TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, Fnd Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Fnd Alive, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #11

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I wanna know if the beach cousin was ever located?

Also wanted to point out the SW for MF’s phone was signed 12-19, the day HB was found & baby M rescued.
(Some confusion over LE having ph data early on)
Imo, the camera & eyewitness from the apartment complex saved baby M.

bbm Yep, I agree. I think before this, LE may have had some questions, but it seems that SC didn't "clue" in that some things with MF could be suspicious. Tim Miller didn't detect anything odd. And right now, it's unclear if maybe any of Heidi's family/friends said something to LE about Heidi's friend MF being sketchy. I know they have come out now saying things were off, but did they say that before LE was at her house? I do recall that SC's best friend said that once the FBI got involved, they 'drilled' SC about Magen, and SC couldn't understand why. IMO he was probably thinking they were asking dumb questions because who would think that MF would do this to her best friend?
I agree that eventually she would have been caught.

Im pretty sure CG would eventually want a paternity test if he was going to start having to financially support the baby.

Didnt she ever watch the "Maury Show"?
"CG, you are NOT the father, and...btw...MF, you are NOT the mother either" :)

Especially with the baby having zero of CG’s features as time wore on.
Someone brought up a really good point on the last thread and wanted to mention it here as I think it rings true.

There was mention that LE found out that MF was searching on the internet for "bodies found" and so its possible she did dump HB body somewhere shortly after she took the baby the very morning HB disappeared. Maybe what happened is she began to panic that if LE found HB body, they would tie her back to the crime somehow so MF may have gone back with a duffel bag to pick up the body and put it in the trunk until she could figure out a better place to get rid of it. That could explain why she still had the body in the trunk.
Tim Miller didn't detect anything odd.

lmbo, Tim did not have the (dis)pleasure of meeting F2F with MF, only phone, correct? Iirc, SC provided MF’s #?
Or did I read SC was actually with Tim during his convo with MF? Moo I have no links!!! I don’t recall any negative comments made about MF prior to her arrest.
the fact FBI searched apartments/houses in Austin one day before shows us LE did not yet have MF as a suspect, right? Again, the SW for MF’s ph was signed 12-19.
Have you @missy1974 found confirmation of the date LE put Bo Jack under surveillance? TYVM
Just random thoughts..

I think if MF had successfully hidden HB's body somewhere, never to be found, I think it's potentially possible she could've gotten away with this. With HB's unlocked car door with her purse inside, who is to say that mother and newborn weren't taken suddenly by a random predator? If/when police ever questioned MF, her story was that she had her own baby, born at relatively the same time. She had already fooled all of her friends, members of her own family apparently, and even the fake baby's own father! They all corroborated that pregnancy/baby-story. MF likely thought LE would never have authority to actually check her cellphone location history, or the baby's DNA, or demand proof that she'd given birth, ie labor & delivery bills, testing of her hormones, statement of live birth or something? Imagine if police had shown up, there was no stench to give a clue, and her car was not hiding in the back yard. No sign of HB. Would police have then suspected that MF had killed HB and stolen her baby?

She prob figured she'd get away with just being concerned and sad that her bestie went missing forever, but meanwhile go on to have a new life with her ready-made new family, or at least to receive enough child support to support herself and the child for the next twenty years.


I think by the time LE put surveillance on CG/MF's residence, they had strong probable cause to suspect that MF was involved in the disappearance of Heidi and Margo (either MF was hiding them in a voluntary disappearance, or she had abducted them). The jig was up for MF at that point, with or without Heidi's body being located at the residence, in my opinion.

According to the Affidavit, it wasn't until December 18th that the eyewitness at Heidi's apartment complex reported seeing a woman and a baby greeting another woman in the parking lot around the date Heidi and Margo went missing.

The witness said the woman with the baby then 'willingly' got into the back of the other woman's light-colored four-door vehicle before it immediately drove off. After the eyewitness's statement, seems LE was quickly able to pin down video footage to support her account (based on the Affidavit). Affidavit: Slain mom Heidi Broussard’s ‘best friend’ faked pregnancy to steal her newborn

At that point, even if LE didn't immediately recognize MF or her vehicle, LE knew that stranger abduction could be ruled out and they needed to find a woman that Heidi trusted. I think that's when the pieces started coming together and MF quickly became the prime focus of the investigation.

If there had been no stench/body the next day when LE approached CG/MF's Houston residence (after confirming with CG that the baby inside was Margo), MF would still be behind bars for at least one count of kidnapping and LE would never let up on MF as they worked to locate Heidi. MOO.

Anyway, I'm glad that Heidi's body was found in MF's trunk rather than being dumped -- at least Heidi's loved ones were able to lay her to rest right away.
Even if she had hidden the body successfully, I don't think she would have ever gotten away with it.

Homicide detectives don't like coincidences. They would have checked out the sketchy situation of the 'new baby' coming into HB's best friend's life, for themselves. And we all saw her brilliant answer when questioned this time----she gave birth in a Birth Center but couldn't remember the name of it...:rolleyes:....very convincing answer.

Agree. And I think they have likely already concluded there is no OBGYN or prenatal records. Moo
It seemed that up until the point that MF's property was being stormed by police, those who knew her seemed to have no issue with the parallel pregnancies of the 'besties', and intentions of MF. When LE got to the property, I believe the thing that grabbed them right away was the smell of decomp. But if there had been no body, no suspicious (to police) parking of MF's vehicle to be hidden from public view, no suspicion from SC about MF's intentions or pregnancy/childbirth, no suspicion from 'Luna-Mae's' father.. would police have even been able to secure search warrants to ask for MF's prenatal records, birthing records, etc? Would they have even bothered to check BabyMargo's DNA, since apparently everyone and their brothers were satisfied that MF had her own baby? Without the body, would police have come to have been satisfied with the explanation which seemingly all those who knew MF seemed satisfied with? We are seeing all of this after the fact, after a body *was* found in her yard, in her vehicle, but I'm wondering if without the body, if it could've possibly ended up being brushed off as some random sexual deviant stealing the mom and her newborn as she went to fetch her purse out of her car, or something.

(Even the old camp-friend Caressa Nolte who was being interviewed on the Jay if for Justice blog as the situation on Bo Jack was unfolding had no qualms about believing the two were best friends and their babies were born at same time, and it is said that this Caressa person had not maintained her friendship with MF - so even MF's potential detractors seemed to believe her story, even after HB was missing for days.)
I think by the time LE put surveillance on CG/MF's residence, they had strong probable cause to suspect that MF was involved in the disappearance of Heidi and Margo

ita, I’m not certain of the exact date MF went under surveillance, but about the time CARD was brought in. No time to look at AA. Later I will refresh myself. Iirc it was either late 12/18 or early 12/19.
This is just an observation I noticed about a "trait" of killers that have pre-planning like we obviously had in this case.

One thing that really sticks out to me and was hammered home during the Patrick Frazee case because of all his planning.

The killers get caught up in the planning and execution of the plan and it seems like once they start their planning and scheming, then its very hard for them to get off that train. They become somewhat obsessed and excited and enjoy all the planning and scheming. Its like that part becomes the thing they enjoy the most and its so dangerous because unless they have someone around that can slap them upside the head to get them to stop, they will continue until the victim is finally killed.

Patrick Frazee even admitted to his excitement and enjoyment as he tried to recruit another prisoner to kill some of the people that were going to testify against him. In his own words on a note to that prisoner, he said he was enjoying all the scheming.

Another case for an example is the conviction of Mark Sievers where he had lots of planning with his close friend to kill Mark's wife. It seemed Mark really enjoyed all the planning like the burner phones, the arrangements, etc.

Its just an observation that these killers seem to get caught up in all the planning and scheming and they enjoy that almost as much, if not more, than the actual killing. Its like once the scheming and planning starts, its like a freight train headed down the tracks and nothing is going to stop it.

Wish we could somehow use that knowledge to be able to stop the next killer.
Not caught up so forgive me if this has been mentioned yet, but I see everyone contemplating how MF got Heidi down and into her car.

This is how I see that morning playing out:

Heidi and MF are texting. MF mentions she’ll be in town later (for an appointment, meeting, whatever reason) and wants to swing by real quick to show off her new baby. Heidi has plans to go grocery shopping but really wants to meet baby Luna so she says she’ll wait to go shopping until they swing by and she’ll come out and say hello when she’s there. Heidi leaves her purse and diaper bag in the car because she knows she’ll be leaving again soon after a quick stop inside (to feed Margo, change her, whatever her reason). When MF gets there Heidi and Margo go down to meet baby Luna. Heidi hops in the car planning on spending just a few minutes ogling over her friends new baby (which would also explain why she would get into the back seat) before heading out for her shopping trip, but as soon as she gets in, MF takes off.
That's is a really good theory but it doesn't explain why the car seat is found upstairs. Imo
ita, I’m not certain of the exact date MF went under surveillance, but about the time CARD was brought in. No time to look at AA. Later I will refresh myself. Iirc it was either late 12/18 or early 12/19.

It doesn't really say when the surveillance started, but it says it was happening on the 19th, which is also when they got the search warrant for MF's phone activity.
That's is a really good theory but it doesn't explain why the car seat is found upstairs. Imo
I think it’s likely MF had a car seat base and carrier in the car already. Wouldn’t even be surprised if MF had a covering over it (can’t think of what they are called) used to shield out sun light. MOO
This is just an observation I noticed about a "trait" of killers that have pre-planning like we obviously had in this case.

One thing that really sticks out to me .....
This isn't really to do with your post, per se, other than I have also noticed a trait, but of the victims. In so many of the cases I've followed regarding women who have 'disappeared' or have been killed.. it seems that so often the women are described as having a demeanor which 'lights up a room' full of people, etc. I'm not sure if the people who knew the victim are just saying that as a nice thing to say about their now-deceased friend/family, or if it is true, but *seems* to be true based on stories of the deceased. So perhaps we should all be keeping our eye on particularly charismatic females and those who may seem a little too interested in them. jmo.
Sounding off here....and I apologize in advance for this rant.

I am going back and forth between being grateful that they arrested MF within a week of the abduction/murder and being frustrated that it didn't happen sooner and wondering if HB could have been spared the indignity of staying in a trunk for 7 days (if she was there the entire time.)

If, in fact, they did get phone records very quickly (within 18 hours or so) then they would see that one of the last people that HB spoke with was MF. If MF had been a male friend, would they have done more digging sooner?

Logic dictates that they would dig into MF as much as possible (asking SC questions, checking to see if she had a record...etc.) As soon as they heard that MF had a baby that was due the same day as HF and that MF had been one of the only other people in the delivery room when MC was born, why the heck didn't they go deep on this lead immediately?

They had her phone # obviously, since Tim Miller from TE had no trouble chatting with her for 45 minutes over the phone. Why not visit her in person immediately to conduct an interview with HB's so-called 'best friend' who supposedly 'just had a baby' and may be able to offer insight into her disappearance being the last person who spoke with her?

Normally I am one who fully supports all of the efforts of LE in 90% of cases, but in this case, unless we are missing a big piece of the puzzle (which is very possible) I cannot fathom why they didn't speak to MF in person within 48 hours.
Am I missing something?

That's is a really good theory but it doesn't explain why the car seat is found upstairs. Imo
It seems from descriptions mentioned here that HB may have had a bit of a hike to get from her car to her apartment. Those little baby carriers are kind of heavy (with a baby in them), and awkward (imho). She could have returned home from the school, lugged the carrier with baby in it, the books she'd purchased(?), not sure which location the diaper bag was found in(?), then got up to her apartment and realized she'd left her purse (and whatever else?) in her car.. came back down to the parking lot to fetch it/them, but holding her infant in her arms instead of the bulky carrier, fully expecting to grab whatever she'd left and run back up to the apartment. imo.
Well, I suppose we don't know that for sure... but why wouldn't that have been mentioned in his heartfelt pleas in the intitial interview(s)? He detailed all other known happenings of that morning, right down to HB having spent $25 at the book fair, so why wouldn't he have said something along the lines of 'and Heidi was expecting a visit from her friend, who also just had a baby'? And he would likely have not been so incredibly shocked when he learned of LE presence at the home of MF (per his friend, MQ, on the previously linked podcast interview) All MOO, of course.
I agree and I think Heidi would also have texted or called SC to tell him of the surprise visit of MF. It was really her first day of being on her own since the baby had been born. I think he would have told LE or even tried to contact MF himself. jmo
lmbo, Tim did not have the (dis)pleasure of meeting F2F with MF, only phone, correct? Iirc, SC provided MF’s #?
Or did I read SC was actually with Tim during his convo with MF? Moo I have no links!!! I don’t recall any negative comments made about MF prior to her arrest.
the fact FBI searched apartments/houses in Austin one day before shows us LE did not yet have MF as a suspect, right? Again, the SW for MF’s ph was signed 12-19.
Have you @missy1974 found confirmation of the date LE put Bo Jack under surveillance? TYVM

#44 in the affidavit, indicates to me that it was on the 19th. The way it's worded, I guess they could have been there before then, but IMO they weren't based on the activity at the apartment on the 18th, the witness gave a statement on the 18th, didn't do a photo line up to identify MF until the 19th.

Magen Fieramusca Affadavit.pdf
Keep in mind that the AA is to show probable cause for an arrest. It contains the info needed to get her arrested. Meaning it doesn’t need to show/tell when they started looking into her or why.
We could find more about that out at her 2/3 hearing but I think they were on to her way before 12/18. Like as in as soon as they ruled out SC.
As much info that was released there is still way more that wasn’t. IMO
The arrest affidavit does NOT say that CG believed, or even that CG was told, that MF went to the beach first and then to a birthing center in The Woodlands. It says in paragraphs 51 and 52 that both parts of that whopper were told directly to Texas Ranger Gary Phillips, and that the Ranger immediately confronted her with the known fact (to LE at the time) that she had been in Austin during the time she claimed to be in Galveston.
The distance for a hypothetical journey from Houston to Austin to the beach near Galveston to The Woodlands and back to Houston would be over six hundred miles or a nine hour drive with no stops, which instantly stretches beyond reasonaable expectations IMO
Magen Fieramusca Affadavit.pdf
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It's so hard looking back on those interviews. He may have known what the PD knew about her being there after a few days in. His plea "feed the baby" may have been an appeal to her. Or he may not ever in a million years have suspected that the "best friend" there at the birth of his child would in any way be connected to her disappearance. I cannot imagine my mind going first to a friend if a loved one was missing. Also, I don't think the visit was planned, so I don't think he or HB knew about it. I haven't lined up the times of his interviews with the affidavit timeline, but I think if he knew MF was coming to town that morning, it would have been shared with LE.
This is my feeling of the timing. I could obviously be wrong.

I imagine LE questioned Shane about MF and Heidi’s other friends early on. I don’t think they completely narrowed in on MF until they got the witness report of Heidi greeting a female and entering the backseat of a car willingly. (Witness spoken to on 18th?) My guess is that report led them to focus on female friends, and it gave them a time and a description of a vehicle to be looking for on any video surveillance captured in or around the apartment complex that morning.

From there, the wheels got spinning quickly.


* edited to add, sorry to be redundant. I hadn’t read previous posts yet to see that several had posted similarly.
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