TX - Crystal Seratte McDowell, 38, Baytown, 25 Aug 2017 #4

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You are not "madly in love " with someone and then kill them. That's not love. Curious as to why the Sheriff's definition of love would include that.
You are not "madly in love " with someone and then kill them. That's not love. Curious as to why the Sheriff's definition of love would include that.

yes so very true as I told my ex, he cut my health insurance off the day I filed for divorce, had it not been for my nurse friend that called him and said " you better hope she does not get sick" I would have been w/o medical insurance. That guy would have left me in my underwear on the side of the road if he could have, so much for true love and I lost 19 years of my health and youth being married to this narcissit Texas law at least protected me and our 14 year old daughter from him in that matter. And he claimed he loved me sooo much LOL
yes so very true as I told my ex, he cut my health insurance off the day I filed for divorce, had it not been for my nurse friend that called him and said " you better hope she does not get sick" I would have been w/o medical insurance. That guy would have left me in my underwear on the side of the road if he could have, so much for true love and I lost 19 years of my health and youth being married to this narcissit Texas law at least protected me and our 14 year old daughter from him in that matter. And he claimed he loved me sooo much LOL

Don't they all? Until they have what they want or they change what they want, then somehow, love turns to hatred, rage, and the next thing you know, someone is dead. You have to wonder where it all goes wrong. It's just sad that these two people loved one another at one time, and how one of them is dead, and the other murdered her.

I'd say he controlled her more than loved her. He only killed her when she no longer did what he wanted.
But if you'll recall that wasn't until 2-3 days before she was found - the sheriff was doing all the interviewing before that.

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Oh, I did not intend to imply that the Sheriff never spoke to Steve. I wrote that it was not the Sheriff who got the confession. And, the Sheriff admitted to this last weekend. That is when SMc began his roller coaster ride of emotions. He wasn't doing that before he confessed.

I've seen MSM video of him with the TRs prior to his arrest. He was not crying or showing any emotion. He was walking about in a gray Tshirt and plaid shorts. He kept his left hand casually behind his back. He was calm and showed no outward signs of nervousness.

I don't think SMc became unsettled about murdering Crystal, that is, until he learned that he was busted by the Motel 6 video. Those tears, the emotions, are for getting himself caught and having to go to jail and now he must sell his new home and his awesome Mustangs while he left Crystal's car parked in dirty, flooded water. In the Motel 6 lot, as verified by the Sheriff. I was convinced he would not imply Crystal was kidnapped, or whatever, from Motel 6 so he parked her car at the gas station. But, no. The implication was intentional on his part. When exactly did he make that decision?

Oh, and he signed over parental custody of their two beautiful young children. He strangled the breath out of his exwife and had been for ten long years. jmho, as I don't know more than others.
Oh, I did not intend to imply that the Sheriff never spoke to Steve. I wrote that it was not the Sheriff who got the confession. And, the Sheriff admitted to this last weekend. That is when SMc began his roller coaster ride of emotions. He wasn't doing that before he confessed.

I've seen MSM video of him with the TRs prior to his arrest. He was not crying or showing any emotion. He was walking about in a gray Tshirt and plaid shorts. He kept his left hand casually behind his back. He was calm and showed no outward signs of nervousness.

I don't think SMc became unsettled about murdering Crystal, that is, until he learned that he was busted by the Motel 6 video. Those tears, the emotions, are for getting himself caught and having to go to jail and now he must sell his new home and his awesome Mustangs while he left Crystal's car parked in dirty, flooded water. In the Motel 6 lot, as verified by the Sheriff. I was convinced he would not imply Crystal was kidnapped, or whatever, from Motel 6 so he parked her car at the gas station. But, no. The implication was intentional on his part. When exactly did he make that decision?

Oh, and he signed over parental custody of their two beautiful young children. He strangled the breath out of his exwife and had been for ten long years. jmho, as I don't know more than others.

-Agree, agree, agree. IMO
Don't they all? Until they have what they want or they change what they want, then somehow, love turns to hatred, rage, and the next thing you know, someone is dead. You have to wonder where it all goes wrong. It's just sad that these two people loved one another at one time, and how one of them is dead, and the other murdered her.

I'd say he controlled her more than loved her. He only killed her when she no longer did what he wanted.

-I think the early confession is 'HIS' controlling choice for 'HIS best' interest. Two weeks in the woods, wiping devices, selling the car...

If he were sick over it, I don't see those things aligning. Seriously, it wouldn't take that long for sincere regret to surface.
You are not "madly in love " with someone and then kill them. That's not love. Curious as to why the Sheriff's definition of love would include that.

-I AGREE!!! Second to how bizarre Steve is, is the Sheriff! I don't understand why he is not being challenged by AB or anyone else on his way out of line answers. BECAUSE HAS ANYONE HEARD HIM SAY 'In my opinion only'?!?!

Its awful that Crystal is gone, and it's awful that a complete stranger is writing a story for her.

-Above posted earlier. I think the LEO is so out of line...why isn't a state gatekeeper official on it?
I don't think people wish it on him, so much so much as question why it wasn't applicable. I was surprised since I often hear about how Texas executes its killers. But in this case I don't think it is appropriate whether it met the rules for it or not. I think if I felt it was premeditated I might think it should qualify but with his kids so young, I just think that would make it even worse on them.

I'm still torn on how I feel about he was the one who told them, but I guess the family has to do what they think is best at the time. There really is no guidebook for these sorts of things.
If he's told her to her face on a number of occasions that he's going to KILL her, it's premeditated. He's fantasized about killing her repeatedly if he said things like that to her when they were married. He's an evil pig. Why cut him any slack? And why would the kids benefit from a relationship with an evil, abusive, controlling person. Ugh! That's child abuse to force them to interact. People like him eventually turn on their kids, too. This stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum.

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-I think the early confession is 'HIS' controlling choice for 'HIS best' interest. Two weeks in the woods, wiping devices, selling the car...

If he were sick over it, I don't see those things aligning. Seriously, it wouldn't take that long for sincere regret to surface.

I believe his only regret was getting caught. It's not like he immediately went to the police when he did it. If he showed any emotion before he got caught, it would have been misconstrued as anguish over the mother of his children being missing. He only feels sorry for himself. And only after he got caught. I'm not buying this remorse now.
A request to fellow posters:
Please send info on any of today's events. I'm traveling with limited access to full segments and records.

Thank you all!
I'm totally flummoxed @ the murderer of his own children's mother being allowed to even see his children after he was arrested. Where is the empathy / sympathy for what Crystal endured? He killed her and dumped her body in the woods. Are all murderers given kid-glove treatment. He's supposed to feel bad, ashamed, guilty, etc. Heck with his pity party.

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I believe his only regret was getting caught. It's not like he immediately went to the police when he did it. If he showed any emotion before he got caught, it would have been misconstrued as anguish over the mother of his children being missing. He only feels sorry for himself. And only after he got caught. I'm not buying this remorse now.

-If regret were operating he would have reached out to LE, and possibly CM friends & family.
-I think the early confession is 'HIS' controlling choice for 'HIS best' interest. Two weeks in the woods, wiping devices, selling the car...

If he were sick over it, I don't see those things aligning. Seriously, it wouldn't take that long for sincere regret to surface.

I think he has sincere regret, that he didn't cover his tracks better and that he got caught.

Sincere regret would have called 911 in a short period of time after he acted.

The whole thing is so heartbreaking
It's just odd that in most other cases people call for blood even if the perp has children who will miss the murderer. In this case, SM, a man who chose to murder his ex and essentially orphan his kids, is being treated as a good dad whose kids need him. Again, good dads don't murder their kids' mom. His actions necessarily prevented him from parenting his kids. They have no parents now because of him. Not because of necessary laws meant to protect society and punish criminals.

Twice now you have mentioned him not being a "good dad" in replying to my comments, as if bc I said I don't think he deserves to die for his crime (and yes, I understand this is not a death penalty case) I am crowning his father of the year. I never said he was a good dad. I am very well aware that he murdered his kids' mom and I am also aware of the repercussions of said murder.

Ot the missing pregnant teacher found murdered...boyfriend arrested. :(
I think he has sincere regret, that he didn't cover his tracks better and that he got caught.

Sincere regret would have called 911 in a short period of time after he acted.

The whole thing is so heartbreaking

-Yes, 911 and/or in the least a Mental Health hotline. I don't see any trace of that.
I truly believe there are some people incapable of feeling true love and true empathy. These people, IMO, confuse obsession and possession with love. They don't know any better, they really believe what they feel is love. It's very dangerous for their target. JMO.
I thought that the reason the Sheriff was being so 'kindly' toward SM was so that SM would continue to be forthcoming with information.
If the Sheriff were to lambast him on national tv, then SM might clam up.
But now, it could actually be a mix of tactic, as well as actual empathy.
Even I'm *almost* starting to feel sorry for the guy. Not sorry or excusing that he killed Crystal, but just sorry for him that he was such a monumental idiot and couldn't handle his own emotions; and now his once lovely is over forever. By his own hands. (Literally as well as figuratively.)
But, imo, it seems it was mostly (or all?) his own doing in the first place, in why Crystal left him.
Looking back on all her sm pages, it seems Crystal really wanted a "whole" family unit... but as much as she wanted it, and as much as she tried, she just couldn't continue on with SM. To me, that speaks volumes about him; whether he was an "involved father" or not.
Here's the source for the text below; it was published on Counselling Directory. Some good info here.

Written by listed counsellor/psychotherapist: Evelyne Riddle MA, Registered MBACP (Snr.Accred)

I think all he thought about was his wife .....blind rage....

The problem arises when anger becomes an inappropriate response to daily life stresses and can no longer be controlled. Seldom creative and often destructive, anger is harmful to the body and can weaken the immune system, in addition to causing aggression and disrupting relationships. Rage, the ultimate manifestation of anger, typically inhibits individuals from their capacity to reason, resulting in aggressive or violent behaviours; and producing physiological symptoms such as tunnel vision, muffled hearing, faster heartbeat and hyperventilation.

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