TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #45

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First we were lead to believe that SA worked a regular shift on Mon 12/27 and came home as Hailey was headed out the door - "nothing out of the ordinary" per his video interview with Priscilla Luong. Then we heard that he actually got off early and got home about 1 p.m. that day. Then we heard he had never worked that day and got home at 3 p.m..

We also heard that BD worked her regular shift on 12/27 - 12 hours. Then we figured out that she couldn't have because she was at the ATM at 6:30ish p.m. and she went in at 7:00 a.m. - she must have gotten off early (FWIW, her dear friend confirmed last night that she did indeed leave work early). We don't know just how early she got off the day Hailey reportedly went missing, but it wasn't the normal 12 hour shift that's been mentioned in the past. No one has volunteered/confirmed what time Billie left work and what she did next on that fateful day, except for the ATM run.

5:45 p.m. — Adkins picks up Billie Jean Dunn from work.


Billie Dunn, who was working a 12-hour hospital shift that day, said she was a little upset when her daughter did not call her later to confirm that she was staying with a friend.

But their story right now is that SA picked her up from work, then they hit the ATM. I don't think she could have gotten a ride home within that 45 minutes without us hearing about it. And he couldn't have picked her up in that small window of time.

I think she was at work until he picked her up at 6ish.

Well, I get more confuzzled every day, it seems. Never mind me, I'm going to take a nap.
OK, so this is a wild longshot, but this whole thing is so inacurate and contradictory. no ones stories are consistent, SA seems to either be someone who puts his foot in his mouth constantly or is a person that has commited a terrible crime, there is no body, no blood, no nothing, no eveidence that anything untoward has happened, Adults who cannot keep one story straight no matter how minor the details....has anyone considered it may be a hoax? I know its a slim as he££ chance, but over here we had something happen like this, a child kinapping, suspicious parents, a boyfriend with an unsightly computer history.... the little girl was gone for just short of a month as well. her mother has been imprissoned for kidnapping now. toxicology tests showed the girl had been drugged with temazepan for up to 20 months prior to dissapearance. the mother even publicallystaded the boyfriend would never hurt the child, after it was found out he had previoussly been violent towards the family.... there are a few paralells that make for interesting reading of you are open minded...

5:45 p.m. — Adkins picks up Billie Jean Dunn from work.


Billie Dunn, who was working a 12-hour hospital shift that day, said she was a little upset when her daughter did not call her later to confirm that she was staying with a friend.


Thanks BeanE - you are always on the ball!

These are the kind of things that are confusing in trying to piece together the timeline. "She worked her normal 12 hour shift that day" vs. "Adkins picked her up at 5:45 p.m." - those 2 statements contradict each other. :banghead:

It could mean nothing more than the she was told to leave a little early. Or, it could mean much more. It's hard to tell because prior inconsistencies in time and whereabouts have turned out to be of major importance in the case. In due time, we'll know how it all fits together (I hope!).
Thanks BeanE - you are always on the ball!

These are the kind of things that are confusing in trying to piece together the timeline. "She worked her normal 12 hour shift that day" vs. "Adkins picked her up at 5:45 p.m." - those 2 statements contradict each other. :banghead:

It could mean nothing more than the she was told to leave a little early. Or, it could mean much more. It's hard to tell because prior inconsistencies in time and whereabouts have turned out to be of major importance in the case. In due time, we'll know how it all fits together (I hope!).

Has it been confirmed that her normal shift is 12 hours. I know this is a normal shift for nurses, lvn's, etc. but she was in a clerical position. Do they work the same hours? ja
I understand why your mind keeps pondering it!

First we were lead to believe that SA worked a regular shift on Mon 12/27 and came home as Hailey was headed out the door - "nothing out of the ordinary" per his video interview with Priscilla Luong. Then we heard that he actually got off early and got home about 1 p.m. that day. Then we heard he had never worked that day and got home at 3 p.m..

We also heard that BD worked her regular shift on 12/27 - 12 hours. Then we figured out that she couldn't have because she was at the ATM at 6:30ish p.m. and she went in at 7:00 a.m. - she must have gotten off early (FWIW, her dear friend confirmed last night that she did indeed leave work early). We don't know just how early she got off the day Hailey reportedly went missing, but it wasn't the normal 12 hour shift that's been mentioned in the past. No one has volunteered/confirmed what time Billie left work and what she did next on that fateful day, except for the ATM run. It certainly leaves the door open for pondering - I agree.. It's crucial to the time line and chain of events, but we have a missing piece.

Any deviations from the normal routine for family members when a child goes missing is usually something we know right off the bat. I agree that Billie's time of work departure might be withheld by LE intentionally for now and could prove to be a significant detail in the investigation. We shall see...

maybe i can help shed some light on the maybes here

i know my daughter that works in a trauma unit often does not get her lunch break, even just regular breaks are somewhat helter skelter

these are 12 hour shifts and often when things slow down if she has not taken her lunch/supper break it is not unusual for the charge nurse to say take off it has slowed down now as you did not get a break today

that will usually be anywhere from half hour to 45 minutes HTH
maybe i can help shed some light on the maybes here

i know my daughter that works in a trauma unit often does not get her lunch break, even just regular breaks are somewhat helter skelter

these are 12 hour shifts and often when things slow down if she has not taken her lunch/supper break it is not unusual for the charge nurse to say take off it has slowed down now as you did not get a break today

that will usually be anywhere from half hour to 45 minutes HTH

BD was not a nurse. She was working clerical.
OK, so this is a wild longshot, but this whole thing is so inacurate and contradictory. no ones stories are consistent, SA seems to either be someone who puts his foot in his mouth constantly or is a person that has commited a terrible crime, there is no body, no blood, no nothing, no eveidence that anything untoward has happened, Adults who cannot keep one story straight no matter how minor the details....has anyone considered it may be a hoax? I know its a slim as he££ chance, but over here we had something happen like this, a child kinapping, suspicious parents, a boyfriend with an unsightly computer history.... the little girl was gone for just short of a month as well. her mother has been imprissoned for kidnapping now. toxicology tests showed the girl had been drugged with temazepan for up to 20 months prior to dissapearance. the mother even publicallystaded the boyfriend would never hurt the child, after it was found out he had previoussly been violent towards the family.... there are a few paralells that make for interesting reading of you are open minded...


WOW. what a wild case. I can only hope that Hailey's turns out like this. Thanks for the link. fascinating.

I do think there is a possibility SA handed her off to someone ands she could still be alive.
I thought that at first as well! Having been married to a crack head, they do have that type of look on their face when confronted!. But after realizing that BD got off work early (but no confirmation of how early) and the fact that something bothered DD enough to leave the house AFTER he was inside to go and get his dad..I just don't know? Add to that why would CD not say something to SA (granted we don't know whether he did or not for sure)..but he prolly wouldn't IF he got there and found out that BD was home too...

Maybe she took last hour meal and got off work early. Some get 1 1/2 hrs for meal. Either way I was taken back that she was still up Monday night after working all day (12 hrs) and still awake when she last seen Hailey between 10 and 11pm. I work 12 hr days and Im completely exhausted when I get home.
Since Hailey wasn't "officially" missing yet, maybe they were just having sex?
I know if I sneak home for some afternoon delight, I don't just lock my bedroom door, but the front door too. I probably would not hear loud banging on the front door either just because my bedroom is on the opposite side of the house.

Maybe that's what SA was doing...alone
BD was not a nurse. She was working clerical.

i am totally aware of that but the unit clerks/clerical are just as busy as the nurses and in her case it is something that does happen pretty often with whomever...and i know she herself truly appreciates the fact as often she has not had time to even eat during the course of those 12 hours
Thanks BeanE - you are always on the ball!

These are the kind of things that are confusing in trying to piece together the timeline. "She worked her normal 12 hour shift that day" vs. "Adkins picked her up at 5:45 p.m." - those 2 statements contradict each other. :banghead:

It could mean nothing more than the she was told to leave a little early. Or, it could mean much more. It's hard to tell because prior inconsistencies in time and whereabouts have turned out to be of major importance in the case. In due time, we'll know how it all fits together (I hope!).

Do we know her normal hours? Maybe she went in at 6 rather than 7. Or maybe didn't take her lunch break. Or she could have just taken off early with or without permission. Could be a lot of logical explanations.
Has it been confirmed that her normal shift is 12 hours. I know this is a normal shift for nurses, lvn's, etc. but she was in a clerical position. Do they work the same hours? ja

it has been stated that her shifts are 12 hour shifts in a rotation
i am totally aware of that but the unit clerks/clerical are just as busy as the nurses and in her case it is something that does happen pretty often with whomever...and i know she herself truly appreciates the fact as often she has not had time to even eat during the course of those 12 hours

I am not disputing that they work very hard and miss many meals and normal work hours. My son is a physician and Director of ER at a very large hospital in TN. I know the hours they all have to put and God bless them for it. I didn't realize HD was actually on the floor of a unit. I just assumed she was in a front office of the hospital. tia.
WOW. what a wild case. I can only hope that Hailey's turns out like this. Thanks for the link. fascinating.

I do think there is a possibility SA handed her off to someone ands she could still be alive.

the wikipedia doesnt pay it justice really, it was a HUGE case in the UK, tv stations and papers got involved, it opened up debate about importance of class in missing children cases and wether poorer families get less interest. the mother did tearful media interviews, and it took a fair few weeks for it to start to unravel. i want Hailey to be alive so so much, and when i remembered about Shannon Matthews today, it struck me the similarities on some levels.
I like how your mind works, and the way you think out of the box. [ to put it mildly]

but i am going to disagree that BD was there at the house when DD climbed thru the window.

If so, then she would have been there when Hailey left for the sleep over. Do you think that is the case?

I agree 100%..and also agree that would indicate BD was in the home when Hailey left out for her "sleepover"{DD arrives home at 4pm.} going with the scenario that BD is in the home with SA at this time..and we have Hailey's departure at 3:15 witnessed by SA.. there would not be enough time in this tight of a timeline that would allow SA to get to Snyder Hospital pick up BD and both SA/BD be securely back in the home...with the doors all locked by 4pm when DD arrives and begins knocking..

But regardless of any type of timeline the MAIN REASON I do not believe that BD was in the home at 4pm when DD arrives is that Billie's whereabouts during work hours are easily verifiable.. and its been stated numerous times that BD left work a little early..going to the ATM{6:19/6:20 verified by the ATM withdrawals}..
So if this WERE NOT TRUE and BD being in the home way earlier SA would not be named alone as the last person to see Hailey.. ALONG WITH THE FACT THAT DD DEFINITELY would have relayed this info to CD when telling his dad about the "odd" situation that he had returned home to at 4pm on the 27th..

In the affidavit it DOES NOT have DD's direct acct of these events that occurred when he arrived home at 4pm on the 27th.. but rather have Clint Dunn's account of the events as he was told by his son DD..

If BD had been part of the events{i.e. in the home at 4pm on the 27th refusing to answer DD's banging on the door}then we would have seen in the affidavits Clint Dunn stating that BD was in the residence as well at 4pm on the 27th..{IMO any speculation of CD being too high/lack of memory to have remembered or paid attention to this DIRE OF IMPORTANCE fact that his son..DD relayed to him..well..is just ludicrous..IMO}..

So for whatever reason LE DOES NOT directly quote DD with regards to the account of the events at 4pm on the 27th when he returned home to mom's house and bangs with no one answering..In the affidavit LE instead has this account stated by DD's father..CD..as the events were told to him by his son..
LE then corroborates this statement{per CD} by then stating that mother..BD confirms those exact events as they are stated in the affidavit..

Which IMO simply means that LE is giving additional proof to back up the initial claim of DD's given by his father..CD{that DD arrived at 4pm on the 27th..banged for 5mins..then entered thru a window..where he sees SA with the "deer caught in the headlights look"}..by having BD confirm that this is the exact events that she was told by DD as well..Making it all the more likely that these exact events were exactly as they are being stated that they are.. By having DD's account of events being told the exact same way to two separate ppl and having this corroborated..confirmed and backed up..in the affidavit..

Hope that makes sense..I tried to explain it as simple..yet as detailed as I could to make it understandable..

I am not sure why it is that LE chose NOT TO DIRECTLY QUOTE DD'S ACCOUNT OF THE EVENTS in the affidavits{maybe because he is a minor?..like I said I really don't know}..but for whatever reason it is a fact that LE chose NOT TO DIRECTLY QUOTE DD'S ACCOUNT and instead to have his account given by his father and then confirmed by his mother as to what DD saw and had occurred at 4pm on the 27th..
5:45 p.m. — Adkins picks up Billie Jean Dunn from work.


Billie Dunn, who was working a 12-hour hospital shift that day, said she was a little upset when her daughter did not call her later to confirm that she was staying with a friend.


A little upset, yet, Billie...

... said she never was worried that she was somewhere else.

“That’s something I never really worried about with her,” she said.


IMO, more double-speak.
Is there any news at all today? Wasn't a search scheduled? I wake up everyday hoping Hailey will be found, and it's getting too quiet. I pray this case doesn't go cold.

sorry took a break from this thread for a bit and i as well would love to know if the searches planned for today are taking place can anyone help out here?
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