TX - International Child *advertiser censored* Ring Bust (over 400,000 images seized), Bandera County

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This freak was on Probation...hmmm, someone needs to get with his probation officer and see why he was not more closely watched....I think I want this PO's job if he did not watch this predator better. 400,000 pieces of child rape.... I think he needs about 400,000 lashes with a belt then hanging.
Seriously. We have to get tougher on these sickos.
THE PO's need to get fired and some of the unemployed need to get hired. Too many of these PO's are doing really bad jobs. And their supervisors too. :(
You'll get no lynching from me. I would actually be much more for capital punishment in instances such as this if it went down just as you describe. One of the many reasons I am presently against it is the cost (i.e., it cost tax payers 60 mil to execute Bundy).

Btw, and as an aside, there is a bill that has been wending its way through congress regarding child sex slave trafficking (which you can bet this group has been involved in).


It was submitted in 2004. I wish they would hurry up and pass the thing.
A needle is cheeper.
The one thing that steams me the most are the meaningless sentences. Imnsho, we need to ditch the so-called SXO programs (that obviously do not work) and put that money (and we're talking in the millions, here) into keeping these predators in prison for the rest of their natural born lives. In order to do the latter though, we also need to enact mandatory sentencing at the federal level and remove plea bargaining completely from the judicial equation. But hey, that's jmo.

Prison cost money and then they let them go :(
Why not just let them go once and for all where they cant harm anyone ever again?
There is no cure for them anyway....At least not one that has proven to have success. :(

(and I get to shoot first)

line up behind me everyone!

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