Found Deceased TX - Carey Parker, 23, Quinlan, 17 Mar 1991 *found in 2021*

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Carey Parker has been missing since March 17, 1991. At that time, she had 3 very young children. She was not officially listed as a 'missing person' until November 2012. Her family is seeking answers and hoping someone has information about their missing loved one.
The Facebook page has more details and photos.'M10/23/20123:31:30PM'&Person=Missing Person
No insult to her family in any way...but I wonder if she was scared and ran off to start a new life? She has similar characteristics (height, hair color, from Texas) as Longview Jane Doe.
It's close deca, but Carey has blue eyes and Longview Jane Doe has hazel.

Carey was last seen on St. Patricks Day- 17th of March 1991. This was a Sunday. Was she scheduled to work at Flanders-Precisionaire in Terrell that night and failed to show up? How long had she worked there?

Where was she the last day she was seen? Who was she with and what was she doing? Does anything stand out about this?

How did she know the friends she was living with in Quinlan? How long had she known them and how long was she there before she disappeared?

Where did she live before she moved to Quinlan? With whom?

How long had she been missing when the car registration and her ID/drivers license were mailed to her family? Who sent them?

I wish we had more details.

Prayers for her family.
I am Carey's sister and have started a Facebook page for her. This link was posted to Facebook under her flyer. First off, i would like to say thank you so much for starting this thread. I will do my best to answer anything I can, but unfortunately, most of what I know has been hearsay. The facebook page is The "official" missing person's report was actually filed in May of 2010 after we learned one was never done.

I am copying and pasting what I know and have posted on the Facebook page.

Unfortunately, Carey’s disappearance is a bit more complicated than most because most of the information we have is secondhand hearsay. I am Carey’s sister and had just came back from Houston in January 1991, pregnant with my son. My father gave me a place to stay since I had nowhere to go after returning from Houston. Carey disappeared in March 1991. I hadn’t been back long so I had no idea who any of her friends were, and I only recall two times I ever actually physically went anywhere with her between January and March. I know she worked the night shift at Flanders Precisionaire in Terrell. She had broken up with her live in boyfriend of several years, William Cody Songer, shortly before her disappearance. I do not recall the timeframe, but it was not long before she disappeared. She had three children, but none belonged to Cody. My father was taking care of two of the children while she sorted out her recent breakup and got things together. The other child was living with her biological father until his death 8 months after my sister disappeared. I heard Carey was staying with friends in Quinlan and their last name was Cotton. My father was a volunteer firefighter with Rolling Oaks and Waco Bay fire departments so he knew a few people. One of those people he considered a good friend was a Constable, and is now deceased. My father says he confided with the Constable that Carey was missing. The Constable promised my father he would make sure a missing persons report was filed on Carey. Meanwhile, I went to the Terrell Police dept. and filed a report. I thought it was a missing persons report, but after never hearing anything and inquiring a couple years ago we discovered the report I thought was a missing person in Terrell was only a welfare check, where they went to her job and asked questions, but didn’t find anything. My father says he ended up receiving a phone call to “back off the search for Carey or he and her kids would end up just like her.” I still don’t know who the caller was, but I know my father was scared enough that he ended up purchasing additional burial plots for each of her kids. I didn’t know this additional detail until recently, but I knew he had purchased the plots for them. Several years ago (2010) I made some calls and discovered there was never a missing report made on Carey. As soon as we learned this news we filed the report to Hunt County Sheriff’s office where it has not really gone anywhere. The family has continued to stay on top of it over the last few months because otherwise it appears nothing gets accomplished. As of today, December 7, 2012, to my knowledge William Cody Songer has never been questioned. He never inquired where she went or what happened to her. I continue to push and research every avenue I can possibly think of to find answers to where she is. Our family has come to the realization that after 21 and ¾ years of no contact and the death of our mother as well as the father of one of the children, no discovery of her 1980 Buick Skylark, her last paycheck being mailed to my father’s house, as well as her car registration and DL, she is not alive. Folks don’t just up and leave their kids, money and important documents with no trace of them or their vehicle. With the original missing person’s report never being filed and my father being threatened, this is the reason nobody has heard of her case before. This has been very difficult for not only all family members, but especially me as I work tirelessly day after day to give Carey a voice which was never previously heard. I push each and every day and each day I find a new discovery of databases and things she should be entered in, but had no idea about it. There is no book on this and I have been learning as I go through tears and heartbreak. There have been DNA samples given from immediate relatives. She was entered into NamUS on November 27th, but it has not been approved to date. Hopefully, it will be put through next week. Everything has to be pushed; it does not happen on its own. At least that has been my experience. My family misses me dreadfully and would like to know where I am. Won't you help me go home, please? Call Hunt County Sheriff's dept @ (903) 453-6800 or message through Facebook. If you prefer you may remain anonymous.
Welcome to Websleuths. Being a family member with "inside info", you will need to contact Tricia and get verified. It is no big deal.All family members are required to follow this procedure. I am the one that directed you to this link on Facebook. I'm sure that you will find a lot of really great minds on this forum willing to help. You stated that William Songer was living in Ok but I found an address for him in Quinlan you might want to check out.
What is the contact info for Tricia. Sorry, I am like a newborn baby with the forum. :(
You can get verified by sending an email to


The case.
Your Websleuths name - which is also your real name :)
A number to contact you and a good time to call.

I'm glad you're here Trish.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Welcome Patricia

I'm sorry that you had to come here and join us under these circumstances.
Date last seen March 17, 1991 00:00
Date entered 11/27/2012
Age last seen 23 to years old
Age now 45 years old
Race White
Sex Female
Height (inches) 69.0 to 70.0
Weight (pounds) 115.0 to 125.0
Chipped tailbone broken pelvis from previous vehicle accident


DNA samples have been submitted.
Thank you Deca. I just have to keep up the fight for her... it has been very difficult especially since there has never been a search or anyone questioned, even after the official report was filed in 2010... nothing. Very emotionally draining.
NamUs - National Missing Persons Data System - Carey Parker - MP # 18209

Patricia thank you for joining us here. I sure hope you and yours get some answers in finding your sister. If you need any help there are many many capable people that can assist you just ask!
Patricia if there is anything I can do, please feel free to call on me. I am sorry it has been so long with no answers. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
Could Carey have had an accident and driven off the road into a body of water? (This is my first thought when someone goes missing with their car.) I looked Quinlan up in Google Maps, and there's not much water around--but there are a few ponds here and there. (I know that Carey's sister is here, so my apologies in advance if this offends at all.)
Could Carey have had an accident and driven off the road into a body of water? (This is my first thought when someone goes missing with their car.) I looked Quinlan up in Google Maps, and there's not much water around--but there are a few ponds here and there. (I know that Carey's sister is here, so my apologies in advance if this offends at all.)

Yes, I think that has to be considered. Baseball player Milt Pappas' wife went missing with her car in 1982 and it was thought at the time that she had been murdered. Five years later, she was found in her car in a pond near her home. She had simply taken a wrong turn and accidentally driven into the pond.

The problem here however (if I am understanding correctly) is who sent her belongings to the family? There is a possibility that the threatening phone call was a prank but the sending of these items can't as easily be explained away.
I apologize I have not kept up with the comments. And please know that I do not get offended at suggestions of what may have happened to Carey. I welcome additional thoughts, because as her sister, knowing what I have heard from others on what happened to her, I find myself getting tunnel vision at times. I have been very overwhelmed with trying to follow up with the Hunt County Sheriff's Dept., on when they plan on talking to people I have submitted. In addition, my younger sister and I submitted our DNA in November and as of Jan. 28 they had not arrived to the lab. It took Hunt County until Feb. 14 to discover the DNA has been sitting in the "evidence room" all this time. I am still waiting to see if it was ever submitted. Hunt County has been very unprofessional in this whole ordeal and I am left to wonder if it has anything to do with a couple people on that list. Two were involved with Hunt County law enforcement at the time. They have now waited around and one of them passed away this week. Also, several people have said (one person even drew a map) that Carey is buried on property that use to belong to her ex boyfriend's kinfolks. At the time it was a septic company. I also discovered a portion of the property was sold to a lady who worked for the Hunt County Sheriff's dept at the time shortly after carey disappeared in 1991 and it was the Hunt County Sheriff's impound yard. That person still owns the property, and was alerted by someone that Carey may be buried there. The property has now been dug up in one very large area. You can see it at 909 W. Main st. Quinlan, Texas on

I also want to clarify that Carey's belongings were never returned to the family. To this day I have no idea what happened to them. I have tried to friend some of her "friends" on Facebook, but they have declined my requests and even have reported the requests in which I am now on my third blocking from friending and messaging outside my friends.

Also, there is a very big lake in the area. It is Lake Tawakoni.
Hi Patricia:

How long had she been missing when the car registration and her ID/drivers license were mailed to her family? Who sent them?

So is this reference untrue? That was what I meant by belongings.

I can understand her employer possibly mailing the family her last pay check but that's about all I'd expect.

Twenty-two years have now passed, unfortunately.

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