TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #53

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I agree with everything you said in your well-written post.

I speculate that SA is bombarding BD with all kinds of stories about how everyone else including LE is wrong, that he would never hurt HD, everyone is telling untruths, poor little old me.... etc., etc.

And she is blinded by love or lust or whatever, and is totally being bamboozled by SA.

I can see this happening because it almost happened to me, but in a less tragic way -- it concerned $$ that was stolen from a co-op association. This man had lied to his wife and everyone about his entire life. When I found out the truth, practically no one would listen. Ultimately, his wife believed him until she came face-to-face with all the lies and could not ignore then.

These types of people (I believe they are sociopaths) are really good at what they do. SA may not be the brightest of the brightest, but it is my opinion that he has BD believing him, and thus this timeline was constructed and presented to the public.

The only thing wrong with the picture is that the timeline pretty much forgets to account for SA's movements on December 28th (pretty much no mention) which leave a pretty glaring and gaping hole in it.

There is not much to be done for BD right now. She will not believe anything bad of SA until there is absolute proof that he did something to Hailey. IMO law enforcement knows this and are only giving her the basic facts because they know she will pass everything along to SA.

I continue to pray that Hailey is found soon and I pray for her daily.

Thank you for this Penelope..especially the personal details of your having dealt with a true sociopath..It is frightening just how evil they can be..The types like SA use their gift of being master manipulators to get what they want and leave the little "pawns" left by the wayside to pick up the pieces of their broken lives that the sociopath has come in and wrecked..

You hit the nail on the head with this..I believe this is exactly what is going on and exactly why Hailey's case is on this Rockin' Roller Coaster..and its got Shawn Adkins at its helm..

I think SA sat back in Dunn at Grandmas just taking it all in..as everyday he sat on the porch for literal; hours watching as the searchers desperately were looking for Hailey..just eerily staring..I think this brought this monster pleasure..as well as gave him a renewed sense of empowerment..Realizing he was in control of the entire investigation..he is the only one who knows where Hailey is..

I think he realized how easily he could have Billie back wrapped around his lil' finger{I mean for heavens sake the woman was calling and his fam was saying he wouldn't talk to her..she was practically singing his praises even when he was not in contact with her.. He realized that Billie would be key to turning this entire thing around..Billie played right into the devil's hand..

I think he took what LE "had on him" and came up with the simplest of explanations to fit the time frame that he knew LE had probs with..He thought if I can first convince Billie of this..have her back on my side..that he could possibly "win"{and I think you know what I mean by win}..

I think he knew to keep the "alibis" extremely simple..nothing outlandish or overly detailed.. once Billie was lapping it up..believing and hanging on his every word..so happy that when this was "all cleared up" they really could be together.. well you better believe that not only did she play right into his hand but any and all info..even the tiniest of detail that she as the mother were privy to by LE..every last syllable was played right out of her..SA is playing her like a fiddle IMO..and that is what we are seeing on this latest neck breaker of a turn that we just made on this roller coaster ride that has Shawn Adkins at the helm and thinking that he is in control of it all..

Hell..he has now got an entirely different..full of bs..inaccuracies of a timeline of events published ..derailing or attempting to literally hijack and derail the entire investigation.. has got the victim's mom Billie "calling out" LE now.. over half of her beliefs are now totally AGAINST what LE have stated in court docs..and has a small posse thats bought it hook..line..and..sinker..

And now hearing this latest from LE today and the remarks about "backward investigation"..well IMO that is because LE sees what exactly is unfolding before their eyes..I think they've been scared that Billie would play right into his hand..and I believe that is why LE is not sharing major details with Billie....

I just feel they absolutely know for certain what and who is attempting to take over and control this entire investigation..but I am hoping that LE is a step ahead and realizes its so much more than just an investigation..that its a 13yr old little girl..and a whole helluva alotta ppls lives that are being affected by whats become of this little girl.. And are not gonna let SA make a game out of this little girls life nor the community that loves her...

SA you are not smarter..and you've got no idea whats in store for you... YOu don;t just harm a precious innocent child..and then take her mom for ride with full intentions of outwitting the entire investigation .
You've got hell to pay for what it certainly seems as tho youve done to this precious child..
Hello.......... are we baiting here and sleuthing out people who are not named suspects? There are 3 moderators deleting posts here tonight by the dozens.

If you are checking out the backgrounds on not named POI's or suspects don't bait to it here please. :banghead::banghead:

I'm sorry....I honestly didn't know what I was supposed to be looking for....? Don't even know if what I saw is what was supposed to be seen...my knuckles are adequately ruler rapped...:truce:
yes..and TY for that..It's that BD and CD have different recollections it seems..That's what we were discussing..Appreciate it anyway though!

So has it been confirmed by LE WHO actually contacted them first? Clint's statement has me wondering. Maybe it was actually DD and his father that showed the first real concern? And maybe BD's subsequent actions were a stall? I dunno, just thinkin' of all possibilites.
I saw your post earlier, G'ma. I was just wondering if we'd ever heard directly from LE about the surveillance videos.

I'm glad you kept asking that bessie because I thought we did have LE confirmation...and we may, but I'm not finding it right off the bat and can not remember where else I heard/read it, or if I even did!

Do you know what was meant specifically by this? I'm not sure I understand exactly.

"And that`s when we started getting the police and started realizing that she was missing."

This is a quote from CD so "we" means CD and some other person. I don't know who the other person is but CD said that he (and someone else) started getting the police.
Anybody here old enough to remember the Abbott and Costello routine of "who's on first?" I honestly feel like I hear that in my head each night trying to figure this out....who is on first, no what is on second,etc. LOL
So has it been confirmed by LE WHO actually contacted them first? Clint's statement has me wondering. Maybe it was actually DD and his father that showed the first real concern? And maybe BD's subsequent actions were a stall? I dunno, just thinkin' of all possibilites.

I can't help but laugh OneLove..and it's SO NOT FUNNY... I always "assumed" Billie did, but now that you mention, I don't recall LE ever saying that..Oy Vey, It's more than my brain can handle tonight to even think about whether all these things that we have assumed to be true, really are....:banghead:..
So has it been confirmed by LE WHO actually contacted them first? Clint's statement has me wondering. Maybe it was actually DD and his father that showed the first real concern? And maybe BD's subsequent actions were a stall? I dunno, just thinkin' of all possibilites.

That does sound possible. If CD told BD he was calling LE, she may have gone to the station to file the report to keep LE away from the house longer. I don't know either.
"And that`s when we started getting the police and started realizing that she was missing."

This is a quote from CD so "we" means CD and some other person. I don't know who the other person is but CD said that he (and someone else) started getting the police.

Thanks for answering. Do you know exactly what "started getting" the police means? Does that mean he used a phone to call the station, called 911, drove to the station, asked BD to go to the station, etc? It is just possible that this is his way of saying that BD suggested/contacted the police, but used the word "we" as in "we as a family group".

It would be sooooo very nice to have a tape of THAT phone call between Clint and BD, the one where she says she told him to call LE to announce her impending arrival. :twocents:
I've got to tell you...

When teh was cooking yesterday, and Billie mentioned the dinner she made Sunday, it made me hungry and started me thinking about when/where the timeline said they ate dinner Monday night.

Shawn picked Billie up. They ran some errands and came home where DD and his friend were. They watched a movie, then went to sleep. Didn't they eat dinner somewhere in there? Just curious really. I don't think it is important, just being nosy.

Good point..I guess that could depend on what they purchased after the ATM visit. Only thing is that if what they purchased made them not hungry, then they sure wouldn't have gone to bed so early either...
Thanks for answering. Do you know exactly what "started getting" the police means? Does that mean he used a phone to call the station, called 911, drove to the station, asked BD to go to the station, etc? It is just possible that this is his way of saying that BD suggested/contacted the police, but used the word "we" as in "we as a family group".

It would be sooooo very nice to have a tape of THAT phone call. :twocents:

when I first saw that comment, I assumed it meant that he (CD) and BD went together to report Hailey missing. I guess I thought BD contacted him to see if he knew where Hailey was, and when he didn't and no one else did, they went to the police together.

I saw your post earlier, G'ma. I was just wondering if we'd ever heard directly from LE about the surveillance videos.

Oh Gosh. I know they have hinted that they can't confirm any sightings that Hailey was seen on Monday. Let me check for that direct quote.
Good point..I guess that could depend on what they purchased after the ATM visit. Only thing is that if what they purchased made them not hungry, then they sure wouldn't have gone to bed so early either...
perhaps they swallowed their dinner with a swig of water !
I saw your post earlier, G'ma. I was just wondering if we'd ever heard directly from LE about the surveillance videos.


Meanwhile, investigators continue to sift through evidence to establish a time line for Hailey's disappearance.

Kampfer stated investigators haven’t been able to corroborate any witnesses seeing Hailey on December 27, the day she supposedly disappeared while on the way to spend the night with a friend.

“Taking the electronic data and mixing it in, the time tables don’t match up,” he said.
You must be on some good meds to make you dance so cute !! Cracks me up everytime I see it !! Wish I had a dancing something !!! SSFM

Going to run over to another place to see if I can hatch out any new information:

I am seriously getting carpal tunnel syndrome here, so need to go into lurking for a while!

I did want to clear up something I posted earlier and deleted, just to avoid any confusion I may have caused (because everything is so crystal clear in this case anyway!).

Re: Monday 12/27 a.m. - Billie checks on Hailey in bed

Yesterday in her PC, Billie said she looked in on Hailey in bed before she went to work and the tv was on.

On Nancy Grace, Billie had said that she looked in on Hailey to ease her mind; it was dark in the room - she thought she saw Hailey, but couldn't be sure and she didn't touch her.

I watched the NG episode and was surprised when Billie brought up the tv in yesterday's PC. I thought "that was different, I thought the room was dark and she wasn't sure she saw Hailey". Many astute posters commented about the inconsistency (which I think is a big one - that's Billie's account of the very last time she ever saw her daughter - why is it changing?). Anyhoo, when I came across the NG transcript today, the account of Billie seeing Hailey in her room on Sunday night watching tv rolled right into the Monday morning "ease her mind" check in on paper. It looked like (to me) Billie was talking about the tv on Monday morning and I posted such. SHE WAS NOT. She never mentioned the tv being on when she checked on Hailey before yesterday's presser.

If you read my original post, please do a mental wash of it! :bath:

Many apologies for the confusion. I am giving myself a time out and standing in the corner for a while. :crazy:

Meanwhile, investigators continue to sift through evidence to establish a time line for Hailey's disappearance.

Kampfer stated investigators haven’t been able to corroborate any witnesses seeing Hailey on December 27, the day she supposedly disappeared while on the way to spend the night with a friend.

“Taking the electronic data and mixing it in, the time tables don’t match up,” he said.

Sounds like they have a program that sorts this data out for them? Man, we could SO use one of those! Kudos to the people here that manually sort through all of this stuff and make some kind sense of it for us!
Thanks for answering. Do you know exactly what "started getting" the police means? Does that mean he used a phone to call the station, called 911, drove to the station, asked BD to go to the station, etc? It is just possible that this is his way of saying that BD suggested/contacted the police, but used the word "we" as in "we as a family group".

It would be sooooo very nice to have a tape of THAT phone call between Clint and BD, the one where she says she told him to call LE to announce her impending arrival. :twocents:

I wish CD would hold his own press conference, but I think he's more concerned with finding Hailey and there might be a lot of things LE has told him to not disclose. IMO
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