TX TX - Madisonville, UnkFem 2-6, UP15905, feeding tube, in suitcase, clothes, blankets, Sep'16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Kimberly Lopez is a little short for 3 (when she went missing) but IDK that that would be considered "underdeveloped". Her stated weight (50lbs) would be a bit heavy for size 4 diapers and a 4t dress to some degree. Both of those things max out at around 38lbs+-.


Michelle Martinez

Los Angeles County, California
3 year old hispanic/latino female

She comes up as being quite small in stature on the growth charts when her info is put in.

Date last seen
November 01, 2013 00:00

Age last seen
3 to 3 years old

Age now
6 years old

Height (inches)
Weight (pounds)
Kimberly Lopez is a little short for 3 (when she went missing) but IDK that that would be considered "underdeveloped". Her stated weight (50lbs) would be a bit heavy for size 4 diapers and a 4t dress to some degree. Both of those things max out at around 38lbs+-.

I was just going to comment about the diapers. My 14mo old wears a size 5 - he's 30.5 lbs. He's not walking, yet, and has chunky thighs. My 2.5yr old is a lb less and could fit into a 4. She's tall & skinny. Diapers are a clue to her age, for sure - but my kids never followed the weight ranges on the packages. I'm interested in the military shirt. Surely that narrows things down a bit?

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I wonder why they put a max age of 5? If she was underdeveloped for her size and wearing a 4T - that seems to me that she could be older than 5.

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I immediately thought of Aleah Beckerle too. But she's 19, and I think the age discrepancy eliminates her as a possibility.

I do think that the age range could possibly be higher, depending on what they used to determine the age range in the first place. (Being a child with obvious medical problems, they may have already stretched the range to accommodate. Like, say they were really pretty sure she was 2 or 3, but thought, we'd better go up to 5, just in case. It would be nice to know a little more on that.)

I didn't find this, but sometimes I miss stuff- Did they mention whether or not any clothing items were found? I'm also curious what side of the road she was found on. Were they northbound or southbound on 45? I wonder why they chose that place.

If this was a case where a parent thought they were ending a child's suffering out of love, I would think they would find a final resting place with some meaning. I would think a pretty place, like the ocean, maybe? Or a peaceful forest? Not off the side of the highway. But I don't know, just thinking out loud.

One other thing I've been pondering: The location this poor child was dumped at leads me to believe the adults don't think her absence will be noticed. We've seen cases where a death is unreported so the guardian could keep receiving benefits. If that were the case, you'd think they would consider a better hiding place than the side of the highway. So, I am guessing this child does not have a lot of connections like extended family, special pre-school, rehab services, frequent medical contacts, etc. Or, is originally from a place so far from this location, they think no one will make the connection.

I keep thinking about this little girl. Hoping we can give her back her name. Maybe after they do a composite sketch of her...that's helped in other cases. That, and family or friends coming forward.

NAMUS info has 7500 blk of I-45N.


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"Common conditions that might require a child to need a G-tube include:

-congenital (present from birth) abnormalities of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, or intestines
-sucking and swallowing disorders, which are often related to prematurity, brain injury, developmental delay, or certain neuromuscular conditions, like severe cerebral palsy
-failure to thrive, which is a general diagnosis that refers to a child's inability to gain weight and grow appropriately
-extreme difficulty taking medicines"

Is anyone familiar with those Mon Petit clothes?

I googled it and found a store in Brooklyn and then some items for sale on like Amazon and EBay. They don't seem to be available in stores all over unless I'm missing something.
right, I wonder if any children of enlisted are missing and were disabled?

I was just going to comment about the diapers. My 14mo old wears a size 5 - he's 30.5 lbs. He's not walking, yet, and has chunky thighs. My 2.5yr old is a lb less and could fit into a 4. She's tall & skinny. Diapers are a clue to her age, for sure - but my kids never followed the weight ranges on the packages. I'm interested in the military shirt. Surely that narrows things down a bit?

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right, I wonder if any children of enlisted are missing and were disabled?

It would seem easy enough to check with GI specialists in the VA health care system.

"Seem" being the key word because I have no knowledge of how the VA works or the workload of investigators. (So if any are on here I volunteer to help!)

My son hasn't needed a feeding tube but many with his condition are failure to thrive and do.

Maybe that's why I'm drawn to this little girl. I've thought about her all day.

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So like.. What kind of container? If she's in 4T (and maybe was malnourished) it's gotta be a bigger container.

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When LE is searching for info on this victim, could the HIPAA law be bypassed?
When LE is searching for info on this victim, could the HIPAA law be bypassed?

I would think that there is some way to bypass that for kids who should have been seen but have dropped off the radar.
my thought is, the child died and was hidden, and dad (or mom) was given new orders shortly after and the whole family moved and no one knows this kid is missing.

I would think that there is some way to bypass that for kids who should have been seen but have dropped off the radar.
This is my first reply to the forum so please forgive me for being a bit clumsy.

This case, especially the forensic details of it and who has collected the data and how, puzzles me a lot. I've studied quite a lot about disabilities and worked with disabled people and what came to my mind is that there might be a chance we have this child's age estimation wrong. If the need of a feeding tube was linked to a larger developmental disorder, there is a chance this child is quite a bit older than the estimation. In some cases, especially if the child has been very immobile due to her disability (and/or due to neglecting her existing capability to move or poor nutrition, which sometimes happens, especially for institutionalized disabled people in less developed countries) over a ten-year old can appear very toddler-like, with very poorly developed skeletal and muscle structure and in some cases, also very underdeveloped teeth.
So, based on what I've thought, it would be safest to not limit out missing children only because they are "too old". My best assumption, however, is that this child may not be reported missing at all. Her caregivers may have told others that "she got finally institutionalized because nursing her at home became impossible". This may be a child with several disabilities and people would very likely not find such explanation too weird.
I have cared for many children with gtubes when I worked in pediatric home health. I hope police are checking with local medical supply companies to see if they had a client who stopped needing supplies recently. Kids with mic-key buttons typically get very regular deliveries of supplies like tubing, syringes and often special formula like elecare. Also with home health agencies as this child may have had in home nursing care.

Sadly I suspect that this child died of natural causes or neglect but parents didn't want to report it and lose the child's disability payments. I know families who get over $500 a month for a child's disability payment.
So the little girl had a medical problem. What could have happened.

I presume this isn't a kidnap victim, or LE would have known about her.
So, if it's the parents or a caregiver and she died accidentally why would they dump her by the side of the road? Is it because they couldn't afford a funeral/burial? And if not, why not at least bury her?

If she was negligently allowed to die, then this might explain the situation. They didn't want to get in trouble.
Maybe they couldn't handle the strain anymore of the medical bills and didn't get her adequate treatment.
Maybe the parents were convinced by someone that there was a better way to go that working with the traditional medical system.
Maybe a caregiver caved under the pressure of raising an unhealthy child and killed her in frustration.
Maybe they thought the child was it too much pain and they were going to take the pain away completely.
Maybe a wacko single mother met a guy, and realized that he wouldn't have a serious relationship with her as long as she had a sickly child. (Horrible thought, but similar things have happened before.)

In any case, surely the medical info will be pursued through the medical community and will be the lead that solves the case.

There was a notorious case of Munchausen's by Proxy several years ago, where the mother got a feeding tube installed in her son (even though he did not need a feeding tube). She killed him while trying to poison him (with salt) enough to get him hospitalized again.

While Googling trying to find this woman's name, I found other cases where a bad parent got a feeding tube installed unnecessarily: apparently Lacey Spears was not unique.

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