TX TX - Cheryl Henry, 22, & Andy Atkinson, 21, Houston, 21 Aug 1990

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
it seems to me like it could be personal as well, i mean he still had money on him so that rules out a robbery, and there probably was more then one person to tie them both up...
mocity said:
I had a question and thought I might try this site. My step-sister and her boyfriend were murdered back in 1990. Today, August 23rd 2005, is the 15th anniversary of her death. We had a press conference today with the Houston Police Department and Crimestoppers. The case remains unsolved however there is a good DNA sample and someone sent a handwritten letter to HPD but that person has never come forward. The story is below.

My question is with regards to national media coverage. We want to try to get this story out to the news media on a national level. There has been alot of coverage locally but none nationally. Do you know where we can start? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

first let me say I'm terribly sad reading about what happened to your sister, Her final moments weren't happy ones. I know after my daughter's best friend was raped and killed by a pedophile, I have become a little calous, and don't want to hurt you by what I'm about to share.

The note wasn't written by the killer, there were multiple people with that night and they look like a young group of punks.

I get chills from this image, these punks didn't stop with just your sister. There have been other rapes committed by the same group, I'm surprised that the DNA hasn't shown up yet, I guess the one that hurt your sister hasn't been caught yet.

I get the fealing he is a proffessional now, no longer a punk, and is burying all memories of what he did that night.

The one who wrote this note is jealous of his success and is holding it over him as extorsion for money.

That paper is still being read by him, so the killer is still in the area...

wish I could see a face to give you a better description...
Thank you so much Rocky. I appreciate your thoughts.

I personally think it was a group she was hanging around that summer. They were a scary group to me and she thought I was a snob for thinking that. They just gave me the chills. They ruled out this group based on DNA testing and alibi's. However, all that means to me is that the ones they tested didn't rape her but they could have killed her.

Anyway, hopefully one day there will be justice for Cheryl and Andy and help put our families at some sort of peace.
mocity said:
Personally, I think it was a personal attack against Cheryl. She was hanging out with a bad crowd (in my opinion anyway) that summer and one of them had a crush on her but she wouldn't go out with him. He left the country the night she was killed. However, they have been questioned repeatedly and all submitted DNA samples which didn't match. They have alibi's as well. The police don't think it was this group. I am sure they know more than they are telling us and probably know more than me!

I was just reading through this thread from the start and saw this post.

a man that was rejected by her left the country the night she was killed? Does anyone know where he is living now?
Apparently the police have kept tabs on him the entire time and he is living back here in Houston now. He had family out of the country. I am not sure about polygraphs but they all submitted DNA. I know all these guys were into drugs at the time and one of the suspects was a drug dealer. Bad group. However, most involved do not believe it was this group.

The latest DNA testing is showing whoever raped her is a white male (as indicated in the article above) and the group I am referring to were Spanish guys. However, they had white friends that could have been there with them and that is who raped her. I am just speculating of course.
mocity said:
Apparently the police have kept tabs on him the entire time and he is living back here in Houston now. He had family out of the country. I am not sure about polygraphs but they all submitted DNA. I know all these guys were into drugs at the time and one of the suspects was a drug dealer. Bad group. However, most involved do not believe it was this group.

The latest DNA testing is showing whoever raped her is a white male (as indicated in the article above) and the group I am referring to were Spanish guys. However, they had white friends that could have been there with them and that is who raped her. I am just speculating of course.

I would love to see a printout of his interview with police officers, did he mention anyone he thought might have done it? Usually if someone has a crush on a person, they keep a pretty close eye on what goes on around them...
My family has remained very close with the lead investigator on this crime. He has been promoted pretty high up now and has always been wonderful to my family.

How would I get a copy of this conversation with this person? I personally suspect he was there and knows what happened at least.
mocity said:
My family has remained very close with the lead investigator on this crime. He has been promoted pretty high up now and has always been wonderful to my family.

How would I get a copy of this conversation with this person? I personally suspect he was there and knows what happened at least.

They have portable polygraphs now that could be brought right to him, I would see if the police would drop by with one, if he has nothing to hide, he shouldn't mind taking a poly...

If he says no, at least get a new DNA swab to make sure when he was outside the country, it was really his DNA that was sent in...
mocity said:
bumping for Cheryl
:( I feel so sorry for you and your family .I cant imagine your torment not knowing who did this terrible thing.I cant believe the number of *advertiser censored**holes who try to profit from these horrible crimes like the one who wrote the note.I hope they rot in HELL. I hope they can ID them one day through DNA .

It scares the hell out of me that people can do these horrible crimes and get away with it. They are freely walking around in the world with all of us. So scary..........

Thanks again for your kind words
It would seem logical that they would test the letter for dna and fingerprints, the origin of the paper and have handwriting experts go over it to see if they are left handed, male or female, etc. Any idea why Le thinks it was more than one perp specifically? Duncan and BTK, Zodiac all come to mind as killers that used a gun to subdue more than one victim so I'm wondering if that's what they are basing it on. I think it's possible they were both tied up and Andy was killed first your sister ran which accounts for the distance in their found locations. He spent more time with her obviously and I think rape was the motivation so imo this is a sex offender already in full swing not his first violent crime.

The ropes seem like a very good lead to pursue their origin, I have seen a few cases where they did this with the fibers from ropes and there was one in particular, I wish I could remember which one it was but the fibers from the ropes were rare and easily tracked and matched to rope found at the suspects home. Maybe someone else here remembers which one that was. In the case of the BTK they knew what copy machine he used imo that was a valuable clue.

Can you tell us why you think the group your sister hung out with could be involved? Things that you may know may be based on something in your subconscious that you know but don't know why you know. I know about the one case here of the 15 year old girl that one poster was talking about that disappeared at lunchtime. Thing is with that case a lot of people did know about it and were involved, her parents never gave up and what got the ball rolling was LE pulling in men that knew about it and even provided a false alibi, lies to LE, etc. and got indictments on them till one finally cracked and told what he knew. I have no doubt that this could be possible with your sister because a search on the web for cases of teen murders is very common and are often very brutal like this crime. I can see how an ex or shunned male of your sister's could fit this crime and he could have had help just because noone has talked doesn't mean there wasn't more than one person involved. For instance two victims maybe two killers and they would both be equally prosecuted.

May I suggest you also contact some of the foundations, maybe do a fund raiser to get the reward higher. Money talks so a larger reward may help someone remember something. The best of luck to you and your family and I will keep watching for progress and pray for justice for both victims and their families. Also you may want to read about other cases here for ideas and contacts that may help you in your pursuit.
Stach - Thanks for your interest. Let me try to answer your questions the best I can..

~they think it was one more than one killer because of the location of Cheryl vs Andy and the brutality of the crime. They also took them from their car into the woods.
~ I know they tested the ropes for all info back when the crime was committed and again recently. They used some sort of new testing and in a different lab
~ the goup she was hanging out with just gave me the creeps. the way they looked at me, treated me, etc. In addition, they were losers..... 20 and 21 year olds living at home, not going to school, not working, etc. Also, somewhat into drugs. One of their alibis was a drug dealer!! The gorup included an ex boyfriend but he had broken up with her. His good friend wanted to date her and she wouldn't because she said they had too great of a friendship. He didn't come to the funeral...so much for a good friend, huh?

LE has looked into all of this over and over again and don't feel like it is the group that I belive had something to do with it. They had to give blood samples, alibis, etc.

Thank you for your kind words, interest and support
I was afraid that was the reason LE thought this about the distance they were found apart so therefore I'm not convinced, I'll give you an example; if it was one perp came up suddenly(making out your mind is elsewhere) with a gun told them to get out and of course they would cooperate under those circumstances probably thinking they were going to be robbed. He then leads them to the area of the tree(?) where Andy was found because his car is parked there with the rope and knife. That's when and where they are tied up and your sister could've made a run for it with her hands tied after she saw him kill Andy. I just know there are other cases where LE believed it was more than one person responsible like in the Groene case for one but there are many more and with serial's their first victims were believed to have been committed by someone who was an experienced killer and that wasn't the case. They don't make the connection often times because the method changes.

I think they are missing something maybe because of the dna and I did see on the news about the lab that was shut down. You also have confirmed there is good reason imo to go back and look at those friends and the ex and want to be boyfriend. That dna will do no good to solve this case if the person is dead or the dna was planted which isn't unheard of it has happened. At the time of the crime they didn't have the technology for dna like now but they could still test to get a blood and semen analysis and that could be a reason to plant dna by the perp. especially if the person was known to your sister and knew LE would question them and ask for a sperm sample.
Mocity, look up the Ali Kemp case on here. In a lot of ways this case reminds me of her. Anyway, the prosecutors there did a great job with the grand jury (but they had suspects). You might pick up some info on that case that you can use.
Has their been any other cases in the area where girls or women have come up missing or where couples were murdered and never solved?
I may have missed this or maybe it's obvious, but did they ever check to see if the sperm matched the DNA of Andy? What if she had sex with him, and the DNA from the sperm have nothing to do with the murders?

your sister and her boyfriend were gorgeous. A very sad loss.

You may want to consider getting this thread moved to cold cases. There are people on there very willing to help research.
thanks all!! Yes, they did do a sperm sample on Andy and it came up negative.

Also, the LE has run scenarios of multiple people versus one and they said it is possible that it was one but most likely was more. Cheryl was a fighter and would have fought till the end if she could... she was a strong girl. They said there weren't signs that she fought and she didn't have shoes on and there wasn't anything on her feet... like she was carried so I don't think she could have run. However, when you mentioned that it sure seemed like something she would do. I know if she could have fought or tried to get away she would have.

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