Found Deceased TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 Jan 2014 #11

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I know you can't make sense or understand why someone commits suicide. My grandfather was an alcoholic, and committed suicide, but we had seen it coming, so no shock. He did it at a place he knew my grandmother would find him. I wonder why she chose this "backyard?" And why did she do it in SA, and not in GA? { I am guessing she didn't want her loved ones to find her}
Not that it matters now I have wondered this all along. I would love to know her history prior to the trip. We she on anti depressants? Had she had anxiety attacks before? Just things like that. Josh was very protective toward her. jmo

I've wondered the same thing. I also keeping thinking.....were they fighting? Not getting along?
My condolences to all the family, friends and WSers who care so deeply.

There are so many questions to which we will never have answers. I thought it was interesting that LB and JB seemed to be always together in GR. He said she never went for a walk like that alone before; they would go on long walks together or go to the gym. After 22 months of total togetherness on the road, and almost another month of togetherness back in the states, they were about to end that togetherness.

Like they had a deal to do the two year travel thing and then they were coming home. And she did all the things she was supposed to - he cut her hair, she cut her hair - they started looking for jobs. She had that banner on her fb page and an interview scheduled.

This is in the 2012-12-30 blog post: "We always say, 'Do what makes you happy.' For us, traveling the world makes us happy. "

They looked like best pals and they had a plan to roam for a couple years and then return to Denver. But maybe what made her happy now was the same thing that made her happy at the end of 2012. But it wasn't traveling the world by herself it was with him. So she was giving it her best shot but, as someone said already, faced with having to tell someone "Yes, I want your job" made her think there was no more chance at her version of happiness. That dream was over and she may come to feel she couldn't go forward with the plan anymore.

I will be interested to see if she took the malaria medication with the bad side effects although I don't know if we will ever find that out.

If she killed herself, and I must believe LE knows what they are doing, I think it is somewhat comforting (to me, at least), that she took his backpack with her - to have some part of him and their trip with her at the end.
If the search party for that area did not approach this particular property for some we want them to have to admit it, if it was a family group?

No. At least, not in my opinion. I'm sure it would be running through their heads, maybe forever. It's unnecessarily cruel for the public to demand their explanation.
I think the possibility that they always seemed to do things together could have been a stifling thing. And in those situations it, I think I can say fairly, is always one of the parties who in effect insists upon the other's presence, for whatever reason. Dependency perhaps.
Well, I haven't felt like posting today. But reading everyone's thoughts about Leanne kind of made me think. I'm having real trouble believing in the suicide thing, but if that is the case, maybe seeing the entire trip abroad in another light would help.

What I mean is, taking a two-year trip around the world is fairly extreme. Maybe the trip itself was a way to mask whatever was going on inside her psyche. Every day you wake up to some new adventure. A travel problem to solve. New, different people. New sights. A destination to achieve. This would be a really effective way to push aside depression. For two years you keep it away. Because you are problem-solving, and constantly challenged by new highs.

And then it is over. And there is nothing between you and the feelings any more. And they all come back with a vengeance.

Maybe the trip itself is a big clue to her state of mind.

I kind of see it the other way round. I believe on that trip she felt that she could really be herself and live up to her potential. Meet new challenges, be active, experience so many new things, conquer new territory so to speak. It suited her personality to a t to be on the road, never growing roots anywhere. A rolling stone. I believe what we see in the blog posts and pictures, that was the real Leanne, the person she wanted to be and really was. I think when they came back she realized that she wouldn't be able to experience this intense feeling of joy for a long time. For starters, they had no money left and finding a job was now important. Then there were plans to start a family which also doesn't lend itself to a gypsie lifestyle. She might have felt that she never truly could be herself again and be truly happy and fulfilled, and that there was no way out.

This is just moo.

I so wish she would have seen another way for herself. I so wish!
My condolences to all the family, friends and WSers who care so deeply.

There are so many questions to which we will never have answers. I thought it was interesting that LB and JB seemed to be always together in GR. He said she never went for a walk like that alone before; they would go on long walks together or go to the gym. After 22 months of total togetherness on the road, and almost another month of togetherness back in the states, they were about to end that togetherness.

Like they had a deal to do the two year travel thing and then they were coming home. And she did all the things she was supposed to - he cut her hair, she cut her hair - they started looking for jobs. She had that banner on her fb page and an interview scheduled.

This is in the 2012-12-30 blog post: "We always say, 'Do what makes you happy.' For us, traveling the world makes us happy. "

They looked like best pals and they had a plan to roam for a couple years and then return to Denver. But maybe what made her happy now was the same thing that made her happy at the end of 2012. But it wasn't traveling the world by herself it was with him. So she was giving it her best shot but, as someone said already, faced with having to tell someone "Yes, I want your job" made her think there was no more chance at her version of happiness. That dream was over and she may come to feel she couldn't go forward with the plan anymore.

I will be interested to see if she took the malaria medication with the bad side effects although I don't know if we will ever find that out.

If she killed herself, and I must believe LE knows what they are doing, I think it is somewhat comforting (to me, at least), that she took his backpack with her - to have some part of him and their trip with her at the end.

That is a beautiful thought. I love it. Thank you!
I know you can't make sense or understand why someone commits suicide. My grandfather was an alcoholic, and committed suicide, but we had seen it coming, so no shock. He did it at a place he knew my grandmother would find him. I wonder why she chose this "backyard?" And why did she do it in SA, and not in GA? { I am guessing she didn't want her loved ones to find her} T
My cousin was getting into her car to go to the store, and her husband, who was sitting on the porch, called her name and then shot himself right in front of her. I didn't get this at all. I guess it came down to him wanting people to know immediately, but why put her through that kind of trauma? And I have a friend, who when she was younger, called her boyfriend's name and woke him up, and then right there at the foot of the bed, she shot herself in the chest. He rushed her to the hospital and she survived, but they broke up right afterwards. For a long time, I suspected the bf, but she still swears it was her. She had been hospitalized before this for cutting her wrists, so I guess it was in her nature. I just don't know.
My condolences to all the family, friends and WSers who care so deeply.

There are so many questions to which we will never have answers. I thought it was interesting that LB and JB seemed to be always together in GR. He said she never went for a walk like that alone before; they would go on long walks together or go to the gym. After 22 months of total togetherness on the road, and almost another month of togetherness back in the states, they were about to end that togetherness.

Like they had a deal to do the two year travel thing and then they were coming home. And she did all the things she was supposed to - he cut her hair, she cut her hair - they started looking for jobs. She had that banner on her fb page and an interview scheduled.

This is in the 2012-12-30 blog post: "We always say, 'Do what makes you happy.' For us, traveling the world makes us happy. "

They looked like best pals and they had a plan to roam for a couple years and then return to Denver. But maybe what made her happy now was the same thing that made her happy at the end of 2012. But it wasn't traveling the world by herself it was with him. So she was giving it her best shot but, as someone said already, faced with having to tell someone "Yes, I want your job" made her think there was no more chance at her version of happiness. That dream was over and she may come to feel she couldn't go forward with the plan anymore.

I will be interested to see if she took the malaria medication with the bad side effects although I don't know if we will ever find that out.

If she killed herself, and I must believe LE knows what they are doing, I think it is somewhat comforting (to me, at least), that she took his backpack with her - to have some part of him and their trip with her at the end.

Thanks wasn't enough. I'm with you on this. It's just so tragic.

What's more weird is that any time from now on I think of traveling, I will think of Leanne and Josh.

RIP Leanne

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I think a lot of us here have experienced suicide...and know that there are no explanations that make sense, or even that we will ever believe. Sometimes people are even offended, thinking they were not reason enough to live for, but I doubt the person who goes this route is thinking that way at all. They are seeing a bleak or hopeful future, for whatever reason and choose not to go forward. I guess what I am saying, it is not about "us" (those left behind).
This is just a little small world shout-out to reporter Sharon Ko at KENS5 who has been reporting on Leanne. Until very recently she was a reporter at KDRV in Medford, Oregon. She did a great job reporting about Stephanie Warner, the missing/presumed murdered person featured in my signature. Thanks Sharon for your help with Stephanie. You've got a good one, San Antonio.
As I thought, the cause of death asphyxiation by hanging :(.
My condolences to all the family, friends and WSers who care so deeply.

There are so many questions to which we will never have answers. I thought it was interesting that LB and JB seemed to be always together in GR. He said she never went for a walk like that alone before; they would go on long walks together or go to the gym. After 22 months of total togetherness on the road, and almost another month of togetherness back in the states, they were about to end that togetherness.

Like they had a deal to do the two year travel thing and then they were coming home. And she did all the things she was supposed to - he cut her hair, she cut her hair - they started looking for jobs. She had that banner on her fb page and an interview scheduled.

This is in the 2012-12-30 blog post: "We always say, 'Do what makes you happy.' For us, traveling the world makes us happy. "

They looked like best pals and they had a plan to roam for a couple years and then return to Denver. But maybe what made her happy now was the same thing that made her happy at the end of 2012. But it wasn't traveling the world by herself it was with him. So she was giving it her best shot but, as someone said already, faced with having to tell someone "Yes, I want your job" made her think there was no more chance at her version of happiness. That dream was over and she may come to feel she couldn't go forward with the plan anymore.

I will be interested to see if she took the malaria medication with the bad side effects although I don't know if we will ever find that out.

If she killed herself, and I must believe LE knows what they are doing, I think it is somewhat comforting (to me, at least), that she took his backpack with her - to have some part of him and their trip with her at the end.
This reminds me, in a small way, of those stories you hear about women who spend their whole lives planning their weddings, but after they're over, they go through depressions and cry all the time. And I can understand that! Maybe this trip was so planned and so anticipated that she felt a huge loss when it was over. If she spent years dreaming about it, and then a couple of years really planning, and then 2 more years living it, she probably felt like 'what do I do now'? I'm the same way with company, always have been...doesn't matter how annoying they are or how much they overstayed their welcome, when they're gone, I feel sad and empty and usually cry a little. Christmas is the same way. Taking down the tree and decorations is hard! It's such a sad, empty feeling for some of us.
My condolences to all the family, friends and WSers who care so deeply.

There are so many questions to which we will never have answers. I thought it was interesting that LB and JB seemed to be always together in GR. He said she never went for a walk like that alone before; they would go on long walks together or go to the gym. After 22 months of total togetherness on the road, and almost another month of togetherness back in the states, they were about to end that togetherness.

Like they had a deal to do the two year travel thing and then they were coming home. And she did all the things she was supposed to - he cut her hair, she cut her hair - they started looking for jobs. She had that banner on her fb page and an interview scheduled.

This is in the 2012-12-30 blog post: "We always say, 'Do what makes you happy.' For us, traveling the world makes us happy. "

They looked like best pals and they had a plan to roam for a couple years and then return to Denver. But maybe what made her happy now was the same thing that made her happy at the end of 2012. But it wasn't traveling the world by herself it was with him. So she was giving it her best shot but, as someone said already, faced with having to tell someone "Yes, I want your job" made her think there was no more chance at her version of happiness. That dream was over and she may come to feel she couldn't go forward with the plan anymore.

I will be interested to see if she took the malaria medication with the bad side effects although I don't know if we will ever find that out.

If she killed herself, and I must believe LE knows what they are doing, I think it is somewhat comforting (to me, at least), that she took his backpack with her - to have some part of him and their trip with her at the end.

In addition to the backpack, she also took both rings, which was were among the first and only physical descriptions released in the initial missing reports that weekend, so they must items she didn't typically wear when going on a short walk or performing other menial tasks. These items certainly appear to demonstrate her bond with JB; that she died close to her companion in body and spirit. I always maintained that the early suspicion on this board that she wanted to leave JB and escape her marriage made no sense.
And what is going through my mind??? Why then didn't the dogs find her? Why? Why.

Oh Scarlett, it really hurts so much. It doesn't make sense. There will probably never be a why given to us to know. :(

She had already left this earth before Josh thought to wonder where she was. The dogs simply weren't meant to find her yet. Maybe Leanne's chosen place was meant to keep her private for a little while. It was not the garage, it wasn't near the highway. It was a secluded place, meant to hide her for a little while until she was ready to be found.

I'm also comforted by the idea that she deliberately brought Josh's backpack, the same one he snuggled with like a pillow over so many thousands of miles of travel. I hope she had some quiet moments of contemplation. But she chose a secluded place, and maybe she needed to do that.

If the search party for that area did not approach this particular property for some we want them to have to admit it, if it was a family group?

The family did exactly what they should have and could have in the search - even continuing the search after LE told them they thought she'd left voluntarily, implying that she'd left GR and was long gone from there. I don't think they feel any need to "admit to" as they clearly wanted nothing more than to find her and did everything in their power to accomplish that. At the time, the family was looking for an injured Leanne, fallen during a walk. They would have no reason to enter every homeowner's property and conduct a search both ground and in the trees.
Sorry if this has been mentioned already- and I also apologize if this sounds insincere- but I am just curious.. Do you think the homeowner who found her will be offered the reward money?
So sad!

Question for those who have gone out of the country for an extended amount of time. Are there medications that are suggested you take while away that she could have stopped? I know there are types of meds that you should wean yourself off of because it could cause suicidal thoughts....

Anxiety is tricky ... I guess I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the thought she snapped just because I would imagine a two year trip like they took would be stressful for most to even think about taking let alone go on it. I couldn't. I wish I could say I would but I know myself and I would be done 1/3 way in.
Those temperatures are not accurate. I know for a fact they are wildly incorrect. It snowed on a day that says was in the 60s. We tend to keep watch of the weather when it's very cold here.

I mean no disrespect and do not know where you live, but my oldest daughters live in a house in Converse and the temps given were the actual readings on those days in San Antonio proper. Texas has this weird way of going below 40 and within an hour being over 60 (Not forecasts but recorded temps). In ATX it was 28 one morning and 70 that afternoon. We wore coats i the morning and shorts that afternoon to ride bikes. They closed the schools due to fear of freezing rain only to give the kids a 70 degree holiday. There is a saying that in Tx, if you don't like the weather, wait a few hours and it will change.

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