Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #10

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Thank you so much. I am sorry for everyone's losses, many have suffered tragedies.

I went to Lizzy's thread after commenting here and how does anyone get through something like that? It just gets worse, like Maleah's case does here.

Trying to picture that no evil exists where they are but we are still hearing what they went through here. :(
I just saw the news there too. I don’t have any words. These poor girls. It’s just awful. :( My blood is boiling. And who are these “men” who just think this type of *advertiser censored* is okay to do to these innocent young babies?? What in the world makes a person end up like that???
Who was ultimately run over by a road crew with a bush hog, and was ultimately strewn across the highway! My Lord, they'd have to have me under sedation! I can definitely describe how I feel and I'm a total outsider!
This 100%. I honestly don’t know how the women in these positions can show themselves with such poise (Lizzys mother)... and I can’t comprehend how others show no emotional reaction at all. I’ve said before that I would just be effed up beyond belief (like how do you come back from it??) if something happened to one of my children and to have one mowed over and thrown across the highway exit? No, I’d be done.
This 100%. I honestly don’t know how the women in these positions can show themselves with such poise (Lizzys mother)... and I can’t comprehend how others show no emotional reaction at all. I’ve said before that I would just be effed up beyond belief (like how do you come back from it??) if something happened to one of my children and to have one mowed over and thrown across the highway exit? No, I’d be done.
At that point, the only thing I would be driven by is hate and retribution toward whoever did it.
At that point, the only thing I would be driven by is hate and retribution toward whoever did it.
Yes! I told my husband I would have to be tackled by every bailiff in a court room. I would scale every obstacle to get to that monster, because what would I have to lose at that point? Ya know? So heartbreaking.
I can't see DV covering up for BB. What would he lose if he put the blame on her? Nothing, really.
Actually, I expected him to blame her as soon as he got arrested but he didn't say anything at all.
Their relationship dynamic is really strange though. For what possible reason would she be posting pictures and videos of DV and Maleah? That is ridiculous. He killed her child.
She is never going to see her boys anyways. It's probably for the best.
I agree with the people saying they think MD died at the hands of BB. I don’t think DV actually killed her, I think he was the clean up CYA guy.

I think BB completely resented MD because she was beautiful and took the attention away from BB. BB finding the dick pics sent her over the edge. I think she hurt MD to hurt DV. And his punishment from BB was to have to clean up BB mess. I think he really did love MD, and BB knew that. DV felt guilty for having a mistress so he cleaned up after what BB did.

I hope DV cracks and tells what really happened. Maleah deserves that at least.

This is high on my theory list. I don't recall any abusive behaviour toward any of the male children, I might be wrong though. Some women give their male children preference over the female children. I think she was jealous of MD too. There have been studies done about these type of females. They don't bond with their female children, but do bond with their male children.
Bumping Tricia's post from the beginning of this thread:

Hey Everyone,

We all saw this coming but it still rips your heart out. Sweet little Maleah never had a chance with the monster her mother let live with them.

We have been asked to give guidance to this thread as far as what can be discussed.

If you new here then please note you can discuss what is being reported on in the mainstream media. Also, discuss what Maleah's mom has stated, and you can offer your opinion as to what happened to Maleah but you cannot randomly accuse family members, neighbors, or anyone who has not been named as a person of interest. Maleah's step-father is the only person of interest so far. However, Maleah's mom is under the media spotlight because we all want to know what she knew about or if she knew about what was going on with her husband and her daughter. You can certainly speculate on what the mother knew but please do not go crazy with unfounded accusations against the mom until we know more.

Thank you,

Hope this helps

You would think she would be a total wreck given the fact that she has lost all rights to her sons topped with losing her precious daughter. She seems unconcerned, she is evil personified.
I'm finally watching her latest interview. Wow. What a bunch of gobbledygook.

When talking about the ME calling to tell her it was confirmed that the body was Maleah's, she says the reality hit her that it was Maleah, "in them bags, sitting along the street." The reporter attempts to elicit some emotion by saying "Someone took your daughter, put her in a black trash bag and dumped her, hours from home, in Arkansas while you were away. How has that sat with you, getting that confirmation? If you can even put it into words" BB: "I can't put it into words. It's a numbing feeling" Parroting.

The expected: some reaction to the graphic description. Anger at the "someone" who did that to Maleah. Nope.

"I could say I'm distraught, I could say that I'm sad or I'm terrified, I could say a lot of things but I can't... I can't explain that. Nothing will amount or measure up to the way I feel. And I don't think people truly understand that."

So she can't say she's any of that. Only that she's numb. I get it. But I don't get the lack of anger. Only guessing but IMO 99.999% here knew exactly what we felt when we heard how Maleah was found. BB has no anger towards DV for lying, causing her to wonder where Maleah was for a month, for hiding Maleah's body, for tossing it away like trash.

What's going on here? DV sort of protecting BB, BB ignoring DV's part in Maleah's death. Why?

I'm finally watching her latest interview. Wow. What a bunch of gobbledygook.

BB: "I can't put it into words. It's a numbing feeling" Parroting.

"I could say I'm distraught, I could say that I'm sad or I'm terrified, I could say a lot of things but I can't... I can't explain that. Nothing will amount or measure up to the way I feel. And I don't think people truly understand that."
Snipped for brevity.

Sounds like even the interviewer wants to elicit some emotion from BB about her own daughter.
Not happening.

And how many times did she use the word, "I" ? About 11 x ?
May have missed a few.....
Although BB has overused the word "Me" as well.
Although a lot of kids living in the financial position this family seemed to be in don't have a primary care doctor (especially after infancy) and tend to use urgent care when needed instead, Maleah would have been a different story because of the brain surgeries. I wonder if there was an appointment on the books for Monday 4/28 or 4/29, even if she wasn't actually seen.

Maleah was technically in state custody ( under their supervision) at this time. Money wouldn't have been a factor- as the state would pay. Agree, she had access to all sorts of doctors
She had said that he had "whooped" her before, and that they had argued about that as a form of punishment.
Since she was recovering from surgery and was supposed to wear a helmet and was not allowed to play outside at daycare, you would think they would refrain from any physical punishment at all. Imo

Bowens completed a parenting class while Vence's mother cared for the children; all three children were returned to their mother in February. A caseworker wrote in records before they were given back that the doctor "could not confirm whether or not injuries were caused by abuse."

CPS oversight appears to have been spotty after the children went home, however. The agency is allowed up to six months of supervision after a child is returned, with a caseworker expected to visit weekly for the first eight weeks and then at least monthly, spokesperson Tiffani Butler wrote.

In court last week, Bowens recalled that CPS visited maybe two or three times after the children came back to live with her.

On April 8 — roughly eight weeks after the kids returned — the caseworker wrote that the agency sought to be dismissed from the case.
Little Maleah's case captures city's attention as search draws to an end

Guess the parenting class didn't make an impact on BB, I swear if she tries to sue the State of Texas I'm gonna pop a cork! She's the type to use this situation as a cash cow. That why I'm really hoping she is charged with something. It would be so very wrong for her gain a penny from Maleah's death.
So Maleah needed to go to the doctor on Monday, the 29th, CD was called, but Brittany told him never mind, DV would take her. Maybe CD had to work or maybe he is just a blob and objected to taking his own child to the doctor. But, the same day "they" did laundry at BB2's house. If Maleah was sick, BB2 would have noticed. She's been giving the side-eye to BB since the first interview. She knows something.

Why is Maleah covered from head to toe and wearing sunglasses and not going to daycare on Tuesday? Bruises. I think bruises. Maybe black eyes. She may have died of untreated injuries that happened over the weekend.

I wonder if the cameras show BB and BB2 going to the apartment and not knocking.

I think BB and DV have a pact. They aren't going to 'squeal' on each other, no matter what.

One would think she would say "how could he do this??" But, she hasn't thrown him under the murder bus. He says he ain't no killer, it was an accident. When was this accident?
What does she mean at the very end when she says "I love that they are under me, because I can oversee them"?

Also something odd about the way she says Maleah knew I loved her when she left this earth...

I think they both were abusers, I think that was their "normal".

Especially if they’ve been abused themselves, which is common. Not that this is an excuse, of course.

As for pictures of bb I think she likely didn’t want pics taken of how she looks right now. Post partum body shape can really mess with you. A lot of her pics seemed filtered or older. I have to remind myself to get in pics with my little kids because I know they don’t care that I’m not in the shape id like to be.

I have to remind myself to do this too. When you’re tired and feeling unattractive the last thing on your mind is being in photos, especially candid ones.
Bowens completed a parenting class while Vence's mother cared for the children; all three children were returned to their mother in February. A caseworker wrote in records before they were given back that the doctor "could not confirm whether or not injuries were caused by abuse."

CPS oversight appears to have been spotty after the children went home, however. The agency is allowed up to six months of supervision after a child is returned, with a caseworker expected to visit weekly for the first eight weeks and then at least monthly, spokesperson Tiffani Butler wrote.

In court last week, Bowens recalled that CPS visited maybe two or three times after the children came back to live with her.

On April 8 — roughly eight weeks after the kids returned — the caseworker wrote that the agency sought to be dismissed from the case.
Little Maleah's case captures city's attention as search draws to an end

Guess the parenting class didn't make an impact on BB, I swear if she tries to sue the State of Texas I'm gonna pop a cork! She's the type to use this situation as a cash cow. That why I'm really hoping she is charged with something. It would be so very wrong for her gain a penny from Maleah's death.
Yeah, I know CPS can get sued, and sometimes successfully, but I had not thought of BB trying to sue. God, I hope she doesn't end up eventually getting away with all this and getting money on top of it!
I don't think she will, though. There is so much evidence, now. That's why what she told Q is so important. I bet other witnesses will eventually come forward. I've never known a parent to sue who was also the actual abuser, but you have a good point because she could claim they did not do enough or provide enough services for her. That they were supposed to make sure she was a capable parent. Yikes! I hope not.

Maleah's biological father, however, might have a case. I wonder if the grand parents would too.

The most common lawsuits from what I have seen are when kids are taken away when there is not enough reason or the allegations are unfounded and the parents and children suffer from emotional damage and trauma as a result, or, of course, placement in a dangerous home where the children end up abused or killed.

I just can't imagine BB not being charged with at least child endangerment. I think the sentence could be up to ten years. But there could be even more charges. I think one of the attorneys mentioned a charge that could result in 20 years but I can't recall which charge.

Anyway, it seems like LE really want to make sure all involved are charged. Maybe the fact that it's taking so long is a good sign.
They should be able to tell alot from the phone records. Also they have all the video that exists that we haven't seen. They still may interview the oldest child, if they haven't already. The daycare staff may have given them some information. Neighbors may have seen something. BB2 may know more than she let on at first. Maybe she knew Maleah was sick when she saw her on Monday.
I just hope there is a lot going on behind the scenes and more charges come soon. Imo
What does she mean at the very end when she says "I love that they are under me, because I can oversee them"?

Also something odd about the way she says Maleah knew I loved her when she left this earth...

I think she means she likes when they are under her care, so she can look after them herself.
Not that she does a good job of that, but I think that's what she means to say.
I just saw the news there too. I don’t have any words. These poor girls. It’s just awful. :( My blood is boiling. And who are these “men” who just think this type of **** is okay to do to these innocent young babies?? What in the world makes a person end up like that???

I know, the blood is boiling here too. I had to take another break. These "men" make me sick. I know they took the DP off of the table so she could be located, I wish they could put it back on. Not meant to be a DP discussion, just saying if ever two cases deserved it, Maleah's and Lizzy's do...

There seems to be a common theme lately of "men" in their 20s also. What does make them end up like this? It needs to be determined and stopped!
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