GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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IDK, ask Bae. She asked if we thought his supporters sat through the hearings and decided they no longer wanted to fund his defense. :confused:

Well that's partially correct. Here is the whole question.

Do you think his supporters (Accion, parents, public supporters) sat thru the hearing last week and are now no longer willing to finance his defense?
Or is this just procedures since he was always considered indigent?

It was a question and so far I've gotten questions as answers lol
Well that's partially correct. Here is the whole question.

Do you think his supporters (Accion, parents, public supporters) sat thru the hearing last week and are now no longer willing to finance his defense?
Or is this just procedures since he was always considered indigent?

It was a question and so far I've gotten questions as answers lol

IDK the answer. Does anyone or was it rhetorical? I don't think anyone knows who is supporting him or what kind of financial backing he has. IF he's requesting a court appointed team, then obviously he or his supporters can't afford it. No? JMO

ETA, I would ASSume as the charges get deeper, his "supporters" may not be able to finance his defense, hence the request for help. MOOOOOOOOOOO
Here is an interesting article I came across discussing sociopaths. I do believe EA fits into the category based on the big fat whoppers he told from day 1.

I just read the first 10 points in the article until I got to the part about Charles Manson and that was enough for me to believe this may be why we will never understand why EA did what he did to Christina and never know the truth. All JMO
Here is an interesting article I came across discussing sociopaths. I do believe EA fits into the category based on the big fat whoppers he told from day 1.

I just read the first 10 points in the article until I got to the part about Charles Manson and that was enough for me to believe this may be why we will never understand why EA did what he did to Christina and never know the truth. All JMO

It's interesting that, when you watch the TV interview EA did, at first take he's kinda convincing. But if you go back and watch more closely, there are incredibly glaring tell-tale signs that he's lying, like a neon sign saying "I'm lying" if you know what to look for.

The indicator that jumped out the most to me was the eyes. Hard to see online with a small image, but life size, when he's asked and answering questions about CM, they can't sit still. They flit rapidly back and forth. Also, the way he sits rigidly, especially with his head barely moving, it's unnatural and indicates a conscious attempt to mask the fidgeting that flows from evasiveness and lying by working to sit extra still and rigid. (My guess is that the eyes flitting is the release of the fidgeting that he was working hard to control everywhere else by being super still.)

The fact that he was so rigidly still, and bizarrely so, hints to me that "lying in a way where it won't be noticed" was something he had become very practiced at doing. Maybe what's going through his mind is, "Don't fidget, and give yourself away. Be very very still and they'll believe whatever you say."

Here's more info on the subject, to compare when the videos are released

That makes me wonder. In those early interviews, could he have truly hidden his lies from an experienced detective, who would know what to look for, right there with him up close and face-to-face as he lied? When we get to see the videos, I wonder if we'll look at them and realize that right at the outset, he actually "told" LE that he was the guy, without knowing he was doing so.
IDK the answer. Does anyone or was it rhetorical? I don't think anyone knows who is supporting him or what kind of financial backing he has. IF he's requesting a court appointed team, then obviously he or his supporters can't afford it. No? JMO

ETA, I would ASSume as the charges get deeper, his "supporters" may not be able to finance his defense, hence the request for help. MOOOOOOOOOOO


If he has exhausted his liquid assets ($$) in paying the initial retainer and meets State & Court eligibility then he would be in the line for court appointment.

Family & Friends financial status has no consideration.
Do you think his supporters sat thru the hearing last week and are now no longer willing to finance his defense? Or is this just procedures since he was always considered indigent?

Also another question. When you can not afford your legal defense, aren't you provided one by the court? He was able to hire this guy or whatever their agreement was and now he's claiming he cannot afford a defense.

You shouldn't be able to go out and "hire" a great team to represent you then at the last hour decide you need the state to fund the bill for the defense that you hired.

1 AFAIK, we don't have any info as to what degree he had been paying for his own defense, or if someone else had been paying - be it the state, friends, family, or others. (To me, it's not important.)

2 You asked "When you can not afford your legal defense, aren't you provided one by the court?" ...What was recorded here is simply part of the basic procedure, Collin County Texas style, for being provided one by the court.

3 You said "You shouldn't be able to go out and "hire" a great team to represent you then at the last hour decide you need the state to fund the bill for the defense that you hired." ...The money certainly doesn't work that way in general, nor do I see reason to think that it occurred that way here.
- Attorneys/investigators will not work unless they have some guarantee they are going to get paid.
- So the payment method tends to be worked out up front.
- I don't have access to the actual order itself, but I assume (in layman's terms) it's a permission to hire ____ (either a name, or a job description) who will do _____ and whose fee of ____ will be paid by the state.
- I doubt EA can even begin to pay for a legal defense. He's a modestly paid guy with a spotty work record who loves to party. Probably up to his eyeballs in debt.

4 I wouldn't complain about EA's ability to get an excellent attorney and legal help. I'd hate to think that I, my family, or others could be imprisoned falsely because we lacked the resources to fight unjust charges brought by a sloppy or dishonest LE group. If it's fair for me to be able to get excellent representation when facing extremely serious charges, it's fair for EA too, just on general principles.

We shouldn't forget that EA will be facing excellent advocates (and huge resources) for the state. The case should be determined by the weight of the evidence, not the lack of ability of his attorneys.

(Frankly, I hope he gets someone smart enough to tell him, "Dude, you can claim you didn't do it, but you're screwed by the DNA they found. You can ask us to fight this thing all the way, but the smarter choice would be to work a deal and to tell where you put her, before they find her. Else, to be honest, you're almost certainly gonna fry.")
1 AFAIK, we don't have any info as to what degree he had been paying for his own defense, or if someone else had been paying - be it the state, friends, family, or others. (To me, it's not important.)

2 You asked "When you can not afford your legal defense, aren't you provided one by the court?" ...What was recorded here is simply part of the basic procedure, Collin County Texas style, for being provided one by the court.

3 You said "You shouldn't be able to go out and "hire" a great team to represent you then at the last hour decide you need the state to fund the bill for the defense that you hired." ...The money certainly doesn't work that way in general, nor do I see reason to think that it occurred that way here.
- Attorneys/investigators will not work unless they have some guarantee they are going to get paid.
- So the payment method tends to be worked out up front.
- I don't have access to the actual order itself, but I assume (in layman's terms) it's a permission to hire ____ (either a name, or a job description) who will do _____ and whose fee of ____ will be paid by the state.
- I doubt EA can even begin to pay for a legal defense. He's a modestly paid guy with a spotty work record who loves to party. Probably up to his eyeballs in debt.

4 I wouldn't complain about EA's ability to get an excellent attorney and legal help. I'd hate to think that I, my family, or others could be imprisoned falsely because we lacked the resources to fight unjust charges brought by a sloppy or dishonest LE group. If it's fair for me to be able to get excellent representation when facing extremely serious charges, it's fair for EA too, just on general principles.

We shouldn't forget that EA will be facing excellent advocates (and huge resources) for the state. The case should be determined by the weight of the evidence, not the lack of ability of his attorneys.

(Frankly, I hope he gets someone smart enough to tell him, "Dude, you can claim you didn't do it, but you're screwed by the DNA they found. You can ask us to fight this thing all the way, but the smarter choice would be to work a deal and to tell where you put her, before they find her. Else, to be honest, you're almost certainly gonna fry.")
BBM- Correct, within reason, he should be provided competent legal representation that provides him defense against charges brought against him by the state. It's what the country stands for, good representation isn't only for the wealthy.
What location are you talking about on the toll road? The Cowboys facility? I'm trying to visualize what you're referring too.

Also, there are a few hotels being developed right in that area. If EA did hide CM at a construction site, he had PLENTY of choices just within a 2-3 mile radius of the Granite PKWY location.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, not the Cowboys facility. Going South on DNT there is an area of woods/construction between Gaylord and 121, just north of the David McDavid Honda. I don't think this is a place he would have taken her, but seeing that on my drive back made me wonder what else he saw that night while making that Whataburger trip =(
very true. I work across from the Cowboys future training facility and there has been so much development in this area in the last year... BOOMING.

I just looked b/c I wasn't positive... but they broke ground on the Cowboys' location August 22. They didn't actually do anything for another month or two. That being said, they have been moving a lot of dirt around since then and I'm sure would have found her if she was anywhere on that property.
What location are you talking about on the toll road? The Cowboys facility? I'm trying to visualize what you're referring too.

Also, there are a few hotels being developed right in that area. If EA did hide CM at a construction site, he had PLENTY of choices just within a 2-3 mile radius of the Granite PKWY location.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's interesting that, when you watch the TV interview EA did, at first take he's kinda convincing. But if you go back and watch more closely, there are incredibly glaring tell-tale signs that he's lying, like a neon sign saying "I'm lying" if you know what to look for.

The indicator that jumped out the most to me was the eyes. Hard to see online with a small image, but life size, when he's asked and answering questions about CM, they can't sit still. They flit rapidly back and forth. Also, the way he sits rigidly, especially with his head barely moving, it's unnatural and indicates a conscious attempt to mask the fidgeting that flows from evasiveness and lying by working to sit extra still and rigid. (My guess is that the eyes flitting is the release of the fidgeting that he was working hard to control everywhere else by being super still.)

The fact that he was so rigidly still, and bizarrely so, hints to me that "lying in a way where it won't be noticed" was something he had become very practiced at doing. Maybe what's going through his mind is, "Don't fidget, and give yourself away. Be very very still and they'll believe whatever you say."

Here's more info on the subject, to compare when the videos are released

That makes me wonder. In those early interviews, could he have truly hidden his lies from an experienced detective, who would know what to look for, right there with him up close and face-to-face as he lied? When we get to see the videos, I wonder if we'll look at them and realize that right at the outset, he actually "told" LE that he was the guy, without knowing he was doing so.

I'm sure seasoned detectives would see right through him. I'm far from seasoned, but my first reaction when the interview was first released was that EA was wooden and over-coached. I never saw him as relaxed and innocent. And, those darting eyes!
Great description, SS.
O/T - Did you all see the surveillance video of the girl in Arlington that was forced into her own trunk while at an ATM?
From the time the guy approaches her to getting her in the trunk was only 1 minute. Yes, he had a gun, but given Christina's fear of abduction, I could see the possibility that by hitting her, trying to strangle her, pulling a knife on her, or knocking her down, he could overpower her and intimidate her to the point where it wouldn't take him a long time to get her in the trunk. JMO
O/T - Did you all see the surveillance video of the girl in Arlington that was forced into her own trunk while at an ATM?
From the time the guy approaches her to getting her in the trunk was only 1 minute. Yes, he had a gun, but given Christina's fear of abduction, I could see the possibility that by hitting her, trying to strangle her, pulling a knife on her, or knocking her down, he could overpower her and intimidate her to the point where it wouldn't take him a long time to get her in the trunk. JMO

IMO (and others I'm sure) Christina fought back based on his injuries. This is what makes me think she got in the car (NOT THE TRUNK) willingly. If she was fighting him in the garage, it just seems it would create a ruckus and too risky for him. IMO something happened during the time he was headed toward his home and turned back to the Shops. MOO

If he has exhausted his liquid assets ($$) in paying the initial retainer and meets State & Court eligibility then he would be in the line for court appointment.

Family & Friends financial status has no consideration.

Most ppl don't have the money for dream teams!
Remember Casey Anthony? she was Indigent... but along came Jose Bayez!
There are many criminal lawyers that will take on these cases for the publicity and If they don't EA will get a lawyer no matter what.
We have a long way to go...this is just the beginning!
This would explain why ... the others in the apartment seem less than forthcoming.

Is there anything to indicate that anyone except EA was "less than forthcoming" about what happened that night? If there is, I'd love to know what it is, because I haven't heard such a thing.

We know EA told lie after lie to try to lead them astray, and when he was caught in one lie he'd replace it with another.

Also, from what I understand, EA was the only one from that night who refused to help in the search, apparently. The others were involved, while he steered clear of the family and of all efforts to find CM.

But didn't the others tell the truth, and try to help the investigation rather than mislead it?
to me this is a possibility not necessarily my number #1 theory but a reasonable scenario. Although I would think HF would have realized that Christina was going to come up missing sooner or later and he would have to say something eventually.

Not until someone questioned where she was.
And that's exactly what he did!
IMO (and others I'm sure) Christina fought back based on his injuries. This is what makes me think she got in the car (NOT THE TRUNK) willingly. If she was fighting him in the garage, it just seems it would create a ruckus and too risky for him. IMO something happened during the time he was headed toward his home and turned back to the Shops. MOO
I honestly think he had a weapon and he used it as soon as they got inside the garage near the back of his car. Not much fighting or ruckus. The injuries could have come from dumping her body.
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