TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #13

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I thought I heard BD say last night it was unusual for Hailey to be outside using the phone & she only did that on occasion to have privacy & to limit any family background noise..Then how do we explain at least 1 neighbor if not more (?) claiming she spent tons of time out in the yard "talking" on the phone?

And going into that shed alot for whatever reason which may not be connected to phone use..As in mom's prepaid cell..Was she texting on a phone mom didn't know about? Or maybe she was smoking pot in there? That wouldn't shock me at all..All teens need a place to do that IF they're into it which much MANY are & have been for years.

IIRC, BD also began to say something about why would she do that (be out in the yard talking) IF nobody was home but got cut off by NG..I'm wondering if she even realized that comment was throwing SA under the bus..I have a feeling she didn't but I could be wrong.

BBM you sound like a very understanding mom :woohoo:

in all honesty i think the thing about taking the phone outside to talk is a bit of a red herring. Mom might think it was only if someone was home, or no one was home etc. but what in the world is more natural for a kid than to walk outside to talk. Especially if they have an older brother. I think it would happen half the time, and mom may not even have thought about it or meant to have her sentence parsed like that.

In no way do I think it increases or decreases the likelihood of someone in the house. All depends on weather and mood. If she felt like talking outside she would have and vice versa.

Not that its unimportant if she was, just that it doesn't really tell us anything no matter what mom said, it has to many other possible variables. Like a lousy connection one hour and a good one the next.
Please go back and edit out ANY minor's names from your posts. ONLY use initials from here on out.

We do not allow posts that include the names of minors, except for Hailey. Watch when you quote news sources cuz they need to be taken out.

Please alert on any old posts you see with minors' names in them so the mods can find them and then we'll get back on track. :gthanks:
I called..They are owned by the same person but are 2 different companies ..I could not get them to tell me if he worked at that one or the one on FTM. but being they are that close..I guess it doesnt really matter.



This is an ongoing investigation for a young girl. The last thing LE needs is "help" from outsiders. If you have a tip, that's one thing. But calling around to businesses and case players is another.

Please use your common sense and think about what you are doing, before making such calls. As SA is not even a suspect at this point in time, this sleuthing crosses the line.

If you have questions, let me or the other mods know.


Has LE searched HD's home (the one shared by mom, mom's BF and Hailey) with dogs that detect human decomp? Have they searched the car and the shed with those same types of dogs? Not dogs tracking for a live scent but dogs searching for a dead body?

If not, why not?
On Dec 22, HD posted to her FB that she woke up too early (5:40AM) posted via IPhone (which is, most likely, her Ipod Touch or knock-off) IMO, she had her working ITouch on Dec 22 and had slept somewhere that had a wireless connection or had a near-by unsecured wifi. She then posted at 6:23am that it was only 3 more days.

I have a touch that I keep by my bed so I can check my email before I get out of bed. I can't imagine a 13 yr old getting out of bed at 5:40am and going outside somewhere so that she can pick up a signal to post to FB so I'm assuming that the unsecured wifi (if that's what she was using) was accessible inside the house where she spent the night.
He worked for Weaver Pipeline Services and I know this because they do business where I am employed.

Thanks. Does Clint work in or around Colorado City?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I has been confirmed, Hailey did have such a device. She was NOT making calls with this device, given it is not a phone. But she could use this device to post on facebook and text by simply down loading an app.

My mistake. I was under the impression you could download an app to use Skype for phone calls.
Please go back and edit out ANY minor's names from your posts. ONLY use initials from here on out.

We do not allow posts that include the names of minors, except for Hailey. Watch when you quote news sources cuz they need to be taken out.

Please alert on any old posts you see with minors' names in them so the mods can find them and then we'll get back on track. :gthanks:

Sorry, it was my fault this time, I caught it but it was too late.
On Dec 22, HD posted to her FB that she woke up too early (5:40AM) posted via IPhone (which is, most likely, her Ipod Touch or knock-off) IMO, she had her working ITouch on Dec 22 and had slept somewhere that had a wireless connection or had a near-by unsecured wifi. She then posted at 6:23am that it was only 3 more days.

I have a touch that I keep by my bed so I can check my email before I get out of bed. I can't imagine a 13 yr old getting out of bed at 5:40am and going outside somewhere so that she can pick up a signal to post to FB so I'm assuming that the unsecured wifi (if that's what she was using) was accessible inside the house where she spent the night.

In my time zone, EST, it says that was posted at 10:40am. We have to remember with social networking sites that the times you see posted are in your time zone and not necessarily in the time zone of the person who posted the message.

I believe that Colorado City is one hour behind EST so I'm assuming that was posted at 9:40am?

And I have noticed that on weekends it appears as though she has been at relatives houses for the weekend and she gets to post a lot then.

investigators are now trying to track down every location in Colorado City where Hailey might have used a computer. The teen didn't have internet access at her mother's home and often logged on at the library, according to investigator

I am really surprised with all the drug talk last night on NG, that she has not learned about Clint's recent arrest...I kept waiting for that bomb to drop last night, and wonder if he was too. I feel so sad for him...he seems lost, he keeps posting heartwrenching posts on FB to Hailey and about her, now he is probably bunking with relatives, etc...
Hailey's father, Clint Dunn, does have a history with the law, having been convicted most recently of possession of marijuana. He was arrested last January and sentenced in May to six months of probation, according to records from the Texas Department of Public Safety.

In addition to a handful of marijuana convictions, Dunn was sentenced in 1994 to two years in prison and five years probation for burglary of a building. He was 27 years old at the time.

Hi I'm not new to following these cases but new to this forum. After Haleigh and Casey I said I wasn't gonna get sucked back in and Hailey's case did just that.
I just have a question. Since SA had not been there long and may not have known all Hailey's friends, I think the first thing I would have done is call him and ask him again who she said she was going to spend the night with while having the brother start calling all her friends to see if they saw her before heading to LE. Just wondering what prompted her to go straight to LE?
I don't necessarily see that as being inconsistent. We don't know that the son didn't call the dad first, before Billie also contacted him. KWIM?

Those were my thoughts as well. I think we are really grasping here, remember this woman's daughter is missing, she is not on trial and I am not seeing large of statements to show she is being dishonest.

I understand the need to discuss but I am not seeing it.
Okay I have read most of this thread, but haven't posted. I know some people have said maybe she ran away because she didn't like her mom's boyfriend and didn't like her dad's girlfriend, and could be jealous of her new sibling...

I have two daughters from a previous marriage. I divorced their dad when they were 4 &5. My oldest was always wanting attention from my ex husband, my youngest was never close to him, even when we were married. We both later remarried and have children to our spouses.

My oldest daughter started acting out when she was about 9. Anything from saying she broke her leg, being sick, anything that would bring attention to her. I actually fell for her lies until I realized that my own daughter was maniuplating me. She would try and turn my ex against me and vice versa so she could get her own way. Well, the step mom is a lot younger than me and my ex. She always treated my oldest like a friend instead of a step daughter. I made the mistake of letting my daughter move in with my ex when she was 12 because I couldn't handle the way she treated my other children and the ignorance she showed me. She said me and my husband were too strict.. (she was treated like any normal 12 year old) Well, now at 16, she realizes now that the grass wasn't always greener on the other side. She actually ran away from her dad's house a few times for only a few hours at a time (when she wasn't getting her own way), she was abused my her step mom's friend, the step mom had her smoking cigarettes at 12, and drinking alchohol when my ex was on the road driving truck. She is in therapy and she is getting better,and is living with her grandparents. (long story)... Stepmom and dad are not in her life!

My point is, if she was a runaway, don't you think she would have taken things with her? If she wasn't happy in her life, don't you think she would have shown other signs by acting out other than posting things on FB or My Space? (My 15 year old posts on her status when she is upset with a friend, etc.. then she gets over it) I am thinking that she did not runaway, that she was either abducted or the mom's boyfriend had something to do with it. Most 13 year old girls would be deathly afraid to runaway for more than two weeks, especially if they haven't shown this kind of behavior before... IMO

I think the mom is being truthful, and same with her father. Their lives might not be perfect, but I truly believe they love their daughter and want nothing but to find her alive and well.

I hope and pray they have answers soon and she is brought home alive!
Those were my thoughts as well. I think we are really grasping here, remember this woman's daughter is missing, she is not on trial and I am not seeing large of statements to show she is being dishonest.

I understand the need to discuss but I am not seeing it.

LE has mentioned inconsistencies, I'm looking for those.
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