Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #10

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In these cases, I generally do not comment much or get involved in the CPS discussion. My main reason is I think the solution is far from a simple answer. I will say throwing more money or hiring more people for a system that does not work will solve nothing imo. I will also say every case is different and sometimes it is someone vengeful, an ex- in a custody case, their mother, etc. trying to get the other parent in trouble with false claims so care does have to be taken.

In this case though, that does not apply as there was a SERIOUS injury here while with someone.

I don't usually comment because again, it is a complex subject and I truly do not know what the solution is. I think the foster care system and CPS also have serious problems in many cases and each case is different.

I will comment in this case because this case is different than some and quite clear in that (1) this child had an extremely serious head injury, surgery and a helmet required; and (2) there apparently was enough reason to justify removing ALL of the children for six months. This appears to be fact and clearly there should have been constant monitoring upon any return, especially with Maleah and her injury.

I will also comment because a few pages or a thread or so back there was a link that stated for 6 or 8 weeks (I forget which but it was one or the other), CPS was to check weekly upon the children's return (after six months kept away) to BB and DV. Per BB, they showed up maybe 2 to 3 times tops in that period of time if I recall correctly.

Therefore, if that is to be believed, based on what seem to be facts and their own orders/plan, they failed and did not do their job. A judge also ordered their return. I do not know a soul involved so it is nothing personal against the agency or judge, just an outside observation from the facts we know.

Make no mistake about it though, DV is the one responsible for her death. Could CPS and BB have contributed in not seeing to her safety, and in a serious and chargeable way? Certainly imo.

I am also at a bit of a loss in a few cases recently, this one included, in that CPS records come right out to the public, what is going on there? I thought such records were extremely private, for one reason, because minors are involved? Who authorizes such a release and before anyone is even arrested? It is unusual to me. Any thoughts on this? I believe the same thing occurred in the AJ case. Yet in other cases they are held private from day one?

I get that now there is a gag order but how were they released to the public to begin with?

All jmo.
Questions to people with a professional medical background:

  • With Maleah's ER visits last summer, would the xray of her skull fracture be able to determine if that fracture was sustained closer to July 28 or July 10? The xrays were taken on August 1. I'm not sure if a 3 week old fracture would appear to be the same as one that was as fresh as 4 days old.
  • On July 10, Maleah went to the ER due to vomiting blood and extreme lethargy. She was held overnight for observation and released. Apparently was fine for several weeks and then had another head injury on July 28, which was treated without any xrays or imaging tests. On August 1, she began having seizures. Pathologists report showed both chronic and acute subdural hematomas, so it would appear that the July 10 ER visit was the first, or chronic hematoma, and the acute hematoma was incurred on July 28. My question is whether Maleah's symptoms on July 10 were most likely early onset symptoms, or delayed symptoms, given the history?
I'm not a medical professional but I have made several comments about this, as have others.
I do believe her symptoms could have been related to a previous injury, or several injuries to the head.

The fact that BB denied that she had the symptoms of vomiting blood and lethargy tell me that she was trying to hide something.

Doctors said that when they opened up her scalp, the blood looked old, indicating an older injury. I don't remember anything about fractures, though, in terms of what was reported.

All I know is that a doctor said there was no way the injury could have happened the way BB described, (at least that particular injury) and that is enough proof for me.

I still believe that Maleah was being abused consistently and habitually over a long period of time and that BB knew about it.

She was probably in great need of medical attention on Monday when supposedly BB asked Maleah's father to take her to the doctor and then told him that DV would take her.

She is not only responsible for whatever happened that caused her death, but from what it sounds, for obstructing or hindering the investigation by covering and withholding information.
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I just wish someone in that family done more for Maleah. We are observers looking in and we can see there is something not right with this yet time and time again she was released back into their care. It’s a horrible thing to say but she’s actually at peace now and this has saved the other kids from harm. Although I would imagine mentally they will be scarred for years to come.
I'm not a medical professional but I have made several comments about this, as have others.
I do believe her symptoms could have been related to a previous injury, or several injuries to the head.
The fact that BB denied that she had the symptoms of vomiting blood and lethargy tell me that she was trying to hide something.
Doctors said that when they opened up her scalp, the blood looked old, indicating an older injury. I don't remember anything about fractures, though, in terms of what was reported.
All I know is that a doctor said there was no way the injury could have happened the way BB described, (at least that particular injury) and that is enough proof for me.

I still believe that Maleah was being abused consistently and habitually over a long period of time and that BB knew about it.

She was probably in great need of medical attention on Monday when supposedly BB asked Maleah's father to take her to the doctor and then told him that DV would take her.
She is not only responsible for whatever happened that caused her death, but from what it sounds, for obstructing or hindering the investigation by covering and withholding information.
I'm asking not for general reasons, but for specific reasons.

The answers to my questions come into play in terms of who was with that child on the dates in question back in July of last year. As in, if the skull fracture appears to be in a healing stage, it and the chronic hematoma may be correlated to the July 10 ER visit. And if the July 10 symptoms cannot be delayed onset, but can only be early onset, then it's important to look at who was with the child and when that day and the day before. The family was living with BB2 at the time, and she should be able to recount events of that day and the day before in relation to the ER visit. As in, was there ever a time during those two days that Maleah was with both DV and BB when BB2 was not present? Or was DV's work schedule such that BB2 left the home after he did and arrived back before he got home (he was working in Rosharon at the time)?

July 10th was a weekday.
July 28th was a Sunday and BB2 was in Louisiana.

That photo of Maleah with her head twice its' size , and blackened and bruised eyes -- swollen shut .. horrific. :(
No way did that happen from a 'fall onto the coffee table', nor did it occur from roughhousing with her brother.
Someone beat her in the head and face for a very long time !
I saw that photo one time & cried for days over it...I was afraid to check into the thread afterwards...I can not even begin to imagine how much pain she was in ;( How could anyone allow Maleah back into that home??
I'm asking not for general reasons, but for specific reasons.

The answers to my questions come into play in terms of who was with that child on the dates in question back in July of last year. As in, if the skull fracture appears to be in a healing stage, it and the chronic hematoma may be correlated to the July 10 ER visit. And if the July 10 symptoms cannot be delayed onset, but can only be early onset, then it's important to look at who was with the child and when that day and the day before. The family was living with BB2 at the time, and she should be able to recount events of that day and the day before in relation to the ER visit. As in, was there ever a time during those two days that Maleah was with both DV and BB when BB2 was not present? Or was DV's work schedule such that BB2 left the home after he did and arrived back before he got home (he was working in Rosharon at the time)?

July 10th was a weekday.
July 28th was a Sunday and BB2 was in Louisiana.
Whether or not the injuries were inflicted by DV or someone else, BB is still responsible if she was aware of ongoing abuse and did not seek treatment or left the child alone with the abuser.
That's what is significant. DV will be charged accordingly, I hope, as well as all others involved.

I believe one of the most important witnesses is the six year old brother who lived with and played with his sister each day. He would be able to describe the condition Maleah was in, when she was last known to be alive, and give light on the events that happened during the week in question.
Maybe a good therapist can help with that if LE ever does decide to talk to him. Imo

Edited to add that in terms of when the first head injury occurred, I've always heard that the symtoms like vomiting, lethargy, and disorientation happen soon after the initial head injury.
But since we can't be sure how many injuries she had, or who was with her at the time, it may be impossible to tell.
Those symptoms could have been caused by something else for all we know. Imo
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Whether or not the injuries were inflicted by DV or someone else, BB is still responsible if she was aware of ongoing abuse and did not seek treatment or left the child alone with the abuse.
That's what is significant. DV will be charged accordingly, I hope, as well as all others involved.

I believe one of the most important witnesses is the six year old brother who lived with and played with his sister each day. He would be able to describe the condition Maleah was in, when she was last known to be alive, and give light on the events that happened during the week in question.
Maybe a good therapist can help with that if LE ever does decide to talk to him. Imo

I agree. I would imagine and hope that LE with the help of a child therapist has already talked with him. Even if he cannot give a date, he can remember if soon enough things like oh yes, this was the day at school we played soccer and then I went home and wanted to play soccer with Maleah but I was told she could not play or was not there. I also remember because I wore that red shirt the day we played soccer, etc. That was the day we had cupcakes because it was so and so's birthday or we had a substitute teacher. I came home and "dad" was mopping the floor and he never cleans. Etc., etc.

It is sad and tragic the child has to be involved but he is probably a wealth of information.
I'm asking not for general reasons, but for specific reasons.

The answers to my questions come into play in terms of who was with that child on the dates in question back in July of last year. As in, if the skull fracture appears to be in a healing stage, it and the chronic hematoma may be correlated to the July 10 ER visit. And if the July 10 symptoms cannot be delayed onset, but can only be early onset, then it's important to look at who was with the child and when that day and the day before. The family was living with BB2 at the time, and she should be able to recount events of that day and the day before in relation to the ER visit. As in, was there ever a time during those two days that Maleah was with both DV and BB when BB2 was not present? Or was DV's work schedule such that BB2 left the home after he did and arrived back before he got home (he was working in Rosharon at the time)?

July 10th was a weekday.
July 28th was a Sunday and BB2 was in Louisiana.
I don't believe it was a fracture. From everything I have read it was not.

For Maleah. RIP sweet child.
I don't believe it was a fracture. From everything I have read it was not.
Yes, I did not read anything about that either but I do know that they can usually tell from an x-ray if an old fracture has healed or is healing by itself. Subdural hematomas can be caused by a forceful blow to the head that don't necessarily cause fractures. Imo
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