TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #50

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ITA Cant go throwing people under the bus because someone that has already been proven less than credible , changed stories and flunked poly says so.

If this person turns out to be cousin Joe from Tennessee I'm gonna :maddening:
(reference to Haleigh Cummings case...I'm not accusing a cousin named Joe)
As for today's "press conference": I hope she's cleared it with LE. I hope she discusses the THREE days (Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday) or it will be...unsatisfying...to most of us. I hope she has a legal representative check over her statement (for her sake--assuming she is innocent). And finally, I hope it's not what many are expecting...throwing Cousin Joe (from CD's) side under the bus (because that will not do anyone any good).

That's her problem, IMO she is having this PC only to set the record straight with us because for some twisted reason, she is concerned about how we see her. Frankly if it were me and my child, I could care less what anyone of you thought about me and I surely wouldn't be stating that I would deal with those slandering me at a later time.

BD should be meeting with LE to talk about things such as this.
My vote for the mystery man is it will be someone from Clint's side of the family...... because she knows as soon as we hear that.....we're all gonna start sleuthing the Dunn's. And IMO, in the process, she's hoping we'll start focusing on Clint's lifestyle instead of hers. All IMO.

I doubt BD will be naming any names but will give a vague statement about the mystery man.

If he were that important then LE could have named mystery man a POI and asked for the public's help to find him.

Phhhhffffttttt is my opinion. Just another deflection off of the only named suspect.

Lets just say there is a mystery man. When did he abduct/or take Hailey?
Doesn't look that way, does it?

Well, now I take that back. Redcat did manage to track down the mystery sofa downstairs in the basement thread. :) But otherwise, I'd say no.

I don't concur. We did not hear anything from LE about the sofa's. Only a friend said that LE looked at them. Not very official.
Since there is at least one poster here who is confirmed media/radio, I would hope that they have gotten details about the presser for today at 1pm. Perhaps they could share with us what they have been informed will take place. I mean it's almost 10AM there in TX so surely anyone who's supposed to attend this thing knows when and where they are supposed to be and how it's going to go down.

Why can't we get any official confirmation that it is in fact still taking place as planned?

For lack of a better term...It aint no big deal, not breaking news, old news. I think the media around here is tired of the story, no new information, no longer on NG, it's not national news anymore so they have gone on to other things. Sad, but this is the way it is headed. JMO ####We needed a Kathi Belich on this!!!!!######
Why do we keep our members from sleuthing people?

Do you think BD's accusations are credible?

What if she pointed the finger at you and we allowed everyone to sleuth your internet life history?

Good questions, I must say. Let's not sleuth this person until we learn more of the after effects of the interview. Maybe LE will speak out and exonerate this person.
ITA! Thank you Kimster!

not a good idea to start sleuthing people named by a person who FAILED HER POLY in this case!

MOO and all that
I'm just very uncomfortable with the parent of a missing child releasing info that LE has chosen not to release for whatever reason.

I agree. CZ posted the other night that BD had told her who this mystery person is and that the name would cause our jaws to drop. CZ also stated that BD was not going to release the name of the mystery person during today's PC and that she (CZ) had the statement in hand at that time and was typing it up for BD. This was early early Saturday morning so I am sure the statement has undergone a few mods since then based on what's been posted.
We all know BD continues to communicate with SA.

One has to wonder if this PC hasn’t been orchestrated in the background by SA’s attorney. Doubtful perhaps but with BD, anything is possible.

I'll bet Billie is more than capable of orchestrating this all on her very own. She dances, weaves, omits, manipulates, gas lights and orchestrates very well. IMO, she's experienced in this area.
Its JMHO - but I think BD lives by the court of public opinion. If the majority of the public thinks someone is innocent of a crime - well then, they must be innocent. Thing is I don't think BD thinks this through in that EVERYONE will be of the same opinion. Just look here - we all have different opinions, outlooks, views, etc.

From the get-go BD has lamented about the big bad LE on this case. They didn't do anything for the first four days, BD had to call the Texas Rangers/FBI, plea to Hailey to call 911 because LE took her phone, LE isn't telling the public everything and now there is a new mystery man POI, etc. etc. etc.

BD is so very deperately trying to get the court of public opinion on her side, which believes with all her heart - (my snark using SA's words) that her awesome live-in bf couldn't have done anything to Hailey that she is now holding her own press conferences to alert the court of public opinion about a mystery man that is also a POI and is currently AWOL.

What baffles me is that BD can't step back for even one second to see what she is doing to her own perception by the court of public opinion.

The article yesterday about lying to a federal officer is a felony was a warning (IMO). Every minute that BD was questioned is on tape. We know that from CA's case. I hope she has sat down and reviewed in her mind just what she said and to whom she said it. If she has contradicted herself in the press to any questions she was asked by the FBI agents - well - go back and re-read the first sentence of this paragraph.

BD needs to get a good attorney and shut up.
When is the conference then - 1pm?? Someone track it and please note it. I won't be able to listen....thanks in advance!!
I don't know about anyone else here, but I am starting to feel that WS is being used by POI's in this case for their own agendas. IMO

Good call. Maybe these threads should go downstairs.

Just a thought --


ETA: 34 lurkers right now???
That's her problem, IMO she is having this PC only to set the record straight with us because for some twisted reason, she is concerned about how we see her. Frankly if it were me and my child, I could care less what anyone of you thought about me and I surely wouldn't be stating that I would deal with those slandering me at a later time.

BD should be meeting with LE to talk about things such as this.

LOL @ slandering BD

Maybe she should focus on being a proper parent to her son and her daughter if she ever comes home. That would mean no more drugs, no more shifty men, no more volatile domestic relationships, no more letting her kids raise themselves. Clean up your own back yard before you get mad at all the bad public.
Good call. Maybe these threads should go downstairs.

Just a thought --


ETA: 34 lurkers right now???

anyone can join and go downstairs. We can't hide from anyone:crazy:
If this person turns out to be cousin Joe from Tennessee I'm gonna :maddening:
(reference to Haleigh Cummings case...I'm not accusing a cousin named Joe)

Yep. Hence that Tennessee "lead" that didn't pan out. :rolleyes:
Yeah...I've felt that a couple of people are intertwined as one person. KWIM??
Oh, I say let them (BD) keep on talking......LE is loving it. You can try to muck up the water, but the smart horse just goes upstream to drink.
look, I am not a mod... I don't even have the outfit... but I don't think we should be discussing other members.... I do NOT want to see this thread shut down...
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