TX TX - Lina Sardar Khil, 3, last seen on playground @ apartment complex, San Antonio, 20 Dec 2021 #2

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I know the odds are against this being a stranger abduction, but I have felt all along that is exactly what it is. Something seems different with this missing child, and I even wonder if it’s not a typical pedo involved but maybe even a woman? A woman who doesn’t have a child or lost a child and sought out the “perfect” girl to take for her own? Maybe I’m just being hopeful, because that would probably be the best case stranger abduction, but just thinking how the person who took her in such a tight time frame with others so close must have appeared trustworthy and safe. Women are less threatening to little kids than men. Also because Lina is such a beautiful child, dressed so fancy—I can see a disturbed woman wanting a girl for her own might look for a girl just like Lina…
The odds aren't against it at all, not when you consider that she disappeared from a public place with her scent trail ending in a parking lot.

It's almost certainly a stranger (or non-family) abduction.
It's developed. However, the apartment complex does not have security cameras. We don't have traffic cameras at intersections in San Antonio. (We have sensors which look like cameras, but they are sensors for changing lights)

I'm pretty sure USAA has outward facing cameras, but I have not heard anything about them. (Maybe USAA didn't want to go on record or speak to the media. They have lot of security and they keep it locked and guarded)

Businesses have cameras, but most face inward and not toward the traffic.

I was just looking at Jason Landry's case. There is no video evidence of him driving from San Marcos nor is there video evidence of him driving through Luling. His route and locations were obtained via cell phone carrier. So, with all the cameras out there, there aren't as many as we think are out there.
Thank you for all the local information. It really helps put things in perspective to have someone who knows the area.
I don't think the investigation is cooling off, but I am not sure they have any solid leads to go on now....yet anyway.

I think it may have been an opportunity offender---a stranger abduction. And if the kidnapper has no connections to the child or to the apartment complex, it could be very hard to find them now.

Was there a reason they were parked in that lot?
While anything is possible, the speculation of stranger abduction seems far down the list. We see from DOJ stats (posted upthread) that especially in this age group, stranger abduction ranks quite low as a possibility. When you consider Lina's community appears somewhat insulated and cloistered due to language barriers, customs, etc. An unknown would be quickly identified moving in to their sphere. I'll go out on a limb and say this was someone with very close, and ongoing access to Lina.

Amateur opinion and speculation
While anything is possible, the speculation of stranger abduction seems far down the list. We see from DOJ stats (posted upthread) that especially in this age group, stranger abduction ranks quite low as a possibility. When you consider Lina's community appears somewhat insulated and cloistered due to language barriers, customs, etc. An unknown would be quickly identified moving in to their sphere. I'll go out on a limb and say this was someone with very close, and ongoing access to Lina.

Amateur opinion and speculation

i get what you’re saying, but there are always unknown people around in an apartment complex. People moving in, having friends over, babysitters/housekeepers, maintenance, delivery drivers (Uber eats or DoorDash don’t even look like drivers), etc. There are many strangers and you just don’t really notice.
Something seems different with this missing child, and I even wonder if it’s not a typical pedo involved but maybe even a woman?

A woman who doesn’t have a child or lost a child and sought out the “perfect” girl to take for her own?
There might be a historical precedent for a "shopping for perfection" type motive. These two children disappeared from NYC in 1989.
What happened to missing children Chris Dansby and Shane Walker? – Film Daily

At a glance, there could be alot in common with Lina:

- As @rosesfromangels noted, all children are beautiful. But.... like Lena, the two children were also exceptionally cute / handsome. Though not related, both boys have the same skin tone, and resembled each other. They both also might have the same "pop eyed" physical feature that can be seen as noteworthy and attractive.

The similarities between the children and no evidence of, well, physical harm, raised the possibilities that the disappearances were part of an adoption motivated "shopping list" for particular children. They also had other things in common with Lena besides attractiveness:

- As with Lena, the two children disappeared from a "closed area"- apartments where strangers stand out and get noticed. Nobody noted anybody unusual in the area.

- All three have disappeared from playgrounds, where they could have been noted by a "shopper" as meeting "list requirements".

- As with Lena, extensive searches turned up nothing.

In the case of the NYC children, the police looked hard at a group of pre teens seen playing with one of the boys regarding the possibility that they were instructed to kidnap the victim. Extensive cross checking interviews involving the youths, and extensive with residents, however, cleared them. Rather, as with Leena, the boys seemed to have just vanished.
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i get what you’re saying, but there are always unknown people around in an apartment complex. People moving in, having friends over, babysitters/housekeepers, maintenance, delivery drivers (Uber eats or DoorDash don’t even look like drivers), etc. There are many strangers and you just don’t really notice.
Yes, this is true, and I agree that no possibility should be off the table.
That said, I tend to stick to data and probabilities so I still consider it a far lesser possibility; at least statistically. Let's hope we find out soon.

Amateur opinion and speculation
There might be a historical precedent for a "shopping for perfection" type motive. These two children disappeared from NYC in 1989.
What happened to missing children Chris Dansby and Shane Walker? – Film Daily

At a glance, there could be alot in common with Lina:

- As @roseofangels noted, all children are beautiful. But.... like Lena, the two children were also exceptionally cute / handsome. Though not related, both boys have the same skin tone. They both also might have the same "pop eyed" physical feature that can be seen as noteworthy and attractive.

The similarities between the children and no evidence of, well, physical harm, raised the possibilities that the disappearances were part of an adoption motivated "shopping list" for particular children. They also had other things in common with Lena besides attractiveness:

- As with Lena, the two children disappeared from a "closed area"- apartments where strangers stand out and get noticed.

- All three have disappeared from playgrounds, where they could have been noted by a "shopper" as meeting "list requirements".

- As with Lena, extensive searches turned up nothing.

In the case of the NYC children, the police looked hard at a group of pre teens seen playing with one of the boys regarding the possibility that they were instructed to kidnap the victim. Extensive cross checking interviews involving the youths, and extensive with residents, however, cleared them. Rather, as with Leena, the boys seemed to have just vanished.
Interesting parallels Cryptic, and noteworthy.
That’s interesting.

There are a lot of recent cases where a young child hasn’t been seen for months/years. Now that life is starting to get back to normal, I’m sure we’ll hear about more children last seen pre-covid. If a family needed to “replace” a daughter and the daughter had similar coloring to Lina, well…a complex full of Afghan refugees is a good place to look. JMO.
A non family, stranger abduction is very rare....not impossible....

NCMEC receives reports of missing children that fall into one of five case types, including nonfamily abductions. A nonfamily abduction occurs when a child is taken by someone known, but not related, to the child, such as a neighbor or an online acquaintance, or by someone unknown to the child. Nonfamily abductions are the rarest type of case and make up only 1% of the missing children cases reported to NCMEC.

Non-family Abductions & Attempts
There might be a historical precedent for a "shopping for perfection" type motive. These two children disappeared from NYC in 1989.
What happened to missing children Chris Dansby and Shane Walker? – Film Daily

At a glance, there could be alot in common with Lina:

- As @rosesfromangels noted, all children are beautiful. But.... like Lena, the two children were also exceptionally cute / handsome. Though not related, both boys have the same skin tone, and resembled each other. They both also might have the same "pop eyed" physical feature that can be seen as noteworthy and attractive.

The similarities between the children and no evidence of, well, physical harm, raised the possibilities that the disappearances were part of an adoption motivated "shopping list" for particular children. They also had other things in common with Lena besides attractiveness:

- As with Lena, the two children disappeared from a "closed area"- apartments where strangers stand out and get noticed. Nobody noted anybody unusual in the area.

- All three have disappeared from playgrounds, where they could have been noted by a "shopper" as meeting "list requirements".

- As with Lena, extensive searches turned up nothing.

In the case of the NYC children, the police looked hard at a group of pre teens seen playing with one of the boys regarding the possibility that they were instructed to kidnap the victim. Extensive cross checking interviews involving the youths, and extensive with residents, however, cleared them. Rather, as with Leena, the boys seemed to have just vanished.

I don't see evidence that these boys were taken into a "black market baby-ring operation"..Toddlers just aren't the best candidates.

If there is evidence, great, but the Film Daily reads more like an episode of "Unsolved Mysteries"

However, it does appear they may have been abducted by the same person.

Both boys disappeared from the same playground around the same time.
Shane Anthony Walker – The Charley Project Age 2 Disappeared while mom was distracted at a playground. Mom was distracted by an adult male who seemed sketchy.

Christopher Milton Dansby – The Charley Project Age 2 Seen talking with an adult male.

There is the case of a 2 month old, who likely was "stolen" by two women, who murdered his mother and for some reason they are tying the cases, but I don't see any connection to the toddlers. Andre Terrence Bryant – The Charley Project
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That’s interesting.

There are a lot of recent cases where a young child hasn’t been seen for months/years. Now that life is starting to get back to normal, I’m sure we’ll hear about more children last seen pre-covid. If a family needed to “replace” a daughter and the daughter had similar coloring to Lina, well…a complex full of Afghan refugees is a good place to look. JMO.
I don't think that's likely...The Afghans all know each other. Lina also has some distinct characteristic (which most in the community would recognize)

Lina could pass as Hispanic, which is 65% of the local population (there are about 1 million in San Antonio versus several thousand Afghans) and could blend in, but this does not cross my mind either...
I don't see evidence that these boys were taken into a "black market baby-ring operation"..Toddlers just aren't the best candidates.
I did not mean to imply that they were abducted by a ring to me re-sold on a black market. A market selling babies is just not likely in the USA.

Rather, that they could well have been abducted by an individual pursuant to their personal "shopping list". Or, that the individual with the "shopping list" noticed the children and then directed others to bring the children to them (group of youths the police looked at, perhaps an adult male).
Toddlers just aren't the best candidates.
I disagree that toddlers are not good candidates for adoption via abduction. Rather, toddlers are very good candidates:

- Too young to have long term memories of their origins.

- Too young to fully speak.

- No troublesome need for school records. Likewise, schools are not going to inquire about previous attendance.

- Less need for vaccination records- of the non covid sort. Likewise, deficiencies in vaccination records easier to explain.

- As toddlers are still young, more chance of the abductor being able to give a credible story of a pregnancy and birth while they say, lived briefly in another location. Thus, less chance of others noticing an older child's strange "appearance".

Of course, infants are even better in these regards. But.... they can be harder to abduct. Toddlers, however, can roam freely to degrees. Thus easier to abduct than infants.
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While anything is possible, the speculation of stranger abduction seems far down the list. We see from DOJ stats (posted upthread) that especially in this age group, stranger abduction ranks quite low as a possibility. When you consider Lina's community appears somewhat insulated and cloistered due to language barriers, customs, etc. An unknown would be quickly identified moving in to their sphere. I'll go out on a limb and say this was someone with very close, and ongoing access to Lina.

Amateur opinion and speculation
People kept saying the same about little Cleo.No way a stranger could just show up and take a child out of the tent without her screaming and mom hearing her.Well a total stranger did just that.
Citing three child abduction cases that I've followed on WS -- 2 children were abducted and murdered by strangers that had each stalked their victims, and one was murdered by a relative. In other words, none were random crimes of opportunity. Unfortunately, I believe the same will be true of Lina.

2012 - 6yr old girl was abducted from her bedroom while her entire family slept. Her remains were discovered in a rural area in 2017. It's believed the perp first saw the child months earlier when he stopped at the child's residence inquiring about a car for sale. The perp is a violent offender that was already in custody for prior abduction/murder when charged with this murder. The child's father was unfairly targeted as the main person of interest until the perp led investigators to the child's remains.

Found Deceased - AZ - Isabel Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 *Arrest* #27

2020 - 6yr old girl was abducted and murdered by another apartment resident living near the unit the victim shared with her mother and mother's boyfriend. Minutes earlier, the victim had just gotten off the school bus and was last seen playing in front of her unit. Her body was found 3 days later in a wooded area near her home. The perp died by suicide on the same day the child's body was discovered. The perp was a self-described asexual and an incel and had no prior criminal history.

Found Deceased - SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #5

2019 -- 5-yr old girl was kidnapped from her home sometime after 2 AM by her visiting uncle (mother's brother). After a night of drinking, the uncle was offered the couch for the night. The child was discovered four days later, buried beneath yard debris about a block from her home. She'd been stabbed with a kitchen knife taken from the victim's home. The perp was a low-level drug addict on probation after stealing a car while intoxicated.

Found Deceased - UT - Elizabeth Shelley, 5, Logan, 25 May 2019, *Uncle Arrested* #5
i swear to christ there was another case i think maybe in wisconsin or somewhere up north east that played out exactly like the Shelley case. I cant remember the little girls name but i think she was more like 3.
People kept saying the same about little Cleo.No way a stranger could just show up and take a child out of the tent without her screaming and mom hearing her.Well a total stranger did just that.
Yes, and I’m sure we could find others to reference. In this cAse, it may be a stranger as well. Statistically, it is not likely.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I don't see evidence that these boys were taken into a "black market baby-ring operation"..Toddlers just aren't the best candidates.

If there is evidence, great, but the Film Daily reads more like an episode of "Unsolved Mysteries"

However, it does appear they may have been abducted by the same person.

Both boys disappeared from the same playground around the same time.
Shane Anthony Walker – The Charley Project Age 2 Disappeared while mom was distracted at a playground. Mom was distracted by an adult male who seemed sketchy.

Christopher Milton Dansby – The Charley Project Age 2 Seen talking with an adult male.

There is the case of a 2 month old, who likely was "stolen" by two women, who murdered his mother and for some reason they are tying the cases, but I don't see any connection to the toddlers. Andre Terrence Bryant – The Charley Project

wait, chris and shane were playing with THE SAME 2 KIDS? i dont think the kids did it but i would look at someone close to them perhaps older brother or dad.... very odd!
Yes, this is true, and I agree that no possibility should be off the table.
That said, I tend to stick to data and probabilities so I still consider it a far lesser possibility; at least statistically. Let's hope we find out soon.

Amateur opinion and speculation
You need to know how to use the data, though.

You could say that only one person in one hundred dies in a car-pedestrian collision and one person in three dies of heart disease. But if you saw someone lying by the side of the road gushing blood from multiple places, would you still say that it was more likely that he died of heart disease?

The overall statistic is only useful when you don't know any other information.

However, we know that:

1) Lina disappeared when her mom stepped away for a few minutes.
2) Lina disappeared from a public place.
3) The video evidence that the police have corroborates the mother's story.
4) The police used to dogs to track Lina's scent to the middle of a parking lot, suggesting that she got into a vehicle.

When you look at what is known, the statistics need to be re-evaluated.

EVERYTHING points to a stranger abduction.
You need to know how to use the data, though....
EVERYTHING points to a stranger abduction.
Snipped for focused response.
Uh, okay...I'll do my best.
Everything? Not sure about that, but you seem very confident so I will think about your points again.

Look, you could very well be absolutely correct. I'm just not convinced, and tend to think the Perp is closer to the family, not a stranger abduction.
Whichever way, let's hope we find out and Lina is found.

Amateur opinion and speculation
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