TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52

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It sure sounded to me like a slam against Clint. How would she know that these other people collecting money did not have jobs or whatever it was she threw in there? That really turned me off. I think Billie is just beside herself that Clint is coming off as the more sympathetic figure here and she just can't stand it, so she has to make sure that everyone knows he has a shaky work history. Here SA is getting all of this bad attention, but Clint is only getting praised for searching for Hailey, as far as she sees it...it drives her crazy. I know she lost my sympathy, with that and oj yeah, moving SA on into the house with her fearful daughter.

In fairness doesnt Billie have a shaky work history? Ie why was she demoted from her original job again? Wasnt she actually working for quite some time as a nurse when she wasnt meant to be? I really dont think she needs to be talking about anyone elses work history.

I really have to laugh at the train of thought that the reason she is misunderstood is because she is from Texas. We're not a third world country peeps. She's not even making sense to other Texans............

She makes sense to me... :rocker:

I think the only distinction is between those who believe she is involved and those who don't. Doesn't matter if they're Texans or from Timbuktu.
LOl....I live north of Texas now, and have lived "next door" east of Texas for a few years, also. I have never had trouble understanding ANYONE from Texas. A local idiom or phrase usage does NOT cause stories to change over and over and over again.

For example, in that next door state, the phrase "fixin' to" is used all the time. In Kansas, no one ever says they are "fixin' to go to the store" but I still know exactly what is meant by the phrase. I did get confused once when a co-worker told me she would be late because she had to "carry" her teenage son to the doctor. I was like "oh my goodness, was he THAT sick that you had to CARRY him??????" Here we would never say that, it is "take" them to the doctor. I find the idioms interesting, but not excuses for mis-statements or inconsistent "truth".


And I am sure it took you only a moment to figure out what she meant. And you did not immediately think she had abused her child. In other words you understood and used you common sense. jmo
LOl....I live north of Texas now, and have lived "next door" east of Texas for a few years, also. I have never had trouble understanding ANYONE from Texas. A local idiom or phrase usage does NOT cause stories to change over and over and over again.

For example, in that next door state, the phrase "fixin' to" is used all the time. In Kansas, no one ever says they are "fixin' to go to the store" but I still know exactly what is meant by the phrase. I did get confused once when a co-worker told me she would be late because she had to "carry" her teenage son to the doctor. I was like "oh my goodness, was he THAT sick that you had to CARRY him??????" Here we would never say that, it is "take" them to the doctor. I find the idioms interesting, but not excuses for mis-statements or inconsistent "truth".


I'm always "fixin" to do something, lol

I was raised with that phrase
She makes sense to me... :rocker:

I think the only distinction is between those who believe she is involved and those who don't. Doesn't matter if they're Texans or from Timbuktu.

Very well said and I totally agree. jmo
I really have to laugh at the train of thought that the reason she is misunderstood is because she is from Texas. We're not a third world country peeps. She's not even making sense to other Texans............

Yer dern tootin', teh!
I may not be explaining this too well, so forgive me. Billie is saying that she called DD Tues. and asked him to call MB to find out if Hailey was still there and to come home. For all she knew, Hailey might have left her friend's house and stopped off at her dad's or any number of other places. Girls that age who have a lot of freedom, sometimes go other places instead of straight home, even when they're told to come straight home. It happens.
As to the "where else would she be?" it's obvious that Hailey was not at her friend's house after all, so I think the call was legitimate and I don't see anything at all strange about it.
Not to you personally, but I just don't get why her words are so hard to understand, or why it is necessary to pick everything apart and put our own spin on what she says or how she says it. Even when my fellow Texans and I try to explain our speech patterns... it's still scoffed at. I don't get that. Sorry.


Thank you for this....I don't get it either and couldn't figure out how to explain it clearly like you did! :clap:
In fairness doesnt Billie have a shaky work history? Ie why was she demoted from her original job again? Wasnt she actually working for quite some time as a nurse when she wasnt meant to be? I really dont think she needs to be talking about anyone elses work history.


will she have a job to go back to after admitting to the 'buying drugs' on
jan 6 Affidativ?????
okay...I am not defending anyone here...just trying to maybe get in her head...

at this point, BD has been interrogated by police...perhaps some of this weird wording is a result from those interrogations...and she's feeling pretty defensive at this point

LE: "What do you mean you looked in on her? Didn't you go in and touch her?"

BD: "No, but I assumed it was her."

IDK about the "ease my mind" part....just maybe that she could go to work knowing Hailey was asleep in her bed, where she should be instead of on the couch.

I think the "ease my mind" part has to do with her statement that HD was usually asleep on the couch when she left for work. When she didn't see HD on the couch that may have struck her as being odd. She then went to HDs room remembering she was watching tv there the night before and when she peeked in she saw HD in bed and that "eased" her mind. JB
Why do any of us look in on our kids? Even older ones and teens. We all do it. We know they are in there but we do it anyway.

If someone asked you why...how would you explain it?

It really makes no sense but we do it to make sure they are there, to make sure they are breathing etc etc. It is a hard one to put into words. IMO
will she have a job to go back to after admitting to the 'buying drugs' on
jan 6 Affidativ?????

I hope that her employer has a policy regarding drug testing. If not they better be drafting one.
I see what you are all saying about Texas idioms not making any difference.

But you have to admit there have been alot of posts questioning every word she says because "no one would say that where I live." Come on - that's not a valid criticism, imo.

Of course she doesn't sound as if she's from New England or Seattle. :)

I don't like generalities of any kind. :( Not all Southerners talk the same. Not all Texans have exactly the same background in education or speech patterns - for goodness sake, it's one of the largest states in the union! Meeting someone with a law degree in Dallas is not the same thing as meeting someone from a small town, and in this case we have someone who just doesn't express herself very well.

Maybe I'm just in the mood to play devil's advocate today, but I'm really trying to see this from BD's point of view. It's not quite working for me based on the facts, because some of her statements are consistant while some are not. That's the real problem I see here.
Why do any of us look in on our kids? Even older ones and teens. We all do it. We know they are in there but we do it anyway.

If someone asked you why...how would you explain it?

It really makes no sense but we do it to make sure they are there, to make sure they are breathing etc etc. It is a hard one to put into words. IMO

Thank you! And how many actually go up to them and touch them or shake them and wake them up to see if it's really their child?
In fairness doesnt Billie have a shaky work history? Ie why was she demoted from her original job again? Wasnt she actually working for quite some time as a nurse when she wasnt meant to be? I really dont think she needs to be talking about anyone elses work history.


Are we allowed to discuss everyone's work history in this case? If so, I have a few questions about others.

make sure that was her.who else would be i her bed???
ease my mind .........what???

I understand what she means by this...probably because I'm from TX and I can translate. I check on my kids all the time to put my mind at ease. In the morning I always check in on them. It's just a habit. I want to see them safe and sound in their bed. I would never leave the house without at least peeking in on them.
This might sound wierd, but I have to get this out because it's been bugging me all morning. First, I want to say that I do think SA's actions are very suspicious, and I would not be surprised if he had something to do with Hailey's disappearance. BUT...

The first thought in my head this morning when I woke up was if LE had really checked out all the RSO's in the area thoroughly. I woke up with feelings of fear over it, I don't normally do that. Did they go in their houses and check all the closets, attics, basements, sheds, garages, cellars, or did they just interview them, etc??

That town is infested with RSO's. Does anyone have a link of LE doing more than interviewing them? I guess the answers I have seen given in MSM are not satisfying my concerns.

Again, it wouldn't surprise me if SA had anything to do with this, I'm not making excuses for him AT ALL. It's just something that has been bothering me.
will she have a job to go back to after admitting to the 'buying drugs' on
jan 6 Affidativ?????

She probably wont have a job for admitting that she was playing on internet and using all their copy paper to print out all those stories from work.
I wont have one either if my boss finds out Im playing on WS.:rocker:
This might sound wierd, but I have to get this out because it's been bugging me all morning. First, I want to say that I do think SA's actions are very suspicious, and I would not be surprised if he had something to do with Hailey's disappearance. BUT...

The first thought in my head this morning when I woke up was if LE had really checked out all the RSO's in the area thoroughly. I woke up with feelings of fear over it, I don't normally do that. Did they go in their houses and check all the closets, attics, basements, sheds, garages, cellars, or did they just interview them, etc??

That town is infested with RSO's. Does anyone have a link of LE doing more than interviewing them? I guess the answers I have seen given in MSM are not satisfying my concerns.

Again, it wouldn't surprise me if SA had anything to do with this, I'm not making excuses for him AT ALL. It's just something that has been bothering me.

I woke up with the same thoughts and it that has Never happened to me. My thoughts were of someplace abandoned and that she could be between the wall boards. Was a very scary thought. jmo
Originally Posted by For The Kids
In fairness doesnt Billie have a shaky work history? Ie why was she demoted from her original job again? Wasnt she actually working for quite some time as a nurse when she wasnt meant to be? I really dont think she needs to be talking about anyone elses work history.


Are we allowed to discuss everyone's work history in this case? If so, I have a few questions about others.


I think that's the point For The Kids is trying to make. What does the work history of Billie or "others" have to do with Hailey being missing? And why did she feel the need to bring this up at the "press conference".
She probably wont have a job for admitting that she was playing on internet and using all their copy paper to print out all those stories from work.
I wont have one either if my boss finds out Im playing on WS.:rocker:

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