TX TX - Emily Garcia, 15, pregnant, Canyon Lake, 12 Feb 1993

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Dec 18, 2007
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I stumbled across the website that Emily's family has prepared for her and their desperation and sadness was so palpable I wanted to start a thread here for Emily. They have been searching for answers since 1993 when Emily was found murdered.

Emily had gone to a Planned Parenthood facility to have a pregnancy test done so she could apply for medicaid. Her mother spoke to her once on the phone when Emily called her from a payphone to tell her she could not get an appointment and was going to stay with a friend. Her mother never heard from her again. She searched for her daughter for over a year when she finally found out about a Jane Doe who had been found in Canyon Lake, TX by a road crew. She had been beaten, strangled, raped and bound. Eventhough her mother had had her children fingerprinted as children so they would be on file Emily was buried as a Jane Doe in a Potter's Grave until she was later exhumed and re-buried. The unborn child was apparently cremated and it is unknown if there was any burial place for the ashes.

It is believed that Emily was abducted on February 12th, 1993 and held prisoner for 13 horrible days before her captor killed her and dumped her body which was found on February 25th, 1993 in Canyon Lake, TX.

No one has come forward, her friends don't remember Emily, LE hasn't been very helpful.

Here is the extensive website Emily's mother has created for her daughter:



Emily's Aunt's website for her neice:

Nowhere in all that info did I see a single word as to who the father of Emily's baby was. Was he aware of the pregnancy? If so, that would seem to me a huge red flag...if he was Emily's age or thereabouts, he would've been really young for parenthood and possibly freaked out, trying to "rid" his life of the situation. If he was someone older, he might've freaked out about having impregnated a 15-year-old, possibly getting charged with statutory rape, etc. in addition to the responsibilities of having a child.

And...her friends don't remember Emily? That seems bizarre. It wasn't that long ago, and certainly she might've told her girlfriends something, anything, that could help piece together her final days...
I just saw an episode of Paranormal State that was about this case and started doing some searching. What a sad story and sad that it has gotten so little attention. I did see one place where they said there was DNA so why no progress in this murder of an innocent girl and her unborn baby????
I just saw an episode of Paranormal State that was about this case and started doing some searching. What a sad story and sad that it has gotten so little attention. I did see one place where they said there was DNA so why no progress in this murder of an innocent girl and her unborn baby????

Can you provide a link to view?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Her mother Sheila Smith-Ramirez had went along with Emily and stayed with her till she boarded the bus for her appointment and then Sheila went on to her job. Emily never made it to her appointment.

Does anyone know if there was
surveillance video taking from the bus?
I know it was 1993.
But I am guessing some buses at that time
had video on board. And I wonder if the bus driver
was able to tell LE where she let her off at.
And if they remember anyone getting off with her?
Can you provide a link to view?

Sorry, I had Tivo'd the episode of Paranormal State and it was an older one. It is not available on their website. It only brushed on this case because it was about a teen girl that claimed to be psychic and claimed to have been visited by Emily Garcia. The links above that gaia227 provided have lots of info although it's kinda confusing to follow.
I ran across Emily's case online a couple years ago. I posted about it on another crime forum at the time, but would like to copy some of what I said to Emily's thread here. Like others have pointed out, the family's website is difficult to navigate, at over 100 pages, so I condensed much of the pertinent info:


Emily Jeanette Garcia of San Antonio, TX, 15 years old and 3 months pregnant with a little boy whom her family named Emilio, was abducted in 1993, held for about 2 weeks, assaulted, murdered, and her body dumped.

She had been dead only a few hours when her body was discovered. She lost 12 pounds while being confined, which led me to believe that her captor(s) neglected to feed her the entire time they had her.

Her family got very little/no help from officials, so decided to work with about 10 psychics, whose information wasn't very helpful and often contradictory and vague.

The case was featured on the TV show, Paranormal State. A Las Vegas teen named Savannah claimed that Emily's spirit visited her. IIRC, Emily's family was very unhappy about what happened with that.

To obtain their consent, it was presented to them as a student project for college, but from what I understand, it was aired on the TV program without the family's knowledge. It was a cruel hoax and the family have proof that Savannah had studied Emily's extensive website to glean information to reveal in her "psychic visions".

Emily had been fingerprinted as a child for safety reasons. She was abducted from San Antonio on 2/12/1993 and was reported missing within several hours. On 2/25/1993 the body of a woman fitting Emily's description was found one county away from where she was abducted.

Law enforcement didn't connect the two cases and poor Emily was buried either nude or in a hospital gown (conflicting info), and placed in a pauper's grave. It took about a year for her mother to find out what happened to her. The childhood fingerprints saved by her mother confirmed Emily's identity.

Her family had her exhumed and reburied her in the family plot at a different cemetery. Her unborn son was removed from her body, cremated, and disposed of by the ME's office. They did not preserve any biological samples from the fetus for later DNA testing, the father hasn't been identified.

Police also are investigating a possible connection to another unsolved murders. Eleven-year-old Heidi Seeman was murdered two-and-a-half years before Emily, in 1990. Both girls were last seen in north San Antonio. Their bodies were found within five miles of each other in Comal and Hays counties (about 60 miles from SA). There are some other similarities that police are keeping confidential.

Two that I think could also be connected: Sarah Gonzales and Priscilla Amarez, murdered on December 17, 1994. Their bodies were found the next day. Ramon Hernandez, with at least one other murder on his record, was arrested and sentenced to death.

The police have DNA from the suspect, so Emily's killer may eventually be found.


Since they have DNA and police think they know of other connected cases, I'm somewhat surprised that this case hasn't moved forward. IMO, someone who commits this type of crime has likely raped before and after, and may have even killed before and/or after.

Over the years, I've half heartedly tried to find similarities between Emily's case and others. Since I got very little interest at the other website, I thought it might be a good idea to bump up Emily's case here at WS.

So Emily G is reported missing in one Texas county, has a missing persons report that includes her age and description, that she is 3 months pregnant, conceived while incarcerated in a juvy centre, has a tattoo and fingerprints are available.

Two weeks later a body is found in the next Texas county matching the description of Emily - age and description, tattoo and pregnancy. No one in LE attempts to look around (cough, cough), the ME takes the male fetus and has him cremated with no ID to the mother (cough, cough) and buries the UID (cough, cough) mother in an unmarked grave.

Sure. Or maybe someone in LE knew exactly who the female deceased was and who the father was or likely was. Otherwise there would have been no reason to cremate the fetus - an ME is destroying evidence and is doing it for a reason. I would have started there.

I ran across Emily's case online a couple years ago. I posted about it on another crime forum at the time, but would like to copy some of what I said to Emily's thread here. Like others have pointed out, the family's website is difficult to navigate, at over 100 pages, so I condensed much of the pertinent info:


Emily Jeanette Garcia of San Antonio, TX, 15 years old and 3 months pregnant with a little boy whom her family named Emilio, was abducted in 1993, held for about 2 weeks, assaulted, murdered, and her body dumped.

She had been dead only a few hours when her body was discovered. She lost 12 pounds while being confined, which led me to believe that her captor(s) neglected to feed her the entire time they had her.

Her family got very little/no help from officials, so decided to work with about 10 psychics, whose information wasn't very helpful and often contradictory and vague.

The case was featured on the TV show, Paranormal State. A Las Vegas teen named Savannah claimed that Emily's spirit visited her. IIRC, Emily's family was very unhappy about what happened with that.

To obtain their consent, it was presented to them as a student project for college, but from what I understand, it was aired on the TV program without the family's knowledge. It was a cruel hoax and the family have proof that Savannah had studied Emily's extensive website to glean information to reveal in her "psychic visions".

Emily had been fingerprinted as a child for safety reasons. She was abducted from San Antonio on 2/12/1993 and was reported missing within several hours. On 2/25/1993 the body of a woman fitting Emily's description was found one county away from where she was abducted.

Law enforcement didn't connect the two cases and poor Emily was buried either nude or in a hospital gown (conflicting info), and placed in a pauper's grave. It took about a year for her mother to find out what happened to her. The childhood fingerprints saved by her mother confirmed Emily's identity.

Her family had her exhumed and reburied her in the family plot at a different cemetery. Her unborn son was removed from her body, cremated, and disposed of by the ME's office. They did not preserve any biological samples from the fetus for later DNA testing, the father hasn't been identified.

Police also are investigating a possible connection to another unsolved murders. Eleven-year-old Heidi Seeman was murdered two-and-a-half years before Emily, in 1990. Both girls were last seen in north San Antonio. Their bodies were found within five miles of each other in Comal and Hays counties (about 60 miles from SA). There are some other similarities that police are keeping confidential.

Two that I think could also be connected: Sarah Gonzales and Priscilla Amarez, murdered on December 17, 1994. Their bodies were found the next day. Ramon Hernandez, with at least one other murder on his record, was arrested and sentenced to death.

The police have DNA from the suspect, so Emily's killer may eventually be found.


Since they have DNA and police think they know of other connected cases, I'm somewhat surprised that this case hasn't moved forward. IMO, someone who commits this type of crime has likely raped before and after, and may have even killed before and/or after.

Over the years, I've half heartedly tried to find similarities between Emily's case and others. Since I got very little interest at the other website, I thought it might be a good idea to bump up Emily's case here at WS.


Watching this now. And thank you for bumping. I remember watching that show, about the girl but I wont comment on that since it was a child.

But here is the link to the Youtube video kimster made available with her link.

A Lifetime movie titled The Killing Secret was made which recreates the abduction and murder of Emily Garcia. Clicking the link will bring you to the full movie which has been posted on YouTube. Scenes have been dramatized.

Do you know if the bus drivers testimony, statement is available anywhere? I always wanted to know, if he remembered EXACTLY where she got off the bus at. Did she get off at her destination, or did she get off at a earlier stop in between or perhaps a stop after where she was suppose to get off at. It would give us an idea on where she met her killer. If he was not on the bus already, and seen she had gotten on by herself?

Fwiw - I got half way through the movie and stopped watching. The acting is very good imo, but I don't see any resemblance to the reported facts. None. So wondering why the movie is said to be a recreation of Emily's case.

Imo, it serves to distort what the reported facts are. Are the reported facts wrong? I wonder who came up with this script.

If the reported facts are correct, which I believe for the moment, then this bf, or any bf, is unlikely to be involved imo. Where does a teen get the resources to hold someone for 2 weeks, which is left out of the movie version. How does a teen bf get unsupervised access to a teen gf if the gf is being held at a juvenile centre of some kind?

I still think the ME did a 'favor' on request for someone. The ME knows who they did this 'favor' for. If the ME doesn't know who the father of the unborn baby was, then whoever the ME did the 'favor' for knows. Jmo.

Just look at this weeks highlighted cold case - the suspect is/was a cop at the time another cop went missing and there is motive. Some people have power they should not have, imo.
Would be interested in knowing what happened to the ashes of the fetus.
Fwiw - I got half way through the movie and stopped watching. The acting is very good imo, but I don't see any resemblance to the reported facts. None. So wondering why the movie is said to be a recreation of Emily's case.

Imo, it serves to distort what the reported facts are. Are the reported facts wrong? I wonder who came up with this script.

If the reported facts are correct, which I believe for the moment, then this bf, or any bf, is unlikely to be involved imo. Where does a teen get the resources to hold someone for 2 weeks, which is left out of the movie version. How does a teen bf get unsupervised access to a teen gf if the gf is being held at a juvenile centre of some kind?

I still think the ME did a 'favor' on request for someone. The ME knows who they did this 'favor' for. If the ME doesn't know who the father of the unborn baby was, then whoever the ME did the 'favor' for knows. Jmo.

Just look at this weeks highlighted cold case - the suspect is/was a cop at the time another cop went missing and there is motive. Some people have power they should not have, imo.

From what I understand from Emily's family's website, this movie was not made with cooperation of the family. They didn't even know about it until after it had been made.

I think the screenwriter knew of Emily's case but the only similarities I see between the movie and what happened to Emily is that a pregnant teenager was murdered. The family has been updating their site. Yesterday, I read a post where they said something like, If this movie brings more interest to Emily's case then that's okay with us. (NOT A QUOTE)
Here's the family's page regarding that movie:


An (internet?) article they quote there says that these events are what the family believe happened to Emily, except for the conviction of the guilty person.

I don't think Emily was murdered by another teen, for reasons others have stated, but if the father of the baby is involved, he could be an adult with resources to keep Emily hostage for so long.

IMO, it's more likely she crossed paths with a murderous stranger.
Do you know if the bus drivers testimony, statement is available anywhere? I always wanted to know, if he remembered EXACTLY where she got off the bus at. Did she get off at her destination, or did she get off at a earlier stop in between or perhaps a stop after where she was suppose to get off at. It would give us an idea on where she met her killer. If he was not on the bus already, and seen she had gotten on by herself?


There's info on the family's website about different agencies that were involved the investigations. I don't know if that info is there or not, whether the investigations were that thorough (I got the impression that not much was really investigated), or if that kind of information would be released by the police.

The website is soooo cumbersome and difficult to navigate, I hate to wade back through it all to try to see if they mention anything about that. I really wish the site was easier to use. When I first read it a couple years ago, it took me hours (I stayed up most of the night) to get through it all and they have added to it since then.
It makes sense the family did not have any input or knowledge of the movie.

My first read of the article in post #13 seems to say the family might agree with some of what is in the movie, mostly from the line 'Well you cannot even begin to imagine my surprise when this proved to be true.
Re-reading it, the line means the family was surprised a movie was made. The family goes on to say one of them had seen the movie before but did not connect it to Emily and her unborn sons case.

I can understand the family appreciating any interest the movie might bring to Emily's case, however it won't spark any memories for someone to come forward if none of the facts are in the movie. In other words, someone with potential info will disregard what they know thinking they are wrong. Jmo.

I can side with a stranger did this over the teen bf except for the ME's actions. Speaks to covering for someone, imo.
So Emily G is reported missing in one Texas county, has a missing persons report that includes her age and description, that she is 3 months pregnant, conceived while incarcerated in a juvy centre, has a tattoo and fingerprints are available.


Woodland, I just noticed this part. I know her mom was having trouble with Emily but don't remember reading that her baby was conceived while she was in a juvenile facility. Do you remember where you found that info? I might have missed it in the links above and definitely might have missed it while reading the family's website.

Also, I agree about the ME's actions (and other authorities). It does seem like officials are covering for someone.
Sure TracyLynnS - here is one of the links from the first post - snipped for brevity.

Here is the extensive website Emily's mother has created for her daughter:


In this link, Emily is reported to have been released from detention on 28 Jan 1993. She had been incarcerated for 9 months at one facility, then a few months at another (length of time not specified) - no mention of a break in-between.

On 11 Feb 1993 or two weeks later, Emily was released from probation and had already told her mother she was pregnant. Not might be, was pregnant. After being released from probation, Emily's mother immediately began the process to have prenatal care for Emily. The process required a pregnancy confirmation by Planned Parenthood - the appointment Emily never went to on 12 Feb 1993.

The article also expresses doubt that the bf was the father of the baby - timing doesn't work.
:rose: Emily Garcia & baby Emilio is our featured cold case from 11/10/13 to 11/17/13 :rose:
'her friends don't remember her'??????????? (these ? stand in for a word i am thinking which i don't think i can say except it begins with 'bull' and indicates my disbelief.)

too many people keeping secrets, that is so sad.

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