TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - #5

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Nevermind just found this
A family acquaintance has been charged with capital murder in the death of 12-year-old Jonathan Foster.
Mona Yvette Nelson, 44, was arrested Wednesday morning at her home, police said.
A break in the case came Nelson’s truck was spotted on surveillance video taken from an office building near the culvert where a body believed to be Jonathan’s was found in the 9900 block of East Hardy on Tuesday.
~end snip

so it was not stepdad's car that was seen on surveillance but this woman's?

much more at link
I am wondering since she is a boxer that she beat Jonathan up so bad and knocked out his teeth. Then she burned him and that is why dental records can't ID him????

Where does Mona work now?
Does Rolled Alley have furnaces???

Right now we don't know if Mona was a boxer.
sooooooo within minutes she lured him out of the house before mom got home, with no struggle? how? sf? im not understanding....sos
I'm still stuck on why would Mona burn poor J? Is she a RSO?
It's very sad and makes me very angry.Probably to hide his identity or I think most importantly how he died.Like Somer Thompsons mother said about little Somers killer,I hope and pray she or who ever hurt him is locked up if she or someone did this to this poor little boy for a LONG LONG TIME.I do think the death penalty is very very fair.
We are not going to discuss this woman's appearance here at WS. We are way above that here.

We don't get to pick what we look like (unless we have as much money as Oprah) and it really has no bearing on the crime or her potential culpability.
Okay Ive been faithfully following this case all day and somehow, someway I still haven't a clue who "Mona" or "Ramona" is??? Or where she came from? I am clueless as to when, where, and how she has appeared in this case???


She was a manager at one point at the apts. across the street from jf...and the apts. next to the ones she managed were shut down due to code violations..she did side work also like sheetrock and drug deals for the tiffany oaks..across from jf...i found a great deal out during my visit out there in the weather...very sad!
Any normal parent. But this is a parent who has not had custody for eight years. Who has only had custody for six months. Obviously things are not all okay with this parent. Her behavior and diction make me think learning disabilities/slowness. IMO, she is acting more like a 12 year old child than the parent of one, and CYA is the motive of a 12 year old, often times. Not excusing the behavior, but I don't expect "normal" parenting behavior from this parent. Things are all off kilter from the get-go, and you add the stress and chaos of an abduction... So I can't go by what "I" would do in a situation like this. IMO.

I agree.

I don't think it has been established that the mother is an addict. I really don't like to see mothers of missing children criticized and beaten up during such a horrendous time in their life. Nobody is perfect. Being faced with your child missing would be a real shock and not a time when someone would watch every word they say, for example saying the word pest being dissected as evidence she is a bad mother or a murderer. The reporting has been atrocious with each reporter not checking facts. Any information we are getting is very sketchy and not to be relied on. I think she should be given our sympathy and support until we learn she doesn't deserve it.

This is moving so fast I have no idea where this comment is going to land.

But, you are very right! I am not pointing fingers at the mom at all but some of my comments may create assumptions that we should not be making. You are right that we should be more cautious! Thank you.

Mona's past record:

You are on the ball. Thank you!

You know we've seen a lot of police departments doing a good job lately of cutting thru the BS of less than stellar parents, step parents, etc, at least getting someone in jail and charged...as with Zahra, Skelton boys, this case, etc...and none of those LE agencies were dealing with any sort of easy suspects.

(If only Portland could take a cue...)

It's easy with certain suspects. Most crimes like this - missing kids, murdered children- are solved quickly. But some suspects in a minority of cases may be a bit more sophisticated, intelligent, or streetwise. So they cover their tracks a bit better, keep their mouths shut more and have better financial access to high-profile, qualified attorneys who can counsel them on what to do and what not say. I don't think the inability to quickly resolve the Portland case has anything to do with a lack of ability or effort on the part of LE out there!

she may have broken in and claimed mom said it was okay to take the tv...maybe the kid was hiding and calling mom when the phone was taken from him

Hmm, very interesting, plausible theory!
It makes no sense to me either as Mona really doesn't have a criminal record except for something 26 years ago.

According to whom?

One charge in Harris County. We don't know where else she's lived and what her record could be in those places.
That's the real mayor; our mayor happens to be a lesbian. Mona is a lesbian and not shy about it. All asides.

Wait...let me preface this with I promise I'm not doubting you...because ITA with you...so now my question...

did she say somewhere that she was a lesbian or are you speculating (rightly so, i'm sure)...i just don't want to miss that link if you have one...

I just want to say that I am a certified Nyspin/NCIC operator. When a child/adult is first reported missing we send a police officer to the house to make a report. It doesnt matter if the child is a runaway or not. Other officers are assigned to the area to look for the person esp if it is a young child or a senile adult/suicidal person. If a 16 year old just had a argument with their parents and the teenager fled from the house upset, we get officers over to the location to look for them. The cop then gives the dispatcher all info about that person and is read over the airways, to every precinct immedialtely. If it is Christmas or July 4th ..it doesn't matter, there is always a Detective assign for that day and that night. There is no time off for Detectives, there can't be. Then there are Detectives who are on call for that day/night. They can be called in at 2am if necessary. The missing person is broadcasted throughout the whole county every hour, sometimes every 1/2 hour. The missing person alarm is entered into NCIC right away. Add'l info can be added later on. I enter 17 missing persons alarms generally in one night and most are canceled by the time I leave work.
According to whom?

One charge in Harris County. We don't know where else she's lived and what her record could be in those places.

I only stated based on the info posted earlier in the thread with arrest records. Obviously there are more and I patiently wait to see them.
I believe Renee said she had only had him for 6 weeks....6 tiny weeks.

I read a comment from someone who claims to be DD's daughter that said AD told her she never wanted children. DD's daughter was upset that fingers were being pointed at her dad and she thought they should be pointed at AD instead. Renee has said that there was no legal action for custody of JF only POA so I don't think AD would allow her son to be murdered just to get rid of him when she knows she can give him back to grandma or his aunt and uncle like she has done in the past. I do think AD's lifestyle may have caught up with her though.

Renee said that AD had lied, there was no babysitter and she had separated from DD. This has been confirmed by LE. I was confused by statements that the suspect is friends with DD and also AD's room mate but both could be true and I'm wondering if the suspect was helping out the parents by disposing of the body or if she was attempting to burglarize either parent's home (looking fir drugs maybe?) and was caught off guard by the presence of JF. That would explain the phone calls to AD's work. JF may have been trying to call his mom because someone was breaking into the home and the suspect took the phone away and decided to do away with JF (the only witness).
I was only going by what was posted earlier. Thanks.

If you have the records for the Mona that was arrested matching birthdate and all, kindly post the info.

I can't. Private paid site. Same b'day. Same name.

Check Mt. Vernon, Tx (Franklin County)
Check Plano, Tx (Collins County)
If it bleeds, it leads. Competition between media is tough & that old adage is never more true than now.

MSM let us down today. All day the "teasers" have been dropped & attempting to stay ahead or just keep up, everyone ran with it. Houston PD's job is to find out what happened to Jonathan, bring in those responsible, & gather enough evidence for a successful prosecution. HPD owes us nor the media anything, but it would have been nice to post an update to this story on their website or have PIO-HPD release a simple statement. Many departments regularly do that on "big stories". It doesn't seem to much to ask, especially of as a huge force as in Houston.

I have been reading here & all the links since about 8:30 this morning & there has been more mis-information than truth. The good WS posters tried to sort through the mess. I feel sorry for all those of us who really care & want to know. Right now, I am thinking about a hot shower & curling up under the covers with a magazine.... but I type so slowly, by the time I click "post" & read to catch up, I'll be hooked again & stay until the wee hours.

God bless Jonathan & those who love him.

I hope those who failed him or harmed him will be made to answer in this life. I feel certain they will pay in the afterlife.
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