TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - #10

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I want to know why the apt. complex didn't do a background check on M..If I lived there with kids I'd be seeking out a lawyer ASAP! That could've been MY child or any of the many who live there.

We've lived in a couple apt. complexes when we were younger and in college with kids. Including HUD subsidized housing. I never thought to question if the maintenance people (men and women) were background checked. When we got the 24 hr notice they'd be coming in, the kids and I were always gone if possible and if during nap time the people wouldn't be out of my sight, and I'd hide my valuables. After having heard/participated with this case, I would never rent again without knowing the manager and the maintenance people were background checked.
I wish I knew what had been going on in her life in the few days before Christmas Eve. What made her decide at that time to do this? Was she cyclical? And it was time for another kill? Was it the Christmas season? Did she lose a job or lose money in some deal?
Weren't several of her previous run ins with the law in December? I seem to recall December mentioned maybe three other times?? Not sure if it has anything to do with it, but it caught my eye originally.
Why would it be "case closed" considering there hasn't been a trial yet?

I meant case closed as in exploring every scenario...Yes, some of them don't make sense but isn't that what we do here? We get together as a group and pick apart every detail we know on a case and exchange our thoughts, questions and a lot of "what ifs?" Sometimes we exchange some good laughs and a lot of times we exchange a lot of tears.
BBM~I thought it had been said she had been a maint. worker for the apt. complex until a couple of weeks ago.

Yes, I'd read too that she was no longer working there. I wondered if she'd got and lost another job in the few days before Christmas Eve as a possible trigger to set her off to hurt Jonathan.
Please bear with me on this, as I am not sure at all if my thoughts on this come from seeing too much TV crime investigations. Is it at all possible that LE is trying to "give the impression" they think MN acted alone in the hopes if anyone else was involved they will get too confident and incriminate themselves?

Also early on when it was reported an arrest had been made, I seem to recall a mention they were still looking for a male they wanted to talk to. Also I think it has been mentioned that it was false, but at first they said something about MN being in a Mercedes owned by DD? When I say "if anyone else was involved" I do not mean any family member.
I am afraid of that. It is such an odd thing to make a point to say about a child.

Two statements stand out to me. The one by Mona, that he had no shirt on. And the one by the SD when he said a pedophile snatched him. Both introduce a sexual angle into this case. I'm just wondering why SD thought that so early on?
I want to know why the apt. complex didn't do a background check on M when they hired her..If I lived there with kids I'd be seeking out a lawyer ASAP! That could've been MY child or any of the many who live there.

Good point! Many hire under the table and can't be bothered if they are felons or even wanted.
It comes down to greed and keeping costs down.
You'd be surprised real estate companies will hire known RSO to manage apartments that have master keys to everyone apartments.
scary huh?
I knew an apartment manager that would steal money and small objects from tenants apts but they couldn't prove it. But, he bragged about it. The police refused to do anything under $500. He had legal rights to enter so couldn't press charges for breaking and entry.
MN worked at the apartment complex across the street. I was not aware she had worked at the apartment where SD lived (and where AD and JF lived before they moved in with SE).
Please correct me if I am wrong.
MN was connected to SE's home because they met each other when MN worked across the street. That's my recollection from all the news reports.
Two statements stand out to me. The one by Mona, that he had no shirt on. And the one by the SD when he said a pedophile snatched him. Both introduce a sexual angle into this case. I'm just wondering why SD thought that so early on?

Well who would you normally suspect of kidnapping a 12 year old boy? Who needs a 12 year old boy, it's not like somebody would want to kidnap him to raise him.
What if she blamed Jonathan (or his parents) as to why she was let go in the first place, and that was motive? Maybe there had been some sort of row/bad repair/complaint between her and the family, she was fired, and then she came back to exact revenge.

And perhaps MN was upset with the owners of the building, and as a way to ruin them (e.g. post murder, the tenants leave, can't re-rent the building because of the repuation), and decided that Jonathan was just a means to an end, rather than JF having anything directly to do with it.

Since motive does not have to be proved, I guess I'm just left wondering about why Jonathan, and not someone else.

This whole thing sickens me.

Herding Cats
Well who would you normally suspect of kidnapping a 12 year old boy? Who needs a 12 year old boy, it's not like somebody would want to kidnap him to raise him.

And he wouldn't be kidnapped for ransom. What kind of ransom could be extracted from this family, seriously?
I am getting the feeling more and more that this woman was reveling in what she did. Drinking vodka, being chatty, going back to Jonathan's house to witness the pain she'd caused to his parents, etc. A big Christmas Eve celebration of the murder of a child.

I wish I knew what had been going on in her life in the few days before Christmas Eve. What made her decide at that time to do this? Was she cyclical? And it was time for another kill? Was it the Christmas season? Did she lose a job or lose money in some deal?

And the other thing is that she wasn't terribly concerned about getting caught. It's almost as if she wanted people to know what she'd done. More celebration. To a point of being cocky - going right back over to Jonathan's house where his parents were. You can't get much more cocky than that.
No, you can't. My husband and I were just discussing this very point. It's not unusual for killers and arsonists to return to the scene and quietly relish in the aftermath. But to talk to the child's mother and volunteer the story about going by the house that day, etc., etc...well, we're both bowled over.

I don't know if she wanted to get caught, or she was riding the high to the point that she believed herself invincible. Thought she was so clever no one would ever finger her. She didn't count on that camera, though. If she is a serial killer, she's gotten away with it in the past and typically grown bolder and a sloppier with each one.
Two statements stand out to me. The one by Mona, that he had no shirt on. And the one by the SD when he said a pedophile snatched him. Both introduce a sexual angle into this case. I'm just wondering why SD thought that so early on?

Since MN went to 'visit' the family Christmas Eve night....is it possible that SD heard MN saying that about the stranger w/ no shirt on...believed it at the time....and from THAT came his comment about a pediphile?
Two statements stand out to me. The one by Mona, that he had no shirt on. And the one by the SD when he said a pedophile snatched him. Both introduce a sexual angle into this case. I'm just wondering why SD thought that so early on?

He may have gotten that idea planted into his head by MN that evening when she came over.
Has it been mentioned anywhere if DD or AD ever suspected MN from the very beginning when JF disappeared? It did surprise me that, in the very beginning, DD, when interviewed on camera mentioned he thinks a pedophile took him. Did he have reason to believe that MN was a pedophile? Did he have some suspions about someone else in that area being a pedophile?

Sorry, I had not read your post, teh and jen, before I posted this.
In our state of Iowa, state subsidized daycare won't cover kids 12 yrs old. Unless you get a health waiver, stating they have mental health, physical health etc.. Issues. So yes money may have been a consideration Which kills me inside :(

Same here, in CA. The only other option is a private sitter, or YMCA. I refuse to take my son to a YMCA, where many 16-17 year olds hang out. Rumours of drugs, drink, etc. I don't think he would be much safer there!


Davis had moved into the little cottage with Ennamorato on Dec. 14, after she and Jonathan's stepfather, David Davis, split up. She said he had gotten angry and slapped the boy. Davis considered taking Jonathan to her mother's house, she said, but she didn't want to uproot him when he'd just started classes at Durham Elementary School in November.

It sounds to me as if SD probably isn't used to dealing with kids, and lost his temper for a moment. Some folks have assumed it was across his face, but as far as I know, it's never been said. It's equally possible that it was his butt - or any other part of his anatomy, for that matter. Now, that doesn't make it right, but hey, people are human, it happens. An isolated event of "running out of patience" would explain why AD was ok with having SD check on JF while she was working. Given that AD in the past had had CPS called on her, she might have moved JF out of the house out of fear that the incident would be used to take him away.

If it was an isolated case of SD losing patience with a child that he actually loved, he's probably feeling horribly guilty that his act set events in motion that led to JF's death. I think that alone would be enough to cause what some are considering his "over the top" behavior (ie, threats against the perp, etc.)
MOO,is that PERHAPS,Jonathon's mother was the person MN wanted to hurt,for reasons I am not sure of,jealousy,revenge of some sort.I can't get past the conversation when Jonathon,is asked "is Angela your mother",then silence,or threats made.What kind of threats??Just my opinion.
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