TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #4

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She could have been self conscious about her height and trying to hide/blend in but IMO when they say "matronly" they may also mean "modest". She never wore anything low cut or short dresses, AFAIK. IMO, it's harder for tall people to find modest clothing. Shirts are not long enough and show your belly when you raise your arms, skirts that would be knee length on an average height person hit at mid-thigh on someone with long legs. It could be she struggled to find clothing that fit but it's surprising that we don't see any pictures of her in anything without a high neckline. She would have to go out of her way to find those types of clothes, IMO.

"Matronly" is an odd way to express modest, if you ask me. I wonder if there isn't the implication that LEK was a very sexually inhibited person. Which would support any number of theories voiced here about her background. But I think it's dangerous to try to read too closely any of the language that have been written about this case.

But you are right about LEK almost never appearing in anything without a high neckline -- especially since she did have breast augmentation. (There is one picture of her in a top that does not have a high neckline -- the one of her "at tea", wearing in a pink hat where you can see the top of a child's head in front of her. While maybe not a low-cut top, it is less modest than the other pictures we have of her. Maybe it indicates that she did have a wider selection of clothes than what we see.)
I may have come across one of two records with that spelling but all the official spellings used were with Y. I didn't find anyone who chose to use the I spelling throughout their life.
Ok, thanks. The I spelling is used by a family which are cousins to the FH family.
II do feel like the "self employed" part of her resume is either false or exaggerated. She put as her job title "Marketing Executive" which makes her job sound really important. But she goes from being an Executive to being an Intern and then doing contract work. All her jobs from 1998-2002 are entry-level, IMO. There are certainly people who make a living doing free lance and self employed work.
In the advertising and marketing world 'executive' is often used for entry level roles. i.e. a "marketing executive" is often one of the most junior members of the team, and likewise in an ad agency the "account executive" is one of the most junior.
Apologies if this exercise has already been done. I have no paid access to information sites and I'm based in Canada, so that can impact the level to which I can look in to these things. Something I've been trying to do is search for past residents of Lori's known addresses - at least to find a possible roommate, at best to find a mysterious woman FLEK's age who mysteriously disappears in the late 90's (in case she created the LEK identity several years prior to assuming it for daily life).

I've just been looking up her addresses on this site and this one seems worth some additional eyes/opinions.

Multiple pieces of information point to an Asian connection, as it were, so this name caught my eye.
I looked up Lori's 1993 address: 3901 Oakridge Ct. Apt. 3815, Fort Worth, TX on PeopleSmart and one of the past residents of this address that comes up is GYF. I looked up GYF on FamilySearch.org and found this record for a GYF born October 15, 1965. The FamilySearch record provides a series of addresses for this person at 14400 Statler Blvd. According to the addresses note on this Facebook page about Lori, 14400 Statler Blvd, Fort Worth, TX is also a known address for Lori that comes up in Ancestry searches. So this person is connected already to two known addresses of Lori's.
There is also this record for GYF with a different birthdate, also referencing the 14400 Statler Blvd address, bringing a third apartment unit number in to the mix.

I would love to see what others can dig up on this person.
I tried to look but it seems people search won't show results to users outside the US (they must allow Canada too). Frustrating!
I know a bit about websites, both then & now; I created my first one circa 1996 in hand-coded HTML. (If you're curious to see what a state of the art website from that distant age looks like, I'll be happy to send you the URL.) And I know a little bit about coping with a dial-up modem; my Internet connection was dial-up until ten years ago. There are a lot of limitations to making a website look artistic without relying on CSS, java & all the other tricks, but it can be done. (FWIW, it was an amateur web designer who discovered the use of animated gifs back in the early 1990s. I never did figure out how to create them.)

The problem isn't the design, although with a little imagination one could make that look better. Rather, it's the choice of a picture of an eye presented in a way that looks (IMHO) creepy.

I'm going to drop my unkind criticism of a dead woman's long-gone website for a sudden thought: why would anyone name their mystery shopper/online marketing consulting firm "An Eye for Design"? As I was thinking about her artistic skills, it occurred to me that "An Eye for Design" would better fit a freelance artist than a marketing consultant. I wonder if this was a name for a business venture LEK had come up with long before she decided to go into the mystery shopper/online marketing business. Since I don't know exactly how she had her business set up -- was it incorporated in some way for tax purposes, or simply a "DBA" venture (i.e., "LEK, doing business as An Eye for Design")?

Having an answer to that won't lead us to LEK's birth name, but it might provide another piece or two of the puzzle of her identity that we're trying to assemble.

Maybe her real initials are A. E. D. ... Would that not be a hoot.?

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She could have been self conscious about her height and trying to hide/blend in but IMO when they say "matronly" they may also mean "modest". She never wore anything low cut or short dresses, AFAIK. IMO, it's harder for tall people to find modest clothing. Shirts are not long enough and show your belly when you raise your arms, skirts that would be knee length on an average height person hit at mid-thigh on someone with long legs. It could be she struggled to find clothing that fit but it's surprising that we don't see any pictures of her in anything without a high neckline. She would have to go out of her way to find those types of clothes, IMO.
It does seem to be a strange choice of words. Kind of old fashion. In the interview, Blake's mother dominates. My guess is she described her to Velling using that term. I think we all have a slightly different take on matronly but for me it seems to suggest, modesty, frumpy, plain, and functional. We have such a small snapshot of her life. I am sure, she was not dressing matronly in her 20's whenever that was. In her Idaho ID she looks quite healthy, youthful, and almost sporty. Could the word "matronly" just be an outdated label given by a disapproving mother in law? I think she was mentally ill during most of that marriage, so I discount what we have been told by Blake's family. I really wish we had more input from the pre blake years. She seems to be engaged with the world, though maybe there were signs of dysfunction then. She couldn't have been completely nuts, blake did marry her.
I know a bit about websites, both then & now; I created my first one circa 1996 in hand-coded HTML. (If you're curious to see what a state of the art website from that distant age looks like, I'll be happy to send you the URL.) And I know a little bit about coping with a dial-up modem; my Internet connection was dial-up until ten years ago. There are a lot of limitations to making a website look artistic without relying on CSS, java & all the other tricks, but it can be done. (FWIW, it was an amateur web designer who discovered the use of animated gifs back in the early 1990s. I never did figure out how to create them.)

The problem isn't the design, although with a little imagination one could make that look better. Rather, it's the choice of a picture of an eye presented in a way that looks (IMHO) creepy.

I'm going to drop my unkind criticism of a dead woman's long-gone website for a sudden thought: why would anyone name their mystery shopper/online marketing consulting firm "An Eye for Design"? As I was thinking about her artistic skills, it occurred to me that "An Eye for Design" would better fit a freelance artist than a marketing consultant. I wonder if this was a name for a business venture LEK had come up with long before she decided to go into the mystery shopper/online marketing business. Since I don't know exactly how she had her business set up -- was it incorporated in some way for tax purposes, or simply a "DBA" venture (i.e., "LEK, doing business as An Eye for Design")?

Having an answer to that won't lead us to LEK's birth name, but it might provide another piece or two of the puzzle of her identity that we're trying to assemble.

I don't know if this is just a typo, but I think you may have been looking at the wrong website. Her website is "An Eye For Detail Consulting". Not "An Eye for Design". BBM. Here are two screenshots from web archive:

The first is her home page from 2004. The "Welcome" message scrolls across the page. The second image is what you see when you click on the "What is Market Research" link. It's pretty basic and all business, IMO.


  • AEFDC2004.jpg
    35.6 KB · Views: 126
  • AEFDC MR.jpg
    AEFDC MR.jpg
    80.4 KB · Views: 131
Apologies if this exercise has already been done. I have no paid access to information sites and I'm based in Canada, so that can impact the level to which I can look in to these things. Something I've been trying to do is search for past residents of Lori's known addresses - at least to find a possible roommate, at best to find a mysterious woman FLEK's age who mysteriously disappears in the late 90's (in case she created the LEK identity several years prior to assuming it for daily life).

I've just been looking up her addresses on this site and this one seems worth some additional eyes/opinions.

Multiple pieces of information point to an Asian connection, as it were, so this name caught my eye.
I looked up Lori's 1993 address: 3901 Oakridge Ct. Apt. 3815, Fort Worth, TX on PeopleSmart and one of the past residents of this address that comes up is GYF. I looked up GYF on FamilySearch.org and found this record for a GYF born October 15, 1965. The FamilySearch record provides a series of addresses for this person at 14400 Statler Blvd. According to the addresses note on this Facebook page about Lori, 14400 Statler Blvd, Fort Worth, TX is also a known address for Lori that comes up in Ancestry searches. So this person is connected already to two known addresses of Lori's.
There is also this record for GYF with a different birthdate, also referencing the 14400 Statler Blvd address, bringing a third apartment unit number in to the mix.

I would love to see what others can dig up on this person.

I've been trying to do the same thing but I had not come across this person yet. I'll see what I can find. Thanks for sharing!
In the advertising and marketing world 'executive' is often used for entry level roles. i.e. a "marketing executive" is often one of the most junior members of the team, and likewise in an ad agency the "account executive" is one of the most junior.

I did not know that, thanks! Well that makes a bit more sense then. I don't see Lori and someone who was always overconfident so that detail of her resume didn't make sense to me. I see her as reserved, shy, introverted. I could be wrong but that's just the impression I get from what little we know about her. Taking naps instead of socializing...introverts are exhausted by interaction with other people. Extroverts don't understand because other people give them energy. I speak from my own experience as an introvert. I would choose taking a nap over going to a party and being forced into conversations any day. It's not about being rude but it's about a comfort level and especially if I had to talk to people all day for my job. I just need to unplug and have no people contact for a few hours. I would go take a nap too if I came home to a house full of in-laws (and I really like my in-laws). IMO, Lori tried to get to know the Ruffs in at least two ways we know about--the genealogy and the family recipe collecting. Genealogy was Blake's mother's hobby. Google her "first maiden married" name (NB Ruff) and you will find she even published several genealogy related books in the early 1980's, long before Lori came into the picture. I think Lori took an interest in genealogy because her MIL had an interest in it. JMO.
It does seem to be a strange choice of words. Kind of old fashion. In the interview, Blake's mother dominates. My guess is she described her to Velling using that term. I think we all have a slightly different take on matronly but for me it seems to suggest, modesty, frumpy, plain, and functional. We have such a small snapshot of her life. I am sure, she was not dressing matronly in her 20's whenever that was. In her Idaho ID she looks quite healthy, youthful, and almost sporty. Could the word "matronly" just be an outdated label given by a disapproving mother in law? I think she was mentally ill during most of that marriage, so I discount what we have been told by Blake's family. I really wish we had more input from the pre blake years. She seems to be engaged with the world, though maybe there were signs of dysfunction then. She couldn't have been completely nuts, blake did marry her.

I do wonder who chose the word "matronly"--was that the reporter's description or Nancy's? Blake described Lori as "an attractive person". I don't think he would call his wife matronly but seems he would not go against his mother from what little we know about him.
A few things strike me about this case. I am sure that nothing I say will be earth shattering. :shame:

The word that strikes me the most about this case is "inconsistencies" - there are so many inconsistencies within the information that we know in the case. For example, nothing has come up to prove that FLEK had access to money outside of her jobs, and of course, marital funds while married. However, in the period of time where we don't know much about what she was doing or who she was...she had breast augmentation. This is a) not an inexpensive surgery, b) not covered by health insurance unless done in a reconstructive manner (e.g. post bilateral mastectomy or some other medical condition) and c) not something consistent with the personality of FLEK that I have in my head. Who paid for this? Why was it done? Who wanted it?
In my experience, women that have had breast augmentation surgery who wanted it for themselves were not prone to dressing the way FLEK appears to dress in the photos we have. (Forgetting the terminology of matronly, we have visual evidence of how she chose to dress) I do NOT mean that every woman who has BA is showing them off 24/7. But few have this invasive of a surgery and dress as FLEK does. Again, excepting medical reasons.

Another conflicting thing: I perceive her as somewhat introverted/socially awkward (true or not, I have no idea) but I do not believe she was really outgoing (it is very hard for naturally outgoing people to stem that). Now did this introversion/awkwardness stem from a horrible experience (e.g. Domestic violence (pre-Blake) as some have suggested?) Maybe so. But the tendency towards introversion that I perceive (whether natural or experience based) seems incongruous with dancing or stripping or even BA. I perceive her, as somewhat physically awkward as well - it seems incongruous.
From what we know, other than the one former BF who has been quoted, we know of no other romantic relationships, beyond her husband. Why then? Why did she pick Blake? Was it because he was the type to "stay out of her stuff" and she felt she could 'manage'(control) that relationship? Was it this drive to have a child and knowing her time was ticking out? Why after so long alone did she think that it could work with him?

Lastly, and admittedly I could be way off here. I do not perceive her with the level of intelligence that all of this planning and hiding and changing this and finding people's identities to assume would imply. I do not mean that she was below average, or impaired in any way - but I don't 'feel' the cunning mastermind that pulling this off seems to take. Her work on her webpages, is mediocre. Her wording choices, bland. Nothing outstanding or energizing or really 'catchy' in any way. It feels 'adequate' but nothing that would be 'stand out'. Of course, if 'standing out' were the last thing she wanted, maybe that is part of this...but PERSONALITY, behavior, intellect - these are hard-wired and very very difficult to change. I can dye my hair, cut it, get surgery to alter my appearance, but to alter 'who I am' substantially is extremely difficult.

I do think she is older than her stated age.

I would be extraordinarily interested in talking to someone who knew her. You never know what kind of things that people can remember. The BF that was mentioned by Velling - any chance we could get to find out who he is and chat with him? Anything could be useful - but I would love details on what he remembers of her, expounding on what her problems were that were too much for him, knowing her behavior, did she like to go out (I see her more solitary), etc. I can think of a thousand perhaps banal questions that would tell us so much. Where did he meet her? Where did they go on dates? Did she have friends? Where did she buy her car? What car insurance did she have? Did she have direct deposit on her bank accounts? From who? Did she hate to get her picture taken or was she ok with it? And on and on and on.

FWIW - my own mental ramblings
Lastly, and admittedly I could be way off here. I do not perceive her with the level of intelligence that all of this planning and hiding and changing this and finding people's identities to assume would imply. I do not mean that she was below average, or impaired in any way - but I don't 'feel' the cunning mastermind that pulling this off seems to take. Her work on her webpages, is mediocre. Her wording choices, bland. Nothing outstanding or energizing or really 'catchy' in any way. It feels 'adequate' but nothing that would be 'stand out'. Of course, if 'standing out' were the last thing she wanted, maybe that is part of this...but PERSONALITY, behavior, intellect - these are hard-wired and very very difficult to change. I can dye my hair, cut it, get surgery to alter my appearance, but to alter 'who I am' substantially is extremely difficult.

I agree with you 100% - I have felt this way about her since I first learned about this case. Her GED scores are something that really interested me. I think getting a GED was a very important step in changing her identity so I don't think she would have just "winged it". Maybe she didn't study super hard for it, but she certainly wouldn't want to risk breezing through the test questions without giving them some thought. With that in mind, I see the 43rd percentile for Science, 70th percentile for Math, and 58th percentile for Writing. That doesn't make me think she was dumb by any means, but given how important passing the GED was, I think it shows something.

To parallel the 58th percentile in writing - I have noticed so many little grammatical errors and poor choices for words/phrases in almost everything she wrote. (That is another reason why I think the Oriental Hotel reference letter was written by LEK). From what I have seen of her writing, I would go far enough to say she was a poor writer. Oh, and the page where she was (probably) calculating her "parents" age - that seems like such a juvenile way to approach that problem... (I hope this doesn't seem like I think she was dumb or incompetent... I'm just agreeing that I don't think she is a devious mastermind).

I also don't think she was savvy enough to pull off her change of identity by herself. I know some people mention she may have used a book for reference, but I think she had direct help (although not someone she knew, in my opinion). I think her page of notes was written while on the phone with someone talking her through the process of changing her identity (which is also why I think it was in the lock-box - I think it was information that she wouldn't be able to recreate on her own and want to save it, just in case).

Those are just my thoughts and opinions...
Thanks Furious! I think to take my post one step further I'm going to go on a limb and say this:
I also believe she had help. I think she had someone directing her actions, telling her what to do, when, how, etc. to make her new lives happen. I think that someone either financially helped support her, or she did have for a while, some independent means, even if it wasn't a lot. That person I perceive stayed in the background of her life, wasn't involved with her day to day after she changed identities, but could be reached if necessary. I also think something happened to that person prior to her meeting Blake and she lost that support and guidance. Losing that one connection, in addition to whatever her history was, in addition to likely post-partum depression, caused her downward spiraling mental health and subsequent suicide.
I don't know if this is just a typo, but I think you may have been looking at the wrong website. Her website is "An Eye For Detail Consulting". Not "An Eye for Design". BBM.

No, that's the right website. I just remembered the name wrong; I wrote that late at night & I should have been in bed long before I posted it. (And have I mentioned that my memory can sometimes be embarrassingly fallible?)

And another promising theory crashes due to inconvenient facts. ;-)
The word that strikes me the most about this case is "inconsistencies" - there are so many inconsistencies within the information that we know in the case. For example, nothing has come up to prove that FLEK had access to money outside of her jobs, and of course, marital funds while married. However, in the period of time where we don't know much about what she was doing or who she was...she had breast augmentation. This is a) not an inexpensive surgery, b) not covered by health insurance unless done in a reconstructive manner (e.g. post bilateral mastectomy or some other medical condition) and c) not something consistent with the personality of FLEK that I have in my head. Who paid for this? Why was it done? Who wanted it?
In my experience, women that have had breast augmentation surgery who wanted it for themselves were not prone to dressing the way FLEK appears to dress in the photos we have. (Forgetting the terminology of matronly, we have visual evidence of how she chose to dress) I do NOT mean that every woman who has BA is showing them off 24/7. But few have this invasive of a surgery and dress as FLEK does. Again, excepting medical reasons.

Yes, there are many inconsistencies in what is known of her life. (I'm agreeing here, not trying to be condescending.)

Another conflicting thing: I perceive her as somewhat introverted/socially awkward (true or not, I have no idea) but I do not believe she was really outgoing (it is very hard for naturally outgoing people to stem that). Now did this introversion/awkwardness stem from a horrible experience (e.g. Domestic violence (pre-Blake) as some have suggested?) Maybe so. But the tendency towards introversion that I perceive (whether natural or experience based) seems incongruous with dancing or stripping or even BA. I perceive her, as somewhat physically awkward as well - it seems incongruous.

I agree with you about LEK being shy/introverted. That would explain why so few people have stepped up to say that they knew her. And if I can take your insight one step further...

One thing that fascinates me is that LEK is known to have maintained several mail drops, as if she was expecting -- or hoping -- to hear from somebody. Expecting or hoping that someone might notice she has disappeared & come looking for her. And there is another detail we know about her that takes on new importance in this light: she talks about her father as having a wife -- not her mother -- as if her mother had left their family due to divorce or death, & her father married a woman with whom LEK did not get along with. (Which is common: I've heard more than one person refer to their step-mother as a "step-monster".) She is also known to have claimed that she was an only child & her parents were dead -- although it is possible she lied about not having any living relatives. It could be that LEK felt so isolated & ignored by her family that at one point she said, "I bet if I vanished tomorrow none of you would even miss me" -- & tested this by doing exactly that.

Maybe she moved to Dallas where she knew no one to see if anyone would look for her. First she lived under one of her new names (either BST or LEK) to make it difficult, & when no one came looking she reverted back to her birth name. And when still no one came looking for her, she accepted that it was true, that no one from her family missed her, & embraced her new identity by getting a Social Security Number & passport in that name, & started making a life for LEK.

(Warning: all of this is highly speculative & is just my opinion. But it fits all of the known facts, & is just as likely as theories she had escaped from an abusive relationship, or fled some polygamous Mormon cult.)

From what we know, other than the one former BF who has been quoted, we know of no other romantic relationships, beyond her husband. Why then? Why did she pick Blake? Was it because he was the type to "stay out of her stuff" and she felt she could 'manage'(control) that relationship? Was it this drive to have a child and knowing her time was ticking out? Why after so long alone did she think that it could work with him?

Well, there was her time with Spring/Summer 1988 -- if you believe SS1988 was telling the truth. So there may be one more.

Lastly, and admittedly I could be way off here. I do not perceive her with the level of intelligence that all of this planning and hiding and changing this and finding people's identities to assume would imply. I do not mean that she was below average, or impaired in any way - but I don't 'feel' the cunning mastermind that pulling this off seems to take. Her work on her webpages, is mediocre. Her wording choices, bland. Nothing outstanding or energizing or really 'catchy' in any way. It feels 'adequate' but nothing that would be 'stand out'. Of course, if 'standing out' were the last thing she wanted, maybe that is part of this...but PERSONALITY, behavior, intellect - these are hard-wired and very very difficult to change. I can dye my hair, cut it, get surgery to alter my appearance, but to alter 'who I am' substantially is extremely difficult.

IMHO, I think she was brighter than average, but not that bright. By that, I mean she fell in that difficult grey area where she knew she was more intelligent than many people around her, yet not intelligent enough that she could find a way to stand out apart from them. Take a look at her resume: she figured out how to put her name so it ran along the left edge of the page perpendicular to the rest of the text -- that's not an obvious trick with your average word processing software --- yet at the same time never asked for help in reviewing the text of her resume. (A second pair of eyes always helps.) Maybe she didn't know anyone whose opinion she trusted to give her useful feedback.

As for changing her identity, there have been enough posts about the process of doing this to show it wasn't that hard to do in the late 1980s. Anyone with above average intelligence could pull it off; in LEK's case, she won the gold medal for stolen identities by finding a person who was born in one state & died in another. She could have found the person thru long, tedious work -- say, visiting cemeteries systematically until she found the right name -- or entirely by fortuitous accident.

I do think she is older than her stated age.

I can't remember reading anyone who has argued the opposite. (But remember, my memory has proven to be unreliable very recently.) Which is a theory, now that I think about it, that could be possible. What if LEK was 19 or younger in 1988?

I would be extraordinarily interested in talking to someone who knew her. You never know what kind of things that people can remember. The BF that was mentioned by Velling - any chance we could get to find out who he is and chat with him? Anything could be useful - but I would love details on what he remembers of her, expounding on what her problems were that were too much for him, knowing her behavior, did she like to go out (I see her more solitary), etc. I can think of a thousand perhaps banal questions that would tell us so much. Where did he meet her? Where did they go on dates? Did she have friends? Where did she buy her car? What car insurance did she have? Did she have direct deposit on her bank accounts? From who? Did she hate to get her picture taken or was she ok with it? And on and on and on.

You're not the only one. That's one reason I can't accept that SS1988 is making up his story entirely: I'd like to hear from someone, besides Blake & his family, who knew her, just to get some sense of her.

FWIW - my own mental ramblings

Nothing to be ashamed of. Most of what I post here are my own mental ramblings, & most of them are far from the most insightful things to be posted here.
Thanks Furious! I think to take my post one step further I'm going to go on a limb and say this:
I also believe she had help. I think she had someone directing her actions, telling her what to do, when, how, etc. to make her new lives happen. I think that someone either financially helped support her, or she did have for a while, some independent means, even if it wasn't a lot. That person I perceive stayed in the background of her life, wasn't involved with her day to day after she changed identities, but could be reached if necessary. I also think something happened to that person prior to her meeting Blake and she lost that support and guidance. Losing that one connection, in addition to whatever her history was, in addition to likely post-partum depression, caused her downward spiraling mental health and subsequent suicide.

I agree she had help, though two or more of those who were involved are dead, now.

I believe she was hidden by her real family for her own protection. I also sense that the people who should know this already do know this, now, but that the case will not be closed.

Just winding up reading the threads now.
I have read allusions to SS1988's posts but would like to read them - anyone know where they are in this huge file? I was trying to find their profile as well to see if I could find posts from them there, but no dice.
Monica Lisa Lincoln went missing june 21 1987, she took a bus frominglewood,Ca to San Diego,Ca to cash a check , and hasnt been seen again family reported her missing in 2008..Dna and fingerprints are on file.some report her as having blonde hair / hazel eyes but most say she has brown hair/ brown eyes also reported as being 5'5inches in height... and she does have tattoos but i have to add her pic here to see what everyone thinks ,, tattoos are removable and records are inconsistance...timeline is good...mona lori 2.pnglrml.png
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