GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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1 What is our evidence that she was actively trying to get him to stop?
2 And, we have witnesses already testifying that she used the night she disappeared, and
3 possibly was the author of the text asking for "good rock."
4 So, if she's a user,
5 why is trying to get a seller, and probably her main source, to stop?

1 Source family and/or close friends
2 Source: Arochi
3 Source: Arochi
4 Assumption
5 Conclusions based on Source: Arochi

My point is, let's admit we have conflicting pictures being painted, and all of it can't be true. I tend to disbelieve everything EA says, because he lied about everything having to do with that night and the aftermath. But ...
Yeah, I guess we see things differently.
I know, all too well, LE's strengths and weaknesses when it comes to cartels/mafia/organized crime.
I would take my sentence and keep my mouth shut. Especially...if I were involved and was to blame for my family's life being in jeopardy. IMO
For some reason I dont think EA cares about anyone but himself really. He stated on camera in his uncut interview about his mothers health being bad because of everything that is going on. He caused it. Continued to lie about everything. Went to church and sat next to his parents when he knew he had involvement in what happened to Christina. JMO
I'm speculating that if CM and HF had a fight prior to CM going out for the night she wasn't distributing HF's product for him. She asked PP for an Adderall so I don't think she had any drugs on her person. I really don't think she wanted any part of that business. At least two of their personal friends had died from the S*** - I think she wanted him to quit distributing. Why would EA have to divert during her walk to the car? That was all on tape. It's what happened inside the garage we can't see.

This has nothing to do with the point of your post lol, just something I have been wondering about and your post made me remember to ask!

Was it ever stated by anyone besides EA that CM asked PP for an adderall? I know he said it in an interview with police, but I was just wondering if we found out that the friends' verified this part of his story. It just seems like a weird detail for him to add in, especially if she already had her own script.
For some reason I dont think EA cares about anyone but himself really. He stated on camera in his uncut interview about his mothers health being bad because of everything that is going on. He caused it. Continued to lie about everything. Went to church and sat next to his parents when he knew he had involvement in what happened to Christina. JMO

Yep, he also doesn't mind spending their hard earned money on attorney fees... (unless the state is footing the bill.. which in that case, we are probably paying)...
For some reason I dont think EA cares about anyone but himself really. He stated on camera in his uncut interview about his mothers health being bad because of everything that is going on. He caused it. Continued to lie about everything. Went to church and sat next to his parents when he knew he had involvement in what happened to Christina. JMO

Yes. Totally baffling what a vile human being he is.
With all the hooplah about him being creepy, selfish, a perv, and pure one in CM's circle that night, blocked the door and said there is no way in hell they are letting CM walk with this dude.
I'm speculating that if CM and HF had a fight prior to CM going out for the night she wasn't distributing HF's product for him. She asked PP for an Adderall so I don't think she had any drugs on her person. I really don't think she wanted any part of that business. At least two of their personal friends had died from the S*** - I think she wanted him to quit distributing. Why would EA have to divert during her walk to the car? That was all on tape. It's what happened inside the garage we can't see.

Let me try to expand on my speculative theory for EA's motive. First of all, I'm not talking about Adderall, I'm talking about non-prescription hard-core drugs. And no, it isn't all on tape. There is a very short video of EA and CM walking into the garage. Maybe EA asks her for some rock, she says she doesn't have any and that he should call HF, and so it goes until they get to their cars. Then EA attempts to rob her of cash/drugs, and it goes downhill from there.

Is it a reach? Yes. Does it fit with what LE thinks? No. I don't really think this is how it went down, but I'm just trying to think of other angles besides sexual assault as a motive, as many on here can't wrap their brains around the concept of sexual assault being what triggered EA.

All IMO.
Could it be to deflect away from the BF? Surely if CM shared everything with her family as was stated in the article, they would know of any side businesses, which I think AM did admit.

I still say no one has been cleared, the two who might know the most are in jail and not going anywhere, and for the rest of the partygoers and the ones that CM spoke to by phone that night - maybe they're still shaking in their boots. I pray to God they are still shaking in their boots.

I would think there might be others who are shaking in their boots as well....such as anyone who helped with a cover-up, if there is such a person/persons.
1 Source family and/or close friends
2 Source: Arochi
3 Source: Arochi
4 Assumption
5 Conclusions based on Source: Arochi

My point is, let's admit we have conflicting pictures being painted, and all of it can't be true. I tend to disbelieve everything EA says, because he lied about everything having to do with that night and the aftermath. But ...

Are these family sources the same who said HF was at home asleep the night she disappeared? Also, what about the PI who has said all involved were into the drug scene? The PI's name isn't EA, is it?

You don't have any confirmation that CM was trying to get HF to stop selling drugs. It's as much an opinion/guess as anything else.

In my opinion, neither set of parents really had a grasp on what their 20-something kids were doing in their spare time as far as drugs were concerned. CM's family may have hoped she felt a certain way about HF, but her actions can be taken in a different manner altogether.

As parents, our kids don't always do what we hope for them to do - even while they are hurting themselves physically and emotionally.
Yes. Totally baffling what a vile human being he is.
With all the hooplah about him being creepy, selfish, a perv, and pure one in CM's circle that night, blocked the door and said there is no way in hell they are letting CM walk with this dude.

Because they didn't seem him the way we do. He was a friend/high school acquaintance. I seriously doubt anyone there pegged him to harm Christina.
No one has been convicted of being a drug dealer --- yet. However, I think I can say this and still be within TOS: Someone who is successful in that sort of business would have been over everything a housemate owned to make certain that there was nothing to threaten the business and incriminate them (concerning drugs, not murder!) with a fine toothed-comb. Anything on that camera that would have shown any connections that could have hurt said dealer -- on a camera, say -- would have been gone! Ditto, computer! Dumb drug dealer is a ridiculous idea. Dumb drug dealers get caught really quick and they put everyone they are connected with (concerning drugs) at risk. Callousness is part of the business.

He's been caught w drugs multiple times. He's not bright
Yes. Totally baffling what a vile human being he is.
With all the hooplah about him being creepy, selfish, a perv, and pure one in CM's circle that night, blocked the door and said there is no way in hell they are letting CM walk with this dude.

Many on here (including myself) perceive EA as creepy, selfish, lazy etc.. I wonder what he really was all about. Who knows, maybe he was fun to hang out with. Could have had a good sense of humor.. We don't really have any idea what he was like. It still seems odd (to me) that he was at the party.. That group could probably get party favors from a number of people (including one we are all aware of) & didn't need that "person" to hang out with them.. Was EA the guy that people felt sorry for and just sorta let him hang around? (I've known people like that).. For all we know, maybe he was an outdoors type of person and even liked sports...? Just thinking out loud here....
i agree with this or at least if they wanted to talk to me more than once or it became obvious they suspected me. I don't blame anyone for getting a lawyer or suspect them because of it (i reserve my suspicion for people with missing persons dns in their trunk :) ).

Beyond the basic criminal issue you could have civil issues and then if they LE or "others" start putting your name out there it can negatively effect everything from your employment to your personal safety. I would want representation to help me protect myself as much as possible with in the bounds of the law.

I got myself into a situation many many years ago, and had to hire a top notch, much more than I could afford attorney to go to the police station and answer questions. My reason for not wanting to reveal more than I had to was I was trying to protect my reputation, and I didn't want to admit to some things that wouldn't have helped the case but could have gotten me into trouble. Long story short, the only reason I hired an attorney was because I DID SOMETHING WRONG!!! Innocent people do not need attorneys IMHO. Nothing wrong with having one, but the only time I ever needed one with me at the police station was because I wanted to answer questions selectively while not getting into trouble.
Because they didn't seem him the way we do. He was a friend/high school acquaintance. I seriously doubt anyone there pegged him to harm Christina.

Eh...several people have made comments here and on SM saying they remember him being creepy, strange, selfish. No links. Too far to dig. JMO
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