Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #8

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The outfit description always bothered me. My red flag was the "pink bow". A "pink bow" cannot be seen through the helmet that Maleah was required to wear. DV's "story" did not mention the helmet - only a "pink bow". Therefore, IMO, the pink bow never existed. I did not see a bow in Maleah's hair in the April 30th video.

A pink bow is is an ornament. Was the pink bow description used to "prove" DV and BB were good "caregivers"? ARG! IMO

It bothered me too. I can see two possibilities:

1) the outfit was described with a high level of detail, like the 2010 blue truck - therefore it could be a total fabrication

2) the outfit was described with a high level of detail bc she was actually wearing it when he committed the crime, and therefore she will be found wearing it and I hope her pink bow haunts him for the rest of his @#*!ing worthless existence.

Eta, I think the crime likely happened soon after Maleah went inside her apartment in the pink Minnie tutu, so I lean toward possibility #1. But maybe she did have a pink bow in her hair, that she put on when she got inside.
What if they expected the kidnap story to be believed and didn’t expect LE to find evidence of a body? Did they expect offers of reward money, ransom money or goodness knows what else? Then it all went wrong when LE found evidence of a body. MOO and a vague one at that.
Yes, but I have not seen any evidence that she has been trying to get money because her child is missing. She knows she is dead. I have known people to start accounts to help pay for a funeral for families in need, though.
The remark about her getting a lifetime movie out of this was made by DV's father, who lives in another state and is repeating what someone told him. He seems to be very confused about the evidence in the case, did not know his son had a mail route for over a year, believes that Maleah was kidnapped, and denies important details made very clear by LE.
Maybe he saw one of her interviews where she talks about everything not seeming real and comparing it to what you would see in a movie and he is getting it mixed up with that. His memory doesn't seem so good. Imo

It has crossed my mind that she heard the story of DV and his three Hispanic kidnappers (I think that may come back to haunt him honestly), and she may have said "I am supposed to believe that and trust you?" "That sounds like some Lifetime movie" meaning very far fetched or in some other context with someone, if said at all.

I agree that it came from DV's dad, hearsay at best. I give it no credence.

Not defending her, just saying one has to consider the source and where their loyalties lie.

I hope the dad has now heard the police chief call his son's story a "tale" with a "hole big enough to drive a semi through" (paraphrasing). It is rare that I see cases where LE will even say a child is dead before knowing for a fact or that they will make remarks like that about a perp. That shows me LE has plenty on him already is what I get from that including enough to show Maleah is dead, and evidence beyond tampering charges and are working their way towards murder charges. They do not defend her at this time nor trash her, and she is not a focus, he is though and they are not shy about calling him a liar and saying he could take them to Maleah if he wanted to.

While the rest of the cast may remain unknown with us, it was made very clear by LE that DV is guilty, DV knows where Maleah is, and DV disposed of that poor child and that she is not alive sadly.

Maleah was ambulatory and capable on her own of following DV in the video the day of the flight.

LE has said Maleah is dead. To me that means there was most likely a clear event that resulted in enough blood or that and something more to make that very clear. LE never so far as I have seen call someone dead that is missing unless they have something major that shows that, they err to the side of caution and to maintain some hope.

He was not seen taking a basket out until that Friday.

Putting these things all together, it was not due to long term abuse (not that it may not have existed and contributed for sure) but it is clear to me there is a likely bloody specific event (sorry to be graphic) that shows flat out murder, and he committed it.

I tend to think she was killed on a later day for reasons that would need a separate post.

The oldest boy was home the way it sounds until Friday night. He would be a wealth of information, sadly.

They have plenty imo.

This is all jmo.
Possibly the man he once knew couldn't do these things. I pass it off as family defense. Some people think if they say it then its true. Everybody deserves a defense. LE has been wrong before. You know the drill.
True, but when it comes to evidence I tend to believe LE over a family member. Tim Miller said the postal route was confirmed with two postal inspectors, as well as with BB, and that they knew who he was, and he smoked a lot of cigarettes.
The reason it is significant is that it goes to credibility. If the family members are denying that he worked there, there must be a reason. Miller said there are some very swampy, isolated areas along the route that are full of brambles. Maybe that's where DV got the scratches.
He said the flooding was hindering the search but he intends to go back there. Maybe DV knew there was going to be a lot of rain so he thought that would be a good place to hide a body. Imo
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MsBetsy, post: 15088491, member: 227504"

What do you mean by Derions family stepped up when Maleahs blood wouldn't?

Derion's mother took all 3 of the children in when no one else would. Not BB's family, not CD's family. I thought I made that clear in my post.

How does his brother visiting him in jail point to him not knowing anything about what happened?

It doesn't and that is not what I posted. What it does show is that the family is close and Joe Jr.'s comments made me think that he comes from good people.

DV's father said he and his brother are close. He lived in the same city until recently. How would he not know DV had a postal route for over a year?

Joe Sr. said Derion only worked for USPS for 72 hours, not Joe Jr., so I am confused by this one.

LE seems to think they are not being truthful and I think there is a reason they claimed he never worked on that mail route. Imo

I missed where LE said that the Vence family is not being truthful.
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Houston Police Chief Asks Public to Help Find Girl's Body
The police chief in Houston said Thursday that evidence shows a 4-year-old girl who has been missing since earlier this month was killed, and he's asking for the public's help in finding her body.
  • Maleah Davis still missing
  • Evidence shows she was killed
  • Police need help finding her body

Executive Assistant Chief Matt Slinkard, who also spoke at the news conference, said: "We are not receiving the level of cooperation we need from anybody involved at this point."

In addition to asking anyone who may have seen something or has information about the case to come forward, Acevedo also implored the public to be vigilant when out in places that are not heavily traveled, such as hiking trails and wooded areas. He said to look out for things like out-of-place soil.
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I bet Maleah will be found wearing the blue clothing that he said she’d last been in. Right down to the bow. I don’t think she was killed the first day. But who knows. he gave a lot of details about what she was wearing.

Going back to this, I found this oddly specific too. My husband is a SAHD, and there's no way he would be able to be this specific, down to the bow and the brand of clothing, on the kids, even though is he with them all day long. Maybe some guys can, but none of the dads I know would remember so much detail. Especially after such a bad blow to the head that he couldn't remember if he walked to the hospital or was dropped off. :rolleyes: IMO
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Ivory Hecker FOX 26 on Twitter
The founder of Houston’s Unsolved Homicides has been organizing searches for missing 4-year-old Maleah Davis every day since May 6. Recently, they’ve been searching in secrecy because they’re concerned about a mole in the search party. Watch the latest #OnlyOnFox at noon.

11:45 PM - 24 May 2019
MsBetsy, post: 15088491, member: 227504"

What do you mean by Derions family stepped up when Maleahs blood wouldn't?

Derion's mother took all 3 of the children in when no one else would. Not BB's family, not CD's family. I thought I made that clear in my post.

How does his brother visiting him in jail point to him not knowing anything about what happened?

It doesn't and that is not what I posted. What it does show is that the family is close and Joe Jr.'s comments made me think that he comes from good people.

DV's father said he and his brother are close. He lived in the same city until recently. How would he not know DV had a postal route for over a year?

Joe Sr. said Derion only worked for USPS for 72 hours, not Joe Jr., so I am confused by this one.

LE seems to think they are not being truthful and I think there is a reason they claimed he never worked on that mail route. Imo

I missed where LE said that the Vence family is not being truthful.
Hi, yes, thank you. The part I got confused by was "Maleahs blood" I thought you meant the actual blood that was found in the apartment. I took it to mean literal blood so that's why I couldn't figure out what it meant.
I do understand that the family was placed in her home, I guess I just didn't make the connection because I thought it was a reference to the blood found in the home! I get it now. As I said before, those decisions are left up to the judge and we don't know the reason for where she was placed.
I had just attempted to answer by thinking of all the things the courts consider when placing children in a home. Naturally they will always try to find a home with relatives first.
LE had stated that the family was not being forth coming and they wish there was more cooperation. They have stated they stand by their warrant and the search in the mail route. That is the statement they made that was posted in an article the other day, in response to DV's claim.
In the Nancy Grace interview, Tim Miller stated that they confirmed that he had a mail route for over a year with two postal inspectors. They said this is important because DV and his family are denying this, and therefore they feel the search is justified. DV knows the area well and Tim said there were a lot of isolated, swampy, areas filled with brambles.
I'm sorry I misunderstood your meaning of the family. And I agree that his brother going to see him shows they are close. This is likely why they are defending him.
But I'm not sure it means they are good people, based on what we have learned. If his brother really wanted to help him he would encourage him to tell the truth, or at the very least tell LE where Maleah is, so they can bring her home and her own family can have some closure.
LE has made it clear that the evidence supports that Maleah was murdered and they believe he knows where she is. The family can only ignore the evidence for so long. They need to cooperate, as well as anyone involved, or anybody who knows where Maleah is. I suspect more than just DV knows where he disposed of the body. Imo
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I see so much that reminds me of Lonzie Barton’s murder here. In his case, mom’s boyfriend finally led police to the body after mom agreed to testify against him. It was too late to find out what truly happened to that baby and RE only got up to 20 years for manslaughter. I’d like to see LE find a way to get BB in custody and pit her and DV against each other NOW. It’s already been 3-ish weeks of hot and rainy weather, decomp would be pretty advanced already.

Imo, DV is not the only person who knows what happened and where Maleah is.

I feel exactly the same way. On that thought I was thinking of where these babies were found:

Lonzie under a pile of tires in a wooded area. Not far from road.
Lucas under a bridge off the road.
Sharon Mathews, in a drainage ditch not far from her home.

Maybe 'we' can't think like these "baby disappearers" but we can look at how/where others were found.

When DV was dropped off at the hospital that vehicle had to be seen by someone, however as humans we see and hear things all day that our minds do not process. By some chance maybe someone in that community saw the vehicle, possibly making a left hand turn, or waiting for a red light. But their brain isn't remembering it, thus the reason LE is reaching out to the community.

Would this be a good or bad idea? Contacting pizza delivery places to tape a picture on the pizza box of the vehicle, asking if anyone was in the area at that time to try and remember seeing the vehicle? Grasping here, but the person that drove DV to the hospital has not come forward, why? That person also abandoned the vehicle. It has to be someone DV was close to, imo. Someone DV trusted.
Going back to this, I found this oddly specific too. My husband is a SAHD, and there's no way he would be able to be this specific, down to the bow and the brand of clothing, on the kids, even though is he with them all day long. Maybe some guys can, but none of the dads I know would remember so much detail. Especially after such a bad blow to the head that he couldn't remember if he walked to the hospital or was dropped off. :rolleyes: IMO
Maybe he just described everything as being blue because he doesn't have much of an imagination and that was easier for him. Blue truck, blue clothes, blue sneakers. Except for the bow, of course. I think BB said pink was Maleah's favorite color so maybe he remembered that.
But I think it's more likely it's because that's what she was wearing when he killed her. He knew they would never find a missing child with three men so he really had no reason to lie to try to throw them off. Imo
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