TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 - #2

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All very interesting "intersections." Nice critical thinking! In the end I look at a few things that do not parse with conspiracies, and pre-meditation.
#1) if what you want is for your wife to go away; and you live together; opportunities abound - privately.
#2) it is unlikely a 2nd person was involved, because 1st Rachel would comply with a simple command to get in the car, add to that the life-long fear that your co-conspirator would talk. So, that guy would have disappeared that same day. TT did not need a 2nd person, there was no premeditation.
#3) Finally, I cannot imagine a worse plan if it were pre-meditated.
All evidence leads to a spontaneous act of domestic violence. Crime scene #1 is not the locked car in the parking lot. It is the car the girls got into with "someone they trusted."
yes she has a thread , not much to go on, the FTW police are holding details , Ive called 3 times and no one has gotten back to me drives me nuts!!!!
yes she has a thread , not much to go on, the FTW police are holding details , Ive called 3 times and no one has gotten back to me drives me nuts!!!!
Many feel your pain. I'm so sorry. I'm waiting on call backs from FWPD and the District Attorney's office right this minute. Calls I initiated this morning. Left detailed messages stating that I was afraid. So. Waiting sucks.
this is a very frustrating case
appreciate fw cats insights and honesty here.
such a good thing your doing chick! stay brave xx
spread the word we shall :)
keep up your pressure to LE.
look I got to the end of page one of this thread totally unaware of this story and had him pegged. its that obvious.
unfathomable that the cops aren't interested in putting away a monster who killed 3 young women!!!!!!!!!!!
the evidence is there .......
look in the damn lake....its black and its white!
god help us all if its that difficult to get em interested.
ive come across an article that states rusty crediting himself for the cars in the lake theory and that he organised the sonar searches.
I thought by whats been stated here with fw cat that he wasn't supportive of the same questioning??
can you clarify this article for me fw_cat?
I'm a bit confused with your connection to it all. I haven't sleuthed you out because I validate your privacy but from what ive read here through the threads its abit contradictory.
appreciate any clarity :)
New Efforts to Find Three Girls Who Vanished in 1974
ive come across an article that states rusty crediting himself for the cars in the lake theory and that he organised the sonar searches.
I thought by whats been stated here with fw cat that he wasn't supportive of the same questioning??
can you clarify this article for me fw_cat?
I'm a bit confused with your connection to it all. I haven't sleuthed you out because I validate your privacy but from what ive read here through the threads its abit contradictory.
appreciate any clarity :)
New Efforts to Find Three Girls Who Vanished in 1974

In a span of a few weeks, his behavior on the Missing FW Trio FB page went from apparent ignorance of the theory while at the same time acknowledging that he'd shared case files with FW_Cat; to hotly claiming that she'd "stolen" the theory from him and LE and that she's a dangerous person. TBH, he seems kind of pathetic to me.
In a span of a few weeks, his behavior on the Missing FW Trio FB page went from apparent ignorance of the theory while at the same time acknowledging that he'd shared case files with FW_Cat; to hotly claiming that she'd "stolen" the theory from him and LE and that she's a dangerous person. TBH, he seems kind of pathetic to me.

Hi everyone. I was in that group, one of the longest members and left last week. Theories coming out which that's good! But the name calling, arguing, and jumping on folks isn't for me. I was there to help with ideas, research, anything but it seems they don't even know I'm gone.

I have thought all along it was TT and that he had an accomplice. I researched him until I don't know where else to look. But I voiced an opinion to someone I considered a friend in there, and boom! She posted it, and people were jumping on the bandwagon.

Truly I care not about credit or whatever but I'm not going to argue like school children over it. I'm glad they started donating and I hope to hell SOMEONE, ANY ONE gets those cars up out of that watery grave those poor sweet girls are in. Jmho


PS TYVM Ft. Worth Cat for everything you've shared and all the work you've done.
ive come across an article that states rusty crediting himself for the cars in the lake theory and that he organised the sonar searches.
I thought by whats been stated here with fw cat that he wasn't supportive of the same questioning??
can you clarify this article for me fw_cat?
I'm a bit confused with your connection to it all. I haven't sleuthed you out because I validate your privacy but from what ive read here through the threads its abit contradictory.
appreciate any clarity :)
New Efforts to Find Three Girls Who Vanished in 1974
I was standing on a ladder painting the 12' ceiling of my empty master suite. It was a big creepy house so I had the TV on all the time to drown out creepy. I chose channels you don't have to watch - mostly narration - like The History Channel, A&E, etc. There was a program on A&E that profiled the new Cold Case Unit in Fort Worth, TX. That got my attention. I made note of the lead detective's name. I wanted to go to the brand-spanking new FWPD Cold Case Unit website. There were dozens of pages to scroll through. Rachel, Renee, and Julie were not there. Once I figured out why they weren't listed; I began to think about where they must be and how do we find them? They are not in the crime category where they belong. Taking the FWPD's own theory; I reverse-engineered it. I plugged my prime suspect into those circumstances - using a liberal amount of information and experience from being a teenager, neighbor, classmate, little sister, you name it - believed I had solved the puzzle. I sent an e-mail to Dan James, the pro-bono Private Investigator listed on Rusty's website, and waited. He never replied (see attached original email.) While I was waiting I made phone calls to several non-profits that search for clandestine graves. They all said the same thing; hang up, call FWPD, tell them just what you told me. If they call us; we will come. I waited some more. I forwarded my e-mail directly to Rusty, and he called almost immediately with a million questions. I only had two. At 5:00 on a Friday afternoon I called the # listed for Manny Reyes - the acting FWPD Cold Case Detective I'd seen on TV. I Left him a voice-mail that went something like this..."uh, I'm calling about a cold case from 1974. Three girls went missing from Seminary South Shopping Center. I think I know what happened. If I'm right; I know where I'd look for them." Within 30 minutes he returned my call. We talked for almost 2 hours on a Friday night. There were follow-ups by other detectives. I mapped out a strategy to isolate any and all cars "missing" from the investigation - based on local, state, and federal records. A paper trail that would lead us to the car "the girls got into with someone they trusted." It isn't easy to prove a negative, but my theory was that crime scene No1. was at the bottom of crime scene No.2. Rusty did not find those cars. Neither did I. I had a hunch based on a lifetime of experience. Eqqusearch and other volunteers did a monumental "cart-before-the-horse" search. Rusty excluded law enforcement that day. And he wonders why they don't take his calls.
In a span of a few weeks, his behavior on the Missing FW Trio FB page went from apparent ignorance of the theory while at the same time acknowledging that he'd shared case files with FW_Cat; to hotly claiming that she'd "stolen" the theory from him and LE and that she's a dangerous person. TBH, he seems kind of pathetic to me.
thank you
this is what I wanted to clarify.
for myself and late comers to the case every now and then these connections and important revelations need addressing.
especially when whats out in msm is as it is. :)
thanks fw_cat
I can see the injecting himself into whatever is going on clearly now.
hijacking one might say.
sometimes one is too close to a situation and needs to realise that and step away.
so does he run hot and cold on TT involvement?
All very interesting "intersections." Nice critical thinking! In the end I look at a few things that do not parse with conspiracies, and pre-meditation.
#1) if what you want is for your wife to go away; and you live together; opportunities abound - privately.
#2) it is unlikely a 2nd person was involved, because 1st Rachel would comply with a simple command to get in the car, add to that the life-long fear that your co-conspirator would talk. So, that guy would have disappeared that same day. TT did not need a 2nd person, there was no premeditation.
#3) Finally, I cannot imagine a worse plan if it were pre-meditated.
All evidence leads to a spontaneous act of domestic violence. Crime scene #1 is not the locked car in the parking lot. It is the car the girls got into with "someone they trusted."

#1) Agreed
#2) It just seems like many things (over the years) have all gone TT’s way to allow attention to be drawn away from him and subsequently allow him to get away w/murder. E.G. The police treating the girls as runaways, the police not finger printing the car, Mrs. Arnold unknowingly giving him an alibi (as you theorize,) witness testimony of sightings, death of Det. Swaim, Hutchens testimony, Danny Wilson, etc. Seems like a “*advertiser censored*-ton” of dumb luck for uneducated ephebophilic from Cowtown (no offense to any folk from F.W. intended.) So I scratch my head thinking somewhere along the way there must have been a slip, someone gave him a ride, someone he said something to, a person looking for their missing car, etc., or something to tip the scales on the side of the innocents. Especially since the bulk of your theory is based on no premeditation or planning.
#3) IMO the lack of premeditation is evidenced simply by the letter. Had the letter been planned/written in advance the author could not have known where the car was parked.

FW_Cat thank you again for your diligence and for always making me think through things in a less cryptic way.

God you must be frustrated after 11 years. I pray for your strength and patience to see this until the bitter end.
In a span of a few weeks, his behavior on the Missing FW Trio FB page went from apparent ignorance of the theory while at the same time acknowledging that he'd shared case files with FW_Cat; to hotly claiming that she'd "stolen" the theory from him and LE and that she's a dangerous person. TBH, he seems kind of pathetic to me.
Link please, thanks! :)
thanks fw_cat
I can see the injecting himself into whatever is going on clearly now.
hijacking one might say.
sometimes one is too close to a situation and needs to realise that and step away.
so does he run hot and cold on TT involvement?
thanks fw_cat
I can see the injecting himself into whatever is going on clearly now.
hijacking one might say.
sometimes one is too close to a situation and needs to realise that and step away.
so does he run hot and cold on TT involvement?
I cannot speculate on what he is thinking since I've seen so little of it...him...thinking. I have enough compassion for everyone involved to overlook some bad behavior. But...I have a life and a family that haven't had 100% of me for over 9 years. I won't stop looking for the girls. I will stop trying to rehabilitate a family remember - coaching, and so forth, a person that treats LE as the natural born enemy of the victim. I will quit on that person. I do. I quit.
I don't think FaceBook is where the official group is located. I think FWPD is that group.

I think I worded that incorrectly. How about "...the 'official' group for discussing the disappearance of the girls." BAIBM. I think it'd be considered so here simply because Rusty runs it and for better or for worse, he's been the face and mouthpiece of the case for decades. FWIW, though, I totally agree with you.

Progress, not drama...I always say.

An excellent rule of thumb.
Many of these Facebook "Find the Missing" groups are wonderful places to share information, memories; to coordinate searches or to share theories or ideas about possible matches with UP remains. Unfortunately, they do tend to reflect the personalities and intentions of their moderators.
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