TX - Crystal Seratte McDowell, 38, Baytown, 25 Aug 2017 #4

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Jmo seems like the sheriff personally has an issue with woman with small children, divorcing, dating etc...and is seeing everything from the husband's point of view.
Either way, we don't know what went on in their home. They seemed very much entwined, to an unhealthy point. Lots of people sleep with their exes when they DONT live together. Clearly there were some serious boundary issues in this relationship, so I can't rule out that they still slept in the same room together. If he is as controlling as it sounds and he didn't want his family to know they were divorced, maybe they didn't even tell the kids yet, and at his insistence, shared a room to maintain the status quo and not make the kids think something was wrong. We don't know. We speculate here, and I have no reason to think she didn't share a room with him.

This is true. We don't know. Sadly, Crystal isn't here to tell us either. :(
Jmo seems like the sheriff personally has an issue with woman with small children, divorcing, dating etc...and is seeing everything from the husband's point of view.

I'd love to know the sheriff's past relationship history. Is he a scorned man? Maybe a hot woman dumped him once too. I did wonder if the other day if it's a small enough town that he personally knows SM, but felt bad asking because I felt like I was implying his lack of professionalism was due to it being a small town and that isn't it at all. I couldn't word it well so I deleted lol.
Thank you Liltexans for the link.

Regarding AB segment last night, one thing stuck out to me the most:
The aunt stating that they (children) didnt want to go back to the home alone with daddy now unless there were others present at the house makes me suspect they may have seen or heard something. OR they know in some capacity, maybe family did tell them and they arent discussing so in media reports.
They never had any fear of being alone with him beforehand (based on her comments and the fact that they lived with him alone) so why now? She stated that after a day with her, when time to return home, they didnt want to go back unless there were "others at the house" especially one of them (cant remember which one its in the transcript) Just thinking out loud and praying they dont have even more to work thru. I wasnt aware SM had an older child. Prayers for him/her as well.
*ANY of my comments or posts are in full support of those two beautiful babies who were Crystal's life and MOO.:moo:

The aunt stating that they (children) didnt want to go back to the home alone with daddy now unless there were others present at the house makes me suspect they may have seen or heard something.
:cow: I agree. I don't think their minds can interpret traumatic actions between their loved ones without seeing or hearing some violence.They were afraid of their father before he went to jail and needed loved ones around them, especially for the youngest. Cindy certainly was concerned for their wellbeing and kept Steve close. My hat is off to her for forgiving him without a second thought. I feel her presence made all of the difference in the past few weeks.

This is the main reason why I don't understand the Sheriff's empathy. He patted SMc on his back like he was a good ole boy. Psychopaths are very slick and easily mimic emotions by observing normal behavior. SMc has fooled the Sheriff. The sheriff told us SMc didn't have many friends. Isolation is a classic sign of a harmful psychopath.

SMc threatened his wife, and their little children, according to the March 911 call. Now, I understand why she stayed in the home. It was to protect her babies. She went home, to get her little children, that fateful day, and so he killed her. Such a selfish deed. He prefers to hang out in jail than to allow Crystal any of the sweet happiness that we all deserve.

Before the move from the townhouse, SMc made deadly threats of safety about the family. If Crystal was leaving him, then she had to die. The Sheriff told us that SMc is just now beginning to realize what he has done. Yeah, that's because he thought he would not get caught.

"Steve has cooperated fully." That is a lie. Crystal was killed over two weeks before he led TX Rangers to her body in the woods that only weighed 1/4 of her original weight. At 25 - 30 pounds, not much was left.
I think you're all reading too much into the sheriff and his feelings. You haven't been in the interrogation room for hours and days with SM like he has. A Texas Sheriff is no softie. I have read where CM and SM took a trip with their children and other couples a couple of months ago. No one knew they were divorced. They were staying in the same room and no one on the trip saw and felt anything out of the ordinary. I don't think she knew how to cut it off all the way. They were together many many years. They had two kids together. There is so much more to this tragedy than we know or can even begin to fathom. JMO.
I think people are taking the family's lead on how to treat Steve.
I also know that for ME, him being an involved father does factor in.
Many of these cases the Mom was the primary parent and the father not real involved.
Nobody lost sleep about those kids not seeing their Dad anymore.
This one is different though. I think if the kids WANT to talk to or see him, they should be permitted to.
Some posters may have gotten the wrong impression from my mistake/misunderstanding from when I watched the show live and was live posting it here. When I was watching it live, I thought Aunt Cindy was saying they were going to let Steve tell the kids their mother had died. But Liltexans is correct that he did NOT tell them anything about their mom and Aunt Cindy had to tell them later in the park. According to what she said he just held them and cried while they asked what was going on. Here is part of the video of Aunt Cindy: https://www.facebook.com/AshleighBanfield/videos/vb.134954519756/10155650288829757/?type=3&theater

And here is the transcript for anyone who wants to read the actual words (the fb clip cuts off the telling them in the park part): http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1709/11/ptab.01.html

There was a lot of emotion in that interview and I was crying at the time I live posted it so apologies if anything I posted previously was incorrect.

Why tell them in a park? So they will forever equate parks with horrible pain...Tell them in a McDonald's so they'll never go back there.
:cow: I agree. I don't think their minds can interpret traumatic actions between their loved ones without seeing or hearing some violence.They were afraid of their father before he went to jail and needed loved ones around them, especially for the youngest. Cindy certainly was concerned for their wellbeing and kept Steve close. My hat is off to her for forgiving him without a second thought. I feel her presence made all of the difference in the past few weeks.

This is the main reason why I don't understand the Sheriff's empathy. He patted SMc on his back like he was a good ole boy. Psychopaths are very slick and easily mimic emotions by observing normal behavior. SMc has fooled the Sheriff. The sheriff told us SMc didn't have many friends. Isolation is a classic sign of a harmful psychopath.

SMc threatened his wife, and their little children, according to the March 911 call. Now, I understand why she stayed in the home. It was to protect her babies. She went home, to get her little children, that fateful day, and so he killed her. Such a selfish deed. He prefers to hang out in jail than to allow Crystal any of the sweet happiness that we all deserve.

Before the move from the townhouse, SMc made deadly threats of safety about the family. If Crystal was leaving him, then she had to die. The Sheriff told us that SMc is just now beginning to realize what he has done. Yeah, that's because he thought he would not get caught.

"Steve has cooperated fully." That is a lie. Crystal was killed over two weeks before he led TX Rangers to her body in the woods that only weighed 1/4 of her original weight. At 25 - 30 pounds, not much was left.

The Sheriff and the court should be treating him like the ex-wife murdering criminal he is.
I think you're all reading too much into the sheriff and his feelings. You haven't been in the interrogation room for hours and days with SM like he has. A Texas Sheriff is no softie. I have read where CM and SM took a trip with their children and other couples a couple of months ago. No one knew they were divorced. They were staying in the same room and no one on the trip saw and felt anything out of the ordinary. I don't think she knew how to cut it off all the way. They were together many many years. They had two kids together. There is so much more to this tragedy than we know or can even begin to fathom. JMO.

TX Rangers interrogated SMc. He confessed to two TX Rangers. A TX Ranger drove SMc to the location near her body. The Sheriff very well could have been in the same room but I rather think he was viewing from another room.
Honestly I think having a dad in prison for their whole lives is worse than having no dad at all.

I cannot disagree more strongly with this.
If they had never met him, I probably wouldn't advocate meeting him serving a life sentence.
However, Steve was an involved, attentive, supportive Dad.
They have bonded with him likely more than most kids who's Dad are less involved.

They have one living parent and if they choose to see him they should be allowed to do so.
If the family can handle it for the kids sake, they must really feel it's best for them.
The idea that just because Dad is in prison, they shouldn't see their kids is very damaging.
I think a lot more kids with incarcerated parents would cope better if they weren't prevented from contact.
Obviously when Dad has killed Mom, it's a bit more reasonable to not let the kids see him.

I'm glad in THIS case, they have chosen what is best for the kids right now.
If at some point the kids want to cease contact, I'm certain that Crystal's family will support that as well.
For now I think them still having contact with him as they request it, will be helpful.
I just wish that it hadn't all gone downhill so badly... and that Steve had let her go. So unfair.
I'd love to know the sheriff's past relationship history. Is he a scorned man? Maybe a hot woman dumped him once too. I did wonder if the other day if it's a small enough town that he personally knows SM, but felt bad asking because I felt like I was implying his lack of professionalism was due to it being a small town and that isn't it at all. I couldn't word it well so I deleted lol.

-EXACTLY!!! 'Who shot the Sheriff' ?!
Which woman along the way scorned him? He is so unprofessional and he is the one who is acting very *inappropriate* and making *several* contradictions. And the sheriff himself is not *cooperating 100%* to the public because that requires ethical standards. Who does he report to?

Ive been following the WS/Sheriff thread continuously to date. I have not been able to let go of his bizarre statements and actions. After I saw it mentioned by Jeff I communicated via FB with him.
-EXACTLY!!! 'Who shot the Sheriff' ?!
Which woman along the way scorned him? He is so unprofessional and he is the one who is acting very *inappropriate* and making *several* contradictions. And the sheriff himself is not *cooperating 100%* to the public because that requires ethical standards. Who does he report to?

Ive been following the WS/Sheriff thread continuously to date. I have not been able to let go of his bizarre statements and actions. After I saw it mentioned by Jeff I communicated via FB with him.

Maybe he likes the limelight and has let it go to his head to the point that all rationality is gone. He is just ridiculous. I didn't see what you guys were saying about his professionalism until after her body was found. I thought maybe you guys were just being picky about his words, but nope! Everything he said during the time she was missing was a sign of what was to come from him. He gets worse every day.
It seems like SM has engendered sympathy or empathy. LE seems to feel for him in ways I haven't seen with other cases.
Even some of CM's family and friends are expressing empathy for him. That just never happens with these cases. It is very strange and I'm not sure what to make of it.

What makes SM different?? Is it Texas and the underlying male dominance in the culture? Is it that SM was a good father? All three of his kids seem amazing, and he had a very large role in all of their lives. CM was gone a lot with her airline job, and SM was the primary parent often. Or is it that people only see the presentation on the outside, not knowing the hidden underside that only CM knew about?

I do hold LE responsible for their lead in how SM is being treated...

Interested in knowing what others think.

I've been following this case closely and registered for a WS account so I could weigh in on this particular topic.

The way I see it, the media, movies, current popular culture etc. lead us to thinking of wife murderers as cold, ambivalent psychopath types like Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson etc. According to various LE statements and as evidenced by his appearance in his mugshot, SM's been crying and showing remorse, at least since Saturday when the body was recovered. To me, that seems in stark contrast with a murderer who kills for control or convenience. Those killers aren't capable of feeling or showing remorse.

It's something about the emotions SM's allegedly showing that elicits whatever sympathy or coddling he's received. I also agree with whoever suggested that the sheriff relates to or sees himself in SM in some way. I think it's empathy.

Of course, this is all my own musings and opinion. I don't know enough about the background of their relationship to actually know what their lives were like together. I do know that SM's actions are inexcusable and my deepest sympathies are with the family and especially children for the loss of their mother.
I think people are taking the family's lead on how to treat Steve.
I also know that for ME, him being an involved father does factor in.
Many of these cases the Mom was the primary parent and the father not real involved.
Nobody lost sleep about those kids not seeing their Dad anymore.
This one is different though. I think if the kids WANT to talk to or see him, they should be permitted to.

It's different when they are teenagers and can make their own mind up of they wish to contact him but as young kids they should not be exposed to him. He lost his parental rights when he put his hands around their mother's throat. Though it doesn't matter what I think it should be up to the court, psychologists and the families if the kids have any contact with him. They need normality every day and to get into a routine in a healthy and loving environment.
georgiajean's Avatar
georgiajean said:
Today 10:44 AM
It seems like SM has engendered sympathy or empathy. LE seems to feel for him in ways I haven't seen with other cases.
Even some of CM's family and friends are expressing empathy for him. That just never happens with these cases. It is very strange and I'm not sure what to make of it.

-At some point I will try to include a rough reference for the Sheriffs terminology. There is nothing normal about it. For now-Via FB "he is not the boss of everything-taking full stage center-who is this small town Mr Big Stuff speaking for Steve-patting him on the back-slighting Jeff & family, etc.

None of which has been stated "In my opinion only". He has made firm claims that only a professional mental health source should. He has made claims that sound like he has been friends with Steve. He has set his own standards as the absolute universal standard.
I've been following this case closely and registered for a WS account so I could weigh in on this particular topic.

The way I see it, the media, movies, current popular culture etc. lead us to thinking of wife murderers as cold, ambivalent psychopath types like Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson etc. According to various LE statements and as evidenced by his appearance in his mugshot, SM's been crying and showing remorse, at least since Saturday when the body was recovered. To me, that seems in stark contrast with a murderer who kills for control or convenience. Those killers aren't capable of feeling or showing remorse.

It's something about the emotions SM's allegedly showing that elicits whatever sympathy or coddling he's received. I also agree with whoever suggested that the sheriff relates to or sees himself in SM in some way. I think it's empathy.

Of course, this is all my own musings and opinion. I don't know enough about the background of their relationship to actually know what their lives were like together. I do know that SM's actions are inexcusable and my deepest sympathies are with the family and especially children for the loss of their mother.

glad you chimed in! Welcome.
I think you are right, that his showing of emotions triggers something in others. I know that I have felt myself feeling empathy for him. And after all the social media I have seen, their facebooks and twitters and videos, I feel that his involvement with his children (all 3 of them) is genuine. So yeah, his ability to show emotions and remorse is different. Thanks for your thoughts!
I am not sure how I feel about the Sheriff putting his hand on Steve's back heading into court...
Did he maybe known him beforehand? Just reminds me of someone with a prior relationship.

However, I DO love how the family is handling the kids.
I think it's amazing that they were able to learn this news from their Dad.
Though I wish it could have been done in a less traumatic setting, I'm just glad he was able to tell them.
I'm glad that the family intends to allow him to continue a relationship with the kids as well.

Obviously, it's not ideal. Crystal should be here as well. It's horrific that she is not.
However, it was evident that they both had a strong bond and involvement with the kids.
So I am glad they will at least remain in contact with Steve.

I'm not sure how they will feel about him as they grow up... but at least they will have the chance to work through it, ask questions and try to forgive him for his actions.
I do hope that the great example of Crystal's friends and family will help make this less traumatic for them.
It is truly amazing how well they are handling the situation.

Could you link to the sheriff walking with SM?

My thought of not wanting him to die isn't about giving him special treatment. It's about his kids. Sorry that I don't want the kids, who just lost practically everything they hold dear, to not lose their father. Haven't they lost enough?

This is unlikely to be a death penalty case. That being said, this man is going to prison. He already decided for his ex, himself and his poor kids. He orphaned them because of rage and jealousy. Good dads don't do things like that.
TX Rangers interrogated SMc. He confessed to two TX Rangers. A TX Ranger drove SMc to the location near her body. The Sheriff very well could have been in the same room but I rather think he was viewing from another room.
But if you'll recall that wasn't until 2-3 days before she was found - the sheriff was doing all the interviewing before that.

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I think you're all reading too much into the sheriff and his feelings. You haven't been in the interrogation room for hours and days with SM like he has. A Texas Sheriff is no softie. I have read where CM and SM took a trip with their children and other couples a couple of months ago. No one knew they were divorced. They were staying in the same room and no one on the trip saw and felt anything out of the ordinary. I don't think she knew how to cut it off all the way. They were together many many years. They had two kids together. There is so much more to this tragedy than we know or can even begin to fathom. JMO.

JMHO, could be SM really broke down with what he has done. Unlike many killers they have seen. They may be trying to keep him cooperative with is a win for everyone. From what has been said they wouldn't have found her if he hadn't helped them. While the family is torn and it is very tragic situation no doubt. And their stages of grief are to come... at least they have her "home" to lay her to rest. Some don't get that.
I strongly disagree that my thought of not wanting him dead is coddling him. Again, it's not about him -- I'm thinking of the kids. I'm not saying he shouldn't be in jail for a long time. Heck I think he should be in for life (but he won't be.) I just think it would be a huge stress for the kids to know he was going to be put to death. They have been through enough.

My opinion.

It's just odd that in most other cases people call for blood even if the perp has children who will miss the murderer. In this case, SM, a man who chose to murder his ex and essentially orphan his kids, is being treated as a good dad whose kids need him. Again, good dads don't murder their kids' mom. His actions necessarily prevented him from parenting his kids. They have no parents now because of him. Not because of necessary laws meant to protect society and punish criminals.

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