Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #7

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In the last thread Beansie said:
Please poke holes in my theory.
Is it possible that BB really didn't see or hear Maleah in the apartment?
I have been trying to poke holes in it and have poked a few. I think I can argue a pretty good case for BB that matches video, what we know and what we've been told. This will use parts of the official story.
DV may have been previously molesting Maleah. BB said she was usually home but just recently started a new job. Also Maleah has been out of daycare recently. Was BB at work Monday, was DV? Tuesday DV plans to bring Maleah home after BB is picked up by her friend but when he gets home she is still there. Sitting on the patio free of the kids she may be buried in her phone chatting. DV takes Maleah inside and puts her in her room, tells her to stay in there and gives her a phone/tablet to play on. If BB sees her DV could say she was sick so he brought her home, but she doesn't see her. DV would want to wait for BB to get picked up before he leaves to "go to work" to make sure she doesn't go in the room, or be ready with a reason Maleah is home in case she does. They leave separately at the same time an hour later (was DV late for work?) while Maleah is playing on the tablet alone in her room. BB has no reason to check the room because the kids were taken to daycare and she is preoccupied with preparing for her trip . The released video of DV getting in his car might be cut so far away because BB is also in the video in the beginning leaving the apartment, but not a suspect, so it is cut after she is out of frame. DV goes to work, says what he needs to to go home. DV gets back home and is now alone with Maleah. Skipping what goes on next of a sexual nature.
I am no fan of BB but this story or something similar seems plausible. A kid on a tablet/phone wont budge or even make a sound for hours. Should BB have seen her, could she have seen her... yes, but it is still easily possible she did not.
It is possible but wouldn’t BB’s reaction, when she returned home from her trip, been completely different? She would have contacted police immediately, she would have been looking for her just seems that she wasn’t really concerned (bc she knew she was ‘gone’...moo). IMO
It could be weird, but it could also be he’s heartbroken and stricken with guilt that he didn’t do more to save her (not saying he deserves that guilt at all- it’s just a natural response I think).

I wish he would say more, too, because I think many people sympathize with him. And if he was out asking for help and information it seems like that would help find Maleah/arrest any guilty parties/increase charges for DV.

I guess what I mean is like...since he was supposed to pick her up right before she supposedly was driven to the airport and kidnapped...I feel like the bio dad would be offering up very specific, very understandable reasons for not picking her up...since that decision (if you believe the kidnapping story, which I don't) would have prevented the kidnapping from happening or, it would have made whatever did happen come to light much sooner. Idk if I'm explaining my thoughts clearly, I'm sorry, I'm really tired this morning!
Do you remember who it was and which article it was from? I know that Tim Miller has stated BB was in the apartment for an hour and a half but I haven't seen any other details about that.
I'm trying to backtrack where I saw that. If I find it I'll let you know. I had to factory reset my phone yesterday and it wiped all my screenshots and they weren't set to save to my Google Drive...whoops.
Also, re: not knowing your kid is in an apartment. I have a chronic illness that sometimes leaves me bedridden for days at a time. I'm also a single mom of 5 kids. I know when they're at home-of course if I can hear them laughing or talking (or yelling and crying), but I also can tell who is home based on the way their footsteps sound, the way they open the fridge and freezer, the noises our dogs make...and all of that is just sounds from outside of my room. They're always in and out of my room, wanting to show me things or ask me for things.
Legal peeps- why do we think DV hasn't been charged with murder yet?? I feel like the circumstantial evidence against him is strong. She's seen going in, never coming out, blood found in apartment, he's the last person with her, makes up some crazy kidnapping story, has a gas can in the car, seen with a basket and trash bag and bleach
Legal peeps- why do we think DV hasn't been charged with murder yet?? I feel like the circumstantial evidence against him is strong. She's seen going in, never coming out, blood found in apartment, he's the last person with her, makes up some crazy kidnapping story, has a gas can in the car, seen with a basket and trash bag and bleach

Im not a Legal person but i believe its because they may feel he wasnt the one who commited the actual murder. Said it all along the charge does not fit an there is a reason that is all it is.
Im not a Legal person but i believe its because they may feel he wasnt the one who commited the actual murder. Said it all along the charge does not fit an there is a reason that is all it is.

IMO if he was not the one who killed her, we would know that, he would've said that and put it on someone else, namely BB
JMO - a lot of BS going on in this case.
Too busy covering their own sorry butt.
Did the family quit searching? I haven’t seen anything on the news regarding that?

I feel like BB was never searching. If this was my daughter I would never stop. EVER. I would live everyday to find her. I just don't understand these people. I am so so sad for Maleah. I have cried for this little girl and felt such pain for this little girl and am so angry for her. It's devastating and meanwhile mom is saying she can't grieve her father. Um, your baby girl was likely violently murdered, that's your focus, not you. Not ever. Ugh. All moo
In BB's interview(s), where is the for example (where the parent pleads for the child to be brought/come back)... Where are you Maleah? If you're out there, I want you to know I love you very much. We will find you. Mommy's sorry for what has happened to you. I will never give up looking for you. Where are you Maleah? I miss you......... etc etc etc

Was anything like this/anything similar said in interview(s) with BB?

First interview with press (that I am aware of) of Brittany Bowens after Malea is reported missing.
ABC13 Houston

Alot of stuff about how this is affecting her not much about or to her daughter IMO
Hey Everyone,

We all saw this coming but it still rips your heart out. Sweet little Maleah never had a chance with the monster her mother let live with them.

We have been asked to give guidance to this thread as far as what can be discussed.

If you new here then please note you can discuss what is being reported on in the mainstream media. Also, discuss what Maleah's mom has stated, and you can offer your opinion as to what happened to Maleah but you cannot randomly accuse family members, neighbors, or anyone who has not been named as a person of interest. Maleah's step-father is the only person of interest so far. However, Maleah's mom is under the media spotlight because we all want to know what she knew about or if she knew about what was going on with her husband and her daughter. You can certainly speculate on what the mother knew but please do not go crazy with unfounded accusations against the mom until we know more.

Thank you,

Hope this helps
Good morning everyone... I am bumping up Tricia's post because I have had to remove some posts that are crossing the line making accusations against the mother. Please read Tricia's message, especially the bolded red portions. and post accordingly.
Not sure if this has been posted previously...I missed Tuesday discussions with work.

It looks like only Plan G has a patio. So this must be the layout of their apartment. Floor Plans of Kirkwood Landing in Houston, TX

From available photos (Photos and Video of Kirkwood Landing in Houston, TX) it appears that all of the patios are blocked off by tall fencing. So, unless the fencing was broken - the patio slider would not be a way to exit the apartment to leave.
It’s also the only layout that has 3 bedrooms the rest are 1/2 BR units.

ETA screenshot

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Rewatching last nights interview I cannot believe she never says "Maleah" I watched twice but still might have missed it. With no new information, I'm definitely scraping bottom of barrel speculating on words used or not. I need more patience.

The daycare thing bothers me as well. I'm curious when or where all these times DV allegedly brought her home will be shown in evidence via financials. (on top of testimony from day care workers which I am SO curious about when trial time comes) Someone has to pay day care do they not? It's strange to me because I hear how coveted day care spots are and expensive. Someone is paying yet allegedly DV regularly brought her home unawares to BB. Just odd.

ONLY ON FOX 26: Brittany Bowens, Maleah Davis' mother, sits down with FOX 26 to tell her side
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