TX TX - Jason Landry Missing After Car Found Crashed Near Luling, Dec 2020 #7

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I just want to address one part of your message.

In reality, there were searches that happened as it was stated that Texas Equusearch and Texsar both searched for Jason Landry. Texsar was brought in on December 14th. They state that here: Missing Person - Jason Landry - Texas Search and Rescue.

Personally, I believe he is not in the area.

But the night he went missing the police didn't do much searching and left his clothes by the side of the road- that was shocking and disgusting!
Also, how can they say that was a single car accident? Did he run in to something, reverse around and run in to it again with the back of his car? Kinda makes me think someone ran in to him to run him off the road. Was his bumper ever found? Why did police leave EVERYTHING just laying on the ground? Whether they thought he just wandered off drunk or not...they didn't do a single thing except call his parents to let them know the car had been found.
In my humble opinion there is no way to defend the inaction of the police on the night they found that car without the person driving it, and then leaving his clothes by the side of the road: they did call the parents but that was it. some minor searching and then just leaving the scene- making an assumption this was a one car accident and most likely some young kid who was high. Even after searches commenced and a PI got involved, the large detective maintaining his belief this was a missing person event and defending not getting DNA and fingerprints checkout out. His mind was closed and no new information was going to open it.
I recall they also recovered Jason's wristwatch that was carefully wrapped in either in a sock or his shirt -- I forget but I know that his watch was located with care.
The watch was not wrapped in anything FWIR. What a lot of people here determined that it was laid down with care is because it was on the ground flat, face up with straps out, and under I believe it was his t-shirt. It could have been a different article of clothing but almost positive it was his tshirt.

For me, I was never so certain it was laid down with care. I think it could have fallen that way, then his tshirt dropped, which landed on top of it, which left some with the impression that it was placed with care. The reason I think it could have fallen that way is because of all the things that I've dropped that fall oddly. So many that I used to laugh, take a picture, and send to friends. I stopped doing that because there were just so darn many. Plus, I don't think they believed that whatever the picture of the day was really fell that way, and think I did it purposely for a funny picture. I did NOT stage those pics! For instance, things landing on their side, when it would be hard for me to ever drop something onto its side on purpose. One such thing was a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper in a parking lot. I looked down and immediately started cracking up because there it was, on it's long side. And it stayed that way for a long time while I had a good long laugh! Now if that had been my watch, it wouldn't have landed on it's back. It would have been balanced on its side. LOL

ETA - I tried to find proof of my recollection but Google results were just not cooperating and I gave up after a short bit. I'm sure if I spent more time at it I could have found it. :) I might try again later. :)
I found 2 posts here about the watch.


In reality, there were searches that happened as it was stated that Texas Equusearch and Texsar both searched for Jason Landry. Texsar was brought in on December 14th. They state that here: Missing Person - Jason Landry - Texas Search and Rescue.
Thanks for pointing that out. I stand corrected. It is still possible he was simply missed -- there's so much land out there -- but the fact that there were massive search efforts in the immediate days after his disappearance makes it harder to believe that he paradoxically undressed and succumbed somewhere near where his clothes were left -- searchers would have been all over that area.

Is there any evidence at all that he may have met foul play or planned to disappear willingly?
FOUND IT! Straight from Kent's mouth in the WS approved LordanArts/Brainscratch video we've all seen. Well, most all of us. ;)

His father said "the watch was under his tshirt" ~58:20. No mention of the straps. I'm thinking that's either later on in the hour and 15 min video, or in another interview with Kent.

Video link copied from the start of that part of the conversation.

What I also found interesting is what Kent said about Jason's beta.

58:54 "He had his fish, his little beta fish in his plastic glass that he travels with."

I brought that up since it's been hashed out before with differing opinions, and figured since this thread has been jumpstarted by the recent documentary, that this might get brought up again. Since I had the info at my fingertips I figured I'd post it here.

Some have wondered if it was really Jason that drove out there or if someone took his car and left it there. I think since his dad said his beta was "in his plastic glass that he travels with" that it was indeed Jason doing the driving. At least from his apartment.

I'm super irritated that LE came to a conclusion within minutes of showing up at the scene and that conclusion never changed...even though everything about the scene didn't make sense. They never collected evidence. They didn't fingerprint the car. Can someone explain the car crash to me bc the condition of the car does not scream "single vehicle collision" to me? Definitely more to all of this and I wish LE thought the same way.
I'm super irritated that LE came to a conclusion within minutes of showing up at the scene and that conclusion never changed...even though everything about the scene didn't make sense. They never collected evidence. They didn't fingerprint the car. Can someone explain the car crash to me bc the condition of the car does not scream "single vehicle collision" to me? Definitely more to all of this and I wish LE thought the same way.
You're super irritated? I think I can safely say that we all are. I can't even imagine how his family feels. Especially considering Jason's father is an ex-trail attorney.

I'm super irritated that LE came to a conclusion within minutes of showing up at the scene and that conclusion never changed...even though everything about the scene didn't make sense. They never collected evidence. They didn't fingerprint the car. Can someone explain the car crash to me bc the condition of the car does not scream "single vehicle collision" to me? Definitely more to all of this and I wish LE thought the same way.
The problem was/is that this type of scene resembled to LE typical drunk driving incidents where the person is picked up rather than remaining at the scene. Clothing in the road was a tip off that something was different about this wreck probably but they ignored it.

It was very, very dark & cold. After cruising the roads nearby, there wasn't a whole lot LE could do in that pitch blackness except better document the scene.

Put yourself in their shoes that night. They may have made wrong assumptions but it looked pretty routine to them. We all have biases that cloud our judgment. And unless he was abducted (which I don't believe), what else could they do in pitch blackness other than station an officer at the scene in case the driver came back?

LE should have documented the scene much better that night with photos & videos & been on scene the next morning with JL's dad because he had not heard from his son & his son's phone was in the wrecked car.

I understand all the anger at LE but when I think about their options in that terrain, I accept that JL was likely hidden in the brush where he likely remains to this day.

Yes, Caldwell County LE seems to still want to "write off" the case. Fortunately investigators & others have stepped in to take up the slack. Focusing on what else can be done now is the critical thing.

We are not going to change the mind of the Caldwell County sheriff no matter how angry he makes us. It's ridiculous but it is what it is.

If Jason's remains are out in that vast rural area, how can they be recovered? If he completely left the scene, where & with whom did he go?

Circumstances of that night work against solutions & have for almost two years. That it is just fact. A better forensic would still leave open the basic questions I put in red, so we move forward, try to help & hope for a technology breakthrough or something that will find Jason.
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Did anyone else notice during that little video of the snapchat where he says "I got accepted" the writing on the screen says "Jason got into Sam Houston"...that's not Texas State. Unless that's a nickname they use for it. Which I've never heard before and I've lived in SE Texas my whole life. The only Sam Houston I know of is near me in Huntsville, Tx. Sam Houston State University.

I did not notice your specific reference but many threads ago I did post from Jason's Twitter in March 2018 when tweeted he was accepted to Stephen F. Austin State University (Lumberjacks), and he was over the moon happy! It was shortly after my post that we learned TSU was actually the third school Jason attended. Sam Houston could have been the prior one -- I don't recall and don't have Facebook to confirm.

I did not notice your specific reference but many threads ago I did post from Jason's Twitter in March 2018 when tweeted he was accepted to Stephen F. Austin State University (Lumberjacks), and he was over the moon happy! It was shortly after my post that we learned TSU was actually Jason's third school. Sam Houston could have been one of them -- I don't recall and don't have Facebook to confirm.

That's what I recall, too.
Also, how can they say that was a single car accident? Did he run in to something, reverse around and run in to it again with the back of his car? Kinda makes me think someone ran in to him to run him off the road. Was his bumper ever found? Why did police leave EVERYTHING just laying on the ground? Whether they thought he just wandered off drunk or not...they didn't do a single thing except call his parents to let them know the car had been found.
We've been here before where we learned from the tire tracks that the Altima likely spun out, and the point of impact was actually the rear of the car with the tree, and came to rest at the fence, as evidenced by the rear bumper, shattered rear window with tree debris inside.

This was different than the trooper's initial observation that Jason kicked out the rear window to exit. Later, it was also evident that he exited from the car door. In the videos long ago released, the headlights are still on and the vehicle faces the opposite direction at first approach. MOO
I'm super irritated that LE came to a conclusion within minutes of showing up at the scene and that conclusion never changed...even though everything about the scene didn't make sense. They never collected evidence. They didn't fingerprint the car. Can someone explain the car crash to me bc the condition of the car does not scream "single vehicle collision" to me? Definitely more to all of this and I wish LE thought the same way.

I don't know about fingerprints but it sounds like they found DNA in the car that did not belong to Jason but they haven't run it through any databases because, in their opinion, there is no evidence of a crime.
Did anyone else notice during that little video of the snapchat where he says "I got accepted" the writing on the screen says "Jason got into Sam Houston"...that's not Texas State. Unless that's a nickname they use for it. Which I've never heard before and I've lived in SE Texas my whole life. The only Sam Houston I know of is near me in Huntsville, Tx. Sam Houston State University.
Could it be a satelite school of some sort under another name?
I don't know about fingerprints but it sounds like they found DNA in the car that did not belong to Jason but they haven't run it through any databases because, in their opinion, there is no evidence of a crime.
Confirmation bias. If you’ve already made up your mind that there was no foul play, in the future there’s no reason to look for evidence of foul play.

This approach was evident very early on in this case, when LE towed the car almost immediately upon finding it.

How hard is it to submit DNA?

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