TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #44

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Hailey is 13 years old. She was heading to stay with a friend on Monday Dec. 27th but never made it. She is 5'1" with hazel eyes and brown hair. She also has pierced ears. She was last seen at 1804 Chestnut, wearing navy blue sweat pants, a light colored T-shirt and pink and white shoes.
Anyone who has seen Hailey contact the Colorado City Police Dept. at 325-728-5294

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Originally Posted by grandmaj
I'm seeing questions about sleuthing. Let me try to explain.

Persons named as a POI or Suspect are fully sleuthable.
Minors are never sleuthable. When copying a quote from MSM we even change minor's names to initials only.
Everyone else. You can discuss what they have said in media appearances, what the news has quoted them as saying, and their actions as reported in the news. We don't get into their personal lives, accuse them, discuss their background unless it is in MSM. Only discuss them so far as what MSM is reporting.

I hope this helps simplify sleuthing. I don't know too many people who don't have a skeleton or two in their closet. Just because they are related to, or somehow associated to a case like this, we can't destroy their reputation. Sometimes these associates or relatives move from this category to POI. Then the rules of sleuthing change.
If you have questions drop a Moderator a PM and then you will know you are on safe ground before posting.
Carry ON. Hailey.
Wow...these threads are flying...I wish we could hear some breaking news. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

Blessings and hugs
Actions and emotional responses following a child goes missing have a huge impact on a jury--per Stacy
Levi Show

PatB: re SA deleting from his cell in front of LE>psychopathy...
The Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo story has entered my mind a few times. :( Especially when reading some of the descriptions of the crimes BD printed off.
Been out most of the afternoon....trying to catch up. Anything interesting?
The Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo story has entered my mind a few times. :( Especially when reading some of the descriptions of the crimes BD printed off.

Mine as well, especially Xmas timing (a gift) and obsession with violence (a shared "hobby").
LEVI is recapping all 3 911 tapes.
Stacy's mind is completely BLOWN at this time...............(our's also!)
She is speeceless (on the deer statement,) SA not locked up while threatening to kill BD.
BD/SA failed poly.
BD failed on 'did you have aythng to do with the disappearence of Hailey'
Women who hook up with maniacs.........body will not show sex abuse (Zahra)
BD is covering for SA.........both should get punishment.
BD refused to co-operate ....LE barking up her tree
None of the panel believes BD on NG show......'acting'
No body, lies and mix up story.........
Stacy Detrick

Pat Brown on sadistic murders, slasher films, masks.......dark violent ideals......
comparing to Karla, Paul and murdering her sister Tammy and other young girls.
Co operation from BD for SA for love.............

Grandma saying SA frieghtened Hailey out side her door on phone, shadows.........
more horrific things.

White trash level.

Promoting himself on UTUBE.....
SA loves scaring people (popping out of closets?)
Hailey lived in fear everyday.

Odd behaviors of BD/SA..........New Years Eve party.........
2 different stories.
BD has excuse for everything.
BD says family.
SA says party.

BD is very non chalaunt....no emotion.....something is REALLY REALLY wrong.
You want more and more of fantasy....from killing a deer to a human...........
Fantasy...ideation, obsessed with stuff to move to next level.......Pat Brown

Stacy D, killed many deer that were hurt while she was a cop and it was a hard thing to do.
SA killing a deer was like NOTHING........SA does not think before he talks.
1st type of parent........needs medication.........2nd type MK says clear me with a poly.
Parents who buy drugs, have party huge impact on jury.
Shallow emotios, abnormal.......no devistation............BD

Every person that fails ad won't take poly again has been found guilty.

SA is an idiot, no brains......erasing cell phone in front of LE.

DD removed from mom's home.
BD says no big deal, he's with family.
BUT when child is moved out it is a bad sign.
I am afraid that BD and SA may have tried to pit the children against each other. Classic behavior if they are responsible... but not sure how that would work with siblings. I'm an only child... don't think it would work with my kids. They never got along, but bring ANYONE else in the picture, the claws came out and they were on the same side.
Mine as well, especially Xmas timing (a gift) and obsession with violence (a shared "hobby").

Sadly, I was thinking Christmas gift too. UGH! I cannot stomach this but I fear this will be real here.
PatB: the interest is in each other

-What about the brother and all of his many losses?
-How much does he know?
a child being abused....call LE not Child protection.
DD saved from situation because of high profile case.
Home was/is a sick place to live in.........
the interest is only into SA/BD not DD or Hailey.
DD has lost a sister, his home, what did he see or know.......
BD has no empathy for DD.
Levi..to Stacy...what does DD probably know about Hailey?
DD may be afraid of SA . Terrified of saying anything.
Low level life style, children are so used to it, they don't understand.

on another crime........thanks LEVI!!!

this was typed from the show, the best I could do........
There was a lot of heat for Billie in that show. She's certainly not being seen in a positive light, at all. mo
I wanted to say a few things. I realize that a lot of you here take anything I say with a large grain of salt because I am Billie's friend, and I have been defending her. I still continue to stand firm in my belief that Billie has no knowledge of what has happened to Hailey, and that she is in no way covering for anyone.

That said, my main goal is for Hailey to be found. Other than Billie, I am not defending anyone. I want everyone to be checked out by LE, and then checked again. I know that everyone here, no matter what opinion they hold about anyone in this case, also wants Hailey to be found. And I am grateful that you all continue to discuss the case and pray for Hailey. It is so important that she remains in everyone's mind and heart, and is not forgotten. I continue to believe that Hailey is still alive, and safe. I am not sticking my head in the sand, but that is how I am coping.

All that said, I wanted to put a few things out here. First of all, Billie has daily contact with LE. There is one Ranger that is her normal 'contact', and she usually calls him more than once a day. She is not being uncooperative. In fact, she wracks her brain and calls him with anything that she remembers, whether she thinks it is pertinant or not.

The FBI did give Billie a phone - I was there at her house when they brought it, and heard what those agents said with my own ears. This was after I brought her a phone to use. LE is also encouraging Billie to not cut off contact with Shawn - in fact, two Rangers drove her to his grandmother's house in the hopes that he would talk to her a while back.

Billie's original phone is still with LE. I have not called it in over a week, but everytime I previously called it, it went straight to voicemail. We were concerned about this because Hailey does know that number by heart, and if she has a chance to call anyone, it is going to be more than a shame if she gets voicemail. I can't believe that LE is not monitoring it, but they will not confirm that to Billie.

For those of you wondering about the coverage areas, both Billie's phone and Shawn's phone were Verizon.

NG has not decided to no longer carry Hailey's story, and Billie has not declined to be on her show. Or any other show. Most days, she talks to several reporters. We continue to try and get as much media coverage for Hailey as we can.

Personally, at this point, I do not know what to think about Shawn, or his involvement. I have been very clear before that I do not know him well at all. I do know Billie though, and I do not believe for one second that she would put anyone at all above her kids. At this point, she truly does not believe he is involved in Hailey's disappearance. I am not trying to debate his involvement, or try to make anyone stop looking at him. There are a whole lot of questions that are unanswered, and JMO, I am afraid that some of those questions will never be answered to anyone's satisfaction. He has not ended all contact with LE, although I have no idea how much information he is giving in his statements - or even if he is talking besides 'pleading the fifth.'

My greatest fear is that LE really doesn't have much more than they have released. Surely to God though, they are just not saying much. I really would hate to think that LE meant it when they said they would have to have a body to make an arrest.

I am not in any way trying to make anyone stop speculating about Billie. I realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinons. If I didn't know Billie, I might very well be thinking the very same things that many of you are. I do know her though, and have been spending a lot of time with her. I see her anguish growing day by day. The more time that passes, the harder it is to hold on to hope. But she is determined (as am I) to not give up hope that Hailey is alive.

Please continue to pray for Hailey's safe return.
Levi Show

PatB: re SA deleting from his cell in front of LE>psychopathy...

So true... Psychopaths think they are above the law and can't get caught - that they are smarter than everyone around them, including LE. And that they are not required to play by the same rules as everyone else.
I wanted to say a few things. I realize that a lot of you here take anything I say with a large grain of salt because I am Billie's friend, and I have been defending her. I still continue to stand firm in my belief that Billie has no knowledge of what has happened to Hailey, and that she is in no way covering for anyone.

That said, my main goal is for Hailey to be found. Other than Billie, I am not defending anyone. I want everyone to be checked out by LE, and then checked again. I know that everyone here, no matter what opinion they hold about anyone in this case, also wants Hailey to be found. And I am grateful that you all continue to discuss the case and pray for Hailey. It is so important that she remains in everyone's mind and heart, and is not forgotten. I continue to believe that Hailey is still alive, and safe. I am not sticking my head in the sand, but that is how I am coping.

All that said, I wanted to put a few things out here. First of all, Billie has daily contact with LE. There is one Ranger that is her normal 'contact', and she usually calls him more than once a day. She is not being uncooperative. In fact, she wracks her brain and calls him with anything that she remembers, whether she thinks it is pertinant or not.

The FBI did give Billie a phone - I was there at her house when they brought it, and heard what those agents said with my own ears. This was after I brought her a phone to use. LE is also encouraging Billie to not cut off contact with Shawn - in fact, two Rangers drove her to his grandmother's house in the hopes that he would talk to her a while back.

Billie's original phone is still with LE. I have not called it in over a week, but everytime I previously called it, it went straight to voicemail. We were concerned about this because Hailey does know that number by heart, and if she has a chance to call anyone, it is going to be more than a shame if she gets voicemail. I can't believe that LE is not monitoring it, but they will not confirm that to Billie.

For those of you wondering about the coverage areas, both Billie's phone and Shawn's phone were Verizon.

NG has not decided to no longer carry Hailey's story, and Billie has not declined to be on her show. Or any other show. Most days, she talks to several reporters. We continue to try and get as much media coverage for Hailey as we can.

Personally, at this point, I do not know what to think about Shawn, or his involvement. I have been very clear before that I do not know him well at all. I do know Billie though, and I do not believe for one second that she would put anyone at all above her kids. At this point, she truly does not believe he is involved in Hailey's disappearance. I am not trying to debate his involvement, or try to make anyone stop looking at him. There are a whole lot of questions that are unanswered, and JMO, I am afraid that some of those questions will never be answered to anyone's satisfaction. He has not ended all contact with LE, although I have no idea how much information he is giving in his statements - or even if he is talking besides 'pleading the fifth.'

My greatest fear is that LE really doesn't have much more than they have released. Surely to God though, they are just not saying much. I really would hate to think that LE meant it when they said they would have to have a body to make an arrest.

I am not in any way trying to make anyone stop speculating about Billie. I realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinons. If I didn't know Billie, I might very well be thinking the very same things that many of you are. I do know her though, and have been spending a lot of time with her. I see her anguish growing day by day. The more time that passes, the harder it is to hold on to hope. But she is determined (as am I) to not give up hope that Hailey is alive.

Please continue to pray for Hailey's safe return.


That's odd, did she say why? NG usually does not just quit carrying a child's story?
So true... Psychopaths think they are above the law and can't get caught - that they are smarter than everyone around them, including LE. And that they are not required to play by the same rules as everyone else.

Prime example: Drew Peterson

That's odd, did she say why?

Maybe I didn't phrase it right..... NG has not said that she will no longer be covering Hailey. The producers are still in touch with Billie. Is this what you mean?
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