TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #46

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Anyone who wants to see a broken-hearted woman should look up Clint's mom's FB page...
BBM, I totally agree with the bolded part. It's exactly like two different missing children. Personally, I think if Billie really does care about her daughter it's time to let Clint do the public speaking. At this point Billie is what people are talking about, not Hailey. Everytime Billie opens her mouth SA comes up. She seems to talk about him way more than her missing child. This I cannot understand.

The focus needs to be back on that child. She is who needs help. Please Lord, hear our prayer.

just my opinion, but I do not think anyone is stopping CD from going on national tv, Nancy Grace or anywhere he wants to speak. Maybe someone can suggest to Clint that he take over and let Billie fade in the background.
Interesting....if she is / was / were...whatever...talking to LE twice a day, as reported, then it would seem she would be "in the know"....hmmmmm

I am pretty sure that they are very stingy with the info when she asks. My personal opinion is that some agencies are careful how much detail they share with other agencies because they don't want certain less experienced individuals getting in the way. It can't be fun to have to call a press conference to tell folks to ignore what you told them earlier because it was wrong.

Very much MOO!
I agree with BD that LE needs to widen the search. Especially, due to the fact they are not able to charge anyone . To focus and speculate on one suspect is the detriment of the recovery of HD. Speculation is non productive. They gotta keep looking and searching.
BBM. Oh I dunno, I think little Miss BD has done a pretty good job of discrediting herself for the past month that her daughter has been missing. All I've heard out of that mouth of hers so far is poor SA, he didn't do anything, he loves HD, LE needs to look at others, blah, blah, blah. IMO.

I agree! That is why I thought there was plenty of gossip about things BD DID do or say, without having to diss her for one of the best things she has done.

This loyalty to SA is very dangerous, IMO. He is using it to keep her connected to him so that even when he is not there, she is still under his spell. I think that BD is addicted...she feels like she needs him so badly that she can't bear to see the truth!
I agree with BD that LE needs to widen the search. Especially, due to the fact they are not able to charge anyone . To focus and speculate on one suspect is the detriment of the recovery of HD. Speculation is non productive. They gotta keep looking and searching.

I agree.
Sure SA is the prime suspect(as he should be since he was the last to see HD), but he's not been arrested.
What if he really didn't have anything to do with Hailey's disappearance and because all of the focus is on him, someone else is getting away with kidnapping/murder?

I just keep thinking that maybe Hailey had a stalker that she wasn't aware of.
Someone that had seen her cheering in a game or doing some other kind of activity within public view. If she was watched for any amount of time, someone would realize very quickly that she was without supervision a good bit of the day during Christmas break.
Originally Posted by grandmaj
I'm seeing questions about sleuthing. Let me try to explain.

Persons named as a POI or Suspect are fully sleuthable.
Minors are never sleuthable. When copying a quote from MSM we even change minor's names to initials only.

Everyone else. You can discuss what they have said in media appearances, what the news has quoted them as saying, and their actions as reported in the news. We don't get into their personal lives, accuse them, discuss their background unless it is in MSM. Only discuss them so far as what MSM is reporting.

I hope this helps simplify sleuthing. I don't know too many people who don't have a skeleton or two in their closet. Just because they are related to, or somehow associated to a case like this, we can't destroy their reputation. Sometimes these associates or relatives move from this category to POI. Then the rules of sleuthing change.
If you have questions drop a Moderator a PM and then you will know you are on safe ground before posting.
Carry ON. Hailey.

I agree.
Sure SA is the prime suspect(as he should be since he was the last to see HD), but he's not been arrested.
What if he really didn't have anything to do with Hailey's disappearance and because all of the focus is on him, someone else is getting away with kidnapping/murder?

I just keep thinking that maybe Hailey had a stalker that she wasn't aware of.
Someone that had seen her cheering in a game or doing some other kind of activity within public view. If she was watched for any amount of time, someone would realize very quickly that she was without supervision a good bit of the day during Christmas break.

Exactly, a pretty little blonde cheerleader. I believe RSO have been ruled out. How about SA's friends who shared the same fetish? Really, at this point, I believe it could be anyone.The concerning thing is the LE does not have enough evidence to arrest anyone. It has been a long time.
I hope LE is still looking at other options beside SA.
Lots of folks feel that MCSO out in Oregon need look no further than TH, but they still have not found Kyron and many are presuming, at least, that they are not closed to all other suspects or scenarios...
Who brought the dogs in on the 31st?

Those dogs were reported to have been borrowed from the prisons. I don't know who the handlers were, but I believe that the dog search was directed by CCPD.

Texas Rangers and other agencies came to C-City the day after the frist NG appearance to go over the facts of the investigation, then announced that they would be "starting over at the beginning". This was reported in the C-City newspaper, Abilene Reporter-News, and on various tv stations. I'm sorry, I've forgotten the call letters of C-city's radio station, but I'm sure they reported it as well.
Those dogs were reported to have been borrowed from the prisons. I don't know who the handlers were, but I believe that the dog search was directed by CCPD.

Texas Rangers and other agencies came to C-City the day after the frist NG appearance to go over the facts of the investigation, then announced that they would be "starting over at the beginning". This was reported in the C-City newspaper, Abilene Reporter-News, and on various tv stations. I'm sorry, I've forgotten the call letters of C-city's radio station, but I'm sure they reported it as well.

On NG transcripts from Jan 3 there was somethng about dogs being brought in from an airport?

Does the airport there have a K-9 unit?
I know there wasome s talk about the dogs searching being from the jail but I dont think it was the tracking dogs from the first times.IMO
Or wouldn't it be just the best crimestory,go National and be better than any video of roleplaying?

WoW! If a month ago I had seen this posted and tossed around as even a possibility in any case I would have said NO WAY..JOSE!

But in the past month in dealing with these two{and I very much equate Billie as a firm/solid 50%..a total and complete "half" that joined with Shawn's 50% and total and complete "half"..solidly together make up a "WHOLE"}..meaning that in the beginning I very very much defended Billie.. stood for her being ZERO% INVOLVED IN/AND AROUND HAILEY'S DISAPPEARANCE..DISPOSAL.. AND COVER-UP...

More so than ANY case before I went in this with a COMPLETE OPEN-MIND and if leaning towards anything firmly..as I said it would be that Billie was NOT A PARTICIPANT IN ANY WAY..SHAPE..OR FORM...

It is NOT due to the media swaying opinions or reporting with a motive to "paint Billie a certain way" infact I'd say if anything I've seen "some local news media personnel" attempting to report with bias "toward" Billie attempting to put their "personal feelings and/or involvement" into some of their reporting...

It has been what little that has been released{mainly court affidavits and search warrants..which I feel is one of the only things I can trust in this case}..along with Billie..herself that has convinced me..swayed me.. in a straight and positive arrow that points dead center on Billie..herself{and of course the complete "other half" Shawn Adkins making up the other 50% of shared responsibility for Hailey's demise}..

Billie{through ONLY FAULT OF HER OWN}has continued to remain consistent in this.. It is one of the ONLY THINGS THAT CONTINUES TO REMAIN CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT!..Billie's words..Billie's actions.. Billie's choices.. combined with her die hard "need" for Shawn Adkins..combined with all of the past history thats come to light{and I am not speaking of their extra-curricular activities..nor their "hobbies"..NOPE I DO NOT EVEN FACTOR THAT INTO WHAT IMO WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH THE DIRECTION OF WHERE THE RESPONSIBILITY LIES}..

When I speak of past history I mean all of the things that have come to light about Hailey's desperate need to continually be removing herself COMPLETELY from Billie's home{and IMO I would definitely categorize it as
"desperate need" when we have multiple accounts from multiple ppl of Hailey expressing this great desire/need as well as many times actually being successful in removing herself from the home for periods of time}..

So in a nutshell.. with the above being a brief synopsis for each of the specific aspects that have led me to where I presently am..which the direction is steady and sure and has remained consistent..the direction continues to point firmly in the one..same place...and for me that direction is directly..dead on..pointing back to the home at 1804 Chestnut..at the two adults that reside there{and I do believe that there is a definite reason that DD was REMOVED from the home[and IMO no it was not at Billie's choosing to do so..she would like everyone to believe this..as she herself would like to believe.]its IMO the decision was made before Billie was even aware that DD was infact going to be removed from that home..one way or another}..

sorry I rambled way off topic of what my post was responding to{^above post^by winterrose}..a month ago if i'd seen something like whats in above post I WOULD HAVE SCREAMED-HOGWASH!

and presently IMO I still don't believe it to be "exactly" the case{that it was planned to be the perfect true crime story}..but after all thats been seen..heard..read..and watched..not much would surprise me..will just have to wait and see...when all is said and done..

ETA~ of course it goes without saying that the above is 100% in my own personal opinion...my opinion is based on the specific aspects I briefly discussed in my above post.. based on those aspects I have formed my opinion:)
BD has never posted a single thing on the internet, nor researched in any way how to take her story "national". Her friends and other members/parents of the community did that IMO. She didn't have her first media interview until Jan 3rd, which was set up with the help of friends. Texas Rangers were there within 3 days. I don't know why we think they came because BD asked them to?


Oh but she did. She met Shawn through Myspace, and they 'talked' on there for a month before they met in person.
Exactly, a pretty little blonde cheerleader. I believe RSO have been ruled out. How about SA's friends who shared the same fetish? Really, at this point, I believe it could be anyone.The concerning thing is the LE does not have enough evidence to arrest anyone. It has been a long time.

They may have checked all the RSOs, but what about the possibility of a SO who has not been caught before. They obviously offend at least once BEFORE they go on the registry.
From Christmas Day until the 26th, Hailey was at her Dad's. What phone did she have access to there? Landline? Someone's cell? Landline calls are harder to trace, especially local calls of short duration, but if she used Clint or N's cell, there would be information there. I'm sure it has been erased by now though. :(


It would still have been accessible through the service provider to LE, and I'm sure they've already got it.
Why do you smile
Like you've been told a secret
Now you're telling lies
Cause you have sworn to keep it
But no one keeps a secret
No one keeps a secret

Why when we do our darkest deeds
Do we tell?
They burn in our brains
Become a living hell
Cause everybody tells
Everybody tells…

Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of them is dead…
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