Time flies..didn't realize it had been so long since I checked in...just got caught up tho and I have to say the Debard character sure sounds like someone that needs a closer look in this case. I'm going to have to get hose books pronto.
Debra I hope you and your family are doing well. I really thought that local news would run something this year on the anniversary considering it's been 35 years now.
I also wanted to clarify something....ages ago I wrote that I lived on the same street as Rachel...I lived on the same street as her mom,dad, debra, & rusty....not where she lived with tommy at the time of the disappearances (though if I understand correctly, they didn't live far away) I just wanted to clear that up.
It sure seems like it would be a simple enough task to check Debard's DNA against what was found on the envelope/stamp. Debra do you know if that DNA profile was ever entered into the FBI CODIS database? I'd be surprised if not, and more surprised if Debard's wasn't entered already in the event of such likelyhoods.
Rose did you ever get a chance to go back and speak with the head of security?
ok I promise I won't stay away anywhere near as long as this last stretch...
again..time flies
This holiday season be thankfull for all that you have, praise the reason for the season, and say a prayer for Rachel, Lisa, Julie Ann, & their families.