Found Deceased TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 Jan 2014 #11

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What does 'shortly' mean in this context? How exact can an autopsy be after 4 weeks? Surely not down to the hour?

Again, the weather had been cold, which could preserve her body enough that decomp was slowed down.

They have been known to exhume bodies and do a second autopsy years after a body was buried, and come to different conclusions than they did the first time it was autopsied. Forensic science is amazing these days.
No idea how high up she was, but if I was searching, I would be looking down at the ground for foot prints or personal items she may have dropped. I doubt I would be looking up into the trees for someone to be hanging. BUT, SAR should be doing both of those, IMO.

Jumping off your post.

Bearden was found in a wooded area so dense that spotting her was difficult, O’Conner said.

“The area was so wooded that you could have walked right by her without even seeing her,” the chief said.

I assume she was pretty far up, probably a pretty tall tree where branches were high off the ground. But the sheriff's statement is compelling... an untrained searcher could have walked right under that tree and not seen her.

I live in an area where it is dense woods just a few feet from my back yard, and the trees are so close together you can't walk between them. It would be hard to see up into them, so I can well imagine that even if they were right on that property, they might not see her. I have a feeling they were not in the exact spot she was found, so they may not have covered that particular area.
I don't know if this has been discussed or not but this morning I was thinking how important one's doctor becomes in time of crisis.

If Leanne was having depression from meds she might have been taking or from coming down from her real world reentry a trusted family doctor could perhaps helped her.

But having been traveling for the last 22 months I am thinking she might not have been able to seek that medical council she needed from some doctor she trusted.
Jumping off your post.

Bearden was found in a wooded area so dense that spotting her was difficult, O’Conner said.

“The area was so wooded that you could have walked right by her without even seeing her,” the chief said.

I assume she was pretty far up, probably a pretty tall tree where branches were high off the ground. But the sheriff's statement is compelling... an untrained searcher could have walked right under that tree and not seen her.

I live in an area where it is dense woods just a few feet from my back yard, and the trees are so close together you can't walk between them. It would be hard to see up into them, so I can well imagine that even if they were right on that property, they might not see her. I have a feeling they were not in the exact spot she was found, so they may not have covered that particular area.

Has anybody heard how she come about to be found?

I have read homeowner and I have heard worker?

Are there any confirmed details?

I am just wondering how Leanne and then the one that discovered her were able to get in and find her when LE, searchers and dogs could not?

Perhaps my old standby conclusion of 'fate' playing its role.
we don't know why the homeowner picked Feb 13 to "search". We don't even know the reason he went to the back part of his property and whether it constituted a search.

Some are perhaps assuming he went to search.

if I have learned anything on this site, it's not to assume.

I understand that, per the first article I linked, the cause of death is suicide, manner is asphyxiation, pending toxicology reports. It is unclear to me, as of this hour 1 am ET, if those reports are complete.

I would expect they can determine if this was an unassisted suicide, or an involuntary hanging. In either case I can accept their findings and my wholehearted sympathy for the family remains. It is, either way, a hard hard thing to bear.

You've got it backwards. Manner of death was suicide, Cause of death was asphyxiation by hanging.
I was one of the posters doubting the suicide, but not because I don't believe she could have been in the mental state to do it. There were just some strange things that didn't fit. But, if toxicology says so and family agrees, I will accept it

Good evening, Fairy1, in answer to your question as to whether some folks are still pondering the suicide, yes, they are. No, suicide is not so unbelievable - it is something that is always a possibility in the mix of such disappearances. But it is always shocking in its horror nonetheless.

Too, the old cliché comes to mind: "the devil is in the details." Some are still mulling over things that don't sit right nor feel right - and those things may never sit right, and that's just how it may be. Something eats at you, a phrase, a behavior, circumstances -- it can keep a person up at night.

One looks at Leanne and feels a need to protect her and stand up for her. It doesn't matter that we are not her family or that we have not met her. On some level, some of us felt her pain and saw her grappling with something much bigger than herself. What is the big backdrop to it all. The final chapter to the book may be shut, but the peculiarity of the events contained therein lingers and haunts some, myself included. And I imagine it will for a very long time.
Ultimately, who knows the details that led to this end. Even the family will be asking questions that they can never know. But in trying to make some sense of the senseless, each of us has to come to our own sense of it all, so here's what I have decided happened, for my own understanding, and I share it in case something in here might help someone else.

HER LEADUP TO THIS - I recognize that untreated bi-polar issues, drugs for the trip, clinical depression, psychotic episode, are all possible as lethal explanations, but the thing that speaks to me the most is the timing of the event.

I do think one factor was the natural emotional roller-coaster, the low lows that we get in our life after experiencing the high highs. We miss the high, and then we can't get it back.

And I also think she had been feeling lost as happens when we undergo MAJOR change in our life. The "live life on the road" life had ended, and she was in essence starting a new life, and I am guessing she felt trapped as she was being herded in that direction. Not comfortable, not at "home" with her life, a sense she was losing control and the road ahead was impossibly long.

In those contexts, in a tragic way, I see that afternoon as having been a crossroads for her, in her mind. That's because her in-laws were coming home in a few hours, having been gone a week, and then JB and LB were headed to Denver to restart life as they had left it. I don't think those looming "life deadlines" were coincidental to all of this, and in fact I think they were a huge part of the perhaps impulsive and very tragic choice.

THE DAY OF THE TRAGEDY - I think she left her front door with her mind troubled, but I don't believe she set out to do herself in. JMO That's because I believe that all the people, and the dogs, that said she went out to 3009 were not wrong. I think she took that walk before deciding to go another direction in her life.

Here's the route I think she took: goes down Teakwood and to 3009, as TT observes, and turns south. Gets down to the Trophy Oaks entrance, the area where the man reading the newspaper saw her. The dogs track her that far as well, before they were told to stop. She continues down 3009, then turns right (W) on Gloxinia (which would explain why she was not spotted at the busy intersection with light at 2252 and 3009), and gradually makes her way N on Sorrell to the W end of Sumac, in essence a big loop. [click for map] Arriving at Sumac and Sorrell, on far end of street from TT if that TT crew was still working, she went unseen.

There are other loops she could have taken after going that far down 3009, or side streets she could have walked down and back in the neighborhood, but this is the basic route that makes sense to me and fits the best.

I think as she walked, she pondered things and her frustration was building. The shortest version of that loop is about 2 miles long, so she could have gotten to Sumac and Sorrell after perhaps 35-45 minutes, returning home just like she had said when she left. Perhaps the walk was brisk, or perhaps she dawdled, looking and pondering.

And I think when she got to that corner, for whatever reason, she decided that she wasn't going back. At least not yet. Maybe she still had 20 or more minutes left, of her hour, and decided to walk and think some more. Or maybe she decided then and there she wasn't going back, I dunno. So for whatever reason at that moment, she didn't turn down Sumac, kept going straight, eventually walking around Fairview Circle until she spied a quiet hidden place where she could slip in and be unseen and undisturbed to think further, or whatever.

Did she keep going farther and farther back from the house (with a lot that big, she might have been able to be as far as perhaps 1000 feet back) through the thickness and then climb up in a big leafy oak or evergreen to think? Did she perhaps sit there, up in a tree with no one likely to come by, and write a note? Or ponder? Or did she select that spot to immediately end things? We'll never know, I suspect.

POSTSCRIPT - This tragedy is disturbing on so many levels, such a needless loss of life. Life is not always easy, but I am reminded that peace in troubling times "that surpasses all understanding" comes from the Prince of Peace, and I have to look to God to make sense of it all, to walk past this "shadow of death" that He promises He can lead us through. Even if I don't understand, I trust Him.

THIS. You know, this somehow gives me a feeling of comfort. I can see this exact scenario. Thank you, Steve.
Michael Jackson 'Gone too soon'. Maybe somebody could bring it over for us. TIA
Has anybody heard how she come about to be found?

I have read homeowner and I have heard worker?

Are there any confirmed details?

I am just wondering how Leanne and then the one that discovered her were able to get in and find her when LE, searchers and dogs could not?

Perhaps my old standby conclusion of 'fate' playing its role.

Yeah, some of this is known now. It was the homeowner (homeowner & his wife are reportedly in their 70's) who found her. Leanne was found in an area that was not searched by the search & rescue team, as it was so close to the Bearden family home that Search & rescue felt the family had searched there well enough. And the homeowner just didn't go out to that undeveloped part of his property very often, so it wasn't an area that he was commonly walking through.
Ultimately, who knows the details that led to this end. Even the family will be asking questions that they can never know. But in trying to make some sense of the senseless, each of us has to come to our own sense of it all, so here's what I have decided happened, for my own understanding, and I share it in case something in here might help someone else.

HER LEADUP TO THIS - I recognize that untreated bi-polar issues, drugs for the trip, clinical depression, psychotic episode, are all possible as lethal explanations, but the thing that speaks to me the most is the timing of the event.

I do think one factor was the natural emotional roller-coaster, the low lows that we get in our life after experiencing the high highs. We miss the high, and then we can't get it back.

And I also think she had been feeling lost as happens when we undergo MAJOR change in our life. The "live life on the road" life had ended, and she was in essence starting a new life, and I am guessing she felt trapped as she was being herded in that direction. Not comfortable, not at "home" with her life, a sense she was losing control and the road ahead was impossibly long.

...... (snipped).....


Thanks was not enough. I've been perplexed ever since reading the headlines about her being found. Just dumbfounded. However, having gone on two extended trips outside of the States (both for ~ a year), I completely agree with your assessment above. Each time, DH kept his same job, so that security was there. In that sense, we were somewhat anchored, but even so, the adjustment is tough.

A few years ago, we discussed the possibility of a repeat of a long sailing trip we took for about a year when our son was a toddler. We said that this time we would have to sell our home but we could stay gone for much longer. Then our son - who was about 6 or 7 at that time, said the most insightful thing: "I don't want to go if we have to sell our home. It would only be fun to go again if we had a home to leave from and come back to." Out of the mouths of babes.

Perhaps Leanne's return from this trip, combined with the crossroads of a new job, maybe starting a family, was just too much turmoil: no real anchor or continuity.

Another thing: if she had been feeling empty and depressed before the trip and planned this trip as a way to make life seem more meaningful, then what a let-down to return. A huge item on many folks' bucket list is 'a trip around the world'. Now she had 'been there, done that'. What was left, if that was what was keeping her going?

I had thought of foul play up until they found her. But I don't think of foul play anymore. I just feel incredibly sad that Leanne didn't reach out and get help in time... :cry:
SteveS well thought out and you close out a lot of things I pondered.

Everybody left behind to question 'what should I have done'. But the answer will always remain 'nothing '.

We can do nothing about things we know nothing about.

Celebrate Leannes life. She surely did a whole lot of living in those 33 short years.

She HAD it all. RIP Lovely Leanne.
This leaves a lot more questions than answers that leave me troubled. ....

I've thought of Leanne ever since her case was posted here. This has been an emotionally draining case for me and I'm sure most here. I'm still thinking about Leanne, and will be for a long time. I pray for those who loved her, especially her mother.

RIP Leanne.

Leanne Bearden also had her wedding and engagement rings when she left, family members said.

O'Conner told local media the deceased woman was wearing a ring that appeared identical to that of Bearden's.


Police say they have confirmed the body through identification on the body, as well as through two wedding rings, which were publically shows throughout the long probe.

Read more:

bbm ?

thanks for posting. I was sidetracked and not technically online. Hmm. So did I misinterpret or read another members post that insinuated both his and her ring were found? Hmm.
Yeah, some of this is known now. It was the homeowner (homeowner & his wife are reportedly in their 70's) who found her. Leanne was found in an area that was not searched by the search & rescue team, as it was so close to the Bearden family home that Search & rescue felt the family had searched there well enough. And the homeowner just didn't go out to that undeveloped part of his property very often, so it wasn't an area that he was commonly walking through.

I read in one of the news artcles the interview with the man across the street who said they did search there. He said they asked permission from him to search. I will see if I can find that article. jmo

EDIT. I see that you said not searched by the search & rescue team. So just ignore my post. tia
This leaves a lot more questions than answers that leave me troubled. ....

I've thought of Leanne ever since her case was posted here. This has been an emotionally draining case for me and I'm sure most here. I'm still thinking about Leanne, and will be for a long time. I pray for those who loved her, especially her mother.

RIP Leanne.

On FB her mother comments that she wished she knew what caused this change in LB. I think she alluded to the fact that it was a quick change. Maybe she was okay when she first returned and visited in Georgia. jmo
Ultimately, who knows the details that led to this end. Even the family will be asking questions that they can never know. But in trying to make some sense of the senseless, each of us has to come to our own sense of it all, so here's what I have decided happened, for my own understanding, and I share it in case something in here might help someone else.

HER LEADUP TO THIS - I recognize that untreated bi-polar issues, drugs for the trip, clinical depression, psychotic episode, are all possible as lethal explanations, but the thing that speaks to me the most is the timing of the event.

I do think one factor was the natural emotional roller-coaster, the low lows that we get in our life after experiencing the high highs. We miss the high, and then we can't get it back.

And I also think she had been feeling lost as happens when we undergo MAJOR change in our life. The "live life on the road" life had ended, and she was in essence starting a new life, and I am guessing she felt trapped as she was being herded in that direction. Not comfortable, not at "home" with her life, a sense she was losing control and the road ahead was impossibly long.

In those contexts, in a tragic way, I see that afternoon as having been a crossroads for her, in her mind. That's because her in-laws were coming home in a few hours, having been gone a week, and then JB and LB were headed to Denver to restart life as they had left it. I don't think those looming "life deadlines" were coincidental to all of this, and in fact I think they were a huge part of the perhaps impulsive and very tragic choice.

THE DAY OF THE TRAGEDY - I think she left her front door with her mind troubled, but I don't believe she set out to do herself in. JMO That's because I believe that all the people, and the dogs, that said she went out to 3009 were not wrong. I think she took that walk before deciding to go another direction in her life.

Here's the route I think she took: goes down Teakwood and to 3009, as TT observes, and turns south. Gets down to the Trophy Oaks entrance, the area where the man reading the newspaper saw her. The dogs track her that far as well, before they were told to stop. She continues down 3009, then turns right (W) on Gloxinia (which would explain why she was not spotted at the busy intersection with light at 2252 and 3009), and gradually makes her way N on Sorrell to the W end of Sumac, in essence a big loop. [click for map] Arriving at Sumac and Sorrell, on far end of street from TT if that TT crew was still working, she went unseen.

There are other loops she could have taken after going that far down 3009, or side streets she could have walked down and back in the neighborhood, but this is the basic route that makes sense to me and fits the best.

I think as she walked, she pondered things and her frustration was building. The shortest version of that loop is about 2 miles long, so she could have gotten to Sumac and Sorrell after perhaps 35-45 minutes, returning home just like she had said when she left. Perhaps the walk was brisk, or perhaps she dawdled, looking and pondering.

And I think when she got to that corner, for whatever reason, she decided that she wasn't going back. At least not yet. Maybe she still had 20 or more minutes left, of her hour, and decided to walk and think some more. Or maybe she decided then and there she wasn't going back, I dunno. So for whatever reason at that moment, she didn't turn down Sumac, kept going straight, eventually walking around Fairview Circle until she spied a quiet hidden place where she could slip in and be unseen and undisturbed to think further, or whatever.

Did she keep going farther and farther back from the house (with a lot that big, she might have been able to be as far as perhaps 1000 feet back) through the thickness and then climb up in a big leafy oak or evergreen to think? Did she perhaps sit there, up in a tree with no one likely to come by, and write a note? Or ponder? Or did she select that spot to immediately end things? We'll never know, I suspect.

POSTSCRIPT - This tragedy is disturbing on so many levels, such a needless loss of life. Life is not always easy, but I am reminded that peace in troubling times "that surpasses all understanding" comes from the Prince of Peace, and I have to look to God to make sense of it all, to walk past this "shadow of death" that He promises He can lead us through. Even if I don't understand, I trust Him.

Thanks so much for that map. I "walked" the route on streetview and it was so lonely feeling. Nothing about the property where she was found seems especially enticing from the road... I wonder if she was looking at that pleasant but completely non-exotic suburban neighborhood, knowing she should get back for her job phone call, and thinking that was the life she was going home to and just couldn't do it. I just want to go back in time and hug her.
I was one of the posters doubting the suicide, but not because I don't believe she could have been in the mental state to do it. There were just some strange things that didn't fit. But, if toxicology says so and family agrees, I will accept it
What strange things?
Early reports indicated that acquaintances described her as "troubled" that day . i think those conversations would shed some light on her state of mind .
unfortunately, we probably won't be given that information. I wondered what type of conversation would make me categorize a friend as "troubled" and for me it would be more than just venting about being home and the need to get a job. it would be a more emotional conversation. The fact that she shared these feelings with "acquaintances" seems to indicate to me that these issues consumed her thoughts that day.

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