TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #38

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There is a guy where I live that killed his girlfriend and buried her in a grave that was freshly dug. Nobody knew until he spilled the beans in an undercover sting operation a couple of years later.

INTERESTING....Who would have thought to look in the cemetary...for a fresh dug grave...to hide a body....

My thought on that...tho.....one would have to dig....DEEP enough...to keep smell of ...(sorry)...decay....from drawing attention, animals, etc...

But apparently...it can be done....

Something to "ponder on"....
After being glued to this case as we see no real progress, a couple of things have come to mind. First, I hope that LE talked to Hailey's friends, teachers, schoolmates, coaches, etc to get a clear picture of her, and what was happening in her life, and a feel for who she is. (Along with a timeline for the week leading to her disappearance).

And, since they seem to be at a standstill in the investigation, someone will sit down with all the paper involved in the case (that hopefully includes the victim profile above)-and scours every statement, record and piece of evidence they have gathered so far. Something helpful could be in those details that wasn't noticed before. imo
Snowinmemphis, Billie said there was not a party that she did not even realize it was New Years Eve, Some believe her and some do not. I do, my family is the type that would have been at my house with me, many would have been talking, laughing etc.,, that is just what they do in time of trouble, come together and try to keep spirits up and to take your mind off the bad things. There would be lots of food furnished by family, friends, neighbors and yes someone would have had the tv on when the ball dropped.
bringing this over from poster Sheik related to acid, oilfields, call reception, etc

Acid can be used to clean up old wells in an attempt to increase production. The term “Acid Job” is common out in the field. Say a well’s production has declined over time; a service company would come in suggest a treatment plan that could increase the wells production. Acid is usually a key ingredient to the fluid that’s pumped into the hole. The total amount of treatment fluid pumped into the hole is calculated by the barrel. Once the fluid is pumped into the hole or also known as formation, they may allow it to sit there anywhere from one hour to several days. In order to bring the well back into production, it’s important that the fluid be flushed out of the hole. At this point they begin swabbing the hole in an attempt to bring as much of the treatment fluid back to service as possible. They drop a plunger with a line to the bottom of the hole and come up out of the hole, repeating the process until the well kicks off (starts blowing) or they can no longer recover any additional treatment fluid. The recovered treatment fluid is usually directed to a hole that has been dug into the ground with the ground eventually absorbing it. While you wouldn’t want to stick a bare hand in the fluid that’s been recovered, it’s not nearly as potent as it was in its original state. I doubt that the recovery fluid would be potent enough to cause serious damage to flesh and bone.

Acid is also used to perforate casing. Casing is the outer pipe that goes into the hole. Figure that once all the casing is in the hole, in order to bring oil or gas to surface, that casing must have some holes in it that correlate with the production formation. This is when they place a “gun” down the hole that shoots off the mixture that will open holes in the casing at the production intervals.

These chemicals are usually under lock and key at the service company’s yard and also monitored. Its doubtful SA had access to these chemicals unless he had the assistance of someone, which I also feel is doubtful. One never knows though. I am sure LE has asked for inventory and accountability of the chemicals at the place SA worked. Not to say he couldn’t have acquired them elsewhere though.

There is a lot of oil and gas production in the area that composes of several counties. There are a lot of county roads, back roads, etc. as well. Working in the business going from well to well, one can learn those roads, shortcuts, etc. very quickly. Many wells are off the grid and one must know where to go in order to get to them. Many well locations may contain open holes that haven’t been covered up. While most land owners make sure that’s not the case, it still does occur. Many locations have old abandoned tanks. These tanks can be anywhere from 15 feet high and up. While a person could not enter the tank from the top, there is a space on the bottom of the tank towards the back that is secured by several bolts and screws. This door is opened up when the tank is empty so people can crawl inside to clean, maintain, etc.

Cell phone coverage varies and is sparse in many places. I carry a satellite phone at all times because of this.

I am hopeful LE has/is conducting the following:

1. Asking Weaver Services (and other service company’s) for an account of their fluid inventory and who has access to it.
2. Obtaining a log from SA’s employers for the past couple years or so detailing each and every well site he worked on and that they (LE) are actively searching each and every one of those well sites along with the roads leading to those sites. Traveling those roads one will see old abandoned buildings, stock tanks, caliche pits, old style outhouses, drain pipes, etc.

All these and more should be searched. Over time by traveling these roads, SA could have discovered what he felt was the ideal hiding place.
Form the other thread from yllk

The police are not answering calls to that number made by Billie herself, nor probably her close friends whose numbers/names they have - "test calls". Doesn't mean they aren't answering other incoming calls and following up pronto, imo.

The phone isn't ringing, it's going directly to voicemail, not a single ring, so they aren't seeing who is calling and picking and choosing based on what # shoes up.

Thanks peeples - you may be right. We don't know what they're doing with the phone calls first hand, just what Billie and her friend said. Unless, someone has a confirmation from LE that I haven't seen. I think it would be very odd that the FBI or even local LE wouldn't be monitoring that phone and following up on incoming calls with this high profile missing child case (both BD's and SA's), but stranger things have probably happened. I sure hope they're covering all the bases.
Snowinmemphis, Billie said there was not a party that she did not even realize it was New Years Eve, Some believe her and some do not. I do, my family is the type that would have been at my house with me, many would have been talking, laughing etc.,, that is just what they do in time of trouble, come together and try to keep spirits up and to take your mind off the bad things. There would be lots of food furnished by family, friends, neighbors and yes someone would have had the tv on when the ball dropped.

I totally agree with you on this Lady!! My family would never leave me alone at a time like that...they rarely do anyway:)
What bothers me about her account of that night was her saying on NG that SA had "a couple of drinks".
When a cop pulls over a suspected DUI that is always the answer...they have had a couple of drinks.
I would have kicked him out on his butt right then, but that is just the way I am I guess.
Snowinmemphis, Billie said there was not a party that she did not even realize it was New Years Eve, Some believe her and some do not. I do, my family is the type that would have been at my house with me, many would have been talking, laughing etc.,, that is just what they do in time of trouble, come together and try to keep spirits up and to take your mind off the bad things. There would be lots of food furnished by family, friends, neighbors and yes someone would have had the tv on when the ball dropped.

Another contradiction by SA in the affidavit:

"ADKINS downplayed the 'party' stating they just had a few friends over to the house to have drinks on New Years Eve."


  • Affidavit .pdf
    440.1 KB · Views: 19
Form the other thread from yllk

The police are not answering calls to that number made by Billie herself, nor probably her close friends whose numbers/names they have - "test calls". Doesn't mean they aren't answering other incoming calls and following up pronto, imo.

The phone isn't ringing, it's going directly to voicemail, not a single ring, so they aren't seeing who is calling and picking and choosing based on what # shoes up.

That voice mail has been that way since at least December 30th. One poster called in a tip and she said she got an answer, but I don't know if she used the same number. The Dec. 30th call was never returned.
GRACE: Right. Now she places her between 10:30 and 12:00, where was Hailey?

B. DUNN: Just cutting across her yard.

GRACE: Across her yard going to where?

B. DUNN: Possibly toward the dollar store that she walked to, but she lives catty corner from me. My backyard catty corners to her backyard.


Stewart and Clint Dunn said Hailey walked to the Dollar Store and Alco department store Sunday, not Monday, as Burroughs told police.

"She never came over at all Monday," Stewart said.

"Police have told us surveillance tapes at both stores put Hailey there on Sunday," Clint Dunn said.

This is what I was trying to say...yet not quite as well so thanks. I agree about the money and it's use though. :furious: I just wanted to give another reason as why she was hopping to another atm. Texas uses the same card as Illinois does.


I hope and pray that HD comes hope safe and sound! No matter the outcome I hope that the truth comes out soon!

I just finally got to your thread 37 post and yep you said what i did, and a lot shorter too! LOL
Great minds think alike ;)
I'm sorry Wondergirl, I didn't see your questions.

First, I had the day wrong! I'm so sorry, all I can say is I have a sinus infection and half of my brain has been eaten away.

Bd's garbage was not picked up until Wednesday! Her home is on the schedule for Wednesdays and is normally picked up around 3 pm.

Cd's home or is on the schedule for Fridays and is typically picked up at 8 am.

No, my brother's truck was never searched.
Thanks peeples - you may be right. We don't know what they're doing with the phone calls first hand, just what Billie and her friend said. Unless, someone has a confirmation from LE that I haven't seen. I think it would be very odd that the FBI or even local LE wouldn't be monitoring that phone and following up on incoming calls with this high profile missing child case (both BD's and SA's), but stranger things have probably happened. I sure hope they're covering all the bases.

agreed.. I can't think of any reason for them NOT to forward the calls to another # at least..... I don't know.. the phones.. like the rest.. don't make much sense :(
Wondering this.........

Due to the fact, regarding the history of S and B's relationship...(and regarding H dislike, distrust of S.....)where at one time, B wanted him to leave, break up, end the relationship....(sorry...confusing isn't it ..so far?) and the problem was over H....but later, it got resolved, B and S was "back on"...and all the commotion, problems, anger, etc..it caused......(I'm getting to my point...now...)..could the "blow up" around Christmas...been the fact...B was going to ask S to leave...AGAIN...because of H??? EVEN THO...B is saying things were now "awesome"...with her and S....

HOW do we KNOW..that is was????...

I could see this following senerio possible....as to what may have happened...

B..apparently..had wanted to stop the relationship with S before....and apparently it was over H...(we don't KNOW if this is true)....So she resumes her relationhsip with him, moves him in....NOW there is a blow up near Christmas...could be ...again...B wanting S to leave, move out....(we don't really know ...only what is being explained...and maybe AGAIN over H....and S has HAD ENOUGH...of H "causing trouble" between him and B...so that is the reason...he ..."gets rid" of her...now just him and B..and D..

Not trying to start a rumor...just trying to THINK like S ...being immature, childish, he may have thought, if H is GONE for good...I can have B...

PLUS...perhaps he was..trying to ..QUIET her...from something...that would make B make him leave for...

Anyway, just something to think about...as we TRULY don't know their "history" of what REALLY went on in that house....again....in my opinion only...
That voice mail has been that way since at least December 30th. One poster called in a tip and she said she got an answer, but I don't know if she used the same number. The Dec. 30th call was never returned.

IIRC, that poster called the tip line, not Billie's personal cell number.
This is what I was trying to say...yet not quite as well so thanks. I agree about the money and it's use though. :furious: I just wanted to give another reason as why she was hopping to another atm. Texas uses the same card as Illinois does.


I hope and pray that HD comes hope safe and sound! No matter the outcome I hope that the truth comes out soon!


I believe the withdrawals were one minute apart, 6:19 and 6:20? Not sure what other ATM you could get to that quickly. The affidavit says "a ATM machine", so I'm thinking it was the same machine for both withdrawals.

ETA: I'm way behind here on the threads, so I hope the info I posted is relevant since I may be responding out of context. I just recalled that the times were only a minute apart.

When BD called her son and asked that he call HD - what time did he inform her that she never made it to her friend's house?
What did BD do then? Did she make calls?
Does she ever explain why after work she does not look for HD but instead goes to the ATM?
I just found another mistruthifalsification on Ms. Billie Jean's part.

Billie on January 6:

GRACE: I know that she was seen by neighbors around lunchtime, noon in the backyard by herself, talking on a cell phone, right?

DUNN: Right. And I`m guessing the police would have asked that same neighbor, was my car here yet? Was Shawn home yet? They`ve talked to his mom and an uncle who stopped by his mom`s house saying that he was there. The police have never told me — well, they said Shawn came home earlier than that or —

Billie on January 18

DUNN: I haven`t spoke with him. He`ll send a text every now and then. But I haven`t asked him, why did you come back to the house? He never let me know that. I didn`t know that until the affidavits came out and showed his pings. That he had come back here first, then to Big Spring.

The affidavits came out on January 11. LE had already told her on or before January 6 that Shawn had come home early. All that time she knew he came home before lunchtime, before noon.

It's such a bad idea to lie on nationwide TV on Nancy Grace. I thought everybody had learned that from Tammi Smith in Gabriel Johnson's case. :floorlaugh:
Bringing this over from the last thread:

If the physical phone is evidence...fingerprints etc., then no one can touch the phone let alone answer it.

No, they "lift" fingerprints OFF the object and print them on a card, in order to examine and compare, under a microscope. They do not keep the object itself for evidence... no one else would be able to see the prints, and the pictures of the prints are used in court, not the object itself.

Only reason I can think of to keep Billie's phone is they are hoping if someone took Hailey, they would try calling that number. Or they were monitoring calls made to Billie or Hailey.

I believe that anything that they plan to present as evidence in any possible future trial has to be held so that the defence has an opportunity to have their experts go over it.

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