GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #5

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If we want to get a handle on where the jury might land on deciding on how much time to give him (no less than 5 and no more than 99), and probation or not, we should keep in mind that the decision will be made by 12 people who are all completely convinced of his guilt. Not a single one of them thinks he didn't do this.

So I wonder if we took a poll in this forum ONLY of those who would have voted for GUILTY, like these 12 jurors did who will be deciding the length, how it would go.
Probation - Yes or No
Years - 5-10, 10-30, 30-60, more than 60 (includes "life" and any number beyond 59)

Me? Of course I would give him 99 years, with no probation. In deliberations, I would mention that he's done nothing to help her family get her back. He's shown no remorse. And most of all, his kidnapping is still ongoing, as Christina is still missing. So I see justice in insuring he's off the streets as long as Christina is still missing and not back to living her life with her family and friends. To me, that's only fair. And unfortunately, imo the evidence is that he made her disappear permanently, so he needs a sentence long enough to insure he will be incarcerated until that day. (If she ever returns, his sentence can always be shortened. But it can't be lengthened later.)

Anyone else who saw him as GUILTY want to weigh in?
I fear people will forget she is still missing. She needs to be brought home.
I never once doubted his guilt- his lies and the Dna sealed it. Everything else was just gravy.

I would without a doubt vote for the max. She is still missing. He is still lying. I think the jury will get it right.

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Well, my prediction that they would come back today with a guilty verdict came true ... so I'm going to put out into the universe that he get the MAX!

Not that I think he will necessarily get that, but what the heck.

I am so happy for Christina's family right now, but I know the victory is so, so bittersweet without their little girl.

I think Christina, like Hannah Graham, has helped save the next girl.

Now, my ultimate wish is for Christina to come home to her family.

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You are so right, they did not die in vain, they helped save the next girl. The case that brought me here was Morgan Harrington and Hannah helped put that monster away.
If we want to get a handle on where the jury might land on deciding on how much time to give him (no less than 5 and no more than 99), and probation or not, we should keep in mind that the decision will be made by 12 people who are all completely convinced of his guilt. Not a single one of them thinks he didn't do this.

So I wonder if we took a poll in this forum ONLY of those who would have voted for GUILTY, like these 12 jurors did who will be deciding the length, how it would go.
Probation - Yes or No
Years - 5-10, 10-30, 30-60, more than 60 (includes "life" and any number beyond 59)

Me? Of course I would give him 99 years, with no probation. In deliberations, I would mention that he's done nothing to help her family get her back. He's shown no remorse. And most of all, his kidnapping is still ongoing, as Christina is still missing. So I see justice in insuring he's off the streets as long as Christina is still missing and not back to living her life with her family and friends. To me, that's only fair. And unfortunately, imo the evidence is that he made her disappear permanently, so he needs a sentence long enough to insure he will be incarcerated until that day. (If she ever returns, his sentence can always be shortened. But it can't be lengthened later.)

Anyone else who saw him as GUILTY want to weigh in?

The max. For all the reasons you listed. And hey thanks for all the help and info along the way. The only thing the defense didn't attempt to argue was why there were three swabs of her DNA IN HIS TRUNK. You had it right all along. :)
PS -
The state explained to the jurors that EA wasn't being put on trial here for murder because they don't have a body. And that was an honest statement, but it was a strategic and not a legal limitation, because even without a body, the state had (and continues to have) that option of a murder trial, whenever they wish.

Why do I mention that? Because this conviction gives them about 90% of what they would need to convict him for murder and have him get the DP. If they had a murder trial now, the state would not have to prove that EA abducted her and made her disappear - this guilty verdict makes that a proven fact for the jury before a murder trial ever started. So they'd only have to show evidence in some way that she must be dead (the longer she's gone, the more and more that becomes considered a fact, even with no body) and that it must have been by his doing (and now, it is a legal fact that his abduction made her disappear).

There are several days here for EA to negotiate a deal. IMO he's going to prison for a very long time anyhow, since his prison term will be decided by 12 who already are completely convinced he's guilty. Before that happens, imo he'd be wise to use that time to try to swap her location and accepting punishment of LWOP, in exchange for the state agreeing to no murder trial and death penalty possibility in the future. (But I suspect he's not smart enough to make that deal, and will stupidly leave himself in danger of Ole Sparky or its equivalent instead. We'll see.)
PS -
The state explained to the jurors that EA wasn't being put on trial here for murder because they don't have a body. And that was an honest statement, but it was a strategic and not a legal limitation, because even without a body, the state had (and continues to have) that option of a murder trial, whenever they wish.

Why do I mention that? Because this conviction gives them about 90% of what they would need to convict him for murder and have him get the DP. If they had a murder trial now, the state would not have to prove that EA abducted her and made her disappear - this guilty verdict makes that a proven fact for the jury before a murder trial ever started. So they'd only have to show evidence in some way that she must be dead (the longer she's gone, the more and more that becomes considered a fact, even with no body) and that it must have been by his doing (and now, it is a legal fact that his abduction made her disappear).

There are several days here for EA to negotiate a deal. IMO he's going to prison for a very long time anyhow, since his prison term will be decided by 12 who already are completely convinced he's guilty. Before that happens, imo he'd be wise to use that time to try to swap her location and accepting punishment of LWOP, in exchange for the state agreeing to no murder trial and death penalty possibility in the future. (But I suspect he's not smart enough to make that deal, and will stupidly leave himself in danger of Ole Sparky or its equivalent instead. We'll see.)

Steve, could the pros say something to EA like "hey, we can try you for murder now. This is the last chance you have to offer us her location in chances of a lighter sentence" ? Or do they have to actually start that process first
Given the choices, I would vote for the maximum penalty of life in prison. But if I had full latitude, I would vote for the death penalty. If he took police to Christina's body, his penalty would revert back to life in prison without parole. I have no pity for murderers, rapists, child molesters/abusers, wife beaters, or animal abusers for that matter. Zero pity.
Iv just woken up in the UK and the 1st thing if done is check here - I feel huge relief.
Well done to the prosecution and those jurors!!

I really hope EA just does the right thing for once, he's not only ruined Christina's family but his own and I do feel for his family too. There actions have spoken huge volumes to me.

Does anyone have previous knowledge of Gore in similar situations? Will he try and make a deal, or is he going to try and twist it and try for an appeal etc...

I really hope Enrique just does the right thing. Tell them what happened, where she is and accept punishment.
I almost never dated boys/men my own age. They were usually older, and according to the laws in this case, they were pedophiles. But I was 16/17/18 and dated college aged ((18/19/20) men with my parents' blessing.

Of course, our "dates" were watching TV with my parents or going waterskiing out on our boat.....yet we still managed to fool around. Sorry, but hello? They were all really decent guys and it makes me sad that in this climate, one of them could have faced prison time for dating a girl 3 years younger.


If it goes to trial I think you'll find what he did to her " ridiculous " kind of surprised at sympathy from women towards these vicious murders . guess that's how they get victims so easily . Like Ted bundy .
Wow. I woke up to this news this morning here in Europe. I'm so happy for Christina's family. I know they still doesn't have Christina back and can't say goodbye to her and are not able to give her a proper burial, but this is a step into the right direction. EA will hopefully pay a high price for what he did to Christina.

As to SteveS's question: I don't think I would give him maximum sentence as I can't be sure about what really went on, but I won't give him probation either. He does need to be punished with a sentence long enough that he won't be able to do this to anybody else's daughter again. What would scare me as a Juror is the ease he lied about everything. He showed no remorse what so ever, so my conscience wouldn't let me give him probation. What if he thinks he can get away with it without serious punishment again? He must feel this is not a joke, this is serious business.

I'm eagerly waiting what the prosecution still has to say in the sentencing phase. That would help to make up my mind about it.

If it would be possible I too would trade a tiny bit lighter sentence to get Christina back, although I realize this is out of the question as that would result in a murder charge for him, so no way he would do that.
If we want to get a handle on where the jury might land on deciding on how much time to give him (no less than 5 and no more than 99), and probation or not, we should keep in mind that the decision will be made by 12 people who are all completely convinced of his guilt. Not a single one of them thinks he didn't do this.

So I wonder if we took a poll in this forum ONLY of those who would have voted for GUILTY, like these 12 jurors did who will be deciding the length, how it would go.
Probation - Yes or No
Years - 5-10, 10-30, 30-60, more than 60 (includes "life" and any number beyond 59)

Me? Of course I would give him 99 years, with no probation. In deliberations, I would mention that he's done nothing to help her family get her back. He's shown no remorse. And most of all, his kidnapping is still ongoing, as Christina is still missing. So I see justice in insuring he's off the streets as long as Christina is still missing and not back to living her life with her family and friends. To me, that's only fair. And unfortunately, imo the evidence is that he made her disappear permanently, so he needs a sentence long enough to insure he will be incarcerated until that day. (If she ever returns, his sentence can always be shortened. But it can't be lengthened later.)

Anyone else who saw him as GUILTY want to weigh in?

Absolutely no probation, I'd go for life! I fear it may be a 10-30 year sentence but hope as it was unanimous that they'll go for it keeping in mind that although this is just for the kidnapping charge that this man murdered her and her body is still out there somewhere.
Just woke up the best news i've heard all year, get in now all i need to hear is that they've given him the full 99 years.
Been here since day 1 with a lot of you its been a long time coming now they just need to find Christina.
Max! Make sure he can never hurt another family's daughter. He's still tormenting this family by withholding her location and still lying!
I feel like he will get the maximum. No one believes he did not kill her, Imo, though the verdict for murder might have been different based on current evidence. I think the state did this the right way after all. He will likely be locked up for basically most, if not all of his life. Jmo
Iv just woken up in the UK and the 1st thing if done is check here - I feel huge relief.
Well done to the prosecution and those jurors!!

I really hope EA just does the right thing for once, he's not only ruined Christina's family but his own and I do feel for his family too. There actions have spoken huge volumes to me.

Does anyone have previous knowledge of Gore in similar situations? Will he try and make a deal, or is he going to try and twist it and try for an appeal etc...

I really hope Enrique just does the right thing. Tell them what happened, where she is and accept punishment.

Wow. I woke up to this news this morning here in Europe. I'm so happy for Christina's family. I know they still doesn't have Christina back and can't say goodbye to her and are not able to give her a proper burial, but this is a step into the right direction. EA will hopefully pay a high price for what he did to Christina.

As to SteveS's question: I don't think I would give him maximum sentence as I can't be sure about what really went on, but I won't give him probation either. He does need to be punished with a sentence long enough that he won't be able to do this to anybody else's daughter again. What would scare me as a Juror is the ease he lied about everything. He showed no remorse what so ever, so my conscience wouldn't let me give him probation. What if he thinks he can get away with it without serious punishment again? He must feel this is not a joke, this is serious business.

I'm eagerly waiting what the prosecution still has to say in the sentencing phase. That would help to make up my mind about it.

If it would be possible I too would trade a tiny bit lighter sentence to get Christina back, although I realize this is out of the question as that would result in a murder charge for him, so no way he would do that.

Just woke up the best news i've heard all year, get in now all i need to hear is that they've given him the full 99 years.
Been here since day 1 with a lot of you its been a long time coming now they just need to find Christina.

Another one from across the pond who woke up and reached straight for my phone to check for a verdict.

The Texans who said their juries were harsh were right, I was doubtful that the DNA case had been made strongly enough for the jury but hoped that the undeniable lying would convince them.

If it's at all possible I'm hoping that at the moment Gore is convincing EA to give up the location for some kind of concession on future charges or sentencing.

When I follow a case it's always from human interest and wanting to see justice done, the finer legal arguements and technicalities aren't as important to me as they are to others but I'm glad today that we've all had the right result however the jury reached their decision.

Are the jurors allowed to discuss publically what went on on the jury room?
Another one from across the pond who woke up and reached straight for my phone to check for a verdict.

The Texans who said their juries were harsh were right, I was doubtful that the DNA case had been made strongly enough for the jury but hoped that the undeniable lying would convince them.

If it's at all possible I'm hoping that at the moment Gore is convincing EA to give up the location for some kind of concession on future charges or sentencing.

When I follow a case it's always from human interest and wanting to see justice done, the finer legal arguements and technicalities aren't as important to me as they are to others but I'm glad today that we've all had the right result however the jury reached their decision.

Are the jurors allowed to discuss publically what went on on the jury room?

After sentencing.
The question about what sentence I would give? I have zero desire to be on that jury and feel the heavy feeling of deciding someone's future. Its not because I think he is innocent, I just wouldn't want to be in that position on sentencing OR the verdict.
The question about what sentence I would give? I have zero desire to be on that jury and feel the heavy feeling of deciding someone's future. Its not because I think he is innocent, I just wouldn't want to be in that position on sentencing OR the verdict.

Juries deciding sentences is a very odd concept to me and IMO just plain wrong.

Judges should be doing this, they know the law, they know the precedents and aren't as likley to be swayed by emotion or which side they prefer in the sentencing hearing.

I agree with you it's too much responsibility for men and women in the street
I hope he gets the max. Based on the jury deliberating for so long, I think it will be less. Maybe the 30-60 range. I have never sat on a jury. I have been called 4 times but something always happened that I didn't have to do it (like the case was settled out of court). I would imagine when they got settled in deliberations they would have said what is everyone thinking, lets start with a vote. There must have been some undecided or non-guilty jurors for the discussion to last as long as it did. (or maybe I have watched too many crime dramas, lol)
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