Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #11

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IMO there is nothing that directly ties BB to Maleah's death. There is plenty to infer that she was a disinterested and negligent mother. Nonetheless, there is nothing so far that insinuates she was involved.

I think DV did it by himself, and I think it happened shortly before he is seen bringing cleaning materials in and bringing the laundry basket with the bag out. I don't think he would wait several days to do that.

So, even though I find BB's denial that she knew Maleah was home hinky at best, I find myself under the opinion that she died later than April 30.

I still have no idea why BB would lie about knowing Maleah was at the apartment, though, and it bothers me.
Sarah Duran on Twitter
A community vigil for Maleah Davis is taking place at San Pedro Springs Park. @SpecNewsSA

7:16 PM - 9 Jun 2019 from San Pedro Springs

Henry RamosTV on Twitter
A small group here in San Antonio is remembering #MaleahDavis. Organizers say: “She touched us in a way beyond words.” #kens5eyewitness

7:25 PM - 9 Jun 2019
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Maybe he's all they can get. *shrug*

I think that is a possibility and I also think that goes the other way. Not like he probably had supermodels or self reliant independent career women knocking on his door but someone maybe with felony warrants he might have a snowball's chance in ____ with.

Also, it is obvious that DV had an accomplice after the fact. I have my suspects, but don't know who it is for sure. The best I can do is guess, based on certain people's behaviors.

LE might already know. They are definitely taking steps to figure it out if they don't.

I feel more charges are coming soon. It may be someone we are not surprised by, or it may come completely out of left field.
Well, at this moment, DV is being charged with disposal of MD's body. No murder charge. That tells me that LE is not sure who killed this little girl. <modsnip: accusations against BB are not allowed>
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You are absolutely correct, there has been no confession of murder at all and everyone needs to be aware of that very same fact.

I think we all know that DV has never confessed to murder. Of course he wouldn't admit that he intentionally killed was accidental. And maybe it was, but it doesn't look good when you don't call 911, and instead make up a story and hide her body. The evidence (cell phone texts, blood in the apartment etc.) will hopefully determine if there is enough to charge him with murder. But there is no question--DV did not confess to murder. If QX is correct, DV admitted to accidentally causing her death.
QX is only relating what he has been told, period. Don't read anything else into it.
This is true, but there is actually a lot that can be read into it. He can be a valuable witness if this goes to trial. That DV told another person that she died, whether he used the word accident or not, is what makes Q an important witness. He led LE to the body.

Unless one is to believe DV's word over his, which as far as we can tell, is not likely.

Admitting, or "confessing" to a murder to another person can be valuable evidence as long as there is enough evidence to verify the story. In fact it is especially important in a "no body" case. Since there may be no cause of death, I would think this would be very important. Better if there was none at all, anyway.

It is not the same as a confession to LE or a lawyer, which is what DV's lawyer is trying to imply. That's why I think he is saying that Q misrepresented himself. He is trying to say that it wasn't fair to his client.

Instead it's the same as if he told a friend or a mentor, so they can't say it was coerced or unfair on some way.
Now he is grasping at straws asking for mental health evals and IQ tests so he can claim he is incompetent.
I don't think it's going to work. Imo
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Well, at this moment, DV is being charged with disposal of MD's body. No murder charge. That tells me that LE is not sure who killed this little girl. <modsnip: accusations against BB are not allowed>

I don't think that necessarily means they don't know who so much as it means they are awaiting the evidence and reviewing the totality of it to see if they have enough for capital murder, 1st degree murder, negligent homicide, etc. depending on what Texas charges allows and based on what evidence. This child's body was just "found". They may very well have the "whodunit" part figured out but not yet know if there is enough to prove to a jury the "howdunit" and as they have stated, intent.

Again, I don't know Texas law but he even transported her body over state lines allegedly by his very own admission to QX. No expert but can that bring in federal charges? I feel it certainly can bring in added charges?

The reason murder has not been charged can be due to many things. How about an autopsy on a body that has deteriorated and was hit by a mower? And for that matter, time for the autopsy? A standard autopsy can be fairly quick but an in depth brain autopsy can take months, by an expert, but I guess that turnaround may vary by states and resources.

All jmo.
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I think we all know that DV has never confessed to murder. Of course he wouldn't admit that he intentionally killed was accidental. And maybe it was, but it doesn't look good when you don't call 911, and instead make up a story and hide her body. The evidence (cell phone texts, blood in the apartment etc.) will hopefully determine if there is enough to charge him with murder. But there is no question--DV did not confess to murder. If QX is correct, DV admitted to accidentally causing her death.
Yes, its pretty clear that he has no plans to plead guilty. He will lie, blame others, and fake mental retardation before he does that.
I believe he did tell Q that she died but he did not mean it to happen. That may have even been the truth. Although I do believe he hurt her.

One of the reasons I believe Q is because the first thing he said DV wanted everyone to know is that he is not gay.

As did his father and the mistress.

Anyway we should hope LE and others find his story credible because it may be the only way to hold both DV and BB accountable and make sure justice is served! Imo
I love the woman who said she just wants to say to parents who don't watch their kids, "Use protection so you don't get pregnant!"

ITA with the woman! There's no excuse; condoms are easily available if a woman can't take birth control pills. I'm shocked at how casually the people we see in these cases are about getting pregnant and having babies. They don't seem to understand the responsibility that comes with a baby.


I had to have an emergency hysterectomy after my son was born (age 26) and it was devestating because I never imagined I would only have one kid. There are women out there who struggle for years to have even that, some of them even going through miscarriage after miscarriage.

Yet these people have no problem popping out baby after baby; they don't even realize how lucky they are to be able to do that, and don't recognize what a true blessing and miracle each and every child is. It's infuriating. They are not objects, they are little human beings with their own personalities and wants and needs.

Yes, being a parent/caregiver is exhausting and frustrating. However, as the adult it is on you to have or learn the coping skills to deal with your emotions. It is your responsibility, especially when you bring a little one into this world. They didn't ask to be here, you chose that for them. So now you need to take care of them and try to give them the skills they need to succeed as healthy adults.

It breaks my heart that Maleah never had that chance. She has such a beautiful smile in her pictures, and underneath that I can see a beautiful soul.

You make very good points! After 6 years of being a WS member I have learned that the majority of the people whose children are murdered never really understood what it meant to have a child in the first place. Like you, my middle daughter suffered miscarriages too. She finally carried my grandson to term and he is loved and cherished. She still cries sometimes for the little lost babies.

So many talk about what their dead child gave to them and not the other way around. They are extreme examples of what I think of as the baby mama/baby daddy problem that puts their kids at risk in the first place. To be clear I'm not judging the concept of responsible unmarried couples having kids together but rather the irresponsibility of the characters in the threads here who act as if having a baby is something they picked up in the checkout line at the supermarket - IOW an impulse purchase.

To see men have multiple children by multiple women who then complain about child support, ignore the children and in the worst cases abuse the children makes my skin crawl. It's bad enough that so many non-bio caretakers use their partners' kids as punching bags, but to abuse their own flesh and blood? Beyond my ken.

I hope Maleah had moments of joy in her short life. I can't bear to think otherwise. And I hope BB never has another baby.
I think we all know that DV has never confessed to murder. Of course he wouldn't admit that he intentionally killed was accidental. And maybe it was, but it doesn't look good when you don't call 911, and instead make up a story and hide her body. The evidence (cell phone texts, blood in the apartment etc.) will hopefully determine if there is enough to charge him with murder. But there is no question--DV did not confess to murder. If QX is correct, DV admitted to accidentally causing her death.
So, is that manslaughter? Committed in the heat of passion...
I don't think that necessarily means they don't know who so much as it means they are awaiting the evidence and reviewing the totality of it to see if they have enough for capital murder, 1st degree murder, negligent homicide, etc. depending on what Texas charges allows and based on what evidence. This child's body was just "found". They may very well have the "whodunit" part figured out but not yet know if there is enough to prove to a jury the "howdunit" and as they have stated, intent.

Again, I don't know Texas law but he even transported her body over state lines allegedly by his very own admission to QX. No expert but can that bring in federal charges? I feel it certainly can bring in added charges?

The reason murder has not been charged can be due to many things. How about an autopsy on a body that has deteriorated and was hit by a mower? And for that matter, time for the autopsy? A standard autopsy can be fairly quick but an in depth brain autopsy can take months, by an expert, but I guess that turnaround may vary by states and resources.

All jmo.
Ha! You took the words right out of my mouth. I was going to say it doesn't seem like a "who" so much as "how".

It is pretty obvious to me LE thinks DV did it. They stated that they are waiting for COD to bring charges. Hopefully they can actually determine that.

BB might be arrested if they find anything that links her, but if they had that they would have already arrested her by now. Unless they are being hush hush about it, it doesn't seem like they are currently investigating her at all. The fact of the matter is, as much as she deserves the vitriol and ill feelings, she might not be charged at all.

The only person so far they are targeting with warrants is DV. They think he's the main culprit. They have also stated they are looking into identifying the person who dropped him off and abandoned the car. Like I said, it's anyone's guess at this point who that could be. Maybe LE knows and they just need more evidence to "prove" it. I am sure we will find out soon.
March for Maleah draws thousands to downtown Houston to honor slain girl’s memory
A cousin would like Maleah Davis to be remembered as an adorable little girl with the big, gap-toothed smile who loved unicorns and Minnie Mouse. “She was always smiling and playing,” said her cousin, GDR.


It was the riveting story of her brief life and death that led at least 2,000 people to endure the early Sunday morning heat during a downtown walk to memorialize the girl and demand “Justice for Maleah” after her life was snatched away.


“She became a household name. She became a daughter to all of us,” said JM, who helped lead chants during the march. “This is a movement to show the world that we care about Maleah and other kids.”


At the beginning of the walk at City Hall, Maleah’s biological father Craig Davis emotionally thanked everyone for coming to the event. “I love you all as much as you love my daughter,” he said.


Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner helped lead the walk to the jail, often standing alongside Craig Davis.

“The system failed Maleah. Those close to her failed her,” Turner said. “We have to make sure her name is kept alive.”

I think we all know that DV has never confessed to murder. Of course he wouldn't admit that he intentionally killed was accidental. And maybe it was, but it doesn't look good when you don't call 911, and instead make up a story and hide her body. The evidence (cell phone texts, blood in the apartment etc.) will hopefully determine if there is enough to charge him with murder. But there is no question--DV did not confess to murder. If QX is correct, DV admitted to accidentally causing her death.
Accidentally causing her death can still result in a murder charge. It may not be capital murder, but it is still murder without intent. Imo
FOX26Houston on Twitter
PINK IS FOR MALEAH: Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo and Brenda Bowens, grandmother of Maleah Davis, are back at city hall posing in front of the pink lights in honor of little Maleah. MORE: Credit: @ArtAcevedo

8:47 PM - 9 Jun 2019

Pink is for Maleah: Chief Art Acevedo poses with Maleah Davis' grandmother in front of city hall
Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo and Brenda Bowens, grandmother of Maleah Davis, are back at city hall posing in front of the pink lights in honor of little Maleah.

Chief Acevedo says they are there with friends and family celebrating the little girl’s life and memory.

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Ha! You took the words right out of my mouth. I was going to say it doesn't seem like a "who" so much as "how".

It is pretty obvious to me LE thinks DV did it. They stated that they are waiting for COD to bring charges. Hopefully they can actually determine that.

BB might be arrested if they find anything that links her, but if they had that they would have already arrested her by now. Unless they are being hush hush about it, it doesn't seem like they are currently investigating her at all. The fact of the matter is, as much as she deserves the vitriol and ill feelings, she might not be charged at all.

The only person so far they are targeting with warrants is DV. They think he's the main culprit. They have also stated they are looking into identifying the person who dropped him off and abandoned the car. Like I said, it's anyone's guess at this point who that could be. Maybe LE knows and they just need more evidence to "prove" it. I am sure we will find out soon.

Agree with all you said as well.

If tomorrow or the next day it comes out she was involved or helped cover it up, I have no problem changing my opinion (which is not cast in stone) and will not be flabbergasted but as it stands now and from all we can see or that we do know, I do not see it, at least with the murder of this child. I think she made some really bad choices at minimum in staying with this man and I think after finding out what happened is the bigger question of whether she believed him and/or helped in any way. I don't think so but it certainly is possible.

I do not think she is the one who dropped him at the hospital and never have. Again, I am not committed to that and can admit I was wrong if it comes out she was, it certainly is possible based on the few facts we have.

All jmo though.
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