GUILTY TX - Jennifer Cave, 21, brutally murdered, Austin, 16 Aug 2005

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Reporter on The Early Show this morning said a new witness has come forward saying that Laura Hall made the statement that she got away with murder...
Wow, how sad that she's free pending sentencing. :( very very sad day. Sure, go ahead, give her the green light to do it again. :( already saying prayers for all of the released murderers next victims. At this rate, it's all I can do :(
I watched the 48 Hours (In Too Deep was the title of the program)on this last night and Laura Hall is a disturbing individual! Something is not right with that girl and she made 48 Hours look like an amateur TV show. Her attitude and the ridiculous things that came out of her mouth were just disturbing. I actually laughed out loud several times, she is a rare breed.

Thanks to those who posted about the book of this case! Heading to amazon now to check it out.
Agree with the above. No sense of any remorse- no sense of horror at what was done to this innocent girl..Just ME ME ME. HOW DARE THEY PUT ME IN JAIL!!! Miss Junior Sociopth. She deserves to be sent back to jail. Also, it would't surprise me if she was an active participant in the murder!!!!!!!!!
Yes that was a sickening display last night and shame on 48 Hours, although I am pretty sure they have no shame...
She is one scary woman and I only wish her n ew sentence would be far, far longer...
I watched the 48 Hours (In Too Deep was the title of the program)on this last night and Laura Hall is a disturbing individual! Something is not right with that girl and she made 48 Hours look like an amateur TV show. Her attitude and the ridiculous things that came out of her mouth were just disturbing. I actually laughed out loud several times, she is a rare breed.

Thanks to those who posted about the book of this case! Heading to amazon now to check it out.

ITA! I was creeped out by her. She, IMO, had way more to do with this than she's admitting or IMO has been convicted of. I think the guy was blacked out and remembers nothing and she fed him a line of crap. I normally always want to believe people are innocent. I pretty much disregard much of what people are saying after the fact, and try not to get emotionally blinded. However, this girl gave me the creeps. As she protested her innocence, it had such a hollow ring to it. I have no facts to back me up though. That was just the vibe I got from her.

I hope someone will share after reading the book, if it is possible that she could have done the murder.
Yes that was a sickening display last night and shame on 48 Hours, although I am pretty sure they have no shame...
She is one scary woman and I only wish her new sentence would be far, far longer...

I love 48 hours and will watch hours upon hours of when there is marathon on the cable networks. I have never seen an episode like this one! Even some of the comments Maureen made were off the wall. The graphic transitions were cheesy and it just seemed like the whole story line was done in a joking manner. Made me wonder if there was some changes in on the production crewl. I realize that Laura alone made the story ridiculous with her statements, but like I said before the whole thing seemed like a mockumentary.

I also think that it is a good possibility that she was involved in the actual murder and Colton was too out of it to remember. Can't wait to read the book!
I love 48 hours and will watch hours upon hours of when there is marathon on the cable networks. I have never seen an episode like this one! Even some of the comments Maureen made were off the wall. The graphic transitions were cheesy and it just seemed like the whole story line was done in a joking manner. Made me wonder if there was some changes in on the production crewl. I realize that Laura alone made the story ridiculous with her statements, but like I said before the whole thing seemed like a mockumentary.

I also think that it is a good possibility that she was involved in the actual murder and Colton was too out of it to remember. Can't wait to read the book!

I love 48 hours too! They offer complete episodes to watch online too if you are interested.
Laura Hall's new sentencing trial began yesterday. Previously sentenced to five years, Hall's new jury could sentence her with anything from probation to up to 10 years. The new jury was empaneled yesterday morning and consists of 9 men and 3 women.

New testimony from former cellmates is being offered at the hearing. Hall's former cellmates allege that Hall bragged about the dismemberment and disparaged the victim repeatedly during her 18 month incarceration.

Coverage of Day 1 of the hearing, including live updates:

Coverage of Day 2, also including live updates:

The Austin-American Statesman is also providing live updates of the hearing via twitter:
If anyone was wanting to read the book about this case, it is called:

A Descent Into Hell by Kathryn Casey.
ummm...... Did anyone see the 48 Hours episode about this case, They did a repeat a couple of months ago.

In one photo, I believe that they showed the headless and wristless body of Jennifer in the bathtub. Was I imagining things or did they really show that?

Did anyone else see what I thought I saw?
Laura Hall's new sentencing hearing ended today. In seeking a new sentencing hearing, Hall gambled and lost. The new jury sentenced Hall to the maximum available punishment.

Hall will now serve ten years, as opposed to her original five year sentence.
(1 year + fine for hindering apprehension and 10 years + fine for tampering with evidence; sentences will be served concurrently and Hall will get credit for the 18 months she served on her original sentence)

In addition to testimony heard in the original trial, new testimony was offered to provide the jury additional insight about Hall's character and propensity for future dangerousness. Much of that testimony centered around Hall's statements to her cellmates and statements she made in recorded jailhouse phonecalls. Halls two appearances on CBS 48 Hours were also entered into evidence.

More than 1.5 hours of recorded jailhouse phone calls were played for the jury. Here are some highlights:

Hall repeatedly disparaged and threatened Sharon Sedwick, victim Jennifer Cave's mother:

* "She's going down. I don't know how, and I don't know when, but she's going down."

* Also refers to victim's mother as "that awful *advertiser censored*" and calls Jennifer Cave "a stripper."

* "Then we have garbage like Sharon (Sedwick) be heroes. God. God help us."

* "That trash gets pity. God help us."

* "I hate her more than anything alive...I hope she goes to hell. Frankly, I will take her there myself."

* Discusses her 48 Hours appearance at length and compares her interview to the victim's family interviews, "I thought that dead girl's mom sounded like a real moron." ... "She came off weird, like, did I seem like a psychopath at all?"

* Hall seemed surprised she "got no good feedback" about her appearance on 48 Hours.

Hall repeatedly argues with her parents about their unwillingness to offer their business property to secure her bond.

* Hall tells her mother "I will kill you" when she refused to put the RV park up to ensure her bond.

* "It would be really stupid for us to do that.... You don't even care about us," Carol Hall told her daughter.

* Hall told her mother she would kill herself "just to f*cking hurt you."

* Hall repeatedly threatens to kill or injure herself throughout the various jailhouse calls.

* "How would you feel that the next time you saw me was in a casket because you wouldn't pay?," Hall said to her father.

* Loren Hall told his daughter she needs "a very strong psychiatrist" because she is very manipulative.

* Told her father "I'll get an assault charge if they try to take me and possibly even a murder charge."

* "I'm not gonna be here in two months. They're gonna come and try to take me away and I'm gonna snap someone's neck before then."

* "I don't have to act crazy. They know I'm crazy. I'm beyond crazy. I almost attacked somebody yesterday."

* Hall demands to be called "Ashley" and becomes angry when her parents call her Laura. At one point she says "Don't ever call me that again, it makes me sick."

* Hall said she has avoided fights in jail but if she had been sentenced to life "I'd be killing motherf*ckers in here."

* Hall told her mother she received "fan mail" in jail and is pen pals with a capital murder defendant.

* "I'm going from jail to the airport. I'm done with the United States."

* Hall tells her grandmother she's certain she'll be "mistreated and abused until I'm dead."

* "I'm gonna find out who's on my jury and I'm gonna say really nasty stuff to them. .. You ruined my life you motherf*ckers."

* Hall's father told her he's setting up a blog for her. They discuss using the blog to promote a book.

The sentencing trial spanned four days and jurors deliberated for 5 hours before handing down the sentence. Hall declined her opportunity to comment after the sentence was announced.
WOW! Laura is a VERY unstable individual; I feel sorry for Everyone who's ever crossed her path, including her parents.

Here's some excerpts from the book, A Descent into Hell, about her upbringing:

*Laura never called her parents Mom & Dad but by their first names
* Laura usually got whatever she wanted from her parents
* Grew up in Crosby, Texas Twenty Five minutes away from Houston
* wrote captions next to photos of her teachers & fellow classmates in her HS yearbook calling them anything from "Queer" to "W****" "B****" "Lesbian" etc.

This girl is a piece of work.

I'm glad she got 10 years. :woohoo:
This won't be the last time Ms. Cave serves prison time JMHO. She's a frightening individual.
I just saw the 48 hours episode last night, and I'm so glad <modsnip> got the maximum sentence. What trash! The interviewer said something to her like "our audience will see you as an intelligent, articulate young lady..." Hellz No, I did not see that. She is not articulate, she's not half as intelligent as she apparently believes she is, and she could not muster up an ounce of empathy for Jennifer - which you would think in four years she might figure out that might help her to at least act sorry for the death of a young woman. It was all about me, me, me. I was kind of up in the air about how much she participated in the murder or dismemberment. The deciding factor for me was late in the program when they showed the lovely Colton tattoo on her leg she got in Mexico when she was in fear for her life.

I think that was the worst 911 call (Jennifer's mother) I have ever heard. I can't even imagine what that was like.
Hall's appeal of role in West Campus murder denied

The 3rd Court of Appeals on Wednesday denied Laura Ashley Hall's latest challenge to her conviction and 10-year sentence for evidence tampering in the mutilation of a West Campus murder victim.

Hall's lawyer said she should have been granted a new trial because prosecutors did not fully reveal details about allegations that the Austin Police Department forensics laboratory had performed shoddy DNA analyses and had lax training and quality controls.

Texas Court of Appeals 3rd District Austin Opinion
Having watched Coltons trial and heard the full extent of what they did I thought she got a fair sentence for her part in the crime,

glad to see her appeal was once again turned down
Jennifer's Mom discussing the change in the law that makes desecration of a corpse a felony...

[ame=""]Sharon Cave Supports Juan Garcia - YouTube[/ame]

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