TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - #10

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Dear Posters,

Please refrain from posting about sleuthing innocent people and Jonathan's family members. LE has stated that MN implicated others during interrogation - however LE says they put those others under the "microscope" and they have been cleared. It is LE's position that MN acted alone.

I understand this is a horrendous crime. However, WS does not want to contribute to the horror of this story by trying to implicate innocent people, including the stepdad, roommate or other family members.

If you have questions, contact a mod and they will help you.

Thank you and thank you for your efforts on Jonathan's behalf.


From Imamaze:


[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=123646"]Thread #1[/ame]
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Message from the Mods...
Discussing the appearance of the suspect or anyone in this case is not allowed. Do not speculate on the suspect's sex or gender. She has been named as a woman. Any discussion of sexual orientation or appearance must be related to the case - if you can't show a connection, don't post it. No Name calling - not even the accused!
Do not post something saying "I think this is the same person..." with a link. If you don't know it is the correct person, do not post it. Post only if it has to do with the case.
Social Networking: No copy and paste. Links only and paraphrase. If the page is private leave it alone, private means private, if its a minor, forget about it! No sleuthing or naming innocents. Jonathan's family members are considered victims - so post accordingly.
You are responsible for knowing our TOS and the rules. You may review them here...

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If you have any questions or concerns you can always pm us, we will be happy to answer your questions! All of us Mods are listed at the bottom of the page. Thank you!

Please continue here...
For that matter, if it was a trash can, why would it have to be dumped, anyway? Couldn't it have been set out by the curb? And yes, it would have smelled, and I would imagine, been pretty hot.

I do think it's normal to ask to help haul debris and junk.
But, I was incinerating is it normal for her to remove/dispose of dead bodies for friends too.
The smell of a burned dead body would be a big red flag for your average person unless she was somehow used to doing this for her friends.
I wonder if she was ever hired to rough up people for cash or help dispose of bodies before.
It sounds crazy- but she might have lived a completely underground criminal lifestyle. From her rap record she was stranger to the world of crime and it's underbelly.
Just an assumtion on my part!

Mom just got physical custody a few weeks earlier. At the time he was reported missing she had no idea he had been killed. I think the lie about the babysitter stemmed more from she was afraid when he was found, if anyone knew she left him alone she would lose custody again. Im sure that would be foremost in alot of peoples mind in her situation at a time like that. I think she wanted to be a good parent and was trying her best to do that. That is also why I think DD was checking in on him. It would be my guess that it was easier for her to leave him alone knowing someone would be checking on him. I also think in her mind having DD check on him was better than leaving him alone with him for hours at a time after the slapping incident. JMO
Something to add to the first page,

WE DO NOT SLEUTH ANYONE NOT NAMED IN THE MSM OR BY LE as a suspect unless approved by Tricia!

Anymore background sleuthing into others and you will lose your posting privileges in a time out.
Brought over from last thread:

do they do voice line ups or is that just on TV???

I don't know but we know now that Mom did hear her voice (again) when she saw her later that night at her place..A voice she should've recognized at that time since it's believed they've met before due to connection to roommate..In her state of mind it's possible she didn't get it & also earlier when M picked up the phone at her place..She was not expecting to hear some 'woman' answer & it's possible M did something to disguise it..There's also the report from LE that there were "threatening" remarks made against J during the call (which they are not revealing) that probably sent her into a panic=not thinking clearly.

I said from her first live interview the mom <modsnip>..I still stand by that & along with her fear & hysteria over her missing son I can accept the fact she wasn't able to make the M connection at either time that day..But! For all we know she was later able to connect it all which helped to lead LE to M along with other reasons for seeking her out days later.

I feel that a jury will understand mom's 'confusion' enough to sway them to believe her version of the story along with what appears to be massive evidence against M.
It was difficult for me to hear the questions from the reporters and I am wondering if any one heard any questions regarding the phone records?

The Detective answered a question that appeared to me to be in response to phone records "we are still working on getting them or something to that like that" (paraphrasing).
"The only thing missing in this house is his tan T-shirt with a guitar on it, a pair of jeans, his white sneakers and his black stuffed cat that my grandmother made him," Davis said. "There was no struggle."

A witness reported seeing a woman matching Nelson’s description pull up to Davis’ apartment in a gray or silver pickup truck near the time the threatening phone call was made.

Davis said Nelson stopped by the house later that night, saying she’d come over that morning looking for Ennamorato. Davis said Nelson told her that Jonathan had answered the door wearing no shirt, and it seemed like someone was in the house with him.


Totally bizarre thing for her to say, that Jonathan answered the door with no shirt on. I understand her saying it seemed like someone else was there - that was to deflect from herself.

But why say he had no shirt on?
If she was trying to divert attention from herself then saying somebody else might have been in the apartment while Jonathan had no shirt on would suggest that somebody else could have had a sexual motivation and get LE going into that direction.
Something to add to the first page,

WE DO NOT SLEUTH ANYONE NOT NAMED IN THE MSM OR BY LE as a suspect unless approved by Tricia!

Anymore background sleuthing into others and you will lose your posting privileges in a time out.

Can we get approval please regarding "SE" the babysitter. Thanks.
I also think in her mind having DD check on him was better than leaving him alone with him for hours at a time after the slapping incident. JMO


I asked earlier if there was any solid proof that this "slapping" incident actually occurred OR is it simply something (rumor!) put out there by MSM.

I have not seen this come from mom, sd, LE, or any relative/friend & would appreciate any link to what I may have missed..TY!
Davis said Nelson stopped by the house later that night, saying she&#8217;d come over that morning looking for Ennamorato. Davis said Nelson told her that Jonathan had answered the door wearing no shirt, and it seemed like someone was in the house with him.
respectfully snipped for space from BeanE

Why was MN looking for Ennamorato??? What time Christmas eve did MN come over to Davis home???? What nerve! Return to scenen of kidnapping.......looking for something???? trying to find out what the mom knew???
My perception is that AD was doing her best, and money wasn't exactly flowing abundantly into her bank account. I'm sure that if it was even remotely workable, she would have paid (or traded) for a babysitter for after-school and other times when she couldn't be at home. Apparently she trusted SE as a babysitter for J, and moved into SE's home with J.

These things break my heart because sometimes it might be for lack of adequate money that things like this are more likely to happen and people cannot be protected from harm. Somewhat different situation, but even Elizabeth Smart (family of affluence) was kidnapped from her own home. Something horrible like this could happen to anyone, IMO.

I wish I knew why such things happen, and why some (and so many!) people do these unconscionable things. :(
In our state of Iowa, state subsidized daycare won't cover kids 12 yrs old. Unless you get a health waiver, stating they have mental health, physical health etc.. Issues. So yes money may have been a consideration Which kills me inside :(

I asked earlier if there was any solid proof that this "slapping" incident actually occurred OR is it simply something (rumor!) put out there by MSM.

I have not seen this come from mom, sd, LE, or any relative/friend & would appreciate any link to what I may have missed..TY!

Davis had moved into the little cottage with Ennamorato on Dec. 14, after she and Jonathan's stepfather, David Davis, split up. She said he had gotten angry and slapped the boy. Davis considered taking Jonathan to her mother's house, she said, but she didn't want to uproot him when he'd just started classes at Durham Elementary School in November.
AE and MN both have criminal records.......why would AD (with JF) move in with someone like this?
Can we get approval please regarding "SE" the babysitter. Thanks.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5954923#post5954923"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Please visit this thread. In the meantime, do not sleuth SE here. Thanks.
lynnb asked on the previous thread: Just for clarification for me (because I"m geographically challenged) are the 2 residences involved in this story both on Oak Street? I've seen media references to the SD's apt on Oak Street and then Jonathan being taken from SE's home on Oak Street.

Yes, both are on Oak St. The small house that Angela and Jonathan were staying at with SE is next door to the apartment complex where SD was living.
I do think it's normal to ask to help haul debris and junk.
But, I was incinerating is it normal for her to remove/dispose of dead bodies for friends too.
The smell of a burned dead body would be a big red flag for your average person unless she was somehow used to doing this for her friends.
I wonder if she was ever hired to rough up people for cash or help dispose of bodies before.
It sounds crazy- but she might have lived a completely underground criminal lifestyle. From her rap record she was stranger to the world of crime and it's underbelly.
Not crazy at all. She fits the profile perfectly: a petty with a lot of muscle and sadistic rage, no conscience.
If she was trying to divert attention from herself then saying somebody else might have been in the apartment while Jonathan had no shirt on would suggest that somebody else could have had a sexual motivation and get LE going into that direction.

I am afraid of that. It is such an odd thing to make a point to say about a child.
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