TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 1

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Still, Benitez said her toddler couldn't have gotten outside himself, noting he wasn't tall enough to turn a doorknob.

"The only way that the baby would have gotten out the door is (if) the front door (was) open," she said. "But we had the doors closed."

Ice covered the steps outside, leading Benitez to believe that there would be signs of Josh if he did get out.

Still, as of Monday, police searches involving people, helicopters and dogs hadn't led to any signs of the boy.

"They had scent dogs out here, and (they) said there was no scent of him leaving the yard," the toddler's father, Josh Davis Sr., told CNN affiliate KENS. "So I don't see how he could have wandered off, or else they would have picked something up."

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GRACE: We are taking your calls. Straight out to Michael Board, WOAI Newsradio.

Michael, what happened? I don`t understand how you can see the baby and 10 minutes before, and then suddenly the baby`s gone.

MICHAEL BOARD, REPORTER, WOAI NEWSRADIO: Well, police are saying that it looks like he just was able to wander out of his home. We know that the latch on the door in this home did not work.

Some big developments in this case today, Nancy, though. We have to tell you that the radius, the search radius for little Joshua has been expanded now for two miles. One of the things that they`re doing is, this is a neighborhood full of prefabricated homes, some of the officers as well as search dogs are going underneath these homes to see if maybe the baby was able to wiggle its way underneath there.

Also in the cases where a human or a dog couldn`t fit under there, they`ve got high-tech cameras that are able to go underneath these homes to see if maybe possibly this child was able to make its way under there -- underneath here in the freezing weather we`ve had in south Texas.

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Wherever he is, I hope that beautiful baby Joshua is warm, fed and loved tonight...




I feel that someone in that house took this baby.On Nancy Grace it was stated someone left early,didn't say who it was, that left.Seven people in that house ,I noticed LE questioned them,but is it what LE is not saying? This makes no sense as cold as it is inTX a child with asthma would be suffering early on 1)Cold brings on an attack 2) exercise can bring on an attack.I just don't see this happening.This baby could not travel far in the cold no way with this medical condition.Someone took that baby!
Joshua is adorable and I pray they find him safe.I hope the media attention will being in some calls Anything anyone knows about anyone
involved would help
Search teams retrace steps for missing Hill Country toddler


New Braunfels police Lt. Michael Penshorn says searchers removed the skirts Monday from the crawlspaces beneath the homes in the mobile home park where the family lives. Penshorn says a parallel criminal investigation also is under way into the circumstances behind the boy's disappearance. He said he had no information on the details, but the family was cooperating.

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This is the thing that sticks out== Why would you think somebody at your house would walk out with your child and not tell you? What were the adults doing there that you would be able to even entertain the idea that somebody there walked out with your child?

oh gosh I think its nothing more than the fact he disappeared. Of course no one is going to let someone in their house they think will steal their child.

Once a child disappears though, you suspect the person you know least because its the only hope he is alive.

And people don't know whats in the hearts of everyone. Look at David Westerfield, no one would have thought of him as a child rapist murdere or the BTK killer, warden of his church and all around "family man".

But if my child weent missing and couldn't be found of course i would wonder about those there that night.

Maybe they think someone under the age of 18 walked away with the child?
ummmm..... I don't know about the rest of you but when someone leaves my house I go to the door with them, I say "good bye". Sometimes I even walk out to their car with them and say "good bye".

I don't understand how someone visiting could walk out of the house carrying anything unless I was in the bathroom, in the basement... then it would be very strange indeed to come back and my visitor is GONE.
I have entertained what I think is every possible idea as to where this child could have gone.
Looked at trash schedules:
Thinking that he could have climbed inside a trash can to get warm and then the worst could have happened. Nada.

Parental involvement: Possibly, but I don't see it here. Joshua looks so happy, and so loved, and his mother seems to have devoted herself to being a mother, not a party girl, not a career woman, not a man-hopper...his father seems genuinely distressed, to the point, where I don't see him faking it.

The other adult that was in the home: Hard to tell, since LE and the media retelling us nothing about him.

Wandering away does seem like the likely scenario. I know his mother says he couldn't reach the door knob, but I thought my 2 year old couldn't either. Until the day that he unlocked the handle lock, unlocked the dead bolt, stood on a chair, unlocked the chain lock and wandered 2 blocks away to investigate the tool shed around the corner. He thought it was a playhouse. Never, ever, in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that he was capable of doing that, especially since I had seen him fiddle with the lock and not open it less than a week before. (Now, we have double deadbolts, I'm never taking that chance again.) Point remains, kids grow so fast at that age, developmentally and physically that everything can change in a week. But this is what gets me about the idea of wandering away: NO evidence recovered at all, that LE has mentioned. Since their pet theory is that he wandered off, we would likely hear info that supports that theory pretty quick. There are no clothes, not found by searchers or the dogs. Really? No socks, no thing? If he became hypothermic, that means that at some point he would have felt hot, even though he was freezing, if I'm remembering hypothermia right. Most kids that age at least know how to take their pants off. If he felt hot from hypothermia, I expect there would have been some indication of him, through his clothes at least.

I want to know more about the other guy, the one that has been mentioned, but hardly actually discussed. Where did he go when he left? What's in his past record? What were the circumstances around him leaving?
I think that either this guy was involved, as Mom fears he was, or that Joshua really did wander away and has simply not been found because they aren't looking in the right places or in places far enough away. MOO.

This one's gonna drive me crazy.
I'll have to go back and read all today's articles, but in the meantime I'm very curious to know if all the guests had left, and then the couple reported their child missing or if they still had guests there when they noticed joshua was nowhere to be found?
oh gosh I think its nothing more than the fact he disappeared. Of course no one is going to let someone in their house they think will steal their child.

Once a child disappears though, you suspect the person you know least because its the only hope he is alive.

And people don't know whats in the hearts of everyone. Look at David Westerfield, no one would have thought of him as a child rapist murdere or the BTK killer, warden of his church and all around "family man".

But if my child weent missing and couldn't be found of course i would wonder about those there that night.


This story evokes memories of another 'suspicious person in the house' case:

Several years ago, very near my home, a 6 year old girl was abducted, molested and murdered by an 'acquaintance' of the family. He was a homeless drifter, allowed to crash on the couch the same night this little girl and her father were staying at the house. The perp awoke early, took the girl away pre-dawn, and no one knew what happened until her body was found in an abandoned warehouse.
Agreed, NMK. Also, he would have had a diaper on most certainly? I would think that a child with a diaper on would have a stronger scent than an adult (sarx?).


Ice covered the steps outside, leading Benitez to believe that there would be signs of Josh if he did get out.

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(enlarged by me)

This is a red flag to me: there's no way he could have walked down those steps and not slipped and gotten hurt. I've busted my behind (and a laptop) falling down our ice-covered steps... I fear this is going to turn out to be someone who was in the house - a family member or friend. And he is either very close by or was removed from the house by someone, unnoticed by the other adults.

I don't think he wandered off.

(enlarged by me)

This is a red flag to me: there's no way he could have walked down those steps and not slipped and gotten hurt. I've busted my behind (and a laptop) falling down our ice-covered steps... I fear this is going to turn out to be someone who was in the house - a family member or friend. And he is either very close by or was removed from the house by someone, unnoticed by the other adults.

I don't think he wandered off.


Are there pictures of these stairs? Were there railings on the side? Even so, I think it is pretty rare for an 18-month-old to be able to go down stairs un-aided unless he scoots down on his behind. (I did a quick Google search about it and 21 or so months is when most can navigate stairs independently).
Are there pictures of these stairs? Were there railings on the side? Even so, I think it is pretty rare for an 18-month-old to be able to go down stairs un-aided unless he scoots down on his behind. (I did a quick Google search about it and 21 or so months is when most can navigate stairs independently).

At around 18 months, some can go up/down stairs by holding onto rails. Early walkers may be able to do it alone, and late walkers maybe not at all. (I used to teach Child Development in on the psych courses I taught).

That's a good point - hadn't thought of that. Rails/no rails, if there was ice, I find this even more unlikely, kwim?
ummmm..... I don't know about the rest of you but when someone leaves my house I go to the door with them, I say "good bye". Sometimes I even walk out to their car with them and say "good bye".

I don't understand how someone visiting could walk out of the house carrying anything unless I was in the bathroom, in the basement... then it would be very strange indeed to come back and my visitor is GONE.

I read on CNN I think that a man at the party left for a while during the time the child went missing and then came back but is not considered a suspect. Also, if someone at a party says: 'I need to pick up some smokes at the store, be right back" for example, I would not walk them to the door and say goodbye.

I'll have to go back and read all today's articles, but in the meantime I'm very curious to know if all the guests had left, and then the couple reported their child missing or if they still had guests there when they noticed joshua was nowhere to be found?

Everyone was apparently there when he was found missing, from what I read.
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