GUILTY TX - Emily McDonald for putting feces in child's feeding tube, Austin, 2009

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I really hope they can charge her with attempted murder. It's a long shot but still...


She breaks my heart, look at her :(

:( Does anyone know if she has all these tubes and lines because of her mothers assumed MBP? It was hard to decipher from the few blog posts I was able to get through. Or, is it more likely Dakota was so sick because of her mother? Hmm... I guess we might learn the answer to that if we see Dakota gets better now that she's away from her mother. gorgeous she the blog...this woman is a psycho. I don't really "love" kids, but I just want to scoop this little girl up, read her a story, snuggle and have ice cream in eyes are watering...this is horrible.
Any updates on the condition of that poor little girl?

That mother belongs :behindbar for life ..
WTH is this world coming to that a Mother (I use that term in a loose manner as this woman is an animal) would do such a thing to her child?? :furious:

Attention. She sought attention and got a lot of it at the expense of her children. It's unthinkable.
One more. YOu might need an account to read this, but I will include it.

Old 03-10-2009, 08:02 AM #1

Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 2,160

the hospital jig *screams*
Midnight early Monday morning we came to the ER because my brilliant 3yr old turned her feeding pump rate up and started dumping severely. Since she has a kidney disorder that affects her electrolytes and a history of aspiration we felt it was best to make sure nothing was off. They admitted us for observation. When we came she was mildly dehydrated but they felt like once she started her normal continuous feeds her fluid status would improve so there was no need to do IV replacement. Monday during the day it became apparent that she wasn't peeing. Her feeds seemed to be going okay at 70ml/hr but her belly was very bloated and there was absolutely no pee. They did a bladder scan and found something like 130mls in her bladder which they said was less than they'd expect. They repeated labs and she was slightly more dehydrated even with her feeds. Not long after the labs she started dumping again rather severely (339 output of diarrhea in 4.5hrs) and they shifted gears to put her on IV replacement at 4pm running at 44ml/hr.

Last night's labs looked more concerning, her potassium had plummetted (this is due to her kidney disorder) she was alkalotic (also from her kidney disorder) but there were no signs of dehydration from fluid loss (sodium and chloride were totally normal, kidney function looked good). At 4am when there was still no pee and it had been 31hrs sans pee, they did another bladder scan and she only had 25ml in her bladder. This morning's labs looked totally normal after they treated her kidney disorder by giving her meds and changing her IV solution. But yet, still no pee. They did a bladder scan a short while ago and found 160mls in her bladder so there is a little pee, nothing like their should be but it's there. *screams*

Where the heck did the 120ml they found in her bladder yesterday go?!?! Why wont she just pee?!?! Why do they keep telling me that she's dehydrated due to the diarrhea when her labs give absolutely no indication of that and she's not had diarrhea for 16hrs?!?! The junior resident just came in to say that they'll give her until 1pm to pee out what's in her bladder and if she hasn't by then they'll draw another BMP. I don't know when I should get concerned and they're being unbelievably vague. Not to mention that once we do get her peeing we have to tackle the GI problems. I have no clue what kind of damage she may have done to her stomach but her gut just seems to have shut down.

Hopefully today we'll get more answers but at least she's feeling much better since they stopped her g-tube feeds. Her belly isn't nearly as bloated and her oxygen needs have come down as a result. So much for our short 24hr observation... The word "discharge" hasn't even been uttered.
Emily wife to Rafferty mom to Madison ('03), Julian ('05), and TPN and oxygen dependent Dakota ('06)
irangel is offline Report Post

My GOD THIS POOR BABY!!! This is just unbelievably sickening. You can tell from her post above what's going on here. She's the one who turned the feeding pump up, she's blaming it on the child. No telling what she's done to this poor angel in the past three years.

My guess is that the "history of aspiration" is her doing as well. she probably did this kind of thing so much that it finally made the drs and nurses suspicious. How many "accidents" can one child have - KWIM?

I hope they lock her up and throw away the key-mentally ill or not. She's damaged this child for life no doubt.

Posted on July 30, 2010 at 11:14 AM

Updated Friday, Jul 30 at 11:43 AM

A mother accused of poisoning her young daughter with feces is headed to jail.

Judge Julie Kocurek revoked Emily Beth McDonald's pre-trial bond Friday morning and ordered her into custody.

The Family Protective Services case worker over seeing McDonald's case reported finding McDonald in violation of her bond agreement. Prosecutors filed a motion asking Judge Kocurek to revoke the bond.

McDonald came to court Friday morning for a bond hearing. She showed up with a large group of her family by her side. The family sat together in the front seats of Judge Kocurek's courtroom.

Prosecutors called the case worker to the stand. The case worker testified that she made an unannounced trip to the house of where McDonald was living. She testified to finding two un-identified children in the house with McDonald including a toddler and infant.

More at link:

Not seeing a trial date yet.
So all the kids now are with their respective dads. One dad supports McDonald and allows their two kids to stay in touch with her and see her. I'll bet dollars to donuts, that this dad loses custody of the kids if anyone comes forth to put up a fight for them. Heck, he could even lose them to foster care if he isn't careful. The woman is not allowed around children - he should listen up and do what the court says!


PS - I'm glad she is going to jail and that the Social Worker did her job and asked the judge to revoke the bail.
I just have no words... except that is... the face of a real angel... she looks so sweet and serene...i dont care about her mental ilness... i dont think she needs to be around kids. ever again.. she may strike again ...
well, I wonder if she's done any therapy or gotten on meds since she admitted to doing it

if so, it hasn't worked b/c she intentionally disobeyed her bond agreement and was discovered in the same house with children

her family should've made sure that didn't happen while they were around, especially if they put up any money/assets for her bond

I was willing to allow her a chance at redemption (in my mind) b/c of her mental illness - however she clearly did not take the law or the court seriously so she is hopeless (and so is the one 'babydaddy' and any others who think it's ok for her to be around children)

she reminds me of Marykate Latourno (sp.) even though the case circumstances are completely different

I hope she goes to prison

I hope her children can grow up normally
I do not believe in Munchausen's by proxy per se-I believe that it is child abuse plain and simple.

She should be revoked. These folks dont get how ill this woman has to be to use her child as a bid for attention and props.
We had a case at our hospital two years ago (before the pediatric patients got moved to their own floor. This was a grandma, who was raising 5 grandchildren. One was constantly sick and bruised, failure to thrive. We put a camera in the room. Whenever the child tried to eat, she slapped him, or stuck her fingers down his throat. She would roll a hard ball over his skin, very firmly, causing deep bruises. She would also terrorize him whenever he fell asleep. All of this occured in one day, as she was observed. She didn't get jail time, but became an in patient on a psych ward. The question of whether she knew right from wrong should have been asked and punishment determined by the answer. The other kids were happy and healthy. I will never understand why people pick on one child?
This is somewhat o/t-I had a friend who was accused of it because she had one child who was thin and showed signs of organ damage. The toddler was hospitalized for a week and mom was observed; the staff saw nothing. The toddler was interviewed and the social worker wrote that the toddler told her "mommy says I will get sick if I eat." Keeping in mind that the staff was primed to be watching for something. Mom was told of the accusation, another physician interviewed the child and it was determined the toddler actually said "Mommy told me I will get sick if I DONT eat." The child was transferred to another hospital where it was determined that he had neuromuscular disease and likely had since it wasnt the parent at all. Similar in that the child had healthy siblings.

I think that the Munchausen's dx is a faux dx-JMVHO. I think there are people who abuse their children for all kinds of reasons, and attention may be one of those reasons. I think that Munchausen's targets a particular gender.

Back o/t the parent in Sunnie's story and the parent in this story are clearly incredibly ill.
It would be nice to hear an update on the child's condition, though it probably won't happen since she is a minor. If anyone comes across anything, please post.
I bet this little girl gets a lot better with momster out of the picture.
How disgusting and wrong! I was also wondering like one of the other posts. If she purposely induced herself to have these preemies? It just seems like there is so much info out there that she could have researched. I don't know, like don't do this during pregnancy and she did it and caused her children to be born early?? IDK just a thought.
Mom gets 20 years for smearing feces on daughter’s catheter
Monday, April 4, 2011,

A woman who police say was captured on video smearing feces on her 3-year-old daughter’s catheter pleaded guilty to injury to a child today and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

State District Judge Julie Kocurek sentenced Emily Beth McDonald, 25, under the terms of a plea bargain that McDonald, pictured below right, reached with prosecutors.

McDonald, who cried briefly during a short hearing, did not say anything before she was taken into custody by sheriff’s deputies.

Outside court her lawyer, Bob Phillips, attempted to explain her behavior. Phillips said McDonald was “under extreme psychological stress” at the time of her crime, stress he said was brought on by factors including fatigue and depression
Wow! Munchausen by proxy.
I've seen this a couple of times - but smearing feces on an IV catheter that leads directly to the heart? This takes the cake.
Poor child - I'm glad she's out of the clutches of this sick, sick woman.

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