Hi... Justthinking and Princess Rose...Of all the scenerios I've read this one makes the most since to me. How easy it would be for a fake cop/security guard to con the girls away from the mall! The post card still bugs me though. What was the purpose of that? To taunt the family? Was he buying time? If so why not more details in it then just a very vauge note? Also since it arrived like the next day it makes me think it was preplanned a bit. Otherwise would the perp thought of it so fast after the crime?
Just rambling my thoughts here....
IF Debardeleben committed this crime, he would have thought it out in great detail beforehand and been completely prepared - he used to write scripts for himself and even his victims. So, he would have planned for the victim to write a note - I guess his purpose was to throw off the police. He hated the police in Ft. Worth and he hated women. He would have wanted to make the police look like fools.