything there about it. That would be helpful.

The cell phone pings. Was there any triangulation that happened from these pings to find out where Brandon's position was during that night? Is there any info out there about this, and the pings, that would be very helpful to track his movements up until his phone turned off at 1:19pm.

There are homes in the area. Was anyone interviewed by the police? Did anyone happen to hear or see anything that night?

Besides Brandon's infamous 911 call, there was at least 1 other 911 call in regards to this by a passing trucker. Is this 911 call still available and can it be requested? I would love to hear what the trucker said in this call. Would love to hear all 911 calls during this time period.

Brandon's had phone calls made to him and from him all the way up until 1:19pm. Voicemails were LEFT on his phone. Can these voicemails still be accessed? Would love to hear the messages so we can get an even more solid timeline of events that night.

Brandon described another car being there, along with other people. Someone knows something. Did the police officer that showed up to the truck, see anything odd on his way there, perhaps from another vehicle that may have pulled away from Brandon's location before he got there?

Just some questions that we should have answers for and maybe there are people out there reading this, that can help fill in some of this info. Thanks.
Who do you think is speaking at the beginning of the recording? I have always just took for granted it was actually Brandon. Never crossed my mind it could have been someone else. I would love to hear your thoughts.
I'm not sure. I just think that Brandon was with at least one friend/associate that night. FYI there is someone that popped up on reddit yesterday claiming to have been with Brandon that night. I think its a hoax being played out by another reddit user who joined in early Feb but I can't prove it yet. Interesting though.
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