TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #36

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Mods, is it possible for Hailey to have her own forum?

We seem to have an awful lot of threads in the basement, and I am not really entirely sure why? It is so useful to have the topics broken up into threads, it is so difficult to read every post on a general thread like this one.

We have gone through an awful pile of threads, and the facts are scattered throughout 36 of them.

There are facts scattered in the 36 threads?

Now I gotta start all over! :floorlaugh:
Yeah we should take this convo downstairs. IIRC, if trained cadaver dogs hit on that stuff it's because it's poorly trained and dogs basically like smelly things to begin with. Regular household dogs will drag that stuff out of your garbage.

I wasn't complaining about you guys talking about it up here I just meant that you could find the post there. I just remembered someone had brought that up recently and was trying to point them to it, sorry.


Grace questioned why cadaver dogs were being used in the search if police weren't directly looking for a body in the landfills. A dog expert joined the program and said cadaver dogs can hit on any sort of human tissue. The tissue includes anything from a body to bloody bandage.

I really don't think this is the case. HRD dogs should NOT be hitting on bandaids/tampons/ etc. Does anyone have any further information about the dogs ... where they came from ? The handlers?
IIRC they came from Huntsville, AL.
Truce? I wasn't arguing!! :great: just putting my 2 cents in. All I care about is finding Hailey. : )

I thought I was hiding :crazy:..sorry 'bout that, didn't even realize it was 'truce' lol!

Mark K. really needs to advise both parents to take LD tests, in my opinion. It is almost all we ever hear him talk about. I can't understand why he would not push this issue.

I thought BD and SA had both taken LD tests, and neither of them did very well on the test.

I think Cluciano was talking about BD and CD (parents), not BD and SA (mom and BF)...? CD has not taken one to anyone's knowledge - he keeps saying that he has offered but no one had contacted him (but this was a week or so ago).
I understand that BD has not had her original phone with her original phone number since HD went missing, but this is also not the first time that BD has been in front of a news camera, it just happens to be the first time she has given her daughter a message of any kind, No I Love You, I Miss You, I won't rest until you are found......Nope just call 911....But BD made it perfectly clear in this interview as well as others that she is still getting messages from SA,, yep that SA the #1 Suspect in her daughters disapearance....Yea I have it figured out.

Haily knows to call 911 ....

why not say Hailey call your father if you can I dont have my cell phone ... Hailey please call your Dad or call 911.....

She could use some help writing the pleading message to Hailey but also to the person that has taken her....
I think IF this statement has any truth to the medication in their lives, it may answer a few questions about what drugs were being bought the night before Hailey disappeared. MOO

"I have an ex-girlfriend and she’s taken a whole bunch of klonopin, it’s like an anxiety pill that I take. I guess she got them from me. I guess she, like, took a bunch of her pain pills too"


Did I miss the part where the dispatcher instructed SA to take BD to the hospital or call the Emergency Department to find out what to do when you suspect someone has taken an overdose?
That is not correct. Any decomposing tissue, from humans or animals, would produce it. It is also present in things such as urine or semen.

You are probably correct about decomposing blood. They will hit on body parts. But animals? They shouldn't.
I suppose some of us get cynical over time with these cases. We begin to pick apart inconsistencies and unusual behaviors. We read the quirks...like where the eyes are looking, what words are being said..or not said, and where the devotions seem to land. I tend to have lots of understanding for the parents who are going through this hell. Bless them.

If you're child was gone for a month, and you could say anything you wanted to her on national TV, would you say, "Get to a phone and call 911?"
Where is the emotion? Where is the, "I love you, I'm looking for you...please call us...call 911 and we will come and get you, where ever you are and whatever has happened. Hailey...please come home..I love you so much. I won't stop looking till I find you."

I have been thinking the exact same Shefner. With no new information it seems that people (self included) tend to go back and pick anything apart. Between edited news clips from a national show, or local news, persons being soo very tired and due to a horrific situation not thinking accurately all kinds of things can be misconstrued. I think we would all do well to remember this.

However, from another poster's comment: why does SA have the new phone #? Especially after LE has named him as a suspect. So, move him out...BUT still attempt/keep contact? Seems ridiculous in a sense. Do you believe him, trust him, or NOT? If you've come to another conclusion after asking him to leave then have him come home. To continue to text him knowing there will be no response (even in text) seems desperate to me. :banghead:
I really think this case will be going strong for a long time, JMOO

Look at Zahra's case....still NO arrests for her murder.........
It's possible that if Billie was on some sort of prescription meds when we first "met" her, she is no longer taking them or anything else, and is going thru some sort of withdrawal. That would add to any emotional/mental pain, yet might make her appear even more flat, perhaps?
I noticed BD didn't mention that LE had taken her to the landfills today just that she and MK had had some buttons made. I think LE and NG and possibly even MK are trying shock therapy to get her to realize or even admit to herself what is going on. There was a reason the show kept playing over and over SA's portion of that 911 call. They are trying to break SA's manipulative hold in my opinion.
the dogs came from Huntsville TX - big prison there...one article I read said they had a 6hr. drive.

There is a Body Farm at Sam Houston State University @ Huntsville, Tx too. Isn't Huntsville death row in Texas?
I wasn't complaining about you guys talking about it up here I just meant that you could find the post there. I just remembered someone had brought that up recently and was trying to point them to it, sorry.

Oh I know. It was reminding myself that I shouldn't be talking about it up here. And that's the last thing I'm going to say about it up here. lol. Besides, I'm no expert.


Grace questioned why cadaver dogs were being used in the search if police weren't directly looking for a body in the landfills. A dog expert joined the program and said cadaver dogs can hit on any sort of human tissue. The tissue includes anything from a body to bloody bandage.

I really don't think this is the case. HRD dogs should NOT be hitting on bandaids/tampons/ etc. Does anyone have any further information about the dogs ... where they came from ? The handlers?

I think NG needs a new dog expert. :crazy:
I noticed BD didn't mention that LE had taken her to the landfills today just that she and MK had had some buttons made. I think LE and NG and possibly even MK are trying shock therapy to get her to realize or even admit to herself what is going on. There was a reason the show kept playing over and over SA's portion of that 911 call. They are trying to break SA's manipulative hold in my opinion.

I think the landfill trip was yesterday.
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