TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #53

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Didn't Kampfer at one point state that if the body was found there would be an arrest? :waitasec:I just can't wrap my head around that thought. Either there is evidence linking Shawn to a crime or there isn't. Cases are prosecuted all the time without a body. I simply do not believe if they find the body there will be an arrest. IMO They have zero evidence linking Shawn to any crime, let alone linking him to the body of Hailey. IMO They simply do not know what happened to Hailey or even IF she is indeed dead or who took her.:maddening:

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
I guess my problem is that Billie's PC seemed (to me) to just make things better for SA and to refute things she didn't like that had come up during the investigation.

I have too high of a standard for moms missing their kids, I guess, as Desiree Young is my hero. I cannot imgaine any sitation where she would worry about the alibi of the main POI, even if it were her husband. Also, Amber DuBois' mom.

My standards are very high, too. Not sure if I would have been a fan of Desiree Young or not. Not sure I would have been didn't really follow.
Halp..........who has the exact address for SA's work place? Yes, I know we have been over this 6786950403 times, but humor me. That and er, the cat, yeah, that's the ticket - the cat lost my links when he walked across the keyboard and deleted them.........

ETA: OK, I'm mistruthifacatin' on it being the cat, but still...HALP, please???????????????????

Didn't Kampfer at one point state that if the body was found there would be an arrest? :waitasec:I just can't wrap my head around that thought. Either there is evidence linking Shawn to a crime or there isn't. Cases are prosecuted all the time without a body. I simply do not believe if they find the body there will be an arrest. IMO They have zero evidence linking Shawn to any crime, let alone linking him to the body of Hailey. IMO They simply do not know what happened to Hailey or even IF she is indeed dead or who took her.:maddening:

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.


Kampfer said the investigation continues to be focused on search, not recovery.

"At this point we're still looking for her alive — until we believe there's reason to be looking for a dead body," he said.

Didn't Kampfer at one point state that if the body was found there would be an arrest? :waitasec:I just can't wrap my head around that thought. Either there is evidence linking Shawn to a crime or there isn't. Cases are prosecuted all the time without a body. I simply do not believe if they find the body there will be an arrest. IMO They have zero evidence linking Shawn to any crime, let alone linking him to the body of Hailey. IMO They simply do not know what happened to Hailey or even IF she is indeed dead or who took her.:maddening:

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

I totally don't understand him saying this either. I tried to post about it yesterday but could not figure out what I wanted to say. So if they find her body, that proves she is dead? So SA must have done it since he is their POI? Is this more Billie/Klemfer speech that I cannot comprehend?
There's also this one, though:

4668 FM 1607, Snyder, TX 79549

(I'm wondering if they have multiple locations...?)

I think FM 1607 and 37th is the same road, same location
Billie knows for a fact and has admitted publicly that SA lied to her about his job. She stated that he lied because he knew she would be mad about him quitting his job.

That being the case, does she not understand that he just might be inclined to also lie about what happened to/with Hailey because she would be mad about it?

To me, this is as simple as connecting Dot A to Dot B. There are no complicated dots or paths in between. He lied to protect himself on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday about ONE matter, but wouldn't lie to protect himself on the very same days about another matter, one that would put him in much, much, MUCH more trouble?

And to quit the job, lie about it, AND have Hailey disappear ALL IN THE SAME TIME FRAME, well....... *speechless*.

ETA: Point being (yeah, there really was a point, I just forgot to make it) that with such a huge inconsistency in BD's reactions, I lean towards complicity/knowledge of what happened.
Didn't Kampfer at one point state that if the body was found there would be an arrest? :waitasec:I just can't wrap my head around that thought. Either there is evidence linking Shawn to a crime or there isn't. Cases are prosecuted all the time without a body. I simply do not believe if they find the body there will be an arrest. IMO They have zero evidence linking Shawn to any crime, let alone linking him to the body of Hailey. IMO They simply do not know what happened to Hailey or even IF she is indeed dead or who took her.:maddening:

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

So this is what confuses me: it's big leap from 'not involved' to 'murder suspect', kwim? They must have some evidence to suggest he kidnapped her or took her. Otherwise, how can they have enough evidence to prove he killed her just b/c they find a body?

I do think they have some evidence - and hope it's beyond circumstantial. JMHO
I totally don't understand him saying this either. I tried to post about it yesterday but could not figure out what I wanted to say. So if they find her body, that proves she is dead? So SA must have done it since he is their POI? Is this more Billie/Klemfer speech that I cannot comprehend?

WTH??? :waitasec: They have named a POI but to read this there is no crime?? SERIOUSLY?:banghead:

Kampfer said the investigation continues to be focused on search, not recovery.

"At this point we're still looking for her alive — until we believe there's reason to be looking for a dead body," he said.

Ok, I know I am not crazy, his latest version is totally different. :banghead:

I'm positive I read the statement I attributed to him before this new statement of his. I don't have it handy and would have to do a ton of reading to find it, ( unless someone else has it handy) but I will if I have to.
I did a comparison of many of the inconsistencies.. Here they are:
A List of the Inconsistencies/Lies/Distinct Differences between what LE have stated{thru court docs/affidavits}and what Billie Dunn has stated today as well as in print has a Timeline of the Events according to her..Let’s look..some are minor..some not so much..and some are major..
~LE states on December 27 that Adkins arrived at work at 6am..went into breakroom..purchased a DR.P and came face to face with his supervisor..without speaking one word he walks past the supervisor and he leaves WSI at 6:10am
~Billie states today that Shaun went to work on December 27 at 6am to quit his job..cleaned out his locker..turn in his coveralls..and left around 6:30am
~LE states that Shawn Adkins had firmly said that he ONLY WENT STRAIGHT AND DIRECTLY To his mom’s house in Big Spring and that he did not return to CCity after leaving work at 6:10am.. Along with that LE stated that Adkins cell phone pings showed that he was infact in/around 1804 Chestnut during the time of 6:38am-6:56am as his phone was pinging there during those times. The last ping at 6:56 came from that location and then all pinging ceased completely and did not have any activity nor pings whatsoever until at 9:38am when Adkins phone pinged in Big Spring indicating he was at his mom’s residence.
~Billie states today that Shawn did not go directly to Big Spring but instead after Adkins left WSI he went to his grandmother’s home in the Dunn area. He knocked at Grandma’s and “they” did not answer. At that time Shawn got back in the vehicle and drove the way of I20 to get to Big Spring to his mom’s house..That he did not come back to Ccity and that he arrived at his mom’s residence before 8am as his mom had not yet left for work{which supposedly she leaves at 8am}
~LE states that Shawn Adkins phone continued to ping in the exact spot{mom’s house in Big Spring} from 9:38am when it mysteriously picked back up from having last pinged at 6:56 in CCity.. From 9:38am until 2:40pm Shawn Adkins phone consistently pinged from Big Spring as well as a flurry of 11 phone calls during that same period of time. LE per the affidavit has Adkins in Big Spring until atleast 2:40pm on the 27th.
~Billie states that Shawn left Big Spring before 2pm and was home at 3:00 where he encountered Hailey for a brief 15mins before she left saying that she was going to dad’s for a little bit and then to a friends to spend the night..{obviously if LE have Adkins in Big Spring until atleast 2:40 per his cell phone pings..it would not even be possible for Shawn to have arrived home to see Hailey for 15mins..be given the msg to give to mom..and to witness her leaving Chestnut at 3:15pm of the 27th..NOT WITH HIM IN BIG SORING AT 2:40PM ON THE 27TH}

~LE States that during voluntary interviews that Billie Dunn voluntarily told LE that the reason for the two withdrawals at 6:19/6:20pm on the 27th were for her to purchase illegal narcotics from a person in Scurry Co.
~Billie states that they went to the ATM near the hospital and made the two withdrawals for the simple fact that she was low on cash..and that the only place they went was to her mother’s home in north Snyder where they arrived at approx.6:30 to “see if she needed anything”and then left and went directly home..That they were back at 1804 Chestnut at 7:30 and went to bed at 9pm..**note**this has been a consistent flag for me almost from the beginning in that this window of time{after buying drugs in Scurry to bedtime}has ALWAYS BEEN CLEARLY GLOSSED OVER WITH ZERO DETAIL OR INFO TO BE PUT IN THAT WINDOW OF TIME..IT HAS REMAINED THE WINDOW OF TIME THAT SHE NEVER FILLED IN THE BLANKS..NOT EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT..Got home 7:30 to boom in bed at 9pm..EVERYTIME!
~LE states that DD arrived home to mom’s at approx. 4pm on Monday the 27th..And all doors to the home were locked. DD banged on the door for 5mins and got no answer whatsoever..at that point DD entered the home thru a window at which time he saw Adkins in the Hallway with a “deer caught in the headlights” look. This was stated by Clint Dunn having been told by DD..Too which Billie confirmed that she was told this exact events as well by DD
~Billie states that DD arrived home between 4-5pm with a friend and after knoking for a few mins that he reached thru a broken glass{supposedly previously had benn broken by Hailey with a basketball}and DD unlocked the door and let himself and the friend into their home. They saw Shawn coming out of Billie’s room and they all said their “Hey what’s ups” and DD/friend went to DD’s room and Adkins went back to their room to watch TV..**note**noticeably absent is the important detail of what DD described as Adkins demeanor”deer caught in headlights” and instead was replaced with an exchange of pleasantries between 3 dudes..not good IMO
~LE states that Hailey never made it to either destination that she supposedly gave Adkins that she was en route to upon leaving 1804 Chestnut..Neither Clint’s house..nor MB’s house..
~Billies states and places in her Timeline that NS stated that Hailey had come over that afternoon{27th} but did not spend the night as well as Billie states and places in her Timeline a “valid” sighting from a woman who had shown Billie her receipt from Redbox dated the 27th at 8:36pm and stating at that time she had seen Hailey..an unknown boy..and MB..**note** when LE have already stated that Hailey never even made it to MB’s house..nor was there ever any proof that Hailey was planning to even go to MB’s on the 27th..MB denies seeing..speaking..nor even texting with Hailey on the 27th


This is the first I have heard about coveralls, but I think that those need to be located immediately. He told Billie he turned them in, but boss said he was still employed there. That means that he most likely did not turn in the coveralls. Based on my life experiences growing up in the oil fields of Oklahoma and Texas, a pair of coveralls that are excellent at keeping all kinds of messy liquids off of your good clothes. That being said, if I were to commit a crime that I knew was going to be messy I would definitely want to wear something like a good pair of coveralls in order to not have any biologicals left on my personal clothing. I wonder where those things went...
So this is what confuses me: it's big leap from 'not involved' to 'murder suspect', kwim? They must have some evidence to suggest he kidnapped her or took her. Otherwise, how can they have enough evidence to prove he killed her just b/c they find a body?

I do think they have some evidence - and hope it's beyond circumstantial. JMHO

IMO they believe that SA is responsible for HD being missing. They do not know for sure at this time what he did with her. They have to figure out what to charge him with based on what they know. A body would top all charges to 1st degree murder.

So now that some time has passed since the discovery of all the MM stuff and the reading material that was found by LE at the home, I'm curious who still thinks there was some sort of MM fantasy or copy-cat crime carried out here? (I personally am starting to lean away from this...).

Click 'thanks' if you still think that.

Bouncing off of my above post, click 'thanks' if you think SA did it but that it was a more subdued crime -- such as strangulation, drugs, etc.
Ok next question grasshoppers.

6:35-6:56 pinging at home. Followed by "NO PHONE USAGE" from 9:38-2:40.

Are we counting the driving time to get in and out of this towers range, or do we think he was at home the whole 21 minutes. And did he make the phone unpingable, or are we back to driving time out of tower range?

And after you get through reading that skewed verbiage, what I'm asking is, how many minutes do you think he was actually at the home........I'm thinking 10 tops unless he stealth-ed the phone. Thoughts?????????????
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