TX - Feds Bust Child *advertiser censored* Club Website Domestic And International Arrests

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Jun 13, 2007
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Just what we need is more depravity. :furious:

The FBI announced that they busted members of a Website called "Lost Boy" that was based out of Texas. Among those arrested was a Phoenix based pediatric anesthesiologist. You want for creepy? He puts little kids to sleep.

The site ran from September 2007 to January 2009. In order to become a member the ummm "people" had to send explicit child *advertiser censored* to share.:doh: Arrests have been made in this country as well as internationally.

http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lan...ted-in-child-*advertiser censored*-sting.html

Well at least they found them and busted them. We have to have some glimmer of hope for fear we'll just sit and cry. I especially hope "Undy12" gets his when he's locked up. Who the he*l does that?
from the FBI press release


Court documents show that the Lost Boy bulletin board had a forum called the “Handbook Project,” where members read and contributed to a grooming handbook, which was a guide for adult men on how to find and groom boys into engaging in sex, how to deal with physical aspects of sexual contact, and how to move on to other victims when the current victim grows too old to be attractive.

Through the Lost Boy investigation and related investigations, law enforcement authorities in the United States identified and arrested 15 alleged Lost Boy members, as well as approximately six more men who have been charged with child molestation. The investigation also led to the identification of 27 domestic victims of child abuse, some of whom were portrayed in images posted to the Lost Boy bulletin board.

much more here

Another handbook on grooming? That's all we need. I thought the one sold on Amazon took the cake. This one is probably worse. I have to wonder if this is not connected to the arrest of Dr. Emilio Luna of Phoenix, the pediatrician caught with lots of little boy *advertiser censored* which he starred in. The judge released him on bail and he absconded while he was supposed to be at church. Left his anklet behind. I believe he had connections in El Paso and Southern California. We have a thread.

There was also a recent bust of a group in Missouri who made little boy *advertiser censored*. Young men. Lots of guilty pleas. I'll bet it's domino-ing.

Poor little guys.
What'll you bet?

Klopfenstine and the Boy Lovers Club:

Former MO teacher's aide, Matt Klopfenstine, charged with producing child *advertiser censored* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Please note that all of us assumed that the 9 yr. old victim was a girl. It took us several posts before we figured out that it was a little boy with several adult perps. That's when it came up that Kopfenstine was a member of a Boy Lovers Club. Filly also found another link on here. I really suspect all this is connected.

When I researched that case, I came upon an odd site. Not sure what it is but Klopfenstine posted there and I checked it again. Some of the comments seem um...veiled. Anyway, this is creepy. I just noticed that they have a link to a wristwatch cam site. Lovely. We need this, why?



There's a button that says, "So you like to watch". Did I click it? Of course I did. I'm like Alice. I would so be down the rabbit hole. Filly lives in the city and does not follow instructions which say, "Step right this way". I do. I'm far too trusting. Anyway, when I did, my whole computer shut down (and I had to rewrite this whole post). Never had that happen before. Maybe it's the wind but more than a bit odd. Not clicking it again. Actually, I don't want to watch. I just wanted to know who might be interested in watching. And watching what? Probably not cute puppy videos.

Wrist watch cams? FWIW, I am SO SO happy to say that I live with dogs, deer and Mr. and Mrs. Quail (you know, as in birds). I am freak-free, up here on my mountain. I still have to worry about these guys watching my precious grand-babies, though.
When will I EVER learn? I took Filly's and TM's word on it and hadn't looked at the actual article before I posted. Why?????

Child *advertiser censored* 'club' posted photo of Down syndrome boy being molested

Oh, no. My heart just flipped over. That sweet little innocent angel. Hopefully, (I can pray), that the repercussions of this will be somewhat lost on him after the pain has healed. One of my daughters has disabilities very similar to Down Syndrome and that has been the case for her.

Little guy is on my prayer list. Where were his parents????? Do we know?

FWIW, Klopfenstine worked with children (some with special needs) as an educational aid and then at a club he ran. The community was surely on to him. He was known to be creepy. Even being a California girl, it's harder to discern creepy in North Hollywood.
Another article:

http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/12/14/california.child.*advertiser censored*/

"...."We felt this was the right time to come forward," [US Attorney Andre] Birotte added. "We are not talking about innocuous photographs.... I'm talking about serious graphic images of boys being sexually exploited."


David Michael Fagerness, 44, pleaded guilty Monday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles to conspiracy to transport child *advertiser censored*, officials said..."


"....Another alleged ring member, who was a registered sex offender, even used public library computers to access the Lost Boy website, but James Criscione, a 53-year-old Los Angeles attorney, died in custody earlier this year while facing charges, authorities said...."

[I wonder how he "died in custody"?]


"....The network had a vetting process for new members, most of whom had to post child *advertiser censored* to join the organization, officials said. Once accepted, members had to post child *advertiser censored* to remain in good standing and not be removed from the board, officials said. Members traded techniques to evade detection by law enforcement, which included using screen names to mask identities, officials said...."

more at link

Missizzy - I haven't found that any of the children ID'd were rescued. :(

I wish they could have explained that a little better.
Izzy! I mean Alice! Don't you be going down no rabbit hole.

That dude, Anthony Jasso arrested in this case is also a member of those NAMBLA nutters.

Whatgets me is this guy Fagerness gets busted and convicted, right? He winds up in the Czech Republic? How's that work. On one of the registries they actually had his addy as Czech. They then wisely kicked his sorry butt out of there.

I saw about the poor boy with autism. I couldn't put it in writing.
I'd like to know more about this James Criscione, the attorney who died in custody. He specialized in family law and paternity issues and practiced in Orange and North Hollywood. He answered lots of questions on the internet but he'd recently been in trouble with the CA Bar. His law office site seems to be down:


"JAMES PAUL CRISCIONE [#105622], 51, of North Hollywood was suspended for three years, stayed, actually suspended for two years and until he makes restitution and until the State Bar Court grants a motion to terminate the suspension, and he was ordered to take the MPRE and comply with rule 9.20. The order took effect Oct. 10, 2008. In a default proceeding, the bar court found that Criscione committed 11 counts of misconduct in four client matters. In each case, he effectively abandoned his clients....."


"....Although Criscione did not participate in the disciplinary proceedings [as he was busy on the computer], the bar court considered his 21 years of discipline-free practice as mitigation...."

Even more trouble. He was disbarred in September 2010:


"In recommending his disbarment, State Bar Court Judge Richard Platel said that in addition to not complying with rule 9.20, Criscione &#8220;has demonstrated an unwillingness to comply with the professional obligations and rules of court imposed on California attorneys although he has been given the opportunity to do so.&#8221;

Where is this guy's obit? Did he die of natural causes or some sort of so-called prison justice?
An update. Don't miss the statement, "HUNDREDS OF BOYS":


"......The five who have admitted guilt in the United States were identified as David Michael Fagerness, 44; Andrew Neil Scott, 30; Anthony Jasso, 46; Justin Lee, 33, and Woodrow Tracy, 65.

Court documents described Jasso as belonging to a southern California club called "Boy Lovers," whose members "gathered to watch child erotica and to attend events involving children."

The four named in indictments but still abroad are: Gregoire Byvoet, 34, of Belgium; Sven-Gregor Meyer, 46, of Germany; Raymond Ruelle, 50, of France, and Robin Lopez, 29, of New Zealand.

US Attorney for California's central district Andre Birotte Jr. said the Lost Boy bulletin board "allowed members to access pornographic images of hundreds of boys who were victimized for sexual purposes.

"As a result of this investigation, authorities also discovered individuals who abused children, made their own child *advertiser censored* and shared their disturbing product with others on the Internet," he added...."

more at link
Five children rescued and one very bad man to be put away. I wonder how many of the other "hundreds of boys" who were victims have been found?


Man Pleads Guilty in Child *advertiser censored* Ring
June 26, 2011

"A Franklin County [MO] man who was connected with an international child *advertiser censored* ring chose Wednesday to plead guilty to five felony counts rather than face a jury trial in federal court. Jeffrey Greenwell, 39, Sullivan, entered the guilty plea before U.S. District Court Judge Charles A. Shaw just before selection of the jury in St. Louis. He had been offered a plea bargain in 2010 but rejected it and the case then was set for trial. Greenwell is scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 22. He faces 15 to 30 years in prison on each of the charges of production of child *advertiser censored*.

Greenwell is said to be one of the last members of the so-called "Lost Boys" Internet forum to plead guilty...."


"....According to court documents, between Jan. 1, 2007 and Oct. 23, 2009, Greenwell used five minor children to engage in sexually explicit conduct so he could photograph them...."


"....Lost Boys is alleged to have had a thorough vetting process for new members, most of whom had to post child *advertiser censored* to join the organization. Once accepted, members had to continue to post child *advertiser censored* to remain in good standing and not be removed from the board. According to court documents, Lost Boys members advised each other on techniques to evade detection by law enforcement, which included using screen names to mask identities...."

"...Lost Boys bulletin board had a forum called the "Handbook Project," where members read and contributed to a grooming handbook, which was a guide for adult men on how to find and groom boys into engaging in sex, how to deal with physical aspects of sexual contact, and how to move on to other victims when the current victim grows too old to be attractive....."

More at link
I really hope that these sentences run one after the other and not concurrently
An excellent overview of the Lost Boy child *advertiser censored* ring and many of the arrests. One fact I learned from another site is that Dr. Justin Lee of Phoenix, AZ, was a pediatric anesthesiologist. Could there be anything much more frightening? He got 5 years. Yes.

http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-at...ing-lost-boy-child-*advertiser censored*-ring

"Lost Boy" child *advertiser censored* ring

And, here we go. Information on those hopefully rescued:


"Through the Lost Boy investigation and related investigations, law enforcement authorities in the United States identified and arrested 15 alleged Lost Boy members, as well as approximately six more men who have been charged with child molestation. The investigation also led to the identification of 27 domestic victims of child abuse, some of whom were portrayed in images posted to the Lost Boy bulletin board...."


"....Most of the victims were 7 to 12 years old and included one 9-year-old boy with Down syndrome...."

more at link

I know that Texas Mist posted this quote upthread but in looking at it again, I think that the identification of domestic victims means that they have been located. I don't believe this group would have allowed one to stay a member without providing "fresh" photos--not those already available on the web. The fact that they state the little boy with Down Syndrome is 9 years old (rather than "appears to be around 9") leads me to believe that they've identified him.

And here's more info on Justin Lee. I swear you have to just keep checking back on these names to see what happens. I still wonder if Dr. Emilio Luna of Phoenix was involved. He also produced his own child *advertiser censored*. IIRC, he'd also practiced pediatrics in TX at one point. He's now on the run.


Justin Michael Lee: Texas Revokes His Pediatric-Anesthesiology License Over Child-*advertiser censored* Ring
I guess Luna is considered involved. I had not seen that before:


"....One defendant charged was a pediatrician from Arizona named Emilio Luna. He fled after being freed on bond and remains still at large...."

And I know we have articles posted from this timeframe--December 2010--but I do NOT remember Luna being mentioned. He's certainly mentioned here:


"....Dr. Luna may have fled to Texas, California, Illinois, or his birth city in Mexico. Luna speaks fluent Spanish and is a naturalized United States citizen...."

much more info on Luna at link
Very interesting comments about Anthony Jasso of Laguna Beach, who pleaded guilty:


Really???? He had a license plate which said SURF4BY????

I checked and there are a number of Youtube videos of Jasso entertaining, with children dancing nearby. His crimes are a shame as he's a fabulous musician. What a waste. Hmmmm. Also wasn't the first time Jasso faced child sex charges. He pleaded guilty and was convicted in 1992 of oral copulation of a child under the age of 14. A girl, interestingly enough. He offered to "leave town" if they'd drop the charges. Nice try, Jasso.

More names, in fact more than I've seen in one place:

http://www.laindependent.com/news/l...ild-*advertiser censored*-ring-111905044.html

"... 44-year-old David Michael Fagerness, of Georgia, pleaded guilty Monday to conspiracy to transport child *advertiser censored*. Fagerness, who moved to the Czech Republic after being convicted of possession of child *advertiser censored* in Florida in 2005..."


"...The investigation began when European officials learned that a North Hollywood man &#8212; Harout Hagop Sarafian, 25 &#8212; was communicating with an Italian national about child sex tourism in Romania..."


"...The four other defendants who have already pleaded guilty are:

&#8212; Andrew Neil Scott, 30, of Michigan;
&#8212; Anthony Jasso, 46, of Laguna Beach and Redlands, who also belonged to a Southern California club called "Boy Lovers,'' according to prosecutors;
&#8212; Justin Lee, 33, of Phoenix [the pediatric anesthesiologist]; and
&#8212; Woodrow Tracy, 65, of Sun Valley"


"...Joshua Boras, 33, of Michigan, and Joseph Hines, 21, of Lake Tahoe, are expected to plead guilty..."


"...In addition to Sarafian, the other defendants awaiting trial are:

&#8212; Ryan Hawthorne, 27, of South Carolina;
&#8212; Jason Morris, 45, of Oregon;
&#8212; Jonathon Sadduth, 21, of Illinois;
&#8212; Futoshi Tachino, 31, of Canada;
&#8212; Billy Wade Carroll, 50, of Ohio; and
&#8212; Joseph Tierney, a Boston resident, who was working with the Peace Corp in Honduras when he was charged and expelled from that country, prosecutors said.

A 53-year-old Los Angeles lawyer, James Criscione, a registered sex offender, died after being arrested before he could be tried.

Christopher Klein, 46, of Ohio, has been indicted in the case but a trial date has not yet been set because he is also facing child *advertiser censored* charges in Ohio...."

more at link

Interesting to note that we've had a handful of guys who have been convicted on child *advertiser censored* charges who have served in the Peace Corps. SHAME!!!!

OK, here's a problem. I'm in Oregon. I want to know where the men charged in this bust lived. There's 43 Jason Morrises in Oregon of the correct age. In fact, one lives 2 blocks from my adult kids who have two children. This is the disconnect that I've mentioned time and again. We get a national news article about a major bust but rarely do the local papers carry the stories of local people who have been charged. Even new names just kind of trickle in without much notice. Why is this??? Why? Don't neighbors and co-workers, employers and fellow church members deserve to know? How about the general public? Wouldn't that be prudent?

So would the "real" Jason Morris of Oregon please wave his hand.
I'm curious if anyone knows the cause of death and/or date of death for James Criscione?
Thanks in advance,
Court documents described Jasso as belonging to a southern California club called "Boy Lovers," whose members "gathered to watch child erotica and to attend events involving children."

What kind of events do they attend?

My friend told me that there was a weird group of 3 men who used to always show up at her 9 yr old sons swim meets.[ in west los angeles mostly] They sat up close and took videos and pix. At first she thought they were some kids fathers or uncles but they never talked to rhe same kid, just random ones. She eventually asked the coach to find out. He went over and spoke to them and they gave strange responses, like they were just swim fans. But they never came back after they were questioned. Hmmmmmm....
Welcome to WS, Playfor5. I've asked the same question and I can't find an answer. Very curious. If you've found any details, please share them.

I have a feeling that the men in Southern California got together to watch the little boy erotica/naturist films produced in Russia, Crimea and the Ukraine. We had a thread about the industry but it got pulled for review. Lots and lots of videos still out there of boys. The primary producer was Azov Films which supposedly was owned by a man named Igor Rusanov. We have a poster, rabb, who has a blog about the man:


It's translated from German but is quite easy to follow. Interesting that Azov Films shut down not long after the Lost Boy bust. Azov is talked about (and our WS thread is even mentioned) at boychat. You can find all sorts of edited trailers and hundreds of comments on Youtube if you search for Vladik Shibanov (one of the most popular "stars" who died a couple of years ago in an "accident" at age 18) or Azov Films.

The story you told about the guys at the pool is creepy, Katydid. But I think it's far more common than most think. My town's very own pedophile, James Auchincloss, and his buddies used to do the same at our YMCA--where he was on the Board of Directors. He was convicted of child *advertiser censored* trading and possession but most of his "erotica" and candid photos of local little boys were returned to him.

I just posted on another thread about fancy new spy glasses that look just like Ray-bans and yet film hours of secret video...all for $150. Makes one want to never take a child to the beach or pool or park.
I'm very confused. Was Criscione a homeless man from Atlanta who was accessing child *advertiser censored* at libraries or was he a disbarred attorney from LA? Or is it one and the same man?

http://articles.latimes.com/2010/dec/15/local/la-me-child-*advertiser censored*-20101215

"...One defendant, James Criscione, 53, of Atlanta, died in custody earlier this year. He was homeless and would access the site at public libraries, authorities said...."


http://www.laindependent.com/news/l...ild-*advertiser censored*-ring-111905044.html

"....A 53-year-old Los Angeles lawyer, James Criscione, a registered sex offender, died after being arrested before he could be tried...."

There's also some info in Post #9 on this thread. If anyone can clear this up, please do.

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