TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #31

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You stinker. :hug:

I really think he has no regard for human life. I wonder if he could have possibly scared Hailey into leaving? But how could she stay away this long? I am still praying for a miracle here.
Ya know - I was thinking about this the other night. Obviously they haven't found anything that tells them she has died.

So what if someone knew her situation - someone she confided in and this adult checked out and verified what she said. That's the only situation I can think of that would keep her in hiding.

But now - the more that keeps coming out - I would like to think that that adult would finally come forward - preferably to the FBI and say - here, I've been keeping her. Now that we got your attention - please help this child! That would just be so awesome.

A girl can dream - can't she?
You know what,if I wasn't so worried about Hailey,I'd think this was some roleplaying crimestory from the internet they printed up and studied.
It is so sad if Hailey really wrote her teacher a note telling her that she loved her...I missed that, if it happened.
My sister taught kids from lower-income area in a suburb of Houston for several years and ended up getting involved in all sorts of social work, based on what some of the kids said. One little boy told her that his favorite thing to do was to go to school because there was food there (my sister brough ceral and bread and peanut butter every day) and because the "Mrs." which is what he called my sister, was nice to him.
So of course she had to report this, and find out what was happening in his home...but there were so many, it broke her heart. She quit teaching for a while, works in admin, but is going back to teaching next year.
I wonder if she used MHMR just because she works in a hospital. Kind of like I use 5150 without even thinking about it (and often get confuzzled looks from friends when I do who have no idea what I'm talking about).
I hear that - only here in Florida is "Baker Acted".
Has anyone considered the possibility that SA never actually made those threats - or if he did, they were just a "matter of speaking" and never intended as a serious threat?

In the first call, BD starts out by saying she doesn't want SA in the house for fear he'll take something. Police response is along the lines of "there's not much we can do about it" - THEN she "ups the ante" by suggesting her son might be there and SA might be a danger to him. That still doesn't get far with the police.

From the way the officer responds to the second call, I'm fairly certain there were other calls/visits to the station in between - and again, judging from the way the officer responds, it sounds as if BD doesn't get what she wants. So, she says that SA threatened her and her ex. (I would REALLY like to know if the officer saw those text messages she claims BD sent.)

Then - SA calls police reporting she might be suicidal. Maybe BD has been calling him giving him a bunch of drama, too?

Those calls just don't strike me as legit. I'm not so sure BD wasn't "playing" the cops.

That might be true. It sounds like you have some good points. But then why would she want the cops to come over if there was no real threat?
I think they would have gotten ALL the calls.......

Yeah I would of too ,but we know they dont have Shawns calls. Or at least they didnt release them. We also know Billie expressed a desire to file a police report and the LE officer on duty did not want to deal with that.

This is why Memphis went to an "all fault" stance...if they get called out on a domestic dispute, both parties get hauled in. No playing reindeer games by calling the cops on each other, no "oh, I'm calmed down now, and we've made up kissy kissy" stuff. Unfortunately now many people who really need to call in do not because they don't want to get hauled in as well.

Yeah really. Crazy..

Anyway about the overrall attitude of the 911 calls that are released.

They have been called out before and do not have high opinions of Billie or of SA . Would that cause them to focus on this dynamic more so than had they not gotten any calls?

Does anyone think that those calls impacted the initial perception of this case?
This would be lie ie mistruth # ? by Billie?

I can see BD getting out of this one fairly easily. Just say it all started with him using her debit card. Blow-up resulted in breakup. SA says he's going to get his property (1 CD) and the rest ensued. Death threats and such? No big deal, he was just shooting his mouth off. She can tell ct that he never threatened Hailey. Just Clint and herself so, again, it really wasn't a lie.

If I had a friend who confided these half truths, I would take everything they said with a grain of salt and slowly back away. Just no trust left there. Ct is a very good person.
You don't need a link. When the list of items found in Billie's car was listed, sulfuric acid was one of the items listed. Check the local Tx. media sites, I bet they have the list.
Some people use it as a drain cleaner, some use it to make meth.
Some people use it as a drain cleaner, some use it to make meth.
The Meth info to sulfuric acid was informative ! this sleuther being no Einstein ! HMMM...... So we can assume the Meth will eat your brain up as well....... that is so scarey to me !!!! As I think the videos showed evidence to that.....
It is so sad if Hailey really wrote her teacher a note telling her that she loved her...I missed that, if it happened.
My sister taught kids from lower-income area in a suburb of Houston for several years and ended up getting involved in all sorts of social work, based on what some of the kids said. One little boy told her that his favorite thing to do was to go to school because there was food there (my sister brough ceral and bread and peanut butter every day) and because the "Mrs." which is what he called my sister, was nice to him.
So of course she had to report this, and find out what was happening in his home...but there were so many, it broke her heart. She quit teaching for a while, works in admin, but is going back to teaching next year.


She wrote her sweet note on masking tape

What gets me, is that she made the statement, Something was going to happen that would be remembered for a long time.. Was she quoting SA? IMO we do not know !
But that statement is in these records, and it might as well be a banner announcing something is coming down the pipe.....

This is what makes me think that IF SA was responsible for this, then he would have done something memorable. Perhaps he filmed it, or used his props, or left a spectacle of some kind. I cannot believe he would do it quickly and softly and with no craziness. I wish I did not think this...sorry/

BD's priorities can be surmised from these 911 calls, IMO.


It would seem that BD cared more about the material possessions SA might steal from her house (while retrieving his tee shirt) than she did about her children's well-being:

"I don't want him in there while I'm gone, because I don't know what he'll take."

The following items are the very first things BD expressed concern about in her 911 call:

"So I am kinda worried he could walk out with a TV or anything, my son's X-Box."

She attempted to feign concern for her son as an after-thought (apparently, the TV or the X-Box ranked higher on BD's scale of who or what is most important, since she mentioned those items first in her 911 call):

"Another thing, my 15 year old son may be there also. He stayed with a friend last night but he may be home by now. So I don't want him going over there causing problems with him either."

IMO, BD's priorities are totally out of whack, as we have seen with regards to her numerous statements about SA and his possible guilt/innocence and her continuing feelings of love for him.

I was going to post the same thing. That BD's priorities seem a little squey. She mentions to LE in this order, BF's tshirt, SA could maybe take a tv, maybe take son's xbox.................
Oh yea, my son's there too.

:banghead: Sorry but the 911 calls tell BD's story. We don't have to even venture a guess. imo
Under normal circumstances nor would I but this one is different. Resouces at school? HD had already lived with 4 families it seems in a years time. I would surmise HD has been around LE and those encounters didn't turn out well or make the homelife any better. I think when HD wrote the note to her teacher,"I Love You" she was reaching out but the message was unclear at the time to the teacher. HD informed her GrandMother about her fear of SA and GrandMother told her son but by CD own admission on NG last night he "Didn't want to hear it".This child did ask for help IMO but no one heard her.

I hear what you are saying and agree. However, running away can never be the answer for a 13 year old girl. It places them in a vulnerable position. Not to mention, what upstanding citizen will put themselves in a position of illegally harboring a child and put there integrity and freedom at risk?
It seems to be if things were really bad, Hailey would be "acting out" or have a change in grades. Children at the age do not have the maturity to express themselves in troubling times. There are usually signs. Everyone states she was well behave, had good grades and was participating in extracurricular activities. Perhaps, it hadn't been that long since things started to change at home and there were no overt signs.
I really don't know and I am just speculating. I wish things would hurry up and come to an end and then we will all know.
Going back earlier someone suggested BD was a drama-queen...she may be but I am just not getting that from her calm demeanor on the 911 calls & on NG, maybe someone could shed some light if I am missing something there? As far as SA and suggesting a she was a possible suicide candidate, I would take that with a hefty grain of salt...given he could be up on charges for threats at the very least. Just pondering...
I think it can be important to know everything in a parent's life that could introduce other adults in their home, or perhaps about any enemies a parent may have made in their work, etc...and if drugs are a part of their life, that can be crucial too, as it adds another element of people to the equation. I don't think most of us really care what Clint or Billie do, unless it could be relevant to someone getting close to Hailey.

Excellente cluciano!!!

I agree with you 100%.
This is what makes me think that IF SA was responsible for this, then he would have done something memorable. Perhaps he filmed it, or used his props, or left a spectacle of some kind. I cannot believe he would do it quickly and softly and with no craziness. I wish I did not think this...sorry/
IMO he had been planning memorable for a while something related to his fantasy world of S/M and all that goes with it. the day came he could not contain his fantasy and IF SA acted upon it and pressed the go button, then there was no stopping, HD possibly just was his means and he planned his opportunity ! And IMO there should be some souvenirs, or something he could go back to to relive this deed over and over again.
IMO let's put our heads together and style and profile with this sleuthing oportunity.
IS profiling allowed on WS? If it is amateur ? JW
After 30 years, I hope the LE and the public know much more about domestic abuse.
2 out of 3 women who are victims of violence are related to the attackers
39% of women who present to the ER are victims of abuse.
75% of the calls to LE for domestic abuse occur after the partners separate
50% of female homicides are related to domestic abuse and happen after separtion of the relationship.
Domestic abuse is not to be taken lightly by LE,ever. It is when women are more likely to be murdered.

You forgot one.....one in every 3 women is abused by a bf, lover, partner or spouse.
This is what makes me think that IF SA was responsible for this, then he would have done something memorable. Perhaps he filmed it, or used his props, or left a spectacle of some kind. I cannot believe he would do it quickly and softly and with no craziness. I wish I did not think this...sorry/

How do we know that he didn't film something? Obviously LE hasn't found anything or he would be under arrest. Sure doesn't mean that it isn't out there though. Now that you mention it...wouldn't surprise me if they may be looking for something just like that...
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